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Tiki Central / California Events

Tiki Caliente 2 on June 4th-6th (go to www.tiki-caliente.com for official Swag)

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bigtikidude posted on 06/09/2010

Tom, again, great pics, thanks.

and Kirby's masks are off da hook.

I want that PNG one.


BigToe posted on 06/09/2010

looks like it was AAAAAWESOME time! bummed i couldnt make it out.

What was up with the fogged out, face grimacing tikiyaki heavy metal set?

Congrats on a great seat of ur pants event Rory!!!! next year will be a piece of cake!!

Hiphipahula posted on 06/09/2010

Well, I think I recovered well enough to post, it took a couple days for my brain to cool down. I had a blast! I partied lots and I did some great shopping, picked up some cool swag, scored a Velvet and some mugs. I hit the room crawls lots of tasty cocktails. For the first time ever at these busy events I was able to check out all the bands I really enjoyed that opportunity. I especially wanted to thank Rory for making sure we all had a great time, job well done! A ton of thanks to my boss Jeremy at the Tonga Hut. When I approached him with the idea of hosting a room for the first time ever he didn't think twice. Dozens of bottles of all types of Rum, including the last of the Lemon Hart for now and 300 lbs. of ice later we had a party, hope I did proud :) Queen K, Amy & Ray, you Rock! We loved hosting with you cause your the tops! Big room with lots of food and good company top notch all the way with style! Manuel thanks for bar backing, always the best, Chris, DJ Soccer Tiki, good job dude Thank You! Thanks also to all of you our friends, for coming out to support our effort we really had the best of times. Let's do it again next year!

Oh, P.S. I received a couple pm's asking again about the cocktails served, they are from my original recipe book. The spicy cocktail was "Shaka Hula Bossa Nova" you will find it on my menu at the Hut. The dark cocktail I originated for the house drink at the Tonga Hut it is a Black Strap Rum cocktail called "Zoarro" you can read the story behind the name at the Tonga Hut.

[ Edited by: Hiphipahula 2010-06-09 10:21 ]

tikiyaki posted on 06/09/2010

How can you be onstage with a guitar and smoke and NOT be metal ?
Big Toe...your "Freebird" request is coming soon !

Ray - It was hot up there, but we did Hukilau 2008 by the pool in the Chinese shirts !...IN FT LAUDERDALE. THAT was Brutal.
Then, Marina did a fire dance in front of us and the heat got even worse. So, this was bad, but not as bad as that.
Funny, I had the oppesite effect from drinking.....none of the drinks I had really affected me, and I'm a lightweight. I think I sweated them out before they got a chance to get me drunk !

Anyway, I'm glad that there were no incidents caused by the heat, so maybe I'm just being a little overly precautious.

So...don't listen to me !
Good times !


[ Edited by: tikiyaki 2010-06-09 11:54 ]

Tonga Tom posted on 06/09/2010

The smoke was awesome Jim! You must keep it in all future shows.
Here's a set list I snagged after the show.

Swamp Fire posted on 06/09/2010

Event posters still available...

I sold what I brought with me but still have some left to print out. See below for details.

Large poster 17" X 22"
Numbers 1 thru 12 will be the larger size prints.
I sold 1-7 at the show so get one while they last.
Price $50

Numbers 13 through 50 will be 13" X 16"
I only printed 4 for the show and those sold, so plenty left.
Price $40

2nd version...
13" X 19"
Edition of 100
Price $40

e-mail or pm me if interested in purchasing. Thanks!

GROG posted on 06/09/2010

It was hot. It was fun. Thanks Rory for throwing such a great shindig.
Thanks to people who bought some of GROG crap so GROG could afford to go. The bands were great, and BTD did a good job DJing.

[ Edited by: GROG 2010-06-09 15:50 ]

Tonga Tom posted on 06/09/2010

Here's a few snaps from Sunday...

That dolly was hot!

Slacktone was hotter!

Wildsville man posted on 06/10/2010

anyone who want's to buy one of the last remaining mug's please go to


and purchase one for $50 (shipping included)

I will be leaving for Chicago Friday morning so the next ship date will be Tuesday of next week.




