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Little Lost Tiki, it's your birthday!

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Zeta posted on 08/02/2010


WooHooWahine posted on 08/02/2010

WooHoo! Happy Birthday!!!

JenTiki posted on 08/02/2010

Happy birthday, Kinny!

tiki mick posted on 08/02/2010

Happy birthday, senor!

NOTCH posted on 08/03/2010

Happy B-day Brah!

little lost tiki posted on 08/03/2010

Thanks Folks!
Birthdays are just like any other day around here at the batcave
except sometimes people pop by and give me gifts!
Played Hermit Most of the day on Sunday
Slept/read/napped/painted/and drank some Sailor Jerry Kraken rum!
Well, judging from this thread
and my Facebook salutations
it appears that FB has won 10x over!
Let's see if we can shame them next year,eh?

Lancey and Nancy-label me a social/pop culture retard
BUT....who is Sheriff John?
and why is he a Sheriff and not a poet?
Thanks for the beeday Luv!

Mike....You couldn't wait 37 minutes?
great picture! and Thank you!

Andy and the Nazzals-Thanks buddy!
I love that shot over at Elicia's!
Good Times!

Zeta! Gracias! El BOOM!

You are old
and ugly
and bald
so i win!

WooHoo-Love you!

JenTiki-Thank you my dear!

lucas-that's SENIOR,not Senor!

Notch! Thanks Bruddah!

and for those of you lurking and not posting
go here to see how REAL Birthday Greetings are done!

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 08/03/2010

Kinny, you never heard of Sheriff John? Hobo Kelly?
Old time kid show hosts? did you have a childhood?

Oh I am so sorry! I forgot your parents locked you in the celler!

would you like some more Rum? hope you had a good B-Day!


little lost tiki posted on 08/03/2010

my first wife told me about hobo kelly...
Left her with many good memories..

I grew up in Illinois
with Ray Rayner/Bozo/Garfield Goose/Clutch Cargo/Diver Dan
so i have no point of reference...
Plus.... no tv in the cellar/dungeon!

Classy folks to host our before school shows!
not like the Sheriff/Hobo combo you kids had here in Lala Land!

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 08/04/2010

I think Sheriff John was a west coast only show,so that explains your mental void in that arena
I remember something about Sheriff John being drunk one show then getting canceled,so classy? maybe not.

Still the Birthday cake song is an old timey bit of retro goodness, hope you liked it.
More Rum?

danlovestikis posted on 08/04/2010

Happy Birthday From Dan and Wendy, see you at Oasis

hiltiki posted on 08/04/2010

Happy birthday Kinny. :)

VampiressRN posted on 08/04/2010

Tell the truth now...wasn't all this hoop-la just a ploy to get free cake & balloons!!!

LOL Tiki posted on 08/04/2010

On 2010-08-03 14:16, little lost tiki wrote:
Classy folks to host our before school shows!
not like the Sheriff/Hobo combo you kids had here in Lala Land!

Happy Birthday Ken!
Up in Central California/San Joaquin Valley we had Captain Delta.

Hiphipahula posted on 08/05/2010


little lost tiki posted on 08/13/2010

love all y'alls!
Thanks agin!

MadDogMike posted on 08/02/2011

Time to sharpen up your Photoshop skilz again and wish Kinny a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

LLT, you don't look a day over 54! Happy BDay!

JOHN-O posted on 08/02/2011

Happy Birthday LLT !!

I think a vegan life style is his secret. Like this vegan cake :)...

TikiG posted on 08/02/2011


save me a slice of dat green cake will ya?

GROG posted on 08/02/2011

WooHooWahine posted on 08/02/2011

WooHoo! Happy Birthday to You!!!

Chuck Tatum is Tiki posted on 08/02/2011

Have a "Happy" Happy Birthday LLT!

JenTiki posted on 08/02/2011

Happy birthday, Kinny!

MadDogMike posted on 08/02/2011

Kinny, I got you a Corn-Eyed Chocolate snake for your birthday!

Happy Birthday to you!

TikiShopPua posted on 08/03/2011

Hau'oli La Hanau Kinny. With much aloha....Pua

hiltiki posted on 08/03/2011

Happy Birthday muah.

rugbymatt posted on 08/03/2011

Happy Birthday Kinney!

Jungle Ginger posted on 08/03/2011

Happy Birthday Kinny! Hope somebody baked you an extra special 'Happy Cake'.
Just don't eat the candles. I hope you like the record I bought you......

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little lost tiki posted on 08/03/2011

thanks clowns!

Hanford....could we move this to BILGE?

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 08/01/2012

Happy Birthday, Kenny!

Now get back to work.......

MadDogMike posted on 08/01/2012

Happy BDay LLT!!!!! Your card's gonna be late 'cuz I just mailed it yesterday :D


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RevBambooBen posted on 08/02/2012
JenTiki posted on 08/02/2012

Happy birthday, Kinny!

little lost tiki posted on 08/03/2012

Thanks All!


JOHN-O posted on 08/03/2012

What day was it ?? Happy Birthday LLT !!

Come to BTD's Surf Convention next week, I'll buy you a B-Day drink.

Who knows what great art the reverb will inspire you to paint ?? You can create a new genre !!

Hiphipahula posted on 08/03/2012

Happy Birthday Kinney!! Leo's stick together! Have fun, get presents and eat cake all weekend long! Luv's ya xo!

GROG posted on 03/24/2013

Happy Birthday Kinny!!!!!!!!

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

danlovestikis posted on 03/24/2013

Happy Birthday Art Brother. I hope you had fun. Wendy

MadDogMike posted on 03/24/2013

Kinny, you must be 75 years old by now with as many birthdays as you have every year :D
When I was a teen, we used to go to Shakey's Pizza and secretly tell them it was a friends birthday when it really wasn't. The friend would be quite bewildered then the whole staff came out and sang them happy birthday! :lol:

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tigertail777 posted on 03/25/2013

Happy Birthday Kinny! Wish for art supplies! :wink: Have a tikiriffic one! Grab a Mai Tai and relax.

little lost tiki posted on 03/29/2013

Thanks kids
BUT.... Ernie was just pranking!
Birthday ain't til August!
Leos Rule!

and as for GROG....
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danlovestikis posted on 03/29/2013

Well we enjoyed wishing you a special day anyway. Let's get GROG at Marketplace. Wendy

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tigertail777 posted on 03/30/2013

Tie Grog down and make him wear a tiki tu tu for this! :wink:

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tiki mick posted on 03/30/2013

Happy un-birthday to you, you wacky-pack!


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MadDogMike posted on 08/01/2013


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GROG posted on 08/01/2013

Happy Birthday!

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GROG posted on 08/01/2013

On 2009-08-02 06:22, GROG wrote:
You're fat, Kinny.

This is still true today! :)

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little lost tiki posted on 08/01/2013

Thanks Ernie...
And yes...i am STILL Fat

but weight can be lost
Unfortunately,in your case
there is no remedy
for Balding and ugliness....

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little lost tiki posted on 08/01/2013

double post...sorry

Ernie's Bald.

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2013-08-01 19:05 ]

Pages: 1 2 3 102 replies