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What do you hate that most people like?

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WaikikianMoeKele posted on 04/29/2010

Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Although I've made many through the years for my children & grandchildren.

tiki mick posted on 04/29/2010

The Beatles, The Grateful Dead, Phish, Jimmy Buffett, quentin Tarantino, the Movies "Dogma" and " I heart Huckabees", professional wrestling and the Tea Party and anyone carrying a sign at a Tea Party event. Oh, and Sarah "I can see Russia from my doorstep" Palin.

CheekyGirl posted on 05/11/2010
  1. Gone With the Wind (I haven't been able to get through the whole movie yet)
  2. Titanic (I swear the last 30 minutes of the move is Leo screaming "Rose, jump","Rose, hold on", Rose, Rose, Rose, Rose....ugh!
  3. Those stupid spinning hub-caps.
  4. Texting.
  5. Bitchy Women.
woofmutt posted on 06/03/2010

Stuff with logos on it, particularly clothing. Even if it's a product I like I hate having the name stamped, printed, or sewn on something. I cut the Converse labels of the tongues of my Oxfords (the didn't use to have a label on the tongue). A lotta times I won't even buy an otherwise well made item because of the name brand plastered all over it. Unless it's Woofmutt Stuff and Junk Like That Wild & Loaded® brand jeans and casual tops.

White Devil posted on 06/04/2010


Shag's cartoons.

Lance Armstrong.

Punk/grunge "music."


People who use the words "appropriate" and "inappropriate" concerning others' words and actions.

Fake boobs.

Young narcissists.

Cellphones, video games & portable reading devices.

Flavored "coffee."

Iceberg lettuce.

Otherwise gorgeous women with tatts.

Drunken extroverts.

People who judge others by calling them "judgmental."

Trader Rick posted on 06/04/2010

'Amazing Grace' I play a great highland bagpipe and it is really the only bagpipe tune people know and ask for. Every piper HAS to know this tune and every bagpipe band has to know how to play it. It had better be on most ordinary bagpipe CDs or else! I have played it so many times that if I ever here it on a tape or CD it gets turned off in less that a nano-second. It's just like the Preservation Hall Jazz Band who get told to play "When the Saints go Marching In" every time they play. Since they hate playing it they make you pay through the nose to get them to play it for you. Once, long ago,I took my cue from this and I made some insistent drunk pay me $20 to play Amazing Grace at the Savannah St.Patricks day celebration.

Ok, now that's out of my system.

Politics - all of it! Since when does EVERYTHING in America revolve around these bottom feeders? Politicians are just successful criminals and aren't that interesting. I guess too many people watch and listen to the wrong shows and get obsessed. Folks, they don't want your love, just your money and fear is the way they get you to give it to them.

Reenactments - I did them for over 30 years. It is not living history. It is about dressing up in a scratchy wool uniform hundreds of years out of date and shooting filthy black powder blanks out of reproductions of antique weapons all to the thrill of a crowd who came to hopefully see somebody get hurt. Face it you're having a costumed BBQ in a park and letting bugs eat you alive at night in your leaky tent. You're a freakin' history CLOWN. Honk Honk.

OK, I go home now.

All Hail Floyd!! (Mira Mar League of Extraordinary Gentlemen)

[ Edited by: Trader Rick 2010-06-04 09:34 ]

Sophista-tiki posted on 06/06/2010

DRYER SHEETS. Why the hell do people want their clothes to smell like chemical flowers. Plus that heated stench coming out of every household in America can't be good for air quality.

beadtiki posted on 06/06/2010

On 2010-06-06 09:56, Sophista-tiki wrote:
DRYER SHEETS. Why the hell do people want their clothes to smell like chemical flowers. Plus that heated stench coming out of every household in America can't be good for air quality.

LOL - I thought I was the only one that noticed the scent of dry sheet on the evening breeze!

woofmutt posted on 06/15/2010

Open kitchens in homes. (Where the kitchen is not a separate room but open to the dining room and/or other rooms.)

I "see" (have on in the background) a fair amount of remodeling and home based shows and over and over and over again the people have either remodeled to get rid of the walls that separate their kitchens or walk into a traditional kitchen and announce "Oh, I hate that the kitchen is so closed off from the rest of the house..."

Which is exactly why I like a closed off kitchen. To me the kitchen is like the garage or shop or studio: It's a place to make or work on things which are then taken out of the kitchen to be used elsewhere.

Another reason I like a traditional kitchen: I hate lingering food smells in the house. Yeah, it's nice to come into a house and smell good food cooking, but it's depressing to have the front room still smell like lasagna the next day. Or fish. Or burned rice. In Woofmutt's Dream House the kitchen is at the back of the house in a separate little building.

The other good reason for a closed off kitchen: It can be a complete mess even while you're having a party. You just close the door.