[ Edited by: wildsville man 2010-06-09 21:14 ]

[ Edited by: Wildsville man 2010-06-10 08:29 ]

Cherry Capri posted on 06/10/2010

Well, first of all, I am very grateful to Rory for including me in this wonderful weekend. It reminded me so much of Oasis 2 and 3 and the good ole days, and then some... With that heatwave that hit, tempers and aggitation really could have risen, but the whole thing was so well organized overall, it went off without a hitch. All I saw were smiling happy faces. And Wildsville man's energy was non-stop and positive. THAT is what really put the whole thing over the edge.

I know that before the event, Big Tiki Dude was saying he wasn't sure if he had enough of this or that music? But from what I heard, he was spinning the very best surf, exotica, lounge and hawaiiana all weekend. Sometimes you know the DJ is great when you don't notice him at all. BTD was playing the perfect blended soundtrack that set the background tone for fun. And thank you for spinning behind the fashion show dude!

Cindra and Tracy supplied all of the excellent outfits from the 40s through the 60s for the vintage Tiki Fahsion Show and somehow it all came together. (I think Tracy changed about 10 times for the show!) Let's do that again! Much thanks has to go to the bevy of beautiful and handsome models that shined on Saturday afternoon: AJ and the Wildsville kids Marisa and Brent and dog Martina decked out in a lei, Jetson, Dave and Tracy, Rod and Cindra, Cindi, Tawny, Susan, Jeannie, C.B. Howlie, Tiki Ray, and our host with the 'full moon' aloha shirt, Rory.

I really enjoyed seeing all the talented vendors and hearing all the other bands play. Thank you to the Martini Kings for their swanky set - and the over the top pool percussion jam. I hope that everyone enjoyed their 'whipped cream' shots.

Props also need to go out to Holden and Tiki Farm and Appleton's Rum for sponsoring the event. The rum was especially fine... I know this because after a few mai tais the pool felt especially fine, even though I was STILL in my dress and gogo boots! Hakalugi - hope you don't mind, but I viraled your video on my channel. http://www.youtube.com/user/CherryCapri#p/a/u/0/td-OrtldYWs

Thank you Crazy Al for catching me in the pool :wink:

Lastly, I do hope that everyone enjoyed their cherry flavored "party favors."

Tonga Tom - thanks for posting the Tie another Mai Tai On sing-along.

On 2010-06-09 16:38, Tonga Tom wrote:

GO TIKI posted on 06/10/2010

Thanks a Bunch Rory :), We really can't add more than what has all ready been said, But what a Great event! One of my highlights was "Huell" with his Go Tiki pendent and pith hat, Thanks Cynde Lu :) She asked, Huell when you going to cover a tiki event, Huell said: " I'll be shooting a tiki event in august, Something called Tiki Oasis!" Cat's outta the bag! Good to see you all, Mahalo! Gogo and Dani

Mongoloid posted on 06/10/2010

[ She asked, Huell when you going to cover a tiki event, Huell said: " I'll be shooting a tiki event in august, Something called Tiki Oasis!" Cat's outta the bag!

Beso de muerto

martini kings posted on 06/11/2010

hey i 2nd that! jeff big tiki dude played a great combo of tunes over the weekend. really perfect for this event.a perfect mix of really cool stuff that set the mood.and if i can sound like an old man for a second...
the volume was perfect. some d.j's tend to think you can turn everything to 10 but it generally blows out the speakers and folks ears.

Jetson posted on 06/11/2010

Does anyone have pictures of the fashion show?

Wildsville man posted on 06/11/2010

Fashion Show is on Page 24 Monkey Spank........

Tiki Caliente 3 Update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As I did Reach out to the owner of the Caliente Tropics for hosting Part 3 once again, I was shocked by the reaction I received.
They will not give us the resort before June 10th of 2011 for any reason or price. Also the price he quoted me after June 10th is 20% more then I spent this year.
As I love the Caliente Tropics it do's not seem to love us back. I will try reaching out again but at this point I will be looking at a resort that has been great to work with in the past,and is clean,midcentury and has more room for side events. This Location is the Travel Lodge right next to the Caliente Tropics. Refurbished with over 4 Million in upgrades and great staff. But most of all,they want us.

As this is not certain,this may be a direction we may need to go. Don't think that I haven't tried to work with the Tropics because I have. But sometimes in a relationship you have to move on when one person isn't getting loved back.

Let the conversation begin.


