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Tiki Central / Tiki Travel

Zeta's diplomatic bureau and public relationships office for foreign affairs. MEXICAN TIKI EMBASSY

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Zeta posted on 06/08/2010

As the ambassador for Tiki in Mexico, here I promise to promote and protect all things tiki (and other cool things in general) south of your border. Feel free to ask me your doubt about the country where I was born and current home.

Also, if you want to have an "amigo" please let me know, I think friends are a treasure.
Trades, business propositions, love advice, There's nothing I will not try to fix. If you are interested in selling your art in Mexico. Have an exhibit or sleep in my couch (restrictions may apply)

Thank you.

P.S. My birthday is on October 15

[ Edited by: Zeta 2010-06-11 12:49 ]

MadDogMike posted on 06/09/2010

Zeta, I can understand where you are coming from. When I first came to the United States, I didn't speak a word of English!

little lost tiki posted on 06/09/2010

Thank you Ambassador Zeta!
I have a few questions...
What area in Spain is the most Tiki?

What area in Mexico is the most Tiki?

Are there a lot of GAP stores in Mexico? Spain?

What's the annual numbers of heads lopped off in Mexico
as compared to Spain?

Why is Mexico's immigration Policy stricter than our own
and why do they demand America's loosening of our policies?

Thanks for the help!

Zeta posted on 06/09/2010

MadDogMike, thanks for your comments.
I think that when you travel, it is basic to get the "inside scoop" from a local. I really love my City and the place called Mexico. So, I will do anything I can to help others enjoy and understand it. Also, I want to fight back all the bad press on Mexico lately. (some deserved, some not) This is my small effort to dissipate unfounded fears and prejudices against Mexico and it's people. I H-A-T-E FAKE PATRIOTISM. But I LOVE good people and culture, and there's so much of that in Mexico that I feel I need to let anyone interested know that.

little lost tiki,

What area in Spain is the most Tiki?
Tribunal area in Madrid

What area in Mexico is the most Tiki?
Zona Rosa in Mexico D.F.

Are there a lot of GAP stores in Mexico? Spain?
Surprisingly not that many... we have our own ever present clothing emporium called Zara (they recently became the most powerful clothing brand in the world, making the GAP #2)

What's the annual numbers of heads lopped off in Mexico
as compared to Spain?
I don't know. Not many decapitations in Spain. But I do know that there would be a lot less heads lopped off if the U.S.A. didn't snort so much cocaine.

Why is Mexico's immigration Policy stricter than our own
and why do they demand America's loosening of our policies?
I don't know if this is a fact. I heard of it, but I don't know. I do know most of the people crossing to Mexico want to go all the way up to the U.S.
Also, hypocrisy and stupidity. But hey! Two wrongs don't make one good! I wish there where more opportunities in Mexico (too many transnationals and crooked politicians) so that people wouldn't have to leave in the first place, but I don't thing they deserve humiliation, death or both, after creating wealth and working hard to make a living... it is complex and I am not capable of giving a better answer.

P.S. I don't think the U.S. is the big devil or anything like it. The point of this thread is to approach not to separate. AND it was never meant for discussing politics (which I hate) but I said I would try to help with anything I can, so there.

I hope this helped, please come back soon.

little lost tiki posted on 06/09/2010

What a great ambassador you are!

woofmutt posted on 06/09/2010

[Picture of Star Trek Ambassador deleted in order to keep in compliance with Hakalugi's requirement that this thread remain focused on Zeta's original post. ¡Mil Disculpas! ]

"I think that when you travel, it is basic to get the "inside scoop" from a local. I really love my City and the place called Mexico. So, I will do anything I can to help others enjoy and understand it." -Zeta-

On 2010-06-10 09:24 Hakalugi wrote: *If this thread can stay focused on the above statement, then the Tiki Travel forum is most appropriate. If it starts to morph back into another "Ask LLT Absolutely Anything" thread, then it's back to Bilge.


[ Edited by: woofmutt 2010-06-10 11:05 ]

JOHN-O posted on 06/09/2010

Zeta, are you a native Spaniard who lives in Mexico, or are you a Mexican who used to live in Spain?

Do you report directly to Alfred E Newman? If so, what's he really like?

Who has the best sense of humor: U.S. Americans, Mexicans, or Europeans?

