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velvet paintings

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bongofury posted on 05/07/2010

Found this one locally....the owner painted the frame gold and there is a little damage
at the top where the velvet stretched away from the panel...

Image is 20 X 30

bigbrotiki posted on 05/07/2010


Iokona Ki'i posted on 05/07/2010

Nice one Ron! Love the glowing vegetation and her greenish
skin tones. Great shadow areas too. Tyree rocks!

Velvets by J. Sallin

[ Edited by: Iokona Ki'i 2010-05-06 19:41 ]

leleliz posted on 05/07/2010

great score!

Psycho Tiki D posted on 05/07/2010


Nice score on the Tyree. It is going to look amazing along with all your other velvets! Do tell how and where you found it?

Thanks for posting it.


Bongo Bungalow posted on 05/09/2010

[i]On 2010-05-06 19:11, bongofury wrote:

This image is very appealing, without a doubt. But beyond that, the use of background color playing against foreground color is just plain masterful! And then the texture of the foliage vs. the texture of the flesh is so well done; same paint, nearly the same color, completely different take! This stuff ain't easy to do. I like this painting a whole lot!

bongofury posted on 05/13/2010

Thanks....PTD I found it at a college flea market that usually has a bunch of crap & new stuff. First big score from it after years. Just a dude with a bunch of thrift store paintings, this one was behind some junk he had.

TabooDan posted on 06/13/2010

Guess I should post this velvet I recently picked up in this thread:

This painting is by Joy Caros who specializes in Velvet paintings of all different personalities including even some of Israeli leaders(?). Most of her work is from the sixties and seventies and she is still around today.

Mahalo, TabooDan

Psycho Tiki D posted on 07/11/2010

found this really nice Erwin today...

First one I have seen in the wild!



Iokona Ki'i posted on 07/11/2010

Sweet! That is my favorite Erwin. I wonder
how many times he painted that image.
I read somewhere that he considered it his masterpiece.

Psycho Tiki D posted on 07/12/2010

On 2010-07-11 15:28, Iokona Ki'i wrote:
Sweet! That is my favorite Erwin. I wonder
how many times he painted that image.
I read somewhere that he considered it his masterpiece.

Probably read it in Black Velvet Masterpieces, it was a quote along with the only Erwin in the book (page 57), which coiencidently is the same one I purchased today. The book states the painting as "Untitled", mine has a tag on the back calling this painting "Tahitian Reverie". Come to think of it, this is the only Erwin I have seen. I can't remember off the top of my head if bongofury has one, if anyone does, it would be him!


1961surf posted on 07/13/2010

Nice velvet PTD ....very nice !

HOUSE OF KU posted on 07/13/2010

A swapmeet find from a few months ago....

Looks to be the original frame, missing the brown paper backing, so no title... only Erwin on the front :)

Psycho Tiki D posted on 07/13/2010


Nice painting...Erwin is truly one of the unsung velvet masters and the quality and vivid colors really come out in his work. Thanks for sharing!


Limbo Lizard posted on 07/16/2010

On 2010-07-11 14:29, Psycho Tiki D wrote:
found this really nice Erwin today...

You probably know, all ready, but here's the (tinted) L. Gauthier photo that Erwin used as a model:

JonPez posted on 07/20/2010

Scored this one at a garage sale this weekend...


[ Edited by: JonPez 2010-07-24 02:52 ]

Hearn posted on 07/25/2010

Found this at an antique store in Englishtown NJ for $5.

Something about it "sings" to me.

I call him "The Contemplative Monkey"

kevinandji posted on 07/27/2010

My Grandfather got this black velvet nude in the Philippines in 1969. He has since handed it down to me. The artist appears to be Payawal and it is dated 69. Does anyone have any information at all on this painting or atist, etc? All replies appreciated...

GROG posted on 07/27/2010

It was done by an artist named Payawal in the Phillipines in 1969. He painted nudes on black velvet.

kevinandji posted on 07/27/2010


I cannot tell if your are just being a smart ass or you actually know anything about the artist? I cannot find any info on him and I have not seen anything else he may or may not have done. I have found a Payawal who is semi famous but just as of lately, not in the 1960s...

Psycho Tiki D posted on 10/11/2010

Busy day today, but not too busy with the Sacramento Crawl to drag leleliz out of bed at the crack of dawn and go tiki hunting...found other things today, but I will wait until later to post,as I am sure Liz will as well...spotted by Liz and purchased by me is this velvet...

As with most velvets, the signature is difficult to figure out. Is anyone familiar with this artist?



1961surf posted on 10/11/2010

Very nice velvet PTD .This same exact velvet was listed in ebay last week ....hmmm!

[ Edited by: 1961surf 2010-10-10 20:59 ]

leleliz posted on 10/11/2010

Didn't even see how good that velvet was until we got it back to your place tonight.

