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Tiki Finds

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The table:

[ Edited by: pennjones 2010-08-10 20:30 ]

Wow, this table brings back good memories. When I was very little, my parents had a set very similar. I would get permission to play in the swanky living room. The table was my Barbie's penthouse, split level of course, elevator was the leg. Wish I had them now!

Nice score!


Went thriftin' this morning in the Antelope Valley and while the yield was pretty damn good considering the tiki gods made us work for our treasures - a few tiki shirts, a half dozen record albums, a couple tiki mugs, some odd and ends - the last stop of the day brought this mid-century treasure to my attention (in-situ photos as found):

-a fine example of a M.H. Strikow art porcelain SFR-5 kahlua decanter designed by E.A. Almond.
I've been hoping to find one of these in the field for a couple years now and I finally scored one today for 8 bucks...bitchen! G

[ Edited by: TikiG 2010-08-21 22:17 ]

Today, I did my usual Sunday flea market hunting. I didnt find much to report: A couple of ceramic tourist tiki statues, A wooden surfer dude, (my second one this summer), and a very old fishing float, you can't really see it in the photo, but there is Japanese Kanji stamped into the glass plug. My wife tells me that it says "Tera" and that it would be first few letters of the fishing net owners last name.

I also found this cool album cover, which will be framed and diplayed in the bar.

This weekend was exceptionally good for Tiki in East Tennessee!

10 Orchids Bamboo Mugs, now I have some more trade fodder. Also found a cool Kahiki Moai.

Thanks for looking,


On 2010-02-27 16:57, Dustycajun wrote:
Here are two mug illustrations shown in the drink menu from the Tahitian in Pasadena, you know, the cool yellow one.

The first is a Fog Cutter style mug (cleverly named the Smog Cutter!) that shows the Tahitian name and their logo hut.

Do they exist?


I found the Smog Cutter mug on the way home from Oasis today at the only Thrift Store I stopped at. I was in the middle-of-nowhere California!

It does not say Tahitian on the side, but it is marked Tahitian on the bottom!

I also found what I believe is a older TrADER Vics fogcutter mug -that is older than the 1963 versions I have.

Bottom says "made for Trader Vics".

According to the Price Tag, the Tahitian Mugs were on the shelf for about a year. UPDATE- what a typo! The mugs were there for about a MONTH! Not a year.... I was tired when I made that error.

[ Edited by: mrsmiley 2010-08-23 23:13 ]

[ Edited by: mrsmiley 2010-08-25 10:01 ]

good one Bruce, unreal find!! the fact it was there for a year is crazy!

i had to comment on this photo. the strikow decanter is cool, but whats up with that metal sculpture of the two figures on the left? it looks like two guys doin kung fu or something with one guy in a flying kick? it looks cool as hell, i would've grabbed that too! :)

I just edited my post. The Tahitian mugs were there for a MONTH. I did a tired typo!


On 2010-07-09 17:57, Lodge 9 wrote:
Heres a few items found at garage, estate sales. the green tiki is a candle holder, can anyone tell me what it is?

Hmmm...did you find that in the Dallas area? It looks remarkably similar to the ones used at Ports O' Call in the Papeete Room. From the postcard:

Any markings on it?


the candle holder has no marking's on it, i found it at an estate sale in north dallas. that postcard pic looks like it tho....

Fun stuff at a yard sale that started at 10 am that was probably too late for the early birds.

Two Marquesas Islands carvings from the 60s I was told. I like the textured clothing that covers up their shame and underneath it are carved clothes. Also a koa framed humuhumu.

a cartoony friendly native black velvet painting

if those carvings are from the Marquesas, I'm from Zamboanaga! :)

And yes, that "green candle holder" is an ultra-rare Steve Crane table lamp base, first used at the Luau, and based on the Luau's entrance door Tikis and its menu/ swizzle stick/ S&P shaker logo Tiki design

And that surfer demon is NOT Tiki, and never will be.

Today's finds...

Coco Joe's jewel-eyed Hawaii tiki.

Larger handled tiki mug.

Orchids Taiwan.

Stockton Islander coconut mugs.

Round bronze piece "Hawaii-San Francisco Investment Co-Haward Calif.

Three pirate grog mugs, two Tepco, one made in Japan.

Coco Joe's lighter.

HIP lighter.

Miguel Covarrubias print, "Flora and Fauna of the Pacific".



I didn't shop at Oasis last weekend, but I picked up a couple donations that will be housed as part of the "Permanent Collection."

First one was donated by Kingstiedye:

1980 United Airlines Hawaiian Open Suntory whisky Tiki Drum Decanter:

The second one was from Dave O Tiki Sol:

A Rarotonga with a dong key hook hanger:

Thanks to Bullet and Dave for those wonderful donations.

And this week it was back to searchin' for stuff like this:

OMC stickered concave bottom Bali Hai mug with a lid and virtually no paint missing:

There was a flat bottomed one I also saw that day, but passed on it without asking the price.

Little plastic Coffee Liquor tiki bottle(Full):

A small piece of tapa that I hoped would fit around a drum blank I have:

It ended up being 1.5 inches short.