You post some great stuff which I know goes unacknowledged. I mirror Grog's attitude on this, I like to avoid one sentence back-slapping replies (over and over to the same person).

Multiply this by several hundred:

"Great post Zeta !! That was: a) Informative b) Funny and/or c) Bizarre (but entertaining)"

[ Edited by: JOHN-O 2010-06-09 16:38 ]

GROG posted on 06/09/2010

You are a great ambassador, keep up the good job. Do you have a more recent photo than this one?

MadDogMike posted on 06/10/2010

I thought yesterday was International Pick on Zeta day!

VampiressRN posted on 06/10/2010

What is the consensus...the green sauce or the red sauce...white or gold tequila...flour or corn tortillas?

Thanks in advance for being the ambassador...you are doing a great job!!! Usted es mui fabuloso...sorry for any bad spelling. :)

hiltiki posted on 06/10/2010

Will there be a Zona Rosa Ohana tiki crawl in the near future?

woofmutt posted on 06/10/2010

["Welcome to Bilge!" comment deleted in order to keep in compliance with Hakalugi's requirement that this thread remain focused on Zeta's original post. ¡Mil Disculpas! ]

"I think that when you travel, it is basic to get the "inside scoop" from a local. I really love my City and the place called Mexico. So, I will do anything I can to help others enjoy and understand it." -Zeta-

On 2010-06-10 09:24 Hakalugi wrote: *If this thread can stay focused on the above statement, then the Tiki Travel forum is most appropriate. If it starts to morph back into another "Ask LLT Absolutely Anything" thread, then it's back to Bilge.

[ Edited by: woofmutt 2010-06-10 11:06 ]

Zeta posted on 06/10/2010

Deported to Bilge... Why!?!?!
This thread is dead. I refuse to answer after being bilged. I was being serious about this thread. What is going on?! Who bilged me? Not a friendly response. Not cool. I would like an explanation.

Thank you people who posted above.

[ Edited by: Zeta 2010-06-10 07:57 ]

Zeta posted on 06/10/2010

Tiki Central Ohana A place to post greetings, birthdays, thank yous, wishes, personal news, and other Tiki-Central-member related topics.

The Gnomon posted on 06/10/2010

Sí! Porqué se encuentra esto in Bilge? Pensé que fué para discutir lo de tiki en las Américas (México en particular) y en España. Debe estar in General yo creo.

Hakalugi posted on 06/10/2010

On 2010-06-09 14:04, Zeta wrote:
I think that when you travel, it is basic to get the "inside scoop" from a local. I really love my City and the place called Mexico. So, I will do anything I can to help others enjoy and understand it. ...

If this thread can stay focused on the above statement, then the Tiki Travel forum is most appropriate. If it starts to morph back into another "Ask LLT Absolutely Anything" thread, then it's back to Bilge.

woofmutt posted on 06/10/2010

I definitely like the idea of sticking to standards. Imagine what would happen if the General Forum were to become filled with threads of

squirrels chewing on plastic tikis


single shots of vaguely famous people near some Tiki item


requests for assistance in winning contests


links to interesting but random videos


random sightings of people we know

or people just started using it as a local business Yellow pages.

If that were to happen it'd become a cluttered up disorganized mess!

Hakalugi posted on 06/10/2010

[humor]Since Zeta is now a diplomatic dignitary, he has to follow a higher standard of protocol. From here on his posts will be scrutinized under a microscope as others will be looking up to him. I would hope his country would expect nothing less.

Now stay on topic or it's back to Bilge with the lot of you.[/humor]

[ Edited by: Hakalugi 2010-06-14 10:37 ]

The Gnomon posted on 06/11/2010

Thanks for hawking your lugies on this and getting it back into shape. Looks like it was a lotta work.

UB Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/ce9c6565f9b2653c29c52ba870fd7d7a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Unga Bunga posted on 06/13/2010

On 2010-06-09 14:04, Zeta wrote:
I think that when you travel, it is basic to get the "inside scoop" from a local. I really love my City and the place called Mexico. So, I will do anything I can to help others enjoy and understand it. ...

About how many pesos for a decent looking prostitute?

