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Denver Tiki - General info, events, etc.

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Helz posted on 03/19/2010

I think I'd be up for a little meet up on Tuesday/Wednesday. Anyone else? Twin Dragon?

CucamongaChango posted on 03/19/2010

Put me down for possibly.
What time are you thinkin'?

burleyque posted on 03/19/2010

I'd be up for a visit to Twin Dragon, or I could open up my bar if you all want to meet there!

Matterhorn1959 posted on 03/20/2010

I am up for either Twin Dragons or Burleyque's bar. I would even be up for the Cruise Room. Either day should work for me.

[ Edited by: Matterhorn1959 2010-03-19 18:31 ]

Mr. Dale posted on 03/20/2010

Hell yes I'm in too....either night. It would be a hoot. Twin Dragon or Michelles.
A little rum would be helpful right now.... I crashed my motorcycle for the first time ever on St. Pats day....no less while wearin' my kilt ya all saw me in. Nobody thought I'd actually wear it on the bike. Showed them didn't I?
Its a strange happy existence we all live in...

Helz posted on 03/22/2010

Well, personally I'm pretty much up for anything. Either the Dragon or Burleyque's on either night. I'm thinking 7:00ish?

Basically, I figure that JT is the guy with an agenda...so whatever would work for him, we'll just plan around. Sound good?

Mr. Dale posted on 03/22/2010

Yes sir...sounds good.

burleyque posted on 03/22/2010

Tues works better now, but I can re-arrange if Weds only works. Just lemme know!

tikibars posted on 03/23/2010

Wow, hell yeah, count me in, either night is equally good.
How 'bout Tuesday?
Twin Dragon or a home bar are both equally fab in my book.
Home bar might be better drinks... and cozier?

Thinking of trying to crash in one of those vintage motels on Colfax that Michelle mentioned - unless they're super-seedy? Anyone care to recommend one over any other?

[ Edited by: tikibars 2010-03-22 22:42 ]

burleyque posted on 03/23/2010

They're all pretty seedy from what I've heard, but maybe try tripadvisor.com?

I'm still up for tonight, just let me know what you all want to do so I can grab ice and set up the bar if I need to!

tikibars posted on 03/23/2010

Ack, NEXT Tuesday!
A week from tonight!

burleyque posted on 03/23/2010

Ha, Ha, whoops! Got my weeks mixed up. Next Tues works too!

Helz posted on 03/23/2010

Tuesday works well for me (us).

I'm really up for either...but if it's at the Cueva Bonita, let me know what I can do to help. (Plus I've got a new mug that I've been waiting to break in :)!)

Matterhorn1959 posted on 03/24/2010

If it is at Cuevo Bonita let me know what to bring. I have some rum and whiskey left over....

Tiki Fink posted on 03/25/2010

Simply churning with activity here on TC. Has anyone settled on a plan?

Mr. Dale posted on 03/25/2010

Howz about meet at Twin Dragon 7 p.m., Wed. night hang for an hour and then hit Burleyques after that?

burleyque posted on 03/25/2010

Sounds genius to me!

Helz posted on 03/26/2010

I'm in. We'll see you guys there...

tikibars posted on 03/26/2010

Hi everyone.

I am really excited that you're all coming out to play on a school night.

The last few messages on the previous page all seemed to be confirming for Tuesday, but the first few messages on this page seem to be leaning towards Wednesday.

Michelle, since you're the one who is being so incredibly kind as to host, why don't you make the final call?

I'm good for either, but I do need to make a plan so that I can let the other people I'll be seeing in Denver know which night I'll be occupied.

One last question... can I get to Twin Dragon or Michelle's pad on public transport from the center of downtown Denver? By coincidence, the hotel that had the very best rate in town was the "Rockmada" that was recommended to me, so I'll be staying (and coming from) there (1150 E. Colfax).

Looking forward to seeing those of you whom I know, and meeting those who I don't.