That's what she said!
Buzzy Out!

Found a few Tiki finds today.

3 Ku spoon set and one 2.5 Ku. The two statues are neat, Tiki gods having a party. :wink:


I hope you didn't pay more than a dollar each.

$6 for it all, I know the prices pretty well.

From what I've seen here in the south Tiki is stuck in the darkest recesses of a booth, hidden from view because it's ugly.

It's also cheap! :wink:


Kenike posted on Thu, Sep 2, 2010 8:26 AM

On 2010-09-01 20:02, Slacks Ferret wrote:
I hope you didn't pay more than a dollar each.

I've seen those Dollar Tree guys go for as much as $10 each. Hard to believe, but since you can't buy them at Dollar Tree anymore, the amount people are willing to pay has gone up.

I had a whole box of the lighter colored ones...until I dropped it. Broke all but two...I suppose I could glue them back together but just haven't decided if it's worth my time.

A few things I've picked up over the last few weeks.

A Squid mug a friend gave me from a place in Walnut Creek CA,
the green Maoi I pick up in SD a couple days before Oasis, I've seen a few posts about this type.
The Hula girl mug has "SP" on the back I was told its from a place in South FL called the South Pacific.

The Hula girl is a 50ml rum bottle from Hawaiian Distillers, still has the rum in it.

Make a Mai Tai and pick up a Ukulele!!!

[ Edited by: Beach Bum Scott 2010-09-02 21:38 ]

Picked up two bottles with cool lables off of a couple of dead people. (Estate sales) $1 for both, a good deal.

This jeweled eyed guy from one of those as well. $4, not such a good deal.

Then this gapping mouth from Goodwill. $1, a really good deal.


Love the bottles, Bongo!


Me 2 Bongo...very cool!

Thanks guys. Anyone want a swig of 40 year old grenadine?

On 2010-09-02 21:35, Beach Bum Scott wrote:

The Hula girl mug has "SP" on the back I was told its from a place in South FL called the South Pacific.

Beach Bum Scott,

That SP mug is from the South Pacific restaurants located in Arlington, Virginia and Silver Spring, Maryland.

See more on this find here:

http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=35135&forum=2&hilite=south pacific



Those bottles are killer Bongo.

Never seen that Collins Grenadine one, very nice. Can we see a close up of the label, please?

Back in the 90s, one side branch of urban archeology I engaged in, together with Jeff Berry and Ted Haigh, was liquor store archeology. You could go into older looking liquor stores and ask them for their dusty back shelf stuff, or you would go and dig it up yourself. You could find Don The Beachcomber and Trader Vic mixes, Heublein and other Tiki decanter bottles, and weird outdated labels like the above, still, back then.

Found two moai.

  1. Black no markings

  2. Marked Otagari on the bottom, and Bali Hai on the back, but I couldn't find it on Ooga Mooga. Anybody know which Bali Hai it's from?


On 2010-09-04 14:49, dewey-surf wrote:

  1. Marked Otagari on the bottom, and Bali Hai on the back, but I couldn't find it on Ooga Mooga. Anybody know which Bali Hai it's from?

Based on the lettering it looks like it came from Bali-Hai, Long Island. Looks like its drink was the 'Bali-Low Suffering Bastard'.


Dewey-surf, great finds on the mugs but those Franciscan canisters in the back are killer. Sorry for the unscheduled derail. Now back to Tiki finds.

I fond these in a store in Ontario, Canada. If anyone could tell me anything about them that would be great. The two in the back do not have any markings but I have attached a picture of the mark on the bottom of the (sugar bowl).

Thanks LOL Tiki, I do believe you nailed it. That's why I come here, it's the helpful folks

Thanks Uncle Trav, they are my wifes obsession as shown here (just a portion of her ever expanding collection). She actually found another bowl today for .50 cents


Kind of a slump lately...found a couple of things today though...

Also posted some records over in the music thread!




Nice finds, D. My wife would kill me if I brought theat booby girl home! :lol:


what I learned today...no matter how hungover you are when a friend calls and says "Hey I am at this sale and they are selling all that crap you collect-you should meet me here" pull yourself out of bed because...

you might just score all this for TEN DOLLARS!

holla for the hangover :)


Holy Crap, Liz!


On 2010-09-05 17:32, Big Kahuna wrote:
Holy Crap, Liz!

Speak the truth! That haul and a bloody mary really perked my day up!


and a Tiki Bob in the bunch?
and a Bloody Mary!?!?!
Good Score,kid!

You've got the touch, Liz!


That lovely lady will more than likely be sold at either the FI sale or my garage sale. Gotta love those exagerated carvings!


Nice haul, maybe I should change my strategy and only go hunting when I am hungover?



Liz, If I ever get out to the west coast will you host a hangover hunt? I'll spring for the coffee, sunglasses and aspirin. Great finds! and some killer finds by everyone.