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/3d007b8fb8d32717fc94a3753c43b7dc?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
TikiPug posted on 06/13/2010

On 2010-06-12 22:55, Unga Bunga wrote:

On 2010-06-09 14:04, Zeta wrote:
I think that when you travel, it is basic to get the "inside scoop" from a local. I really love my City and the place called Mexico. So, I will do anything I can to help others enjoy and understand it. ...

About how many pesos for a decent looking prostitute?

And, how many pesos for a donkey show?

Zeta posted on 06/13/2010

[ Edited by: Zeta 2010-06-13 07:07 ]

JOHN-O posted on 06/13/2010

Unga Bunga and TikiPug, I'm not sure if that was an attempt at Jr. High School humor or just plain meanness but those comments were UGLY. Even more so when you look at the intent of this whole thread.

Chin up Zeta, you have many other fans and supporters here on Tiki Central !! :)

B Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/e01c7e12080283066ced001977e37f65?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
bigbrotiki posted on 06/13/2010

Tiki culture became extinct because it contained a lot of the ills of the generation that created it: Racism, sexism, chauvinism and cultural ignorance. The Tiki revival uses the tension of that political incorrectness to provoke and make light of TOO much political correctness, it toys with those past sins in a tongue-in-cheek manner. Nothing should be so sacrosanct that it cannot be joked about. But it still is a matter of place, context and degree. It is a very thin line and fine balance to not misstep too far into some of the rightfully outdated attitudes of a drunken loudmouth humor.

woofmutt posted on 06/13/2010

There's nothing wrong with addressing the people who made the comments directly and politely. Hopefully the people who made them will realize they were being rude and remove them.

But there's a good chance they won't. In that case just ignore them. Re-post your original statement about your thread and do it every time someone tries to derail it.

Or maybe you should just start the thread over again. Delete your original posts and comments, restate you purpose in the new thread. This thread going awry was not your fault.

I actually found the purpose of your thread to be very sincere and really cool. My original post (the Star Trek ambassador) was in the spirit of good natured joking around that many of us have on Tiki Central but it also contributed to the messing up of a good thread. My comments as to what warrants Bilge material or not should have been made in a separate thread.

And since there is so much interest in Junior High views of Mexico and Mexican cultural cliches maybe you should start a Bilge thread for that and hopefully all such comments will end up there.

Zeta posted on 06/13/2010

I am about to commit tiki central immolation... All this makes no sense so why should I? I thought there was less "Budwaiser & Nascar" people and more "international lounge cocktail jet-setters" around here.
Should I follow Hakalugi's advice to follow woofmut's advice and "have a sense of humor" and answer with my own personal brand of "sense of humor"? Although, that would probably get me kicked out of Tiki Central ipso facto... and make tikipug succeed in his hateful quest... And make Tiki Central a more vulgar place (more than what it is already becoming with comments like the above...)
I want to answer those two soo bad!

Thanks for your support!

Unga Bunga, I think you should ask your ...

Zeta posted on 06/13/2010

I have nothing against Budwaiser (I like pbs better) or Nascar, but since Unga Bunga and tikipug are doing over the top, bad taste and out of place racial and social profiling for no reason at all other than to offend and be "edgy", with the blessing of moderators, then why wouldn't I? I am going to undust all my repertory of hateful racial religious and economic remarks and "jokes" and prejudices.

Zeta posted on 06/14/2010

On 2010-06-09 16:36, GROG wrote:
You are a great ambassador, keep up the good job. Do you have a more recent photo than this one?

I look good on that picture!

Good one, even GROG knows what's correct and what isn't. Maybe because GROG was actually trying to be funny.
Not like tikipug who pretends to be funny but in reality he is just being hateful and by doing that, make other people restrain from future good intentioned politically incorrect humor. Making Tiki Central a more dull, flat and boring place.

P.S. tikipug, I don't think a donkey would like you... maybe a blind one, deaf too and with no smell or taste. Maybe. I would comment on your mother too, but why would I get an innocent bystander get disrespected like that. It's not her fault to have a son like you. Just like it's not my fault that sometime, some tourist in Tijuana paid some desperate sub-woman to have sex with a donkey.
What you two Dumb asses are implying with your "stupid American style of question" is like me saying that all Americans are assholes just because tikipug is American.

