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Woofmutt Stuff & Junk Like That

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Sophista-tiki posted on 07/26/2010

I knew you were going to say that

woofmutt posted on 07/26/2010

I'm also rather predictable and more or less watermelon oblivious horizon integrated to the serious under bridge hang mirror delight.

(Did yuh know I was gonna say that? If yuh did let's go buy Lotto tickets later. You pick the numbers.)

Sophista-tiki posted on 07/27/2010

OMG I cant believe it thats EXACTLY what I thought you would say. I'm on my way to get the tickets now.

MadDogMike posted on 07/27/2010

Those are some BIG pendants Woof!

Very cool, is it going to be one large "installation"? Looks like it all shares a common base.

woofmutt posted on 07/27/2010

The common base is love.

woofmutt posted on 08/13/2010

Some of the new Stuff in the gallery on page one. Names later. Maybe.

bigbrotiki posted on 08/13/2010

How about prices and availability? Not you, the pieces.

little lost tiki posted on 08/13/2010

Great Moais Woofie!
You are on a creative ROOOOOOOOL!

what's so funny bout
Peace,Love,and Progress shots?

woofmutt posted on 08/13/2010
  1. Thanks for the nice things said. It's like I swallowed sunshine!

2.Things available CHEAP Saturday August 14th in Seattle. All the details and then some are in this here market fresh Marketplace post I just made.

  1. Time to hang out my laundry. (That's not a figure of speech, I literally gotta go hang out my laundry.)
Benzart posted on 08/14/2010

Hey Mutt, I'm totally Shocked, I never knew you had it in'Ya. Some of your stuff here is Really Cool and shows a Huge amount of personality. A lot of peeps carve the Modern stuff because they are trying to be clever artists and they fail badly, where you are doing some great stuff for what ever reason. I love the Tongue guy and Crag is one of my favorites too.
Funny thing is I Usually Hate this type of modernist art and I gotta say I am Really enjoying yours, thanks for posting and letting the stuff out into the open. Who'da Known?

woofmutt posted on 08/16/2010


Funny you like Tongue as it got almost zero attention at the two places I sold recently. (It really does look better in person.)

While I hope to make pieces people will like enough to want to own (the nice way of saying "buy") I generally don't approach the Stuff with a "This will be popular!" mindset. But certain pieces which I think will be most popular I'm pert near always dead wrong about. (I guess I shouldn't be surprised as there are several artist's whose work I really admire and which get very little attention from anyone else.)

woofmutt posted on 12/12/2010

A Moai In Winter

A Christmas present for Dogbytes.

Also, just in case you missed it...

Beachcomber Birdhouse

The why and what and a couple more pics of the Beachcomber Birdhouse can be found here

Sophista-tiki posted on 12/12/2010

oOOoo ssasonal stuff and junk, how chic

hiltiki posted on 12/22/2010

Woof, I really like your Moai in Winter. I wish I had one. I like the design and I like the colors that you incorporated in this piece. In fact I like everything about it.

talo ka posted on 12/22/2010

On 2010-08-13 11:51, woofmutt wrote:

  1. Thanks for the nice things said. It's like I swallowed sunshine!

HS... thats where it all went.

little lost tiki posted on 12/26/2010

clever title-clever piece
i think you done gone created an Icon of an Icon!
your wit and creativity abound!
it's like you swallered a Muse!

BigToe posted on 01/20/2011

dang mr mutt, i loooooove ur art!!!

alohas, mr toe

Tiki Baï posted on 01/20/2011

I Looove that one! really cool! :)

woofmutt posted on 01/20/2011

Thanks again folks. Hearing that people like my work always makes me happy mainly cuz I just want the Stuff to make people happy. Hearing nice things from other artists whose work I admire makes me feel happy, too. But more so it makes me feel weird, awkward, and kind of embarrassed. Which is why I'm going to go have a glass of water and lay down for a bit.

mp posted on 01/27/2011

love the frozen Moai! Great art!

