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Send your good wishes to Elicia (dogbytes)

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Just learned that Elicia has had a stroke. She is in stable condition, but is having difficulty communicating. Please send your best wishes to her and Frank Todd for her recovery. She is at Swedish Cherry Hill Medical center in Seattle.

My best wishes to a really lovely person.

[ Edited by: martiki 2010-03-14 20:55 ]

I was so saddened to hear of Elicia's stroke, sending alll my good mana & love her way!!

Martin, thank you for keeping us aware of what has occurred.


My thoughts and prayers are with Elicia for a full and speedy recovery.

I've only met and hung out with Elicia a handful of times, but she is a tremendous standout in all my memories of tiki adventures, and her presence on my Facebook friends list is simply irreplaceable--such a smart, funny, kind, dear woman, so full of enthusiasm and fun. I can be glum and tired, and an update or some great pictures from Elicia will lift my spirits right up.

I'm so sorry to hear you're ill, Elicia, but I know you'll be on your feet again soon!!

Sending you all the best wishes and good juju in the world!! and lots of woofs and meows, too. :)

Sending you prayers and soft hugs and smiles as you heal and recover!

this is difficult to hear. sending lots of positive thoughts your way elicia and todd!!!

mail campaign to commence....

thanks martin for letting us know.

Morning everyone.
Its crushing news to hear about Elicia.
For those of you who live in Seattle.. I'm organizing a care share to help out with day to day things like chores, meals, errands etc. I dont have everyones contact information, If you would like to help please get in touch with me and I should have a schedule in the next day or so.

[email protected]

TikiG posted on Mon, Mar 15, 2010 8:53 AM

Monday morning blues...

Prayers for a full recovery are upon you Elicia. Please know that loving green energy is enveloping you - sent from afar.

This is simply terrible news. Dawn put it best- "crushing"

Elicia's husband, Frank-Todd has indicated that the stroke left her with partial aphasia, having a difficult time communicating. That in itself is a tough thing to wrap around one's mind, as anyone who knows Elicia, knows of her tremendous gift to be the social queen, bright conversationalist and a one-of-a-kind, generous & loving friend...this is a shock.

Great share care idea, Dawn. Will talk to you sooner or later today.

Please send those prayers to Frank/Todd & our Elicia, folks. They surely will need it.



Hoping you make a quick and speedy recovery Elicia!
We're all thinking of you and love you!


oh, jeeze, that's just awful news. she's one of my favorite TC people. take care of her dawn.

This is terrible news.

Elicia -- our thoughts and prayers are with you. Get well soon.

GROG posted on Mon, Mar 15, 2010 11:01 AM

GROG pray Elicia have a full and speedy recovery.


How horrible. I hope recovery is quick and you are back up to 100% soon.

Best wishes to you Dogbytes!


Damn. My wife's Dad had a minor one about the time that Crazy Al did his run fundraiser. Scary stuff and I hope to highest heaven she recovers 100%.

May your next one be a stroke of good luck!

Get well soon!

We need you at the dog park.

Ooops, "at" only has one "t" apparently.

[ Edited by: The Gnomon 2010-03-16 07:01 ]

So Sorry to hear this news,
Best Wishes for a full/speedy recovery.


Elicia, the happiest, most fun-loving Tikiphile of the great wide North! That's not fair.
Take it step by step now, and get better soon!


We haven't met in person, but we have exchanged some great and interesting PM's, although not for awhile.

In my thoughts and God's speed for a quick and full recovery. You are a great friend!




Just saw this, and I'm shocked and saddened. My thoughts are with you Elicia and Frank.

Very disturbing news, hoping for a speedy and full recovery. Our thoughts are with Elicia and Frank.


Sending lots of love and positive thoughts your way, Elicia. My thoughts are with you & Frank. Hoping for a full and speedy recovery. Big hugs !

Sending so much healing Love our Tiki Queen of the Great Northwest! Also to you brother Frank/Todd!

Elicia Rocks!! I am so bummed to hear the bad news!! She is definitely one of the nicest people I have ever met!! I am sending positive vibes your way "E" !!! Laura and I love you!!!

i have to echo other's sentiments that she has been one of the nicest people to me both online and in person. if anyone deserves our best wishes, it's her. get betta e!!!

So sorry to hear this. I unexpectedly met Elicia briefly once when I was visiting Seattle and walked into a restaurant and recognized her, Frank-Todd, and Trader Pup from pictures here on TC. She (as well as the boys!) was extremely friendly and nice - particularly for someone who'd just had her dinner interruped by a complete stranger.