P.P.S. I bet there's more donkey shows and the like in the U.S.A. than there is in Mexico. Prostitution and degrading humor is not funny. It's sad. And not cool. It's that kind of attitude that give Americans a bad name. The frat house bully humor. Whatever. I am not going to say anything else, I am just too pissed and sad about all the situation here. The purpose of this thread was exactly the opposite... Surprising and worrying. Xenophobia in the air...

TM Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/180714450de4dbf3d2be79a6a5bb4fd7?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
tiki mick posted on 06/14/2010

Zeta, I still think you should reconsider joining the Lucas Vigor Unkool Kids Klub!

In it, you will find people who abhor the Budweiser and nascar/Sarah Palin culture, and who are deeply impressed by the international cultured lounge playboy who LOVES Soccer, classical music, fine brandy, Jazz....oh, and as an added benefit the president of this club happens to be a Criollo (a person of Spanish descent born in the new world).....

Do you know what it is like to be the most "alone" poster on this whole forum? For example, posting threads about the world cup in bilge, only to have them ignored completely? Why, Zeta...I can say with total confidence that the ONLY thing I have in common with 99% of the people on this forum is that I love Tiki. Other then that, 7 years of having my posts made fun of or even worse, ignored, shows that I am correct.

After all, this is what really brought the Roman Empire down: Indifference!

UB Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/ce9c6565f9b2653c29c52ba870fd7d7a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Unga Bunga posted on 06/14/2010

On 2010-06-08 10:07, Zeta wrote:
Zeta's diplomatic bureau and public relationships office for foreign affairs. MEXICAN TIKI EMBASSY

As the ambassador for Tiki in Mexico, here I promise to promote and protect all things tiki (and other cool things in general) south of your border. Feel free to ask me your doubt about the country where I was born and current home.

Also, if you want to have an "amigo" please let me know, I think friends are a treasure.
Trades, business propositions, love advice, There's nothing I will not try to fix. If you are interested in selling your art in Mexico. Have an exhibit or sleep in my couch (restrictions may apply)

Thank you.

P.S. My birthday is on October 15

[ Edited by: Zeta 2010-06-11 12:49 ]

OK, it was low high school humor and wasn't called for but are we really taking this thread seriously?
Zeta, I mean you go from "Zeta's diplomatic bureau and public relationships office for foreign affairs" to "love advice" to "international art sales", and then ending with "it's my birthday in Oct." in under two paragraphs.
This is not a serious thread people.
So sorry if you took it the wrong way.


T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/3d007b8fb8d32717fc94a3753c43b7dc?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
TikiPug posted on 06/14/2010

Maybe there is no humor or sarcasm in Mexico? It was a joke. Take a pill.

B Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/e01c7e12080283066ced001977e37f65?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
bigbrotiki posted on 06/14/2010

On 2010-06-13 09:11, bigbrotiki wrote:
.....Nothing should be so sacrosanct that it cannot be joked about. But it still is a matter of place, context and degree. It is a very thin line and fine balance to not misstep too far into some of the rightfully outdated attitudes of a drunken loudmouth humor.

JOHN-O posted on 06/14/2010

On 2010-06-09 16:35, JOHN-O wrote:

Zeta, are you a native Spaniard who lives in Mexico, or are you a Mexican who used to live in Spain?

OK Zeta, let's move on and get this thread back on track again.

Here was my question that you never answered.

Also I might advise renaming it to something like "Zeta's Latin America Tiki Travel Guide" that way people understand how to leverage it. To be honest, the current title is Bilge-like and confusing.

[ Edited by: JOHN-O 2010-06-14 00:20 ]

Zeta posted on 06/14/2010

I woke up today feeling magnanimous, so I will bury the war axe and forget all this heavy crap. I love/live for humor, I agree with Bigbro, NOTHING IS SACRED. But, I don't tolerate rude people. It's all about how you deliver the joke. Unga Bunga was funny/weird original. tikipug was doing a "double team attack" which I think only pussies practice. But Hey! Let's do it for Tiki O.K.? Unga, pug, I am cool with you.

I am not going to answer your avalanche of questions right now because my nerves are a little shut still, but I will as soon as possible.

One important thing to clarify:


This IS a "serious" thread. But feel free to post your jokes about Mexicans and Speedy Gonzales pictures if you want too.

