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Relight The Night Thanks to everyone! It was a blast!

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cheeky half posted on 03/14/2010

Thanks for posting the Kon Tiki and Relight the Night to your blog modbetty - we are honored to be your first AZ entry on the Retro Roadmap!

[ Edited by: cheeky half 2010-03-15 08:01 ]

Tiki Mo Fo posted on 03/16/2010


I was just there on Wed.... It looks like they are going to have everything set up. The Crew are really excited about the event.... I on the other hand I only wish that I knew about the event before I made my plans for last week. However, being in FL it is a little harder to get out there now a days. Well, tilt back some lunch boxes for me!!

Tiki Mo Fo

cheeky half posted on 03/19/2010


We're overwhelmed with the great response to Relight The Night!

We're still a few weeks away and potentially reaching a capacity crowd. As a friendly reminder to folks (particularly if you're not in Tucson) who haven't got tickets yet, we're looking at a big turnout and can only guarantee admission to ticket-holders. Those of you who love to wait until the last minute might be disappointed :(

We recently learned there was a bit of a mix-up with The Viscount Suites room rates and the rate we have quoted on the web site of $125 was incorrect. The correct rate should have been $105. If you've already booked your room, don't worry. You can call the hotel on (800) 527 9666 and confirm that you'll get the lower rate. They have also offered 2 free drink tickets (per room) to help make your stay a little sweeter.

If you haven't ordered your Limited Edition Mug yet, those too are going fast! From 5pm til 7pm Squid will be on hand to sign your mug, and we'll also have Doug Horne, Eric October, Ken Ruzic and The Hana Shirt Company vending their awesome works and vintage Hawaiian shirts. There will also be raffle tickets available for a chance at winning some terrific art, incredibly hot Blair's Death Sauces, Fluff Stuff, and more! All proceeds from the raffle will go to The Hope Animal Shelter.

Don't forget to make your reservations for The Tikiyaki Orchestra dinner show at 8pm inside the Kon Tiki. A unique opportunity to see the awesome Exotica-ness of Tikiyaki in their natural habitat! Please call the Kon Tiki directly for reservations (520) 323 7193.

bigtikidude posted on 03/22/2010

is there going to be a room crawl before or after the event,at the Hotel?
or a meet up at the Hut?

how about a trip up to Trader Vics in Scottsdale on Sun.?


cheeky half posted on 03/25/2010

I'm posting this here as it's kinda connected, but the main thread is over in General Tiki...

Dean Short, the man behind the Pago Pago, Ports O'Call and (of course) Kon Tiki, has graciously agreed to answer some written questions about himself, his bars, his history.

We were wondering if anyone had anything useful, constructive, historic or sensible they would like us to include in our list of questions to the man. Unfortunately, time isn't on our side. We need these PDQ (like, by Saturday). Sorry for the short notice, but that's how it is.

We'll do our best to include any (sensible) questions in a list which we will be giving to Dean's Grandson, who in turn will give it to Dean.



WooHooWahine posted on 03/25/2010

Plane tickets purchased....WooHoooooo! :)

bigtikidude posted on 03/27/2010

little over a month away.
can't wait.

Great show interviewing Mark and Maggie about the Kon Tiki event and the Hostory of the Place,- by Digitiki on his Quiet Village Podcast.


PiPhiRho posted on 03/27/2010

A little over a month? I count two weeks.

Have tickets, but flights are ridiculously expensive. I am not sure I want to spend two days in the car. So at this point, I may have two tickets for sale.

bigtikidude posted on 03/27/2010

whoops my mind is gone.

sent you a PM Paul


WooHooWahine posted on 03/27/2010

On 2010-03-26 18:53, PiPhiRho wrote:
A little over a month? I count two weeks.

Have tickets, but flights are ridiculously expensive. I am not sure I want to spend two days in the car. So at this point, I may have two tickets for sale.

