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Tiki Joe's Ocean wins Exotica Album of the Year at the 2011 Hawaii Music Awards! p.6

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cdtiki posted on 09/20/2010

Got mine in the mail Friday and the whole thing is excellent.
The missus and I listened to it several times over the weekend and I have it in the car today.

Great tunes.


Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 09/22/2010

Kenny- :lol: Thanks, man. We could've named #3 "Are You Exoticated?" :wink:
Clint- Much appreciated & thanks for the support!

Sophista-tiki posted on 09/25/2010

So . I have this thing about music completing the ambiance of my environment. and in my purely jazz mid -century bachelorette pad world that would be Pucho and The Latin Soul Brothers 24/7.
BUT on those occasions I find the need to go tiki modern Tiki Joe's Ocean will do nicely. Especially track 4 ALEGRA, its the perfect bridge of a swinging smooth grove and exotica. This definitely qualifies as a complete the ambiance song.

Where as track 10 Quiet Voyage ( heh) would be what I listened to while driving my vintage golf cart across the street to the liqa' sto' to stock up on mai tai supplies. As quiet a voyage as I can have wearing my 2 tone orange swirlly jumpsuit with the cha cha cuffs and listening to Tiki Joes ocean on my 8 track player!

  • track player you ask. well I have everything I need to play Tiki Joes ocean on my 8 track. first I record the CD onto casette. then I put the cassette into my 8-track/cassette converter and pop it into the 8 track player, viola! face it no one is gonna steal yur 8 track deck out of your golf cart!~
Tiki-Tim posted on 09/25/2010

Hi Andy....liked this video.Careless Navigator did a great job shooting and inserting still images into this video,"on the fly".Also,for having a hand held camcorder the video wasn't too shakey.His panning left to right was smooth,where as many shooters move way to fast and the video is blurry.Using your song,"Under the Midnight Sun",was perfect for this video............

Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 09/29/2010

Hahaha- thanks Dawn! I'll be on the lookout for that cart. Excellent outfit choice, too! You absolutey rock! :wink:
Mahalo Tim and I agree with your critique. CN did a lovely job. On par with your work, yes?!
Thanks again yous two!


Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 10/01/2010

This Tuesday, October 5th, tune into "The Molotov Cocktail Hour" at http://www.kxlu.com/ from 10pm to Midnight  
as friend of Tiki Joe's Ocean, Cyrano, and his co-host, Senor Amor, will be spinning tunes from the new CD and giving away free copies.

Check it out, good luck & thanks to Cyrano, Senor Amor & KXLU!  
Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 10/05/2010

Bumped for the show tonight!

On 2010-10-01 09:35, Tiki Joe's Pop wrote:

This Tuesday, October 5th, tune into "The Molotov Cocktail Hour" at http://www.kxlu.com/ from 10pm to Midnight  
as friend of Tiki Joe's Ocean, Cyrano, and his co-host, Senor Amor, will be spinning tunes from the new CD and giving away free copies.  
Check it out, good luck & thanks to Cyrano, Senor Amor & KXLU!  

hiltiki posted on 10/06/2010

Andy, I really enjoyed listening to your CD. I particularly like the percussion part of the music. I have listened to this CD at least 10 times already since I got it. You did a great job. Thanks again for a fantastic CD.

Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 10/11/2010

Wow, thanks so much Hiltiki! I'm pretty partial to the percussion on it, too, thanks in great part to Dave "Squid" Cohen.
That guy knows percussion!
Very happy you enjoy it. Thanks again!

Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 10/21/2010

TIKI JOE'S OCEAN's VIDEO #2: "ALOHA AMOR" from the new CD, 'Under the Midnight Sun'....

Once again, Australian friend of Tiki Joe’s Ocean, Rohan, who goes by the handle “Careless Navigator,”
created a one-of-a-kind video, using "Aloha Amor" as the musical backdrop.
The video itself features vintage 8mm home movies and stills of the beautiful Coco Palms Resort in Kauai,
before it was taken out by Hurricane Iniki in '92.
Thank you Rohan for the beautiful job!
(Musical note: "Aloha Amor" features duo Hawaiian/slide guitar solos by Jack Aldrich & Alika Lyman!)
Check it out here -

Jeff Central posted on 10/21/2010

WOW!!! I like this one even better than the first video!!