Wishing a very speedy and complete recovery!


Elicia and Frank/Todd are some of the most awesome people in the world!!!
I hope this all blows by the wasyside soooooooon! Get better Elicia!!!!!!!
You got vacations planned!!!!!!!!!!

Dawn, you know I"m in for the care share thing, and I'll see ya tonight

Elicia - Our thoughts & prayers are with you for a Speedy Recovery. Get well soon!!


I too, only have met her through PMs! I hope she is ok! Anyone who talks to her, please send my regards!

Elicia, get well soon. You are a vital memeber of the TC community & will be missed until you return. My thoughts & prayers are with you.

Just got back from the hospital visit with Pea and Heather. Very emotional for me, everyone else did a much better job of keeping it together.
so here's the news. Shes doing well, moving around and will probably be able to go home tomorrow. So if you are sending cards send then to their home address. ( Pea will post that shortly)
Elicia is having a hard time remembering the right word for what she wants to express, and doesn't always know the correct word for identifying objects or people. But hopefully that will come back pretty quickly.
she will be starting speech therapy right away.
frank is in good spirits and was very glad to see us come visit and is receptive to help,
We don't all need to start cooking them dinner. Franks got that covered.and he thinks she will probably start cooking right away when she gets home back to some familiarity. what they need now is someone to be with her during the day. I will probably be sitting with her every day until she can get around a little better.
I.m sure visitors at home who bring treats and can engage her in conversation will help her get better faster.


Dawn pretty much summed it up, I think she's doing amazing for what just happened!
and even though the words don't come out right all the time, she still has all of her funny faces that lets you know what she's thinking!
I'm not going to post the addy here, just due to the fact that anyone can see this site,,,
but feel free to send me a message, and I'll get back to you with thier address!
I know she'd love to hear from everyone!



We only met once at DTBC but your offer of hospitality when I was in Seattle meant a lot to me. I hope you'll be able to read all of these posts soon. I wish you a fast road to recovery !!

Mr. Dogbytes posted an update on Facebook around 10 PM tonight. If you don't have access to Facebook the short version:

"Just back from spending the day at the hospital with Elicia. She is improving, they've let her out of bed...She may get out of the hospital as early as tomorrow, but we won't know for sure till tomorrow (the head of the neurology team still needs to see her)."

I wasn't sure about posting it all here (and couldn't find a second opinion) so if you're a friend of Dogbytes but don't have access to the info on Facebook then PM me and I'll PM the whole post to you.


Elicia I am sending my best wishes for you to get well quickly, hurry up we need you well and posting on TC. :) :)


Elicia, sending some love your way from the Southeast to the Northwest. Hoping for a FULL recovery. It's good to see you have so many good friends there to help you.

We love Elicia!
Get Well Soon!


She's got lots of love from us all and she knows it. Get well very soon.

Just got off the phone with F/T and Elicia. Their spirits are up and Elicia sounded better than imagined. I'm happy to say that cute little voice sounds pretty strong and as Frank said, it she seems to be getting better bit by bit. whew indeed! Hopefully she goes home tomorrow.

Thanks for seeing her Dawn & Pea! Joey's kiddie cold is the last thing she needs today- will probably see you during a visit to their pad, end of this week.

Thanks for all your support everyone- she's gonna be so happy when she reads all this.


aww, this just isn't right. Elicia, we're hoping you get well asap. I still remember how kind you were to Cheryl after her West Nile episode, (The Tiki band aids) Get well soon please!


All good thoughts and best wishes for a complete and speedy recovery, Dogbytes!

Elicia, best wishes to you for a speedy recovery!

OMG...just now reading this. My heart and good vibes to Elicia. You are such a super lady and so positive, hang in there and you will recover. Neurologists know the value of early retraining on speech and the power of physical therapy. It's a tough road, but know you can make it...you got the whole Tiki community backin ya girlfriend.

Love that picture posted of the dawgs...LOL....you know they need ya.

Love you and stay positive. HUGSHUGS :)

Gosh....hope you're feeling better soon and will be back in the swing of things soon.

Oh no!

I am so sorry Elicia, get well soon.


Another for a heartfelt fast recovery, dogbytes. My father has had 3-4 strokes (he jokes that no-one can keep track at this point!), and his communication - while difficult and frustrating at first - always works back to normal in relatively short time.

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