This thread is about the people not the place. and it's about tiki. as I posted on the intro of this thread. Trades, business, exhibits, favors, whatever. If you have legit questions about me or Mexico that are not related to tiki, I will answer those too, If I feel like it.
Here I will post future "Mexican Tiki Parties" "Mexican Tiki art exhibits" "links to other Mexico-Tiki related threads etc... Like a hub. Like an embassy actually.

Aloha amigos!

woofmutt posted on 06/14/2010

(This was being written at the same time Zeta wrote the above post. I already had to rewrite this once due to closing the wrong window, I'm not changing it to reflect anything said by Zeta above. So there.)

The topic of Zeta’s thread was meant to be humorous or lighthearted as are many thread topics throughout Tiki Central.

Zeta’s introduction to his thread was also lighthearted, but the underlying intent was clear: If you are a Tiki Central member travelling to Mexico and would like some insider information, if you are going to be in Mexico and would like to meet Zeta, if you are interested in having an art show in Mexico and so on.

The thread was an ideal example of what sort threads are considered appropriate for the Ohana Forum including Zeta mentioning his birth date.

The responses to Zeta’s thread were typical of responses in Ohana Forum threads which often include humor, joking, random comments, and inside jokes/remarks which mean absolutely nothing to any Tiki Central member who does not know the people or was not at the event. *Ohana Forum * threads have even been known to stray off topic. (Fortunately this rarely happens elsewhere on Tiki Central.)

I like to think all the humorous responses to Zeta’s post were meant in good spirit. The fact that some of them were made after a moderator essentially said that Zeta’s thread had to have a higher standard than any other thread on Tiki Central (What an honor!) is a point that should be taken up with the moderators and those who violated the special conditions the moderator set forth.

Why Zeta’s thread was not considered appropriate for the *Ohana Forum * I have no idea. Personally I can’t see much difference in the Ohana Forum worthiness of Zeta’s post and this *Ohana Forum * thread or this *Ohana Forum * thread or this *Ohana Forum * thread or this *Ohana Forum * thread or this *Ohana Forum * thread or this *Ohana Forum * thread, et cetera.

Zeta’s thread being in Tiki Travel is a bit misleading. Zeta’s thread is not about general travel to Mexico or even Tiki in Mexico it’s about Zeta who is in Mexico wanting to interact with other Tiki Centralites interested in what Zeta knows about Mexico or who want to be friends with Zeta.

As for continued sniping and junior high grudge matches: These sort of things only ends when one side stops paying attention. Eventually it will die or the person who keeps it up will just look like a complete ass.

VampiressRN posted on 06/18/2010

Bravo Woofy!!!

OK Zeta...I'm not heading down south any time soon, but I have been listening to a lot of Flamenco Guitar artists lately and am especially fond of Rodrigo Y Gabriela...do you know of them?

I have always wanted to have a Cinco De Mayo/Tiki Party but need some ideas from you on how I can blend that all together. Was thinking of inventing Polynesian Tacos to serve with a tropical salsa...black beans...what kind of rice...other goodies? What cocktail do you suggest? For music, should I play any Flemenco or will Martin Denny roll over in his grave?

Thanks in advance for your help with this...you are much appreciated.

Zeta posted on 06/19/2010

On 2010-06-17 19:21, VampiressRN wrote:
Bravo Woofy!!!

OK Zeta...I'm not heading down south any time soon, but I have been listening to a lot of Flamenco Guitar artists lately and am especially fond of Rodrigo Y Gabriela...do you know of them?

I know them. They where playing one day on the streets of Stockholm when the guy from MUSE saw them and asked if they would open for his concerts. They did and the rest is history...

I have always wanted to have a Cinco De Mayo/Tiki Party but need some ideas from you on how I can blend that all together.

That is an age old question that has troubled the minds of great thinkers for ages and would deserve a thread of it's own in the food and drink forum. But I'll try to give you some basic ideas that I have...
First thing, I would get the Cinco De Mayo out of the equation... (that's when Mexicans repelled a French invasion) It is big here in Mexico, but not as big as 16 de Septiembre. That is when real Mexicans celebrate their Mexicanness.

Was thinking of inventing Polynesian Tacos to serve with a tropical salsa...black beans...what kind of rice...other goodies?