Check out U.S. Air & United.....

cheeky half posted on 03/28/2010

We've had a few questions from various folks wanting info about food & drink options during the evening. Here's the skinny:

From 5 onwards we'll have Doug Horne and his amazing performing monkeys, Mr. Ruzik, Eric October & The Hana Shirt Co. vending outside. Squid is also doing a mug-signing session from 5ish 'til whenever he fancies. The whole outside parking lot will be fenced off and there will be an outside (limited) bar, so drinking outside is OK. The inside bar will still be available, although possibly crowded. There will be food (probably several KT appetizers) available outside also.

The kitchen will stay open 'til midnight or so.

Tikiyaki will play inside from 8ish-9ish (more or less-ish) and we don't have anything else officially planned during that time. After Tikiyaki finish up, the rest of the fun will all be outside: Shrimp Chaperone, Flam Chen, The Disillusionists, The Torch-Lighting, Thee Swank Bastards, Thee Hula-Hooping. After that Tikiyaki will play a second set inside the KT and that'll be a 'General Admission' show.

The Kon Tiki will be open to everyone the whole night, but during the dinner show it'll probably be crowded and the bar will be extra busy.

Does that cover it?

TravelingJones posted on 03/28/2010

:tiki: M&M presents an eventful and enchanted firey evening! A truly magical cast illuminated by the torch flames of the Kon Tiki. I envy all you coool kids attending this spectacular event! Embrace the warmth of Tucson and fear not the light... :tiki:

bigtikidude posted on 03/30/2010

thanks for all the INfo Cheeky Half

little lost tiki posted on 03/31/2010

10 days or so....

tiki mick posted on 03/31/2010

I am super bummed I am going to miss this. Tikiyaki Orchestra is the BEST!

bb moondog posted on 03/31/2010

this sounds AWESOME ..good thing I OCCASIONALLY read posts other than pertaining to ME...if anyone who is coming thru the PHX/East Valley area is in the market for a TIKI to commemorate this event PM me and we can rendezvous..think I am too late to VEND at this event but have been steadily carving..also anyone driving down? its only 2 hrs for me but HATE the drive and would contribute $$$ to get down and back..my 62 T-Bird cant take the STRAIN

cheeky half posted on 04/01/2010

Jonesy and Lucas, we are so bummed that you guys won't be boogalooing with us. It's been tooooo long.

Hopefully we can help find bb and btd rides. Anyone???????

Exciting news - our little event is in the Caliente section of the newspaper! Smack dab in the middle of a big article about tiki in Tucson. Check it out!




Digitiki posted on 04/01/2010

What wonderful articles!!! I can't wait to stand at the foot of that old sign and watch those torches light up! It will truly be magical.

EdsGoneTiki posted on 04/02/2010

Its F'n awesome to see that so many of my once-or-twice-a-year best friends :) will be making
the trek out to our little land-locked desert oasis to participate in this night of rum induced ribald fun,
frivolity, and musicality!--Can't wait to party with you all again!
Kinny, Doug, Ravenne, and Jeff-Don't forget the GPS, a map, and LOTS of water!
Mark and Maggie-Great article!
8 more days!!

WooHooWahine posted on 04/02/2010

On 2010-04-02 01:40, EdsGoneTiki wrote:
8 more days!!

WooooHooooooooo! :)

little lost tiki posted on 04/04/2010


cheeky half posted on 04/04/2010

We are hosting a Relight the Night cocktail hour and reception from on April 10th from 5-8pm before the Tikiyaki dinner show.

Come on out early, pick up your limited edition Relight the Night mug and have it signed by Squid, the amazingly talented artist that sculpted it.

We'll have $5 Mai Tai's and other tropical cocktails available outside so that you can sip and peruse the assorted goodies and one of a kind items from our vendors Doug Horne, Ken Ruzic, Eric October and the Hana Shirt Company. You know the best pieces get scooped up first so don't dawdle!