I will be leaving for Chicago Friday morning so if you don't see responses from me just know I am thinking of you as I will be at the Hala Kahiki

skootiki posted on 06/11/2010

Aloha Jetson.......here are a few photos of the fashion show

Mahaloz to Cherry and the models

bigtikidude posted on 06/11/2010

On 2010-06-10 19:20, Wildsville man wrote:
Tiki Caliente 3 Update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As I did Reach out to the owner of the Caliente Tropics for hosting Part 3 once again, I was shocked by the reaction I received.
They will not give us the resort before June 10th of 2011 for any reason or price. Also the price he quoted me after June 10th is 20% more then I spent this year.
As I love the Caliente Tropics it do's not seem to love us back. I will try reaching out again but at this point I will be looking at a resort that has been great to work with in the past,and is clean,midcentury and has more room for side events. This Location is the Travel Lodge right next to the Caliente Tropics. Refurbished with over 4 Million in upgrades and great staff. But most of all,they want us.

As this is not certain,this may be a direction we may need to go. Don't think that I haven't tried to work with the Tropics because I have. But sometimes in a relationship you have to move on when one person isn't getting loved back.

Let the conversation begin.

I don't know if the management is the same people who were there when Otto was doing Tiki Oasis there.
But there is a reason that he left caliente, and I have a feeling this is the same situation you are dealing with.
Its too Bad, and very Sad, that they are not willing to be more flexible.
I hope for the best for you, but don't hold your breath with those people there.


TORKERTIKI posted on 06/11/2010

The place (Caliente Tropics) is nice, but Tiki Caliente is and always will be first and foremost about the people!
I'm sure that wherever it's held, it will continue being a fantastic celebration!

A O Ko Aloha Kau E Hiipoi Mau

A Tiki Drink in the hand is worth two in the bar!

[ Edited by: torkertiki 2010-06-11 23:20 ]

[ Edited by: TORKERTIKI 2010-06-19 00:50 ]

WooHooWahine posted on 06/11/2010

Wildsvilleman - Wherever & Whenever Tiki Caliente III is, we will be there...WoooHooo!

Hakalugi posted on 06/11/2010

On 2010-06-10 13:15, Cherry Capri wrote:
Hakalugi - hope you don't mind, but I viraled your video on my channel. http://www.youtube.com/user/CherryCapri#p/a/u/0/td-OrtldYW

Fine with me, it's not my video! Ha! Actually it was shot by a good friend of mine from Peck Media but I'm sure he won't mind.

Tiki Shaker posted on 06/11/2010

Hell, I think that Travelodge looks fine! Looks clean and bug free (haha). Looks like that did a really good job of remodeling the place.

Ask carvers to bring tikis and sent them up around the pool area. All they have to do is put prices on them. Great way to tiki the place up AND display peoples art.

Is there an indoor area too? It would be awesome to set the indoor area up as a vending space or maybe decorate it like a big tiki lounge. Great place to cool off and have a drink!

I'm all for it Rory!

Jetson posted on 06/12/2010

For sure, wherever Tiki Caliente goes, I will follow.

skootiki posted on 06/12/2010

I think that TIKI-SHAKER has a good idea......if every tiki carver that showed up brought a tiki, there would be more TIKIS than you could SHAKE a stick at!

tikitony posted on 06/12/2010

Had a great time with everyone! Thanks Rory for another fun event and thanks to all who help support my beachcomber habits again!

What a trip, meeting Huell Howser!

I look up to see a guy who bought a volcano mug earlier that morning. He's a geologist, so drinking out of a volcano mug with hand pressed volcano impressions is the bees knees for this awesome guy!

He was drinking out of his volcano mug in the bar, and Huell caught wind of the volcano mug. So Huell and the dude come up to my hut. I think I was twirling my mustache when they came up and I shouted, "Oh my god!" as Huell hushed me.

Huell wanted a volcano to drink out of, but mine had all been used for burning alcohol in. So, Huell picked out his volcano of choice, I cleaned it with some rubbing alcohol, rinsed with water, as he gave me a $20 spot for the volcano. Before he even turned around, Woohoo had already filled it up with a Mai Tai and the rest was history.

He called me Monday to let me know he drank out of the Tiki tOny volcano mug all weekend long! Thanks Huell! That is California Gold!

Jetson posted on 06/12/2010

Hahaha thats awesome Tony

tyger jymmy posted on 06/12/2010

Thats so kool Tony .

