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Congratulations GoGo & Dani

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WooHooWahine posted on 04/18/2009

WooHoo!! May I have the pleasure to introduce to you.. Mr. & Mrs. GoTiki
Congratulations - Here's to a Lifetime full of lots of Love & Happiness

SoccerTiki posted on 04/18/2009

Gogo & Dani- What a special privilege it was to be part of your wedding! I have no doubt that you two will be happy and grow old together!!! May your Mai-Tai glasses never be empty!!!

khan_tiki_mon posted on 04/19/2009

Congrats!! and all the best!

kinikilu posted on 04/19/2009

Congrats Go-go and Dani! Many years of love and happiness!

[ Edited by: kinikilu 2009-04-18 20:06 ]

Kiki von Tiki posted on 04/19/2009

How wonderful! Congratulations you guys. May you have love and happiness filling you up for the rest of your days!

The Sperm Whale posted on 04/19/2009

I am super stoked for the both of you!! Congrats!!

tikiyaki posted on 04/19/2009

Congratz You Two !!!!

Tiki Kiniki posted on 04/19/2009

Congratulations! You guys are like peanut butter and jelly ~ you just go great together!

bigtikidude posted on 04/20/2009

Congrats to you both.
Gogo your a lucky sucker.


little lost tiki posted on 04/20/2009

two peas inna pod!

Congratulations again!

VampiressRN posted on 04/20/2009

Congratulations to both of you and warm wishes for life-long friendship and love. A great match. :)

Ojaitimo posted on 04/20/2009

Congrats you two!

Son-of-Kelbo posted on 04/20/2009

Congratulations, Gogo & Dani!

I'll raise a toast to your happiness in the fabulabulous GOTIKI "Tiki-Torch-Mug" I got at the F.O.M. show recently (a great way to break it in!)...

Live long and prosper (that'll be the toast), and Aloha Nui Loa!

Cheers Nui Nui,

Hiphipahula posted on 04/20/2009

Congrats once a again Gogo & Dani, many more happy years! Thank You again for Hosting a wonderful weekend I was Honored to be a part. Cheers!

GO TIKI posted on 04/21/2009

Thank You! For all the kind wishes, Very Cool! The Tiki Central Ohana! Cheers! :) Dani and Gogo

TikiShopPua posted on 04/22/2009

Ho'omaika'i! Many, many, long and happy years to both of you!

danlovestikis posted on 04/23/2009

Gogo, my tiki guy is a Dan too and we are about to have our 31st anniversary. Dan's are lucky guys. We wish you both the happiness and joy that comes with each year you are together. Best Wishes from Dan and Wendy

PS Now I know why my grand member mug is still in the sculpt phase, its well worth the wait have a great honeymoon!

gonegoannas posted on 04/25/2009

Congrats Go GO and Dani. Wishing you many years of happiness.

MadDogMike posted on 04/25/2009

Congrats! The 2 keys to a happy marriage are a good sense of humor and a short memory! :lol:

Tangaroa-Ru posted on 04/27/2009

Okay, I'm late to the party on this one! Wishing two of my favorite Tiki ohana a life filled with love and creativity! And why the hell aren't you toasting each other in these photos with your gorgeous mermaid goblets, hmmm? Looking forward to seeing your both soon again!

BettyBleu posted on 04/29/2009

Congrats and best wishes!

WooHooWahine posted on 04/17/2010

WooooHoooo! Happy Anniversary GoGo & Dani!!! It's hard to believe how fast the year has flown by. Here's to Many, Many, Many More :)

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 04/17/2010

Many,Many Happy years to you two!

MadDogMike posted on 04/17/2010

I'll drink to that! Congrats!

edit - only 5 words and I managed to mis-spell one! :lol:

[ Edited by: MadDogMike 2010-04-17 13:02 ]

EdsGoneTiki posted on 04/21/2010

Happy Anniversary Dani and GoGo!!
I'll never forget when I first met you guys, we were at the Country Plaza Inn in San Clemente waiting for the
shuttle to the Tiki Farm Big Ol' Tiki Bash. GoGo you gave me one of your newly minted Palm Tiki Pendants,
I loved it then and even more today! You two are an awesome couple! Congratulations on your Anniversary!!
Aloha :) --Ed

Folks, if you haven't been to GoGo and Dani's thread lately, check it out!

bigtikidude posted on 04/24/2010

To 2 of the Happiest and always smiling tiki people I know.
Happy Anniversary

VampiressRN posted on 04/26/2010

Happy Anniversary to a great team!!!

GO TIKI posted on 05/05/2010

THANKS!!!!!! To all for the blessings!!!!!
GoGo and Dani

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