Looking forward to seeing you there. It's going to be a flaming hot night!

ravenne posted on 04/05/2010

On 2010-04-02 01:40, EdsGoneTiki wrote:

Its F'n awesome to see that so many of my once-or-twice-a-year best friends :) will be making
the trek out to our little land-locked desert oasis to participate in this night of rum induced ribald fun,
frivolity, and musicality!--Can't wait to party with you all again!
Kinny, Doug, Ravenne, and Jeff-Don't forget the GPS, a map, and LOTS of water!
Mark and Maggie-Great article!
8 more days!!


I can't wait!!!
I miss you and the fam!

I can't believe I'll be in Tucson this weekend. Yay!

I'll be carpoolin with Marty Lush's girlfriend, FilthyMidget!

Just a few more days!


Hiphipahula posted on 04/05/2010

I am still crossing my fingers that I will be able to make the event, I'm trying. I don't see a roll call here. Is there one by chance?

bigtikidude posted on 04/05/2010

On 2010-04-05 13:29, Hiphipahula wrote:
I am still crossing my fingers that I will be able to make the event, I'm trying. I don't see a roll call here. Is there one by chance?


little lost tiki posted on 04/05/2010

i hope there's a cool enough turnout
so kelly will go!

BettyBleu posted on 04/05/2010

Have room in the car for more passengers if anyone needs a ride. Let me know.

little lost tiki posted on 04/06/2010

little lost tiki posted on 04/06/2010

bigtikidude posted on 04/06/2010

PM sent.

On 2010-04-05 16:40, BettyBleu wrote:
Have room in the car for more passengers if anyone needs a ride. Let me know.

FilthyMidget posted on 04/06/2010

It is almost here!!!!!!
Looking forward to the Carpool with BettyBlue :D

bb moondog posted on 04/06/2010

so the new carves are coming along pretty nicely

.... in case any Kon-Tiki visitors are in the acquisitional MODE and are swing ing by
the Phoenix area..would like to find these deities a NICE HOME

also have a BOB and one the missus thinks looks like Sponge Bobs PLANKTON

also been painting like mad..anyone is welcome to come by and vist the TIKI POOLSIDE in Gilbert AZ-PM for price

will welcome any who come by with a ZOMBIE Grog Log style made with fresh squoze GRAPEFRUIT-they are RIPE now

cheeky half posted on 04/07/2010

Come to Sunny Tucson for a lovely weekend. We don't bite.

FilthyMidget posted on 04/09/2010

THE WEEKEND IS FINALLY HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

crazy al posted on 04/09/2010

did someone say burn something??????

HooDoo ya gon'a caLL!!
look out Spirits!

cheeky half posted on 04/09/2010

Just a last-minute reminder to any procrastinators who haven't bought their tickets yet. Tomorrow it's 'pay at the door' and it'll cost ya $15.

This is gonna be quite the Night.

And we'll also be seeing Mr.Crazy Himself!

Keep it HOT!

SoccerTiki posted on 04/09/2010

6 more hours 'til we feel the Tucson earth under our feet!!!

cheeky half posted on 04/09/2010

We're ready.....

RevBambooBen posted on 04/11/2010

Wanted to be there really bad but ...........

Ya'll have fun without us!

We know you will!!!

Tomorrow, go to the Ostrich Farm all hung over.

good stuff!

Melekalikimaka posted on 04/11/2010

Here are a few pics from just moments ago, during the relighting ceremony. I feel compelled to tell you all that Maggie is a drumming maniac!

First came the fire twirlers....

Then the ceremonial lighting...I apologize for the blur.

Here's a clear shot

We enjoyed the wonderful Tikiyaki orchestra, serenading the room FILLED with Floral prints, Ohana from various coasts, and a rack of some delicious ribs!!

I'll be posting more pictures tomorrow! I think I'm going to drop off my bag of goodies, and head on back there.

The night has just begun... going to head back and have some more Kon Tiki Mai Tais!