Bewitched By Tiki posted on 06/12/2010

I agree! it doesn't have to be Caliente Tropics. BYOT Baby. Bring your own Tikis. With the amount of talent and creative resources in this group of people. anyplace could be the perfect Tiki location. The Travel Lodge has that great Mid Century design too. Did everyone also know that the Travelodge has 2 pools!! Imagine each pool could have it's own theme! I'm in either way.

chrisandsarahb posted on 06/13/2010

The Martini Kings And Crazy Al!


floratina posted on 06/13/2010

On 2010-06-09 00:23, Tonga Tom wrote:
Here's some pix from Saturday...

Who made these? Looks like bamboo space ships. Too cool.

Tangaroa-Ru posted on 06/13/2010

These uber-cool Tiki rocket lamps are made by Nelson's Tiki Hut.

Tangaroa-Ru posted on 06/13/2010

It's unbelievable that the owners of Tiki Caliente still don't "get it". You'd think after Otto took his party elsewhere (and they lost significant business because of that) they would have realized that Tiki scene is worth embracing and that we're good people with some money to spend. (Okay, not a lot, but enough to fill their hotel for a weekend and bring some publicity to their place. I doubt Huell Howser would have dropped by had this event not been there.)

Rory, you throw a great party. Wherever you take it, I think we'll all join you. After all, it's about the people, the artwork, the music and the enormous amounts of FUN. Sure, it's great to hold an event like this in a venue that is themed for it, but there's so much more to having a great Tiki time than that. People can decorate their rooms and hold a contest. Carvers will put out their wares and, that alone will help Tikify whatever hotel this is in. And we can all still drop by The Tropics and at least enjoy a drink there (while thumbing our noses at the Caliente's front desk as we pass by.) And I think The Tropics would still be game to hold your art show there, regardless of where we're bunking.

And while I'm on a verbal roll, I'd like to pitch the idea of a miniature golf tournament for your next Tiki Caliente. There's a
"Boomers" down the road and this might make for a fun night- time event addition. I'm just imagining what playing mini-golf with Crazy Al would be like... !!!

redwood tiki posted on 06/13/2010

On 2010-06-11 21:07, tikitony wrote:
Had a great time with everyone! Thanks Rory for another fun event and thanks to all who help support my beachcomber habits again!

What a trip, meeting Huell Howser!

I look up to see a guy who bought a volcano mug earlier that morning. He's a geologist, so drinking out of a volcano mug with hand pressed volcano impressions is the bees knees for this awesome guy!

He was drinking out of his volcano mug in the bar, and Huell caught wind of the volcano mug. So Huell and the dude come up to my hut. I think I was twirling my mustache when they came up and I shouted, "Oh my god!" as Huell hushed me.

Huell wanted a volcano to drink out of, but mine had all been used for burning alcohol in. So, Huell picked out his volcano of choice, I cleaned it with some rubbing alcohol, rinsed with water, as he gave me a $20 spot for the volcano. Before he even turned around, Woohoo had already filled it up with a Mai Tai and the rest was history.

He called me Monday to let me know he drank out of the Tiki tOny volcano mug all weekend long! Thanks Huell! That is California Gold!

Aloha Tiki tOny! I'm the geologist! I love my volcano mug and still think it's the perfect vessel for drinking rum or that morning cup of "Hot Lava Java", and Huell tells me his volcano holds a place of honor at his house.
I had a great time at Tiki-Caliente, thanks to all those who worked to make it such a success. Can't wait till next year!

Easter Island Elvis posted on 06/14/2010

I sure hope it wouldn't have to move anywhere else; this was my first time at the Tropics and I loved it! It's like a hotel made specifically for us! Hopefully everything can be figured out and solved...but then again, there's no sense in continually working with someone who is going to stress a relationship or ruin the spirit of a swingin' thing like this.

ron-tiki posted on 06/14/2010

got my t-shirts and mugs!!! awesome!!thanks.....

RoseRed posted on 06/15/2010

On 2010-06-07 18:46, Wildsville man wrote:
Thanks to everyone who trusted me with your time and your money. I know it takes a lot to plan any kind of trip and figure out the total cost from travel,logging,food,drinks and I tried to keep it in a fair price point for most people.

and I am very honored you would consider coming to Palm Springs during 109 temp's to give tiki caliente a chance to entertain you and I think we did.

