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The Artist : Why sometimes they are A**holes?

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Finally a formula based on FACT
about this phenomena! :)

Off to make more work...

I got off to a wrong start here,
but back on topic...(---> this is Zetas thread)

Remember the movie about Mozart and how he was drained of ideas at his bedside and credit was taken from him...a credit taking artist = a big time a-hole.


On 2010-06-17 12:12, WJHScrimshaw wrote:
I got off to a wrong start here,
but back on topic...(---> this is Zetas thread)

Ha, that's one way to change the subject !! :D

God forbid we derail this focused Tiki discussion. :lol:

Q: Are there more asshole artist per capita then say asshole politicians or any other group of assoles?
Q: Why is it always a "Photographer" who rapes and kills his models? a dark question I know.
Q: What happened to Manners & Etiquette in our society?
Q: Why do McDonalds filet o fish suck so bad when they used to be good!

Zeta posted on Thu, Jun 17, 2010 12:23 PM

On 2010-06-17 12:12, WJHScrimshaw wrote:
Remember the movie about Mozart and how he was drained of ideas at his bedside and credit was taken from him...a credit taking artist = a big time a-hole.

"talent borrows, genius steals" -Picasso

On 2010-06-17 11:43, ravenne wrote:

On 2010-06-17 11:00, WJHScrimshaw wrote:
If one artist is intimidated by the talent of another, they will do anything to discredit, undermine or block their potential...I speak from experience.

Someone needs to make a movie about a$$hole artists called:
"Clash of the Egos."

What I don't understand is, why are you still posting on this thread????

I mean...wtf? you acted like a terrific ass and started crap and blocked all other points of view (without even introducing yourself...you came off as SUPER defensive) and then....ya go ahead and edit everything as if nothing happened?

Editing does not negate the first impression you gave...

I think it would have been a lot more ballsier and hell...a lot more character of a person to have left their posts as is. Remember, some folks get notifications when posts are made and can in fact see the original post made before your ridiculous edits...just something to think about for the future if ya decide on editing everything again...

I don't mean to further derail the thread, but it's just laughable and ridiculous on ANY FORUM (not just TC) that members believe that with quick editing, all will be glorious and sunshine and forgiven. Nope. Sorry! This is the internet...and what's posted online, STAYS ONLINE...

On 2010-06-17 11:16, Zeta wrote:
Artists are a-holes because they do what is not allowed.

...Supongo con lo que yo hecho horita...:lol: :lol: :lol:

Our shy,shy ravenne has become a Beautiful,Angry Butterfly!
You Fly Girl! I think I'm tearing up a bit......

lighten up now...

made up a joke...

"How many a-hole artists does it take to stretch a canvas?"
"None, because they deligate everything to nameless behind the scenes low wage helpers."

The same joke works for world famous one eyed glass artists.

On 2010-06-17 07:14, atomictonytiki wrote:
I think its because they are shy and fear rejection. Shy people would rather be feared and rejected than loved and accepted. Just because someone is mean to you doesn't mean that they don'y actually crave your attention and respect.


Art is displayed to an audience and all displayed art is criticized.

If artists were shy and worried about rejection, they wouldn't create art at all.


Where's Atomic Cocktail when you really need him to close down a thread?

observations and wise advice...

Insecurity relates to a large or damaged ego,
damaged egos produce envy & jealousy.

The Bible says that the darkest of all human behaviours from one man to another,
take place as a result of envy.
(perhaps the root of a-hole artists)?

Words of wisdom I remember...
(just let the baby have his way)

Computer says No!

This is Bilge. Move it there.

i think you mean jealousy,which is envy,scrimshaw...
"Anger is cruel and fury overwhelming, but who can stand before jealousy? "
-Proverbs 27:4

Here's a better one!
"There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers."
-Proverbs 6:16-19

no more Bible quotes now
haven't you read the rules?
this forum prefers No politics or religion
unless it's about that Republican artist MadDogMike!

No worries, I did not quote the Bible directly, you did.

I just made mention that it had information relating to the topic...nice try finding me as the one who directly quoted the good book...lol

Foiled Again!

Why isn't this in Bilge? I'll gladly pay you an insult Tuesday for a "Give me a FUCKING BREAK" today!

and what's up with the damaged ego theory?
sounds more like a generalization/stereotype

off subject....
when you gonna do some Tiki art
for this Tiki community
instead of just bellowing out platitudes
and telling us about YOUR art career and accomplishments and observations?

I really hope that you step up and do that
you've got some talent there try applying it to Tiki
and you might make more friends around here....

Zeta posted on Thu, Jun 17, 2010 2:38 PM

On 2010-06-17 14:21, Slacks Ferret wrote:
This is Bilge. Move it there.

It was not Bilge. For some strange reason, some posters are bilgeifing it!
Be polite. Post content. Do not derail please.

"A little bad taste is like a nice dash of paprika" -Dorothy Parker

Soon... please keep in mind I just joined a little over 24 hrs ago and am still unpacking from the Hukilau where I sold about 80 Tiki artworks.

Since I sold everything I need to start work and then photograph it to post here. It should be up this weekend - there wasn't time to do a shoot of the last work before flying to Florida.

People wanted to see what my work looked like and I posted what was handy. Tall ships/polynesian women/ mermaids.


as far as scrimshaw goes.. he proves that artists are a##holes.. why is the unknown.. besides scrimshaw isn't tiki...

Whats really funny is when I was at the Hukilau, people ask me if I do anything other than tikis.

Why do you think I typed "back to work." I got cleaned out of tiki subjects,
but more here on Sat/Sun.