WooHooWahine posted on 04/11/2010

WooooHooooo! What a Weekend! Mahalo! Mahalo! Mahalo to Mark & Maggie and The Kon Tiki Ohana for Hosting such a fun event. It was so good to see so many Old Friends and to Meet New Friends too. We can't wait to return to Tucson :)

FilthyMidget posted on 04/11/2010

Had a great boozey time last night!
It was great to meet you all in the flesh :)
Betty Bleu, Dr.Z, BigTikiDude, and I are heading home.
I look forward to seeing you all at the next party!

crazy al posted on 04/11/2010

Outstanding!!! and the Bloody Marys this morning were off the hook!! thanks for the tip Sabu!

[ Edited by: crazy al 2010-04-11 16:21 ]

drgoat456 posted on 04/12/2010

Great night. Got to meet alot of folks I just knew from their posts on TC.
By the way, my wife thinks Crazy Al should be named Nice Crazy Al.

squid posted on 04/12/2010

On 2010-04-10 23:31, Melekalikimaka wrote:

Then the ceremonial lighting...I apologize for the blur.

What blur? That's how it looked to me... :)

Thanks to Mark, Maggie, Louie, Marcos and the entire Kon Tiki staff for putting on a slammin' event! It was really great to meet a bunch of super nice Tusconites (Tucsoners?, Tucsonians? Tucsonistas?) and other happy wanderers. The Disillusionists and Flam Chen were off-the-hook awesomeness! Tikiyaki sounded great and looked right at home in the lush interior of the Kon Tiki. Thee Swank Bastards and Shrimp Chaperon pounded it out like nobody's business! Until next year??????

bigtikidude posted on 04/12/2010

Yeah, what Squid said,
yearly event, yearly event!!!!

Had a great time,
even though Kenny, says it looked like I had a long face.
I was going on 2/12 hours of sleep the night before, and a hour nap around 4 pm.

all the entertainment, was so good. and the Kon Tiki decore and food and service were Top Notch.
Thanks to Mark and Maggie and their assistants for putting on such a great event. I Had a lot of fun.

Thanks to Betty Bleu for the ride, the company with Her and Dr.Z and Filthy Midget was a hoot, and made the ride there go pretty fast.

Also thanks to Tikiyaki guys for the ride to the Motel, and the Bed to crash in.

Can't wait for the next Kon Tiki event.


tikiyaki posted on 04/13/2010

What a Road Trip !
Hours of jerky boys and Howard stern prank calls in the van to and from with Lush at the wheel...good times.

HUGE Mahaloz to (THE) Mark and (THE) Maggie, and everyone at the Kon Tiki for this great event. It was a smashing success.

We had a blast playing it. During the dinner show, the entire dining room was a sea of Hawaiian print clothing....what a sight.
It looked like an old Tiki restaurant postcard.

The late night set, had a different kind of view from the stage :) Those of you who were there...you know what I mean.
Thanx Szandora for putting the "EXOTIC" in "EXOTICA" ! I wont forget THAT anytime soon.

Now, my awesome Squid Kon Tiki special ed Mug is sitting on my coffee table...sweet !

Great seeing all the SoCal peeps make the trek out, and nice meeting the locals.

I found a really old 6 ft tiki in antique mall.....good stuff.

Look forward to another Kon Tiki / Tucson trip.

Aloha, Baby !

Beach Bum Scott posted on 04/13/2010

Tiki Tammy and I had a great time it Tucson.
We got to meet some really great folks both Local and travelers.

We spent Saturday before the festivites driving around taking in the sights...

Stopped in the Grill for a little breakfast

then did a little driving around

found the Fountain

Got a personal tour of the Meet Rack and saw a Tiki there!!!!

stopped in at the Hut,and had a beer with these folks

Then its was off the the Kon Tiki for some cocktails and Tiki sighting...

Some folks waiting for the show to start... In our reserved seats!!!!

Then the battery dies...
At least I had the Video cam ready so more to come!!!

[ Edited by: Beach Bum Scott 2010-04-12 18:05 ]

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