Too many people to thank but very quick...
Cindra and Rod/Ray and Cindy/Woo Hoo and Soccor for being the first to get rooms and make me believe I will get my deposit back in full.
Tony and Mark my bosses from TRIO for stepping in last minute to make sure we had food and drinks on grounds for the event.......that was HUGE!!!!!!
BigTikiDude Jeff for helping me line up most of the talent.
The Talent....The music and shows were Awesome.
Vendors.......great products this year.
anyone who took a picture or video from the show,I love looking back already
My Girlfriend A.J. for handling 7 months of tiki talk and lack of sleep.
and anyone who trusted me to show them a good time..........THANK YOU!!!!!!!!

When I came hope this morning from ripping down 3 10x10 tents and boxing up all the tiki caliente swag. I noticed my sidekick Mike left some of the setup stuff behind. Including 1 box of Official Tiki Caliente Mug's. Case pack 24.

I will put them up for sale on http://www.tiki-caliente.com Tuesday Morning June 8th to truly make them SOLD OUT. I also will have the pint glasses and Tee's for sale at http://www.tiki-caliente.com also.

P.S. I told you all that tiki has never been so hot!!!!!



[ Edited by: Wildsville man 2010-06-07 18:55 ]

[ Edited by: Wildsville man 2010-06-08 08:07 ]

AW MAN!!! I HATE when I miss good stuff :(
Any chance I can still purchase one of these FINE tees or glasses?
(I would be GLAD 2 pay Xtra 4 them) :wink:

  • Rosered
RoseRed posted on 06/15/2010

On 2010-06-07 14:28, Tonga Tom wrote:
Here's a ton of photos from Friday.
I posted a bunch of room crawl photos at the "Tiki Caliente 2 Room Crawl Official Thread-Updated almost daily" here: http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=36089&forum=17&start=120&123 so the photos wouldn't go on forever.

I'll post some Saturday and Sunday pics soon...

DAMN... :(
u were right Tom... these pix say it all... and it will have to be a COLD day in HELL 4 me 2 miss the next 1!

  • Rosered
LOL Tiki posted on 06/15/2010

On 2010-06-14 22:35, RoseRed wrote:
AW MAN!!! I HATE when I miss good stuff :(
Any chance I can still purchase one of these FINE tees or glasses?
(I would be GLAD 2 pay Xtra 4 them) :wink:

  • Rosered

Looks like they're still available off the web-site ( http://www.tiki-caliente.com/ ).

Wildsville man posted on 06/15/2010

Thanks to everyone who took photo's or made video's of Tiki Caliente 2. It is already fun looking back at some of the stuff I missed as I was doing other things.

Here is 1 of 7 video's I have not downloaded yet to the site...


Also thanks to everyone who supported the show and myself. It is nice to hear that if we changed locations that you would still be interested in being part of the show.

I am thinking about releasing the emails between myself and the owner of the tropics resort so you can read exactly what was stated,so you can see that I am not imbelishing any of the statements about our relationship and the amount of effort it took to make this happen this year.

Thanks again,
Rory "wildsville man"Snyder

childhood friends and my self last weekend at the Hala Kahiki

Mongoloid posted on 06/15/2010

Rory i think i speak for alot of other people when i say you have already proven yourself more then capable of creating a fun filled tiki weekend in Palm Springs. As someone that attended both 1 & 2, I have all the faith in the world that you would create a bitchin Tiki Caliente 3. If the owner of the Tropics is being unresponsive, then so be it, move it next door. Oasis was started there but this ain't Oasis, this is the de-evolution. As long as that continues to be the philosophy and standard you could hold it at the no tell motel and i would still show up!

skootiki posted on 06/16/2010


bigtikidude posted on 06/16/2010

It's a bummer that the people at the Caliente Tropics are not wanting to work with you Rory.
Or in a limited way.

I say move it.


Wildsville man posted on 06/17/2010

Long but interesting to read. This is the communication between myself and the owner of the tropics. I hope you find it interesting to read.
I changed only the pricing and his email so not to have people get involved and only for people to see the conversation.


From: rory snyder [mailto:roryjsnyder@hotmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2010 8:39 AM
To: roger@@@@@@@@@
Cc: rory snyder
Subject: Tiki Caliente 2 Big thank you!!!!!


