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Can lightning strike twice??? The next chapter in the 8FT Tiki saga....

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8FT Tiki posted on 07/02/2010

I've got a great story to share with everyone. It does require a little bit of background. I'm called 8FT Tiki because of the vintage Oceanic Arts palm tiki we found, acquired and restored back in 2003. We learned it had originally been in the Kona Kai which was inside the Hilton Plaza Inn in Kansas City, MO.
The story as recorded in a 2003 thread is found here:

We had exchanged emails with Bob & LeRoy at Oceanic Arts at that time and they informed us that there was also another 8 foot tall palm tiki in the other Kona Kai location at the Hilton Airport Plaza Inn. For almost 6 years we had not been
sure which location our tiki was from. We suspected it was the Plaza location and that was confirmed when in August of 2009 Bob sent us another email containing an interior photo of the Airport Kona Kai location found in a brochure from their files. That photo has a partial view of the tiki made by them (#139 Marquesan in their old catalog). Bob thought it might be the one we had but as I looked at the details of the carving I was quite sure it was not the one we had but the other 8 footer. It was nice to see the photo and we left it at that.

Flash forward to June 24, 2010. I get a message from Mrs. 8FT saying my good buddy
"Silverline" is trying to reach me about a tiki on Craigslist. I tried to call him back but the ringer on his phone was not working and he had no idea I was calling back and getting his voicemail. So we checked out the local Craigslist ads and BINGO! Here's what we see:

WOW, it sure looks like my big tiki. Could it possibly be the other Kona Kai locations 8 Footer? What else could it be? This thing just surfaces out of nowhere after all these years?! Of course we've been interested in tracking it down but where do you start? I mean it literally could be anywhere or nowhere if it had been destroyed somehow. Your imagination just doesn't allow you to believe that it could just appear on its own and say "hey 8 Ft, over here, come get me!"
Well, I got on the phone and managed to work out a deal with the owner. Unreal.
Still I couldn't reach Silverline to tell him or thank him. Finally the next day we talked and made quick plans to head over and make the purchase. We needed his pickup and a special no-shift device he had to keep the tiki from rolling around in the truck bed. Well secured, we took off to transport him back to my house.
We stayed off major highways because of the rush hour traffic. We got more than a few stares and fingers pointed at us as we made the journey.
Here's the new guy in truck with myself (left) and Silverlines neighbor (right) where we stopped to pick up my car.

Finally we arrive at the home of the 8 Foot family. Since neither Silverline nor myself are from muscle beach, I had to call in the big guns to assist us getting the tiki up the steps and into the house. It's nice to have a brother in law in the moving business!!!!

Yeah, this isn't gonna work, trade me ends!

That's better, lets go.

You know this thing is not as big around as the one I already had but it is heavier because it is not hollowed out from sitting outdoors. It has been inside since Oceanic Arts shipped it from California in the 70's.

Im' pretty confident it will pass through the doors without a problem.

Whew, stairs are done, now this tight corner turn.

The tiki inspector is here again (on the table) to check out the new arrival.

The moment is here!....8 Foot, meet your LONG LOST brother!!!

Me and my new family member :)

Now I'm sure you have noticed the red eyes on the big guy. Unfortunately sometime in the past somebody decided to add some glow in the dark paints to make him look more imposing. I couldn't wait to remove it. Lots of cleaning with water and brushes did the trick.

I also toned down the bright whites that were "updated" by a former owner by wiping on a light coat of walnut stain over the paint. Sure does look better now.

So my friends, there is the amazing true story of another adoption here in good old K.C. I'm so proud to own these vintage Oceanic Arts beauties and to see that they are now both together in the same room. Just considering the odds of that EVER happening is mind blowing. I guess it was meant to be.

Eternal thanks and appreciation to my best tiki buddy ever, Silverline you are a true friend if ever there was one.

murphdog posted on 07/03/2010

Wow, good story! They look great in your place!

Dustycajun posted on 07/03/2010

Absolutely and unbelievably awesome! Congrats on the matched set. One in a million odds on that.


4WDtiki posted on 07/03/2010

SCORE!!! Good for you!
That guy looks to be in great shape!

bigbrotiki posted on 07/03/2010

Believe in it and they will come! ...with a little help from your friends :)

8-Ft, your single-minded pursuit of all Kansas Kona Kai ephemera put such a strong mana out there, it could not be ignored!

