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by bai

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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 07/17/2010

So Cool!

kalenatiki posted on 07/17/2010

very cool!! love the look on that one. To bad the real bottle didn't look that good :)

beadtiki posted on 07/18/2010

Just plant it in a sandbox with some random shells and it will look perfect!

MadDogMike posted on 07/18/2010

Bai, I think the word your looking for (de travers) is "crooked". The word I am looking for is "magnifique!"

On 2010-07-17 15:08, Iokona Ki'i wrote:
You and MadDogMike must be on the same wavelength!

:lol: I think my Kraken looks like child's play :lol:

little lost tiki posted on 07/18/2010

Too frickin Gorgeous!
love the octopi's texture!

yet another winner!

GROG posted on 07/18/2010

Another winner.

VanTiki posted on 07/18/2010

SO great!

Babalu posted on 07/18/2010

Looking really good Bai!

It's so funny...everybody seems to be on the Kraken band wagon lately...you, Vantiki, Maddoggie Mike...and Squid was even talking about doing a Kraken thing when we were in New york together. The Kraken planets must be aligned just right or something? :) I built a few octopus fountains when I was in college; Maybe I should toss that imagery around a little too...hehehe

Anyway, again, great work Bai. Keep moving that clay around sis.

Tobor64 posted on 07/18/2010

I'm so glad you saved this because it looks spectacular!

Meheadhunter posted on 07/19/2010

Too Cool!!
I always enjoy your work!!

Tiki Baï posted on 08/03/2010

Hello everyone :)
once again... all your comments are a very good therapy :D :D I always feel good after a visit on TC. Thank you :) :)
so now... note for later : never mix differents types of clay... it's a very bad idea... you spend lot of time and energy... and when it looks like it could works finally the glaze come out totally broke... all these to tell you forget about the kraken... I'll try next time an other one...
anyway, here are some new creations :

PROJET NOIX DE COCO ( moins glamour en français) :wink:

Bottle of rum (I succed my mold.. YAY!!!!)

KOMEA ( the name means kind od beautiful.. in Finnish language.I'm half finnish that's the reason :wink: and some words looks like polynesian to me.

and I show this one just because I forgot to do it.:


GROG posted on 08/03/2010

Holy Mackerel! How do you make everything so clean and sharp? GROG stuff only caveman quality.

Great stuff as always.

GROG must be half Finnish too, because most of GROG' stuff half finished.

GROG miss Bai.

cheeky half posted on 08/03/2010

Beeoootiful work as always! Love the Goodyear sticker on Maurice's shell. Wish I could Buy Bai.

MadDogMike posted on 08/03/2010

Beautiful Bai! Komea is too cool and I love the moustache on Maurice :lol:

PS Congrats on the mold, it's a skill well worth developing :D

[ Edited by: MadDogMike 2010-08-03 12:01 ]

Iokona Ki'i posted on 08/05/2010

All of the above statements x 10!
Wish you were at Oasis! You would clean up!

laojia posted on 08/13/2010

J'aimerais bien voir cette bouteille de rhum de plus prés... Fantastic work you do Baï!


little lost tiki posted on 08/13/2010

I love them all
PROJET NOIX DE COCO is too cute!
and that lil menehune....
makes my heart swell!

you are unstoppable!

Babalu posted on 08/13/2010

Sister, you are a clay goddess! I adore your work. :)

Tiki Baï posted on 08/29/2010

I have some technical question ...
I would need some help from some talented mugs artist on TC.
I'm looking for some satin glaze or something like mat glaze looking.( see picture)

I would need a "brand" suggestion. I saw that duncan makes some... but they only have a very few colours.

first I was wondering if it was only underglaze ( with no glaze) or some "bisque-stain like acrylic if so... does it support to be wash since it does need to be fired?

Also... I try to find some colors like "honey- kind of wood looking" glaze ... ( see picture) lot of mugs makers use this kind of color... but I still don't know what color it is and what brand.

another question ; about some effect glaze.
I bought several effect glaze... but it never worked out like it suppose to be. I guess I have a problem with the kiln program. I've try several time to apply exactely the Duncan or Amaco notice but it never works.
and my last question: I'm looking for a red glaze (non toxic) I've also tryed to find it here but the red is always dark. I need something bright.

so... if anybody could help me with all this... I would be very grateful :wink:

and since I think you are expecting me to show something... here a new mug I made.
Flyin' eyeball. actually it's very funny when you have 2 of them on a bar.... looks like the bar have bigs eyes :wink:

Thanks for looking
à bientôt

zerostreet posted on 08/29/2010

Great work Tiki Bai!

MadDogMike posted on 08/29/2010

Bai, hopefully some of the more knowledgeable people will pop in too but here's what I have found;

The more matte a finish is, the more porous it is and is not considered to be food safe. Food particles and bacteria can get embedded in the pores in the glaze. It is best to use a glossy glaze inside the mug and then you can decide how daring you want to be with the outside. I see lots of mugs with matte finish on the outside, I doubt there is any real bacteria risk. One option that's would be rather radical is to switch to high fire clay. As I understand, after about cone 5 or 6, (not 05 or 06) the clay shrinks enough in firing that it is food safe even without glaze.

Underglazes are fired and wash fine but are very porous. You can use underglaze then coat it with clear satin glaze, that really increases your color options.