The main reason the boring TV people usually cite for liking the open kitchen layout is that when they "entertain" (as if these dullards could ever be entertaining) or have a party "everyone always ends up in the kitchen! Ha-ha-ha!" Occasionally they say it with an "I don't know why!"

Hey dumb TV house couple! If you did not intend for everyone to gather in the kitchen and you don't know why they do you're probably not capable of reading anything more than the TV Guide but I'll explain it to you anyway. Everyone gathers in your kitchen because...

  1. You're in there still cooking when the party has begun.

  2. The food is in there.

  3. Everyone else is in there because you, the food, and everyone else is in there.

If it remains mysterious to you as to why everyone ends up in the kitchen try this simple experiment at your next party: Put all the food, drinks, and yourself in the dining room or rec room or back patio. See where everyone ends up.

What I find most amusing about the open kitchen design is that it's essentially the design of most studio apartments and trailer houses, neither of them being housing options that people usually get excited about. When I see one of the dull TV couple walk into a big open layout house and they ooh and aah and coo "We love the open layout!" I like to add "It looks just like a triple wide!"

Also amusing: As design trends go there's a good chance one of the most popular remodeling trends of the 2020s and on will be closing the kitchen off from the rest of the house so it isn't so open and in your face.


I completely understand the appeal of the open kitchen layout, I just don't care for it myself. In many cases it's clearly the ideal option.

I never walk into someone's house, see an open kitchen layout and think "What a dumb idea."* The thing I'll probably most notice in a home is a complete lack of anything interesting.

I'm not against the idea of using the kitchen as an entertainment hub. If that is the intent it's fine, if it keeps happening by accident and you're confused as to why...See above.

*Oh wait, I did once. But this was the home of a budget blind interior designer with fairly lousy taste. (She wasn't a friend, she was working on a friend's house.) Her house looked like a double wide inside.

beadtiki posted on 06/15/2010

Those horrible Kit-Kat commercials with all the crunchy sounds that make up their little ditty - argggggg!

Sophista-tiki posted on 06/16/2010

I used to like Kit kats beofre the amplified crunching noise problem comercials. Now I just scream at the TV when they come on.

beadtiki posted on 06/16/2010

On 2010-06-15 19:42, Sophista-tiki wrote:
I used to like Kit kats beofre the amplified crunching noise problem comercials. Now I just scream at the TV when they come on.

It's a race between me and Carl to see who can turn the volume off faster! LOL The newer Kit-Kat commercial is not AS bad, but still...!

drgoat456 posted on 06/16/2010

David Spade
All Hamburger commercials
Most beer commercials (Except Dos Equis)
High Fives
Rush Limbaugh
Michelle Bachman etc.
Reality TV
The adulation of any celebrity
Any new Vampire movie
Tom Cruise
Most anything to do with Hollywood
The Tea Party
Thinly veiled racism
The Christian Right
B f*ckin P

woofmutt posted on 06/16/2010


I just realized this the other day. I was a STAR WARS fan before the movie even came out. (As I recall there was some tales of a fantabulous sci-fi flick on its way, maybe some stills or something in some fan rag.)

Once STAR WARS hit the theaters I knew all the characters and all about the effects and all the inspiration having read all the articles and seen all the TV stories. I had pictures in my room. I bought a reproduction of the movie poster from the KXLE radio booth at the Kittitas County Fair. So cool.

And now for the punchline: I never even got to see STAR WARS whne it came out because I grew up in a no movies, no dancing church. (No, I didn't like or identify with Foot Loose)

I didn't actually get to see STAR WARS until 1980. I liked it. It was a little disappointing. It had my imagination to live up to.

I finally got to see all the STAR WARS movies on the big screen when Lucas went and made them extra awesome with mind blowing CGI additions. (Did you see Han step on Jaba's tail! Ha!) I gotta admit seeing the first STAR WARS on the big screen movie was very exciting. Y'know, childhood and all that.

But after seeing all three I realized there was one good STAR WARS movie, and that's STAR WARS, the first one. (The real first one, not the new first one.) After that they went way the hell downhill. (Very difficult to do in space, that's how bad the movies were.)

Then came the new STAR WARS movies (Did you see that? He has a character who's entirely CGI generated! Ha!) and the pop culture blow up of STAR WARS and now it's every-friggin-where I look and all I gotta say I'm dead sick of STAR WARS. The franchise ain't that great and the misty eyed nostalgia should of dried up a few spin-offs ago.

little lost tiki posted on 06/16/2010

the fact that BigToe can lumber around the world
punching kids
whenever he feels the inclination....

talo ka posted on 06/16/2010

On 2010-06-15 10:04, beadtiki wrote:
Those horrible Kit-Kat commercials with all the crunchy sounds that make up their little ditty - argggggg!