Sorry about the issues with myself and your new bar/rest tenants. I just wanted to provide what was promised to the people who came out to Palm Springs in 112 temp's.

I am sending you a link if you want to check out some of the photo's


Thanks again for all your help.

I am interested in doing it again next year if possible. But maybe mothersday weekend or late May.....it was Caliente out here.

If you are interested.

At that point the bar/rest should be operational so I can just run the show and send the business there way.

Please let me know.

Your crew including Tom Law were nothing less then AWESOME and made the guest feel at home

Thanks again,


************************************* Rory J Snyder mix-o'logist: one skilled in mixing spirits 949-463-6087 *************************************




From: roger@@@@@@@
To: roryjsnyder@hotmail.com
CC: tomlaw@calientetropics.com
Subject: RE: Tiki Caliente 2 Big thank you!!!!!
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 2010 11:07:09 -0700

Hi Rory,

I am glad the event went well for you.

We have no interest in an event in May as I have said many times.

If you want to do the event again next year we have availability starting June 10 going off into the summer.

We would need a guarantee of a full sell out and we would sell our 90 rooms at @@@ each plus service fee and tot tax.

We found that the sell out of the weekend was not good for us because, with the property sold out Friday and Saturday in a block we suffered on the Thursday before and the Sunday after where would normally have guests staining for tails into and out of the weekend. We also sold out most weekends in June last year anyway.

We have no requirement that you do business with the restaurant next year, but would prefer that you worked them into your package somehow.



[ Edited by: Wildsville man 2010-06-16 19:21 ]

Response by me

RE: Tiki Caliente 2 Big thank you!!!!!‏
From: rory snyder (roryjsnyder@hotmail.com)
Sent: Thu 6/10/10 10:19 AM
To: roger@@@@@@@@
Cc: rory snyder (roryjsnyder@hotmail.com)
The last of the questions.

Is the rate your giving me going up because your rates in general are going up? or are you looking to take a little more profit from the show? I believe you should make some profit besides the sell out but anything after June 10th they know they can go to the travel lodge or motel 6 starting in the $50-$70's range which controls my price adjustment up. So I can only raise the price so high. This year we got the rooms for @@@0 plus taxes which came to @@@@ a night. Both being good prices but I have people coming from the coast which is 70's-80's temp and we were 112 degrees. Harder to sell.

Is it possible to get Mothers Day weekend or something else at a higher rate? or are you just not interested in May in general for the Event.

I do have plan's of doing it yearly,but I did bring it back this year to help out the guy's from the Tropics Rest/Bar and we see how well that worked out.

I am in talks with the Travel Lodge because of them having 150 rooms but Caliente is still my number one choice.

So let me know what is possible. I enjoyed working with you again and just want to know any options before the wheels start turning for next year. It takes about 7 months to get this going and when it starts I can't change things that quickly.


************************************* Rory J Snyder mix-o'logist: one skilled in mixing spirits 949-463-6087 *************************************


Hi Rory,

If you can do it at the Travel lodge you should do it there.


[ Edited by: Wildsville man 2010-06-16 19:26 ]

ron-tiki posted on 06/17/2010

and some people think artists are a**holes.

bigtikidude posted on 06/17/2010

sounds like a Huge F you.
Travel Lodge here we come.

I have a 5 ft. 6 in. tiki made by Kirby that I would love to bring out and have outside at the Travel Lodge next year.
Who else wants to help tiki fi the place.


skootiki posted on 06/17/2010

I would love to help out with supplying tikis to tikify the Travel Lodge.

Easter Island Elvis posted on 06/17/2010

Wow, that is stupid. That guy is literally throwing money away. Would it be possible to just decorate the other hotel to the nines just for the weekend?

bigtikidude posted on 06/17/2010

On 2010-06-16 22:22, Easter Island Elvis wrote:
Wow, that is stupid. That guy is literally throwing money away. Would it be possible to just decorate the other hotel to the nines just for the weekend?

Elvis, yeah, that's what Rory was talking about on a previous page,
and why I posted about bringing tiki out to the event next year.


Wildsville man posted on 06/17/2010

Trio Bar making up some great libations and the tikiyaki boy's playing to the crowd.


Enjoy it,you silly S.O.B's

P.S. Get your Mug before it is too late.........250 made and 11 left for sale

Go to

http://www.tiki-caliente.com for your official Swag

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