Great marriage of vintage footage and classic Exotica/Lounge!! :)

Cheers and Mahalo,

Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 10/23/2010

Thanks so much, Jeff! Greatly appreciated.
& again, hope your birthday was swingin!

little lost tiki posted on 10/23/2010

Bravo careless navigator!
a nice way to both see and hear Andy's music!

GROG posted on 10/23/2010

On 2010-08-25 17:55, ravenne wrote:

MadDogMike posted on 10/26/2010

Great job of making that footage look vintage (just kidding :D ) The music is perfect accompaniment to the video.

bigbrotiki posted on 10/26/2010

Wonderful! A perfect example of enhancing images of Polynesian paradise with Exotica music, and vice versa. I have Careless Navigator's S8 Hawaiian Vacation DVD and it's great.

Now someone needs to go over to Kauai and shoot footage of walking through the Coco Palms RUINS, and set that to a moody T.J.'s Ocean piece! :)

Hibiscus posted on 10/26/2010

*On 2010-10-26 09:06, bigbrotiki wrote:*Now someone needs to go over to Kauai and shoot footage of walking through the Coco Palms RUINS, and set that to a moody T.J.'s Ocean piece! :)

I'll be there in about a week and a half, actually. :D We are hoping to stop at Coco Palms on the way to Hanalei. Don't know about doing a full length video, though.

What a terrific marriage of footage and music! Nice work!

bigbrotiki posted on 10/26/2010

Here is your chance to be an intrepid Tiki archeologist and explore a forbidden temple site! The place is too big to not find some way to slip in and to have a camera running during a walkthrough, let these amazing photos be your inspiration:


Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 11/03/2010

Kenny- Agreed! He really has the vision for things like this.
Good luck this Saturday & congrats! Really wish we could be there!

Thanks Mike! I always dig your feedback & those :D s !

Sven- Greatly appreciated. I have the same DVD from him- just love it.
And the "moody" piece you suggested would have to be "Grey Jungle Reign" from TJO's debut last year. It's moody alright! Thanks again.

Hibiscus- Providing you haven't left for paradise already, I say heed BigBro's advice!
I'm not sure if any video of "today's" Coco Palms exists. Sven?

Thanks again everyone. Apologies for the delayed replies- family situation.


Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 11/23/2010

Thank you to all who have supported Tiki Joe's Ocean's "Under the Midnight Sun",
as the first run of CDs have completely sold out!
The 2nd pressings are done and the new batches have been sent out.
I'm sure the boys (& girl) in the the band send their thanks, too.
& Happy Thanksgiving to all TC'ers!

TJO's Exotica-Latin-Lounge CD on sale NOW!!!
Click on CD cover for song samples

[ Edited by: Tiki Joe's Pop 2010-11-23 10:10 ]

TikiG posted on 11/23/2010

Congrats! Andy - so happy to read this, man!

Happy Thanksgiving to you and the family!!

bigtikidude posted on 11/24/2010

How Many do you do in a run?
and are they real cds, or cdrs?


Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 11/24/2010

Thanks so much, Greg. You guys have a Happy Thanksgiving, too.
A little bird told me about your plans- sounds fun!!!
Jeff- 750! & I believe CDr's- I just called but the company that duplicates them is away for the holiday.
You can always email our manager through the website for that one.

Cheers & Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Double Crown posted on 11/25/2010


MadDogMike posted on 11/26/2010

That must mean you sold out of the first batch, CONGRATULATIONS!!! You keep makin' 'em and we'll keep buyin' 'em!

Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 12/25/2010

Double Crown - Thanks Sean! Happy to've been a part of your Seasonal Favorites series once again! Cheers to DC!
Mike- Much appreciated & will do!
Merry Christmas everyone & thanks for your tremendous support in 2010!
Dave, Mark, Cudra, Jimmy, Alika & Andy of
Tiki Joe's Ocean~~~

little lost tiki posted on 12/26/2010

a Second Pressing!?!?!?!