Really love the face on this one and great score (as always)

Thanks for giving me props on the find--you know how much that means to me :wink:

bigbrotiki posted on 10/11/2010

Oooooh, nice one! Does that date say '67? The artist did a great job capturing that Pre-Tiki, 40s to early 50s innocence that separates Leeteg's pieces from Tyree's, for example.

Psycho Tiki D posted on 10/12/2010

Yes, the date is 1967. I am guessing a Filipino artist on this on because of the style and frame, though I may be incorrect?

I agree, the style is slightly different from the polished velvet artists of fame we see, but this one does capture the feel of a simpler time. I was drawn to the colors and size and all around beauty of the subject herself.

1961-I did see the same velvet on eBay...I paid a little more than was listed there, but when you factor in shipping I think I did good.



1961surf posted on 10/13/2010

She's a real beauty PTD ...she will display well .

martian-tiki posted on 10/14/2010

On 2010-07-27 02:02, kevinandji wrote:
My Grandfather got this black velvet nude in the Philippines in 1969. He has since handed it down to me. The artist appears to be Payawal and it is dated 69. Does anyone have any information at all on this painting or atist, etc? All replies appreciated...

The painting is based on Diane Chandler's Playboy centerfold September 1966.


TIKI DAVID posted on 10/17/2010

found this today,but can not find anything about 'Bades,Hawaii'

Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 10/20/2010

Check out this cool Velvet Painting of Elvis that I recently came across:

Iokona Ki'i posted on 11/27/2010

Scored this beauty by Erwin recently. Same one Psycho Tiki D got
on page 14 of this thread. The folks at the Velveteria gallery have one
that they showed in their great book. And if I can remember
correctly, Bongfury also has a version of this hanging at his home too.
So Erwin painted this at least 4 times. Mine is in great shape
and bigger than I was expecting. The art is approx. 23" x 28"

"Tahitian Reverie"


Velvets by J. Sallin

[ Edited by: Iokona Ki'i 2010-11-27 14:44 ]

Iokona Ki'i posted on 12/20/2010

Scored this beautiful Charlie McPhee velvet recently.

Now I got a Leeteg, McPhee, and a Erwin.
Needs me a Tyree next. Look out
Bongofury! :)

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bigbrotiki posted on 12/20/2010

Score! A McPhee, how great! And she has that same look on her than the dusky maiden in the documentary.

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TikiG posted on 12/20/2010

Nice score! Beautiful example...

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leleliz posted on 12/23/2010

On 2010-12-19 20:14, Iokona Ki'i wrote:
Now I got a Leeteg, McPhee, and a Erwin.
Needs me a Tyree next. Look out
Bongofury! :)

Bongofury I think what Jason is implying here is that you may need to install a better security system at your house :wink:

Great finds recently on these velvets Jason!

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bongofury posted on 01/08/2011

On 2010-12-19 20:14, Iokona Ki'i wrote:
Scored this beautiful Charlie McPhee velvet recently.

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Now I got a Leeteg, McPhee, and a Erwin.
Needs me a Tyree next. Look out
Bongofury! :)

I really like McPhee's velvets. I still have that Lavisse for ya when you are ready to trade. This is the last Black Velvet painting I bought...

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A few months later I was looking in a book on Tahiti from 1965 and found this photo...

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Also from the book is this photo titled "Painting On Black Velvet"

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Psycho Tiki D posted on 03/26/2011

Due to the special assistance of my good friends leleliz and Sandra Dee (nice to meet you, Sandra), I responded to a craigslist ad and they picked these up and delivered these to me yesterday. It isn't often you can call someone who collects the same things you do and ask them to drive over, pay for and deliver the same stuff you compete for to you...so "Thank You" to liz and Sandra...it was good to see you again last night, Ami and I enjoyed your company.

I had a feeling about the look of these two. No, not Leeteg, McPhee, Tyree or Erwin, but what limited information that exists about the artist painting in velvet medium is nearly non-existent. But I did find a small blurb about this artist being a protege of Bill Erwin and a velvet from this artist was featured on an album cover of Pepe and the Rarotongans “Memories of Rarotonga”.

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This velvet measures a large 27"x35" and the frame makes this very heavy. Marked on the back with 01/27/67 and 551-Y it also has the familiar silver and blue foil sticker from Davis Gallery in Honolulu Hawaii. Signed by KASE AOTEAROA.

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This painting was done on brown. This velvet is the same dimensions as the one posted above, marked with date Feb. 23, 1967 and 723-Y and has the same heavy frame and Davis Gallery sticker on the back of the painting. This one is simply signed KASE.

These were both painted by a New Zealand modernist artist named Kase Jackson. His works are on exhibit in several NZ museums, but I have only found three examples of his artwork thus far and have yet to see another velvet painting done by Kase. From what I can tell, these velvets were completed years before the dates found on the back (these written dates appear to be from when they were framed) but not sure of the exact time period.