It's been a great summer so far as tiki finds and such goes. it's also been awhile since i posted so i won't bore you with alot of pics of stuff i have aquire thus far...but i can't resist posting these few highlights of things i scored that were once holy grails of mine for a long time until i found them this summer.....

first up - mint vintage pair of chalkware hula girls..... it's impossible to find these a) as a pair or b) unbroken or without repairs.....I found the pair in basically perfect shape. fleamarket find at $22 for the pair.....it was hard to keep a straight face as i handed over the cash.

and this pair of 16" tall chalkware natives

again, hard to find a pair of these and in great shape......i saw one of these at a store in town that was selling for $42.....it had been broken in half and re -glued rather crappily.....i got this pair at flea market i frequent every weekend for a lousy $30.....

[ Edited by: Tipsy McStagger 2010-09-06 07:51 ]

[ Edited by: Tipsy McStagger 2010-09-06 07:52 ]

Apart from the vast amount of poly-pop décor and trappings I can find in Thailand (great fish trap lamps, bamboo carvings and the like) actual tiki finds are quite scarce.

Take for instance a few weeks ago I spotted a two inch tall hapa-wood Coco Joe's Tiki on a stall, quite nice with its original tag. I enquired on the price 800baht ($25), "peng" I said in my best Thai and walked on. Then on another stall a Hip Hula Girl Hawaii ashtray, so heavily used the resin was burnt to clear, "Its very old and rare" said the stall holder, "and ruined" I relied and walked on once more.

How come you could walk past two tiki items in one day I hear you ask, it's because I was saving my bahts to but this four foot chunk of lovely..

..ain't he got a lovely face, not bad for just over a $100.

But this is "Tiki Finds" not purchases, so I was quite happy to find this strange orange plastic Moai last week..

..which is also a lamp..

..classy or what?


Thanks Bongo. Right place/right time it seems

Duane and Trav...as long as you bring the bloody marys I will take you both hangover shopping :)

Tipsy...jealous of your chalkware finds. I have been eyeing a set of hula girls like yours at an antique store here for about 6 months--they wont budge on the price and I am too cheap to pay what they are asking...which is about 10 times what you paid. Let me know when you put them on your Etsy store--I will give you $23 for them!

Atomictonytiki ....Love that light up moai lamp!

This week's stuff:

A fairly good sized hawaiian tongan tiki mask:

It says Maui '99 on the bottom of it. I was thinking I could change the "'99" to "1991" and instantly make this a vintage tiki carving

A piece of Tahiti hula flower fabric(folded in half for he picture):

Polystone head:

It looks like they put glue on her head and rolled it in crushed lava rocks:

A cocojoe's eggtimer I didn't have and two more that are variations that I didn;t have yet either:

Little hand carved tiki pendant

DTBC matches:

Buzzy Out!

Alright, so who would have thought heading to the Gold Country foothills for a Labor Day street sale after work today (the sale started at 7:00 a.m.) would yield anything? Not me...but I was wrong...

One of the nicer vintage carved wood tikis I have seen in some time!

Cookbook from the Hawaii Kai New York City. Cocktail and food reciepes!

Nice carved wahine on what appears to be real Zebra (or really nice faux Zebra)skin.

What would a Gold Country Labor Day street sale be without, I am guessing here, a crypto-mug? Some paint flubs, but in pretty good shape. I might sell this one?



On 2010-09-06 13:04, leleliz wrote:
Thanks Bongo. Right place/right time it seems

Duane and Trav...as long as you bring the bloody marys I will take you both hangover shopping :)

Tipsy...jealous of your chalkware finds. I have been eyeing a set of hula girls like yours at an antique store here for about 6 months--they wont budge on the price and I am too cheap to pay what they are asking...which is about 10 times what you paid. Let me know when you put them on your Etsy store--I will give you $23 for them!

Atomictonytiki ....Love that light up moai lamp!

liz- there's a pair on ebay right now....not as good and they look like they were repainted in part.....a pair sold last week for about $118 i think and that pair was a total repaint top to bottom......i remember back in the early days of ebay these used to sell for $300 bucks or so which is why i never bought them.....it's like trying to find a cheap original hula girl lamp these days.....it just doesn't happen too often.

I know I don't post in this thread as often as I should, but I am going to make a concerted effort to post more often and share what I find.

This one was found around the corner from my house, I thought the price tag said $70, thank goodness I asked "what's the best you can do on this bowl?...$8 bucks...Sold!"

Trader Vic's Bamboo Bowl 1964

Back of said bowl

And an Orchids of Hawaii Headhunter Mug R-18, the "Made in Taiwan" version

On 2010-09-04 06:33, bigbrotiki wrote:
Never seen that Collins Grenadine one, very nice. Can we see a close up of the label, please?

Back in the 90s, one side branch of urban archeology I engaged in, together with Jeff Berry and Ted Haigh, was liquor store archeology. You could go into older looking liquor stores and ask them for their dusty back shelf stuff, or you would go and dig it up yourself. You could find Don The Beachcomber and Trader Vic mixes, Heublein and other Tiki decanter bottles, and weird outdated labels like the above, still, back then.

My pleasure, Sven.

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