YES.. or any commerical where the people are making trying to make music with sounds of every day life.

little lost tiki posted on 06/16/2010

I Blame Ferris Bueller
and his coughing keyboard
for starting that trend!


On 2010-06-16 16:08, little lost tiki wrote:
I Blame Ferris Bueller
and his coughing keyboard
for starting that trend!

Not even the same! But your comment was funny!

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My husband couldn't stand that fast food commercial with the song "She's my Cherry Pie" - he would storm out of the room like his ass was on fire!

I absolutely HATE that commercial with Ben Stein for FreeScore.com. Who the hell are they aiming these things at? 5 year olds? I mean with all the cartoon "boinking" noises, the whack-a-mole dude and the fricken squirrel - what REAL adult would be attracted to that crap!?

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On 2010-06-15 07:24, woofmutt wrote:
Also amusing: As design trends go there's a good chance one of the most popular remodeling trends of the 2020s and on will be closing the kitchen off from the rest of the house so it isn't so open and in your face.

Followed very closely by the trend of ripping out all the granite counter tops and replacing all the stainless steel appliances.

I understand the advantage of stainless steel appliances, but enough with the F*&ing Granite counter tops.

Those same dullards who coo over the open floor plan go simply gaa-gaa for beige granite, dark amber cabinets, and stainless steel anything.

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Yes, granite and stainless steel. Particularly the steel, I keep wondering when that trend will die.

Most the house hunting shows I've seen can be summed up as: Boring people doing boring things.

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We just bought a house last November & spent the frustrating months of viewing one ugly remodel/flipjob after another by imitating the doofuses on all those shows - "Oh look, Honey, it's BEIGE!" Of course the house we ended up buying had had the kitchen redone, so occasionally when I walk into my own kitchen I still feel I should wave my arms over my head like Kermit the Frog and jump up down yelling "Granite counter tops! Granite counter tops!!" Blegh.

Fortunately that's the only room they got (and at least it's a separate room.)

[ Edited by: bamalamalu 2010-06-19 22:04 ]

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It's OK to imitate cartoons (or Muppets) in order to mock the Marching Morons. I do it all the time when talking back to the radio or ads on TV.

The "Oooh! Granite!" craze reminds me of something I used to hear all the time: "Oooh! Corian®!"

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On 2010-06-16 20:32, beadtiki wrote:
My husband couldn't stand that fast food commercial with the song "She's my Cherry Pie" - he would storm out of the room like his ass was on fire!

Im laughing so hard its silent

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Didn't see these mentioned yet, so this is some junk I hate that apparently everyone else on the planet loves:

avocado, guacamole
seafood of any kind
the pixies

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Sports/Energy drinks.
How can people stomach that sh*t??

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I appreciate the time, and art that goes into it.
But to me it all smells and tastes like vinegar.
and reminds me of making Easter eggs.


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On 2010-07-07 23:09, bigtikidude wrote:

I appreciate the time, and art that goes into it.
But to me it all smells and tastes like vinegar.
and reminds me of making Easter eggs.


BTD - Have you tried Thunderbird?

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uh no, but I have heard bad stories about it.
think I'll stay away from it.


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Pretty much ALL alternative rock. I stopped listening to what we use to call "new Wave" by 1984, and never looked back. Pixies? No thanks. I never got what came after either, (like grunge) but there was some "industrial" bands like 9 inch nails or Ministry that I thought were ok...maybe stuff like "My life in the thrill-kill cult" also. Here and there, though, there might be a good song by Jane's addiction or even Violent Femmes, but it was never enough for me to go and buy an entire album.

To my ears, all of the alt rock sounded either derivitave of U2 or REM, which were not bands I really liked back in the day either.

I think I gave up on most rock music in the 80's. The last "rock" bands I liked from that era were probably stuff like the Police or King Crimson.

In analyzing my thoughts, I came to the conclusion whereas I liked the dance beats, good basslines and extensive use of keyboards that the 2nd British invasion (and some good American bands like Talking heads, Oingo Boingo or missing persons) had, I could just never get into the sound of jangly guitars or anything that sounded like it was created in a garage. So, I guess I never liked "Garage" rock.

No lolapalooza or Coachellas for me....and that definitely puts me in the minority!

See, by 1985 I was in the military, where I was exposed to a lot of black music, so I really gravitated more towards funk and jazz. Had you asked me back then, I would have said my favorite artists were Sypro Gyra, Weather Report or Pat Metheny, along with a whole mess of funk like EWF, Barkays, Cameo, Gap Band, Slave, Lakeside, etc...I guess it's safe to say I went completely the other direction from most of my friends, musically speaking.

Prior to 1985, I would have said I liked all the new Romantic and new Wave stuff (because it was new sounding at the time, and because of the bass parts)and also most punk and most Rockabilly. Also Mod music, like the Jam.