GROG posted on 01/27/2011


PockyTiki posted on 02/14/2011

Your foam carvings are absolutely fantastic, and you apparently have a great sense of humor. A++

woofmutt posted on 08/19/2015

Monkeyskull throws a big, wild, Tiki party here in Seattleville every August at his big, wild, Tiki bar. For some reason I decided I'd wear a plain shirt and Tiki pants this year. Can't recall why it seemed like a good idea, but it came to me while completely sober. I hand bleached some thrift shop khaki jeans (fashion tip: bleach makes them orange) then used Sharpies and drawed em all up real nice and Tiki like. It's a great lesson in what to not bother doing when you'll be hanging around a dim space with a lot of heavy drinkers all night. But at least I now know what I'll be wearing for Thanksgiving.

telescopes posted on 10/09/2015

We should all be so lucky this Thanksgiving.

woofmutt posted on 10/23/2015

Vodka Mai Tai 79

That Old Devil Muse

The Blue Moon Lover

The Age of Aquarium


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Primitive 79

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The Old Guard

C Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
cy posted on 10/28/2015

Cool work woof mutt!

JD Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/1382/624dd9c9b320f.png?sharp=10&fit=crop&w=96&h=96&s=7ae6b36249e36731481004222aaf1a29
Johnny Dollar posted on 10/28/2015

i luv you, woofmutt.

R Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/168526c570cb49a308f75b14386bfbfd?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
RevBambooBen posted on 11/01/2015


woofmutt posted on 06/05/2016

Woofmutt's Scrap Pile!!!
New flat stuff based on sketch ideas that
I had kickin around for years and years
and finally made real on some scrap wood
I also had kickin around.
Offered to you at yard sale low prices!

All are original, hand made pieces.
No piece will be recreated except those designated #1

Every piece is $20 + shipping.

Anything not marked SOLD is available.
(Pieces were first offered for sale to my FaBoo friends.)

If you want a piece PM me with the name of the piece.
First one in gets it. I'll be offering these to the Facebook Tiki group in a couple days.

Shipping will happen sometime next week or the week after.
I'll send you Paypal payment info, you pay, I ship it right away after that.
It's that easy!

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/63/5753b43f.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=54b8842fcb8596a542049953500daff7
Merry Moai #1
ink + paint on plywood
11.5" X 10"

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ink + paint on plywood
11.5" X 10"

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ink + paint on plywood
10" X 11.5"

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Not A Devil
ink + paint on plywood
11.5" X 10"

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ink + paint on plywood
11.5" X 10"

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ink + paint on plywood
10" X 11.5"

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A.S.I. #1
ink + paint on plywood
11.5" X 10"

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ink + paint on plywood
11.5" X 10"

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Modified Moai ROYGBV
paint on scrap wood

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/63/5753b5cf.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=bf646aa70d3f4a798fb3566d97550482
Modified Moai ROYGBV: R
paint on scrap wood
16" X 8"

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Modified Moai ROYGBV: O
paint on scrap wood
16" X 8"

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/63/5753b5e7.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=5c6038acdc753fdbcbd199ee66a47677
Modified Moai ROYGBV: Y
paint on scrap wood
16" X 8"

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/63/5753b642.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=b6552ae94230a1e2cda8ef74e992dcd8
Modified Moai ROYGBV: G
paint on scrap wood
16" X 8"

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/63/5753b64e.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=fb233b17972b09bc2667cde77be9a209
Modified Moai ROYGBV: B
paint on scrap wood
16" X 8"

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/63/5753b61a.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=14b1ed7d5723f8a74cba9a74c2bedd9c
Modified Moai ROYGBV: V
paint on scrap wood
16" X 8"

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Rhymes With Orange
Paint on repurposed wood.
23" X 13"

woofmutt posted on 03/10/2017

Sometimes I make valentines and send them to people who have given me their address. This year all my cards and stamps were buried in a pile of crap from moving so I went more modern and did one drawing and posted it on Facebook to bring joy and sensory overload to the masses. As I didn't want another one of my drawings kicking around the place I gave it away in a random drawing of people who wanted it. The End.

Fierce Love

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MadDogMike posted on 03/10/2017

It gives me a warm fuzzy feeling :wink:

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