Some of the Duncan Courtyard Glazes and Designer Glazes have a less glossy finish, I like the Courtyards but Duncan had some formulation problems with the Designer Glazes, I have been hesitant to buy any new ones because I'm not sure they got that fixed.

As far as honey glaze, check out Duncan's Envision Butter Toffee

And the Duncan Envision NEON Red is pretty bright

Hope that helps


Babalu posted on 08/29/2010

pm sent -

Tiki Baï posted on 09/06/2010

Thank you for your Help Maddogsmike :wink: I really appreciate :) :)
and.. thank you Babalu to explain me.. how all the ceramist world works :wink:

so now here is the tiki tribe mug.. in construction :D need to work a lot now.. for having the right glaze on that one :wink:


AKUAE posted on 09/06/2010

Hey Bai,

definitly better without the teeths .... very very beautiful
Absolute amazing work

have a nice day


pennjones posted on 09/06/2010

Wow Bai! Your works are amazing! The komea and tiki tribe mugs are fantastic, and what can I say about Maurice! Wow! Fantastic stuff! Are all of your mugs one of a kind or are you making runs of any of these?

GROG posted on 09/06/2010

On 2010-09-06 02:15, Tiki Baï wrote:
Thank you for your Help Maddogsmike :wink: I really appreciate :) :)
and.. thank you Babalu to explain me.. how all the ceramist world works :wink:

so now here is the tiki tribe mug.. in construction :D need to work a lot now.. for having the right glaze on that one :wink:


What is that material you are sculpting? Is that clay, or wax, or something like supersculpey?

Very clean lines as always. GROG like.

Tiki Baï posted on 09/07/2010

merci Akuae :)
Thank you pennjones.. most of my mugs are one of the kind... I'm thinking to make a serie of the tiki tribe mug.
and Grog.....mmmh.... let me think.... I don't know if I should give my secret... :D :D ok I'll tell you but it's only between me and you ok? don't tell anybody about my incredible secret!! the secret is... is.... simple clay. that's it :wink:
the smooth effect is coming with the way I polish the clay when it's dry. That's it :wink: thank you Grog for your support :wink: Baï miss you!

laojia posted on 09/07/2010


Iokona Ki'i posted on 09/07/2010

Beautiful mug Bai! Can,t wait to see it glazed.

tikigodz posted on 09/08/2010

Bai that peice is amazing!!!!

Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 09/08/2010

That mug is outta sight, Bai! BRAVO!!!
Missed you at Oasis. Next year?
Keep on sculpting, sister!
Andy & Debbie

Tikilizard posted on 09/08/2010

Sweeeeet Mug! The detail is perfect!

danlovestikis posted on 09/08/2010

Hi Bai, I'm just starting out as a ceramicist. I am dumbfounded by the perfection in your work. I can't get anything to have such sharp clean edges. Are you using Romo Clay like Babalu? I wish I could watch you work. Wendy

cheeky half posted on 09/09/2010

Clean and beautiful as always! C'est Magnifique!

Tiki Baï posted on 09/15/2010

Thank you all :)
didn't decide yet about the glaze on the tiki tribe mug... will see later.
here is a new one..

the Tahitian
the bottom is an ashtray..

à bientôt :wink:

swizzle posted on 09/15/2010

More amazing work as usual Bai.

cheeky half posted on 09/15/2010

Awesome as always! And multi-use too.

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davidleslie posted on 09/15/2010

I love your work!!!! It is totally inspiring! Well done and can't wait for more....isn't that always the case?

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pennjones posted on 09/15/2010

Wow! I am speechless! Beautiful as always Bai!

MadDogMike posted on 09/15/2010

Great job Bai, the sculpt is true to the illustration and the ashtray at the bottom is brilliant! That would also be a goos place for dry ice for the smoke effect and to help keep the drink cook :D

little lost tiki posted on 09/15/2010

Yay! A mug for smokers!

Flawless,my dear!

Babalu posted on 09/15/2010

Plus an ash tray - sweet!! Your on fire Missy....sizzle! :)

GROG posted on 09/16/2010


danlovestikis posted on 09/16/2010

One of my favorites. For Sale?? Wendy

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Beachbumz posted on 10/18/2010

Bai, that Tahitian mug is amazing! I love how you made the bottom into the ashtray, reminds of the old Okolehao decanter, very cool.. I love your work Bai...

Tiki Baï posted on 11/02/2010

Dear diary...
first: a special tought to tiki Kate...

Thanks to all of you.. to keep my topic on :wink: such a great feeling to not be forgotten :wink:
so... I ve been really busy by working on molding.
so I guess I can say,maybe :wink: I can finally do my own mold.
so here the tahitian lovers I made:
2 colors available.

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and here is a new mug in construction from Puttiki (Sam) design.. actually it change a little since this picture.
have to wait until... Putikki :wink: in England.

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à bientôt

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HelveTiki posted on 11/02/2010

Bonjour Bai,
...your work is amazing !!

Salutations de Suisse,


Babalu posted on 11/02/2010

Well Bai, you just never cease to amaze me lady. The new cast mugs look just fantastic!

You certainly are a mold maker! I can tell that the molds are difficult ones to do on those wonderful designs you have there...

Your glazing is coming along nicely too boss!

test, test, test - :wink:

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