Matterhorn1959 posted on 03/26/2010

Tikibars- I am more than willing to pick you up and drop you off at the hotel. Just let me know and I will stop by and pick you up.

I think Tuesday is a go for us.


Helz posted on 03/27/2010

It is worth noting that that particular Ramada was the former home of Tiki Boyds. Just FYI.

tikibars posted on 03/27/2010


tikibars posted on 03/29/2010

Last web access before tomorrow - I have Patrick's contact info.
See you all tomorrow!


CucamongaChango posted on 03/29/2010

So, was Tuesday the final verdict?
I coulda made it Wednesday... dang.

burleyque posted on 03/30/2010

Hi all! I'm going to skip Twin Dragon, but I'll be set for you to come over- maybe 8ish?
2690 W. Mississippi Ave. Denver Co 80219
Call me if you get lost! 720-308-5091

Matterhorn1959 posted on 03/31/2010

Michelle- thanks for inviting us over. I had a blast. Your tiki bar is fantastic.

Mr. Dale posted on 03/31/2010

Likewise Burleyque....thank you for having everyone over..... on Tues. night no less.

Also...Thanks James for coming out and all you do.

It turned our pretty good for a school night dontcha think?

MoaiMan posted on 04/02/2010

Michelle - Thanks for the hospitality. The room is great and the music was fantastic!

tikibars posted on 04/03/2010


Thanks everyone for coming out Tueaday!
Especially Michelle for hosting inher lovely subterranean tiki lounge, and my chauffer Matterhorn (even if he did drop me off at the wrong hotel... haha, what can I say, it was late!).

Denver knows how to represent, no doubt about it.

My mile-high hangover is almost gone....


Matterhorn1959 posted on 04/04/2010

It was way past my bedtime. Glad you had a great time Tikibars. I hope you had fun in Salida!

tikibars posted on 04/09/2010

Salida was kind of cool, actually.

I wandered around up in the mountains a whole lot (8000+ feet up), soaked some hot springs well after dark, detoxing from the Denver booze, and then retoxed in no less than all four of Salida's bars (none of which I can truly recommend).

The drive between Denver and Salida was fantastic!
XM Radio's "First Wave" the whole way!
Why don't they have an exotica station?

Tiki Fink posted on 04/16/2010

Who will represent Denver at this year's Tiki Oasis?

Helz posted on 04/21/2010

Sorry man....I'm covering Hukilau this year.

tikibeeyatch posted on 04/27/2010

Hey all -

Just wanted to give you a heads up for Tiki Fest 2010.

It's happening on July 17th and this year Michelle Baldwin (Vivienne Vavoom) and myself will be manning the bar,
in an effort to try out our tiki and vintage cocktails for our forthcoming Denver tiki bar.
We'd love to have you all come try out some drinks and hang!

On a sidenote, I deeply apologize for my lack of participation in Denver tiki tribe events over the past couple years,
but I'm hoping this will be a good opportunity to catch up with everyone. It'd be great if you could come.

More details and a full website to follow soon.

Save the Date! July 17th.

[ Edited by: tikibeeyatch 2010-04-26 20:25 ]

Mr. Dale posted on 04/28/2010

Saturday......July 17th.....hell yeah!

Tiki Fink posted on 04/28/2010

WOW!! That's back to back weekends of Luau! The Man from FOM 7/10/10 @ Tiki Fink's Shack.

Mr. Dale posted on 04/29/2010

Happy happy joy joy.......ooooooooooooowwwwwww.....my aching liver......

Beach Bum Scott posted on 04/30/2010

Tammy and I are heading out for Hukilau and Oasis this year!!!

Can't wait for Fink's and now this other event too....

CucamongaChango posted on 05/02/2010

July 17th saved on my calender in extra bold bold.

Total Beverage in Westminster has the Cockspur 12 marked down to 20 measley bucks. This is an awesome rum at that price... hell, it's an awesome rum at its regular price, too!
There were 5 bottles in the mark-down basket. I only grabbed one so as to build some good karma. Go get 'em!