And prior to 1980 I would have said prog rock like ELP, YES, Crimson, ect..

So that's my whole musical history, in a nutshell, and you can see it shows I always liked what most people hated, and to this day, hate what most people like!


"yer jus not tuned into the series of tubes yet, let it soak in".


[ Edited by: lucas vigor 2010-07-08 20:11 ]

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Ha, that's funny. Contemporary music for me (for the most part) also ended in 1984. That was the year of the Minutemen's "Double Nickels on the Dime", Husker Du's "Zen Arcade", and the Replacement's "Let It Be". It was all downhill after that.

If anything my musical tastes are going back in time before the Beatles screwed it all up in 1964.

Also Lucas, were you ever into P-Funk ?? Early Funkadelic was my favorite. Those were the days when Black music was cool before Rap killed it.

[ Edited by: JOHN-O 2010-07-08 22:33 ]

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On 2010-07-08 22:23, JOHN-O wrote:

Also Lucas, were you ever into P-Funk ?? Early Funkadelic was my favorite. Those were the days when Black music was cool before Rap killed it.

[ Edited by: JOHN-O 2010-07-08 22:33 ]

I liked them, but there were other, smoother sounding bands I liked better. Rick James, like I said, Cameo, and especially the band Slave. P-Funk was good, but a little too "trippy" for me. EWF, they were awesome...and still are! I also mentioned that I ws 100% into the early smooth jazz bands, especially Spyro Gyra and Crusaders, bands that had really funky grooves borrowed from soul/RB music.

This was at a time (late 70's) as well, where all my peers were into Led Zep and Aerosmith (which I liked too) but no one I knew liked funk music...in fact, I think they hated it and made a connection with Disco, therefore, uncool!

But for me, it was all about the bass parts, and funk music has some of the best!

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I have had exactly the same music experience. consequently everyone in my age group identifies with middle American white music, and seem to be stuck in the 80's. Which has actually lost me freinds. I just cant bring myself to go listen to bands that to me are just making some obnoxious noise and are really just being a cliche at this point. I identify with black music from the 70's and early 80's.

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TikiG posted on Mon, Jul 12, 2010 9:23 AM

"If anything my musical tastes are going back in time before the Beatles screwed it all up in 1964"

Most people bash the Beatles nowadays. I still love them...I hate Beatles bashers :(

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tiki since '67!

[ Edited by: TikiG 2010-07-12 09:25 ]

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I don't hate the Beatles,
but them and the rest of the Brittish Invasion of the early to mid 60's
are part of what killed the Surf music Scene.

many of the surf bands sang songs for 1/3rd to 1/2 of their sets.
but after the British Invasion, they all had to change their band names, grow their hair out and start singing.

Prime Example,
Killer surf band The Crossfires

then they became the Turtles



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Scenes die. Nothing goes on forever, especially music trends. Except the stuff you don't want to hear forever and ever. Like the Beatles.

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More Bilge about the Beatles in this thread here.

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On 2010-07-07 23:09, bigtikidude wrote:

I appreciate the time, and art that goes into it.
But to me it all smells and tastes like vinegar.
and reminds me of making Easter eggs.


Wine reminds me of a time I would rather forget! I always feel like a lowbrow when I go out with a group of wine snobs - gotta have JUST the right wine to go with the meal - I'm not THAT picky about Tiki drinks - as long as they taste good and I catch a buzz!

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I still like the Beatles - I can sing to it - but I do appreciate the old P-Funk and I'm a big fan of exotica thanks to all you folks! I can't stand ANY rap no matter how "progressive" it is and no matter how clean it might be.

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Light Rock.
Apparently a LOT of people like it as the local station has been playing the same "Today's soft rock" for over 12 years, same songs, no matter how big the performers' repertoire is, every day, same time, for office workers, years on end. Is this why cubicle-bunnies snap? Even witnessed a person dancing to like a Barry Manilow track (or Air Supply?) in a store which had the same station playing, and she said to the checkout clerk, "I love this music. It doesn't bother me."
WHAT? I turned to her with a look of angry befuddlement. She seemed frightened of me.
At least they don't play Buffett.

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They're generally ugly as hell and some of them are even uglier than hell. (Yes, it's possible.) A standard recliner in a room always looks like something that couldn't be moved (like a pillar or huge junction box) and has to be ignored. A room with two recliners looks like a spacious motor home.

Even if they're not ugly (some midcentury ones are funky, and some new ones don't look like recliners) I don't like reclining. It's the most unpleasant way to watch TV or read. It's great for the dentist's office and it's an OK option if there's no couch to sleep on (or you're sleeping in the car). But for just sitting around it sucks. I don't mind putting my feet up sometimes but in a recliner it just feels stupid, like I'm in a car that's missing an engine and wheels. And as this photo will show I'm not the only one who has thought a recliner feels like that.

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