If anyone has more information on this artist, I would love to know about him.



[ Edited by: Psycho Tiki D 2011-03-26 11:56 ]

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SandraDee posted on 03/26/2011

Those photographed so nice. Great to meet you both too !

You guys sure go through alot to find your scores. It was a fun day and thanks for the meal and tiki talk!

Love to Ami!

P Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/cab30b3f6f4b6dca436aebb5613c2393?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Paipo posted on 03/26/2011

On 2010-10-29 03:30, Paipo wrote:
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Mine is in similar condition as your second one - a little tired, lost a fair bit of the nap and the colours have faded but I still love it. I have the matching set too..

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When I got the painting the name jogged my memory, and sifting through a stack of my "Art New Zealand" magazines I found an article entitled "Velvet Modernism: Kase Jackson in Rotorua ". There is a photo of him painting this very picture, including the model, and perhaps I'm being overly optimistic, but the patterns on the pareu seem to be an exact match for my version? I'd like to find out where the author sourced his pic to be sure. I'd post the article but it's about 4 pages and I dropped my scanner a year or so ago - I will update the thread when I find a new one.

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Psycho Tiki D posted on 03/26/2011


I noticed in my search that magazine issue 121 I believe was mentioned. Too bad about your scanner. Did the article indicate how long he painted velvets or how many? Does your painting have a date on it?

I can't imagine the conditions of either NZ or Hawaii (salt air) could have been good on paintings, let alone velvet and oil? It would be interesting to know how they made it from New Zealand to California.

Thanks for posting and I was glad to see the record as well.


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Psycho Tiki D posted on 03/26/2011

Oops, double post??

[ Edited by: Psycho Tiki D 2011-03-28 12:25 ]

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Psycho Tiki D posted on 03/28/2011


It is hard to see, but does the picture on the album cover show a flower in the girl's hair behind her ear? Strange if it does because neither yours or mine has the flower??



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bigbrotiki posted on 03/28/2011

How cool! To have a photo of the model and the artist painting the very painting one owns! Interesting that Leeteg was not the only one who would paint the same subject multiple times...I bet it was that Barney Davis that made them do it! :)

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Paipo, could you maybe just PHOTOGRAPH that pic in the article? Perfection is secondary when curiosity abounds! :)

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bigbrotiki posted on 03/29/2011

I have always been fascinated by the "Artists & Models" subject :) :

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teaKEY posted on 03/30/2011

On 2011-03-29 09:19, bigbrotiki wrote:
I have always been fascinated by the "Artists & Models" subject :) :

Just a ploy to stare at naked women for an extended time and not be labelled a perv

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teaKEY posted on 03/30/2011

On 2011-03-29 09:19, bigbrotiki wrote:
I have always been fascinated by the "Artists & Models" subject :) :

Just a ploy to stare at naked women for an extended time and not be labelled a perv

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Paipo posted on 04/01/2011

Here you go Sven...
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(pants optional?)

According to the article, Kase Jackson was a noted modernist who worked briefly with Charlie McPhee before branching off on his own when he realised painting velvets was far more lucrative than being a cubist in the 60s.

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Look familiar? I have seen this picture painted/signed by McPhee also...in this very thread!

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Apparently the switch from high to lowbrow was too much for Colin McCahon, NZ's most famous painter and a contemporary of Jackson, who dropped him as a friend.

Kase sold most of his work through the Scholes gallery in Rotorua, then (and still to some degree) the mecca of NZ and Maori tourism. The gallery had no such problems conciliating the differing styles of art and exhibited contemporary and modernist art, sculpture and ceramics alongside Maori wood carvings, sheepskins, native wood tchotchkes and of course, velvet paintings:

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The demand was such that a dedicated "Polynesian Room" was opened specifically to showcase Jackson's work.

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Unfortunately the article doesn't really go on to say how long Kase painted for or if he is still around (he'd now be 85). He was reasonably prolific so I'm sure more works will come to light...

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Psycho Tiki D posted on 04/01/2011

Wow Paipo, way to come through and tie loose ends together, that is an absolutely amazing story and thank you for sharing it.

I read that Mr. Jackson passed away in 2006? (cannot remember specific year). Too bad no much exists on the internet about this or many velvet contemporary artists.

Again, thank you,


[ Edited by: Psycho Tiki D 2011-04-01 06:03 ]

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bigbrotiki posted on 04/01/2011

Excellent find and post, Paipo! Who will do the "Book of Black Velvet Artists" now!? Love that photo of the gallery, with the Tapa wall paper, the 50s table, and the painting on the right must be amazing in real life, it is quite large.

Wonder what his modernist art looked like...

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