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Psycho Tiki D in LA-April 8-11th

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Psycho Tiki D posted on 03/26/2010

I will be traveling down to my hometown for the first time in 15 years for my birthday Thursday-Sunday April 8-11th.

Plan on stopping at Bahooka's, Oceanic Arts, Don's and going to the Straighjackets show, but is there anything else that is a must see or do (no Disneyland this time)?

Been awhile...


JOHN-O posted on 03/26/2010

Well you've obviously chosen to ignore all of my great "out of the box" suggestions a few threads below. :)

Try this on for size......

  1. The new "old" Tonga Hut - Go on Sat or Sun between 4pm and 8pm. Kelly's on duty. Her net new Tropical drinks are THE BEST !! Plus it's become quite the Tiki Central scene on Sundays. Forget any of your past experiences at TH, it's now (in addition to DTBC) ground zero for West coast old-school Tiki-style perfection.

  2. Getty Museum (opened in 1997) for "new LA".

  3. Expansion and renovation of Griffith Park Observatory (2002) for "old LA".

  4. Also Downtown L.A. and Echo Park have really blown-up in the time you've been away (least of which is the new Trader Vics).

[ Edited by: JOHN-O 2010-03-26 08:57 ]

Tiki Shaker posted on 03/26/2010

Don't forget the Tiki Ti.

little lost tiki posted on 03/26/2010

and Popeyes chicken!
it's Bona-Fide!

La Luz Gallery/bookshop is pretty awesome as well....

Psycho Tiki D posted on 03/29/2010

Thanks for the suggestions and keep them coming, I appreciate them. Gonna try and focus on Tiki locations this trip, since I didn't pay any attention to most of them growing up.

Echo Park? Musta been cleaned up as I always remember this area as being kinda seedy and rundown. It has been awhile though. Are there any areas I should avoid?



JOHN-O posted on 03/29/2010

Echo Park is still seedy and run down, otherwise slumming hipsters and starving artists/musicians wouldn't be hanging out down there. Here's a short blurb I wrote a while ago...


Note that Soap Plant is the same La Luz Gallery that LLT references. It's in stumbling distance of Tiki-Ti. Do not miss it !! I've bought hundreds of dollars in books there while in a drunken rum stupor. :)

Also you're in the vicinity of Griffith Park Observatory, one of THE definitive mid-century Los Angeles icons.

1961surf posted on 03/29/2010

Duane I will definitely have to meet up with you at several places .
Where did you grow in LA? I know you told me before , I forgot .
Downtown Trader Vic's is good , if you have not been there yet.
Damon's not so great on the tiki decor , however the drinks and food good.
I thinks you should also check out all the tiki A frame apartments by the
Bahooka in Rosemead as well.

Psycho Tiki D posted on 03/29/2010

On 2010-03-29 10:40, 1961surf wrote:
Duane I will definitely have to meet up with you at several places .
Where did you grow in LA? I know you told me before , I forgot .
Downtown Trader Vic's is good , if you have not been there yet.
Damon's not so great on the tiki decor , however the drinks and food good.
I thinks you should also check out all the tiki A frame apartments by the
Bahooka in Rosemead as well.


We will be at Bahooka's on Thursday for drinks and dinner (any recommendations for lodging close by)? PM me your phone number and come have dinner with me, Ami and my friend Kevin. Friday will be at the Los Straightjackets/Hula Girls show. OA on Friday morning, Don's HB on Saturday and I am gonna hit the Rose Bowl flea market on my B-Day for sure. Everything else is up in the air.

Did some time in Southgate and Bell (East LA) before we moved to Fullerton. And my dad lived in Garden Grove.


danlovestikis posted on 03/31/2010

Happy Birthday to one of the greatest guys in the tiki ohana. Safe Trip, Wendy and Dan

TikiMookie posted on 03/31/2010

Happy Birthday Duane! I hope you find some great treasures down in LA :) Have fun!

Psycho Tiki D posted on 04/15/2010

Well, things have changed a lot in the past 15 years and thank god for GPS!

Drove down to Rosemead on Thursday and spent the evening at Bahooka's. 1961surf stopped in and helped us close the place down. Bahooka is an amazing place and it was virtually empty when we arrived, so I took the opportunity to wander around and attempted to absorb everything there. Dinner and drinks were good, though I was a little disappointed they didn't have any mugs. This was remedied by Bill, who brought me one, along with a TV 75th anniversary t-shirt the next night at the Hula Girls show.

Up early on Friday-first stop was Oceanic Arts; another gem and the hospitality of Bob and Leroy was amazing. We ended up chatting with them both individually and spent more time talking to them than looking around. We were taken into a back room (looked more like a historic vault) and were given some new and vintage Oceanic Arts swizzles and some other stuff. Made a couple of purchases as well.

Next stop was the Crystal Cathedral (had to do this for the wifey) and took the tour of the entire grounds. Not really my thing, but it was interesting and different and I was struck by the story and history revolving around the place.

Off to LAX to pick up another friend that decided to join us. Over to HB to check into the Shore Break and whisked over to DBC. Early lunch and we were the only ones there! Ate and drank and toured.

Chilled for a few hours before the show at the Galaxy. Great sets by all the bands, Hula Girls and Los Straitjackets stood out as the best. Long day and night and met up with 1961surf there too. Good times!

Saturday was a down day. Went to Long Beach and I was surprised to see Port's O' Call a ghost town. Toured the Scorpion sub and headed over to the Puka Bar. Puka was nice, but in a crappy part of LBC. Again, the only ones there. Headed back to the hotel and ate dinner on the strand.

Sunday rounded out visits to the Rose Bowl Flea market with a few finds, nothing of major note, a stop to the Rincon Room (another "must see") with Ron and Mickee as the most gracious of hosts. My mind was in melt down walking around their beautiful home, yard and bar...the best home display I have seen to date.

Off then to Pismo for birthday dinner and a stay at the Kon Tiki. Great way to end the trip!

Had the bestest of Birthdays...and a special thanks to my wife and two friends who indulged me at every turn...you all made it the most excellent trip.


VampiressRN posted on 04/15/2010

Wow...sounds like you and Ami had a great time. Cool of Bill to link up with you too. Got pictures?

1961surf posted on 04/18/2010

Hey Vamp I posted a couple of pics under Tiki Ohana Duane's Birthday.

Psycho Tiki D posted on 05/04/2010

Just am getting around to posting pitures...

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Good times!



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leleliz posted on 05/04/2010

Duane it doesn't matter where you go...you are getting to be as bad as Tiki David and attracting Witco!

I am glad you had a great trip and good birthday my friend!

1961surf posted on 05/04/2010

Great pics Duane .It's amazing how well still pics can help document a trip.
I liked that Primo neon sign.

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