Congrats, what a happy convergence.

kingstiedye posted on 07/03/2010

what an amazing re-union! congrats and i hope silverline is getting a nice bottle of rum for his help.

Bora Boris posted on 07/03/2010

Excellent news and story, congratulations! :)

twitch posted on 07/03/2010

Freakin' amazing. Congrats!

littlegiles posted on 07/03/2010

Awesome story! They sure look happy to be together. :)

Beachbumz posted on 07/03/2010

Great story 8Ft, How stoked you must be!! They look great there in your tiki room.. Very Cool...
So I can't wait to read what the next chapter brings... :wink:
Silverline ~ Way to stoke out a friend...

Pittsburgh pauly posted on 07/03/2010

Unbelievable! Congrats!

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Haole Jim posted on 07/03/2010

Cool story. Thaks for sharing and the piccies.

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Polynesiac posted on 07/03/2010

Great story 8 foot! Congratulations on bringing the two tiki brothers together after so many years. Your tiki room looks sooooooo cool with those guys flanking the fireplace!

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Beach Bum Scott posted on 07/03/2010

That is awesome!!!!

I used to work at the Airport Hilton back in 82-84 and loved it when I got to go into the Kona Kai to set up lunch meeting's, I worked banquet set up.
Gave me an excuse to be in there.

The Mgt. was VERY strict about NO ONE going in there unless you were Kona Kai staff.

I'm glad someone that loves Tiki got that one and it is amazing you end up with both!!!

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MadDogMike posted on 07/03/2010

Now will you change your name to 8FT TikiS? :D


8FT Tiki posted on 07/03/2010

On 2010-07-03 08:55, MadDogMike wrote:
Now will you change your name to 8FT TikiS? :D


That's funny, my daughter had a similar comment. She said "are you gonna be 16 FT Tiki now? Well, no I'm not changing my name. I think I got it right from the start.

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heylownine posted on 07/03/2010

Great story, great looking tikis. Congratulations!


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MadDogMike posted on 07/03/2010

OH!!! Now I get the signature line and pics! :D

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TabooDan posted on 07/03/2010

That's awesome!! Congratulations on your great find!! To get them both this long apart is quite the story. Glad you saved them! Thanks for the play by play.

What was the story with the person selling it? Do you know where they got it and how long they had it?

Mahalo, TabooDan

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beadtiki posted on 07/03/2010

What a wonderful story! Your house is fantastic looking by the way! Oh, and could we see a shot with both Tikis (are they flanking your fireplace?)? You do indeed have great friends and relatives :).

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GatorRob posted on 07/03/2010

Sure glad to see another vintage OA piece survives and is in the hands of a good caretaker. You know, as I was reading your story, I'm thinking "you've got to do something about those red eyes". And you did. Nice job!

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SilverLine posted on 07/04/2010

Ya know, you are THIS close to being listed in Tiki Locations and Critiki!!

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TikiTres posted on 07/06/2010

Wow, that's a great story and the photos really help tell it. Thanks for sharing! Nice to see the old one in the background of the one pic as well, the teeny thumbnails in the old thread are real eye-strainers :)

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TikiTres posted on 07/06/2010

By the way, did you get any history on this latest one? It's amazing that as big as it is that it's been kept indoors all the time. Did the owner have some kind of connection to the Kona Kai?

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abstractiki posted on 07/07/2010

I'm happy for you 8ft, that's great!

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Swanky posted on 07/07/2010

Way cool! Now you have one for each side of the fireplace!

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tikitony posted on 07/07/2010


I'm going to check craigslist now! Ha ha ha!

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Benzart posted on 10/02/2010

WOW 8Foot, I can't Believe this is true, You sure you guys didn't concoct this story just for the attention?? :o
This is an Unbelievable story of the Ancients at work, knowing All along how you wanted the matching pair and also knowing in the back of your mind you Never gave up, that you knew one day you would reunite the brothers and give them the home they longed for! The Ancients Knew the brothers wanted to be together and so when they had a chance they made it Happen.
Congrats 8Foot and What can I say about Silverline other than he was the silver lining in your clouds!

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