Matterhorn1959 posted on 05/18/2010

Hey All Denver Tiki Tribe members- I have a friend visiting and am planning to head to Casa Bonita on Saturday night around 6 PM or so. You are all to join us for a fun time. We will probably head to Lakeside after dinner.

tikibeeyatch posted on 05/18/2010

Aloha Denver tiki tribe!

The Tiki Fest website is up and running!
Visit the site for details on Tiki Fest and to RSVP.

Can't wait to see everyone again - should be a blast.

Remember - kids are welcome!


Helz posted on 05/20/2010

Just a little someting that I saw whilst browsing the copy of Atomic Ranch the postman brought me this afternoon:

I know the pic is from last year's Tiki Lounge (which was awesome work!), with the Mr. Dale work right there in the front. Get's me all excited for this year's lounge...

Plus it looks like Dana has quite an action-packed weekend set up.

Can't wait!

MoaiMan posted on 05/22/2010

When I was at Casa Bonita in October the band was finishing a really sweet exotica song, complete with vibes and birdcalls, just as we arrived. Don't know what it was, but probably worth a request...

Mrs. Moai's first CB experience was while she was pregnant with our son, and she hasn't let me forget it (apparently pregnancy and their delightful cuisine do not mix well). So I won't get her over there in her present condition, but maybe me and the boy will see you over at Lakeside tonight.

Helz posted on 05/22/2010


Pop & Mom are down today, so we're going to try to catch up with you guys if we can.

  • H
Mr. Dale posted on 05/23/2010

Hey everybody...how was Casa Bonita and Lakeside?

Sorry I couldn't make it....was in Ft. Morgan for an I-76 speedway dirt track bachelor party. Yep. That doesn't happen every day now does it?

But if Rhoda ever decides to....heaven forbid....close up Lakeside or just clean a little house.
(Its happened before but it involved a little middle of the night fire...an insurance company and what not...BUT thats all just heresay)

Then ya all mind if I have first shot at the hurricane ticket booth? I'd have to find a way to move it but then I'd have it..and a smile...and I would serve what else....hurricanes.

City of Arvada zoning...whats that?

Helz.....thanks for the link to the Atomic ad. Love that lil Dana.

Can't wait til August.....well...maybe I can...got a lot to get done....but it'll be hoot.

Hope to see you all soon.....good group of people ya are.

[ Edited by: Mr. Dale 2010-05-23 08:01 ]

burleyque posted on 05/23/2010

Bummed I couldn't make it last night- Casa and Lakeside are two of my favorite places on the planet!

Wanted to give you all a heads up that I give tours at Stranahans every Saturday - they're free and it'd be fun to see some of you all come through! Sign up at stranahans.com

Also I'm making a jar of real marachino cherries with Luxardo liqueur and on Memorial Day i'm busting them out about noon for a day of Manhattans! I've got a few whiskeys and burbons to try friends are bringing more and at the suggestion of Ian Burrell of Cotton's in London who was out here for a rum seminar last week- rum Manhattans!

I'll have the grill on all day, hope to see you all!


CucamongaChango posted on 05/26/2010

Hah... that's funny. My wife and I were sitting at the Rackhouse bar the Saturday before last when folks were starting to show up for the Stranahan's tour. I made the sad face at her and said, "I wanna go".
Maybe next week.
She and I had hot tastes out of the very first barrel, when it was being aged in that room next door to Flying Dog. This would have been during GABF in '05, when we were living in Kansas. It's much smoother now in the bottle! :wink:
I keep trying to get in on a bottling session, too... but so far haven't been quick enough. I'm sure I'll get in at some point, though. Looking forward to that!

tikibeeyatch posted on 06/03/2010

Hey all of you mixologists -

Anyone have a suggestion for a top-notch citrus press/juicer?

Is manual better than electric?

Any brand suggestions?

Thanks in advance!

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