Polynesian tacos... I would call them Pacific Tacos. And they already exist. Shrimp Tacos, Fish tacos... mmm... Anything from the Pacific shoreline is pretty tiki to me. (And I am THE Authority in Mexican Tiki remember?) Salsa... anything you want, but RED SALSA looks like lava and that is pretty cool.
No black beans. That is not tiki.The rice would have to be wild. Also, if you put some cilantro in the pot while you cook it, the rice turns green! And green is Mexican AND Tiki.
Other goodies... YES! Many... On thing for example would be "El Volcan" which is a meat dish... that I will explain some day (maybe, if I feel like it )

What cocktail do you suggest?

The drink. It would have to be my patented and certified one and only Mexican-Polynesian cocktail: TIKILLA!™ I wish I could give you the recipe, but it is an ancient family secret and if I tell you I would have to sacrifice you later...

For music, should I play any Flemenco or will Martin Denny roll over in his grave?

For music, I would play some Esquivel and Aloha amigos! by Arthur Lyman (Spanish edition) No flamenco. That is Spanish from Spain.

Thanks in advance for your help with this...you are much appreciated.

Thank you for spreading the love for Mexico and Tiki. :)
Come back soon!

VampiressRN posted on 06/19/2010

Thank goodness you cleared up all my confusion for me...my original thoughts were out in left field. Will be using all your info to plan a 2011 Sept 16th Tiki party with a Mexican flair. Gotcha on the Pacific Tacos...those will be yummy!!! TIKILLA....hmmmmm.

GROG posted on 06/26/2010

When GROG live in San Antonio, Texas back in 1980s, GROG got to see a traveling exhibit of Jesus Helguera's paintings. GROG has been to many museums and seen many paintings, but Jesus Helguera's collection of paintings had to be some of the most beautiful and incredible paintings GROG has ever had the pleasure of seeing. He truly was the "Norman Rockwell of Mexico". The museum catalogue was sold out, and GROG need to find a book on Jesus Helguera. In person his paintings were just captivating. The color, detail, and talent was truly amazing to behold. Photos don't do them justice.

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Get better soon Tiki-Kate and Marie.

[ Edited by: GROG 2010-06-26 02:15 ]

[ Edited by: GROG 2010-06-29 01:49 ]

GROG posted on 06/28/2010

Where Zeta go?

Anybody there?

Hello..... is this thing on?

[ Edited by: GROG 2010-06-28 10:34 ]

hiltiki posted on 06/28/2010

oops, Grog I forgot to tell you I love it.

GROG posted on 06/28/2010

Muchas gracias Hiltiki.

VampiressRN posted on 06/29/2010

Now that is a body of work...I love the lion!!! I feel like I was just in an art museum...muchas gracias Grog.

GROG posted on 06/29/2010

And that's just a portion of his work. Seeing it in person was breathtaking. Each one you went to look at, you'd think "there's no way he could've done a a more beautiful painting than this one", and then you go to the next one and think "there's no way he could've done a a more beautiful painting than this one", and then you go to the next one....

Zeta posted on 06/29/2010

Thank you for curating this first exhibit in Mexican Tiki Embassy!

I can get you this book and ship it to you if you want:
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/6558/4c29807a.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=5825864ed097295fe5277b4bc768b112
precio :
$ 225.00
precio estimado en dólares:
No. de páginas:

Aloha all!

GROG posted on 06/29/2010

So, how much is the book in American dollars, and how much would it cost to ship it?

P.S. GROG add some more pictures to the post on the previous page.

[ Edited by: GROG 2010-06-29 01:51 ]

Zeta posted on 06/29/2010

I don't know about the shipping but if the book price is ok for GROG i can find out about the Shipping.

Zeta posted on 06/29/2010

On 2010-06-09 16:35, JOHN-O wrote:

3 Who has the best sense of humor: U.S. Americans, Mexicans, or Europeans?

Good question JOHN-O, here is my analisis:

Jose el plomero, average Mexican, really, probably has the best sense of humor in the world.
Americans (from the U.S.A.) are right behind, but their humor is getting too localized with references of references... like family guy. But Americans are king right now, my favorite comedians and humorists are from the U.S.A.
Not Europeans, and among Europeans, the Spanish from the South. The so called "Chispa Andaluza" (interestingly, the Conquest of Mexico was done by people from the south of Spain)

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