On 2010-06-17 14:38, Zeta wrote:

On 2010-06-17 14:21, Slacks Ferret wrote:
This is Bilge. Move it there.

It was not Bilge. For some strange reason, some posters are bilgeifing it!
Be polite. Post content. Do not derail please.

"A little bad taste is like a nice dash of paprika" -Dorothy Parker

Derailed from "Why are some artists Assholes"? That subject should be in Bilge, nowhere else.


On 2010-06-17 13:53, WJHScrimshaw wrote:
observations and wise advice...


On 2010-06-17 13:53, WJHScrimshaw wrote:
Insecurity relates to a large or damaged ego,
damaged egos produce envy & jealousy.

No...that's not true at all.
In fact, the way you present that, gives the understanding that ALL insecure people stem from damaged egos.
Incorrect sir.
Insecurity has more levels than that...
And to simply state that Damaged ego = Insecurity = Envy?

Insecurity, first off, is typically viewed as a Person who sees themselves (rational or not) as being unloved, unwanted, outcast, what have you... It's the inability to have that confidence... Some people who are insecure are just plain Shy...
You can't just lump Insecurity like that to drive your point home...

Again...why are you posting?! :lol:

maybe I should pull back and wait for other comments...to assault everyone elses posts by "quoting them" and be a$$holes like you are.

"Again...why are you posting?"

you think this is your thread or you own TC?
(laughs uncontrollably)

Gotta agree with Ravs .
Most people who have insecurities have been battling it since childhood and have never even gotten to the point of having an ego.
I'm an artist who is shy, with wavering self confidence. The shy part gets interpreted by non artist assholes as arrogance and or aloofness. There's plenty of people who dont like me or my art for assorted reasons, but I can't really care too much or I'd never get out from under the covers. I'm just gonna keep on doing what I do. My take on it is that I'm creating a lifetime body of work. Just enough ego to keep myself going without inflicting it on everyone else.

Zeta posted on Thu, Jun 17, 2010 3:00 PM



OK, that's enough of that. Time for Dancing Baby!

would somebody call Big Toe?
That baby needs Punching!

Zeta posted on Thu, Jun 17, 2010 3:08 PM

HEY! Some people are enjoying and learning from this thread! Why are you doing this sabotage?!?! Please post content or just leave...

Did you know that the wood known as Pink Ivory is the royal tree of the Zulus because only the royal family were allowed to possess the wood? Anyone else possessing the wood (including foreigners) was said to be punished with death!

On 2010-06-17 15:08, Zeta wrote:
HEY! Some people are enjoying and learning from this thread! Why are you doing this sabotage?!?! Please post content or just leave...

Enjoying & learning that you think some artists are Assholes? or enjoying & learning by some removing all doubts?

Zeta posted on Thu, Jun 17, 2010 3:27 PM

From page 1

On 2010-06-15 11:14, Zeta wrote:
Ok. The title is : The Artist : Why sometimes they are A**holes?
It says "sometimes" not all the time. I think That all humans are assholes at least once in their life. An It's o.k. nobody is perfect. This is not a mean intended post. I swear. I just want to debate about this "DAMNED ARTIST CLICHE" I want to know about artists obnoxious compulsive behaviors. Sometimes perceived as anti-social. The madness. How much is true how much is a myth. Creativity and all that.
I mean no offense to anyone. I was not thinking of the close nit network of contemporary Tiki Artist. I am talking about artists in general, if you have some examples, that's great. I want to know stories and details about my favorite classic modern tiki artists...
Paul Klee
Tristan Tzara
Big Daddy Roth
Edgar Leetag
James Michener
Miguel Covarrubias
The revivalists too! But they are still alive... (we will have to wait for their unofficial biographies.)

Don't take this too seriously. I am just really interested in the subject since I consider myself some kind of cartoonist/artist and since I often display symptoms of the characteristic eccentric asshole artist behavior... Many times I am not really being an A-hole, I am just being misunderstood. (Like right here)




On 2010-06-17 15:27, Zeta wrote:
From page 1

On 2010-06-15 11:14, Zeta wrote:


Due to popular demand, moved to Bilge.

Zeta posted on Thu, Jun 17, 2010 3:39 PM

Let's count the votes! I also read many "This thread is great" posts.

I vote back to General.


So scrimshaw, did you do any of those Tiki Carvings you posted pictures of?

Zeta posted on Thu, Jun 17, 2010 3:44 PM

No, he did not. Leave him alone, he apologized more than once already. Stay on topic please.

Guilty as charged Zeta,sorry,I was only asking the question,no malice intended.

I think you have the answer to your thread by the posted remarks right here.
a kind of self fulfilling prophecy thingamajig.
Some artists are assholes!
Who has a Mai Tai!


Finally moved to Bilge. Hallelujah!


On 2010-06-15 10:02, JOHN-O wrote:

...this might be a better fit for "Beyond Tiki".

See I suggested the thread be relocated right after Zeta started it. No action was taken. Also I've U-MOD'd many other threads in the past but nothing happened (even to move my own threads). But if someone doesn't like my thread, it gets banished to Bilge within seconds.

No respect. I get no respect around here. :(

( :D )

Bilge Master John-O
John-O miester
Big John-O
Mix Master John-O

Mak'in copies.....



Zeta posted on Thu, Jun 17, 2010 7:04 PM

On 2010-06-17 18:18, woofmutt wrote:

Worst post ever.



Zeta posted on Thu, Jun 17, 2010 9:10 PM

Another interesting thing is that the artistic talent is genetically transmitted (not always of course).
For example: Picasso's father was an art teacher.

What!!! its Infectious, I can get infected by Art! so an Artist can infect someone else with their "ART" disease, OH GOD!

¿donde esta la sentina?

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