Great Album
Everyone should have one!

Nice cover too!

Mongoloid posted on 12/30/2010

Andy thanks for ironing out the double order we made. I got the cd in my stocking and ive been looping it. )III(

Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 02/15/2011


We want to thank all of the TC fans who voted for us in the Hawaii Music Awards and who have supported TJO from the start. The momentum of enthusiasm behind "Under the Midnight Sun", from August on, was quite overwhelming, so thanks so much for that kind of support.

My hugs & gratitude goes out to the members of Tiki Joe's Ocean, whose talents made this album so unique. With that, MAHALO to drummer/percussionist Dave "Squid" Cohen, Vibraphonist Mark Riddle, Theremin virtuoso Jimmy Virani, Flutist Cudra Clover, Hawaiian Lap-steel guitarist Jack Aldrich, and indeed, the gifted guitarist who brought homemade Exotica skills to TJO, Alika Lyman. (You did your Uncle proud, Alika!) More love to Mr. Ken Ruzic for creating a most beloved album cover.

Special thanks to Randy Wong of the Waitiki 7, for his support of our project. We were honored to share this category with you guys (and gal). Congrats to them for taking home the "Adult Contemporary" award for "New Sounds of Exotica."

Much love and appreciation from myself and all the members of Tiki Joe's Ocean!

TikiTomD posted on 02/15/2011

Well-earned congratulations to Tiki Joe's Ocean and Waitiki 7! It was great that I could support both for respective awards without making the tough choices.


Rum Balls posted on 02/15/2011


Jeff Central posted on 02/15/2011

Congratulations Andy! A well deserved award!!!

Keep up the good work! I'm ready for the next one now!!

Cheers and Mahalo,

hiltiki posted on 02/15/2011

Congratulations a well deserved award. I hope you have another one ready to go.

little lost tiki posted on 02/15/2011

that'll do pig.

Right on Andy!
the first of many awards.....

MadDogMike posted on 02/15/2011

I never had any doubt...


Mr. Ho posted on 02/15/2011

Congratulations on your award win!

Cudra posted on 02/15/2011

Congrats Andy! I can't wait to see you in San Diego!!

[ Edited by: Cudra 2011-02-15 13:46 ]

OnyaBirri posted on 02/15/2011

This is great news, mucho congrats!

bigbrotiki posted on 02/16/2011

Wunnerful, wunnerful, wunnerful! Always great to see a labor of love recognized.

Trader Tom posted on 02/16/2011

Fantastic ! Congratulations !!!

Marty Lush posted on 02/18/2011


Dr. Zarkov posted on 02/20/2011

I cast my vote for you. Thanks for sending me the CDs to play on my radio program. Wonderful music played wonderfully.

Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 02/22/2011

Thanks VERY much, everyone! It's greatly appreciated.
Andy & Tiki Joe's Ocean

Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 06/03/2011


In anticipation of Tiki Joe's Ocean's debut/headlining performance on opening night of Tiki Oasis 11, we've been featured on several radio shows lately. Check 'em out!

As recently mentioned on TC, Whorehay Spahn closed his awesome "Preview of T.O. Musical Acts" show with Tiki Joe's Ocean.

A few weeks ago, I was interviewed by Cudra Clover on her always entertaining show.
This particular episode went nationwide via "Sprouts Radio" stations

In the strictly Hawaiian music arena, The Hawaii Radio Connection's own Braddah Gomes is spinning our "Hawaii Blue" among the mix of classic & new Hawaiian material. The show airs every Saturday at Noon, Pacific time.

and, as always, the effervescent Koop Kooper features TJO tunes on his terrific "Cocktail Nation" show

So enjoy and we hope to see you at the historic Bali Hai on the evening of Thursday August 18th! The stellar TJO musical lineup will be announced in the upcoming weeks...

Until then, Mahalo!

Andy/Tiki Joe's Ocean

OnlyATikiLad posted on 06/03/2011


I picked UTMS up off your website a couple weeks ago and love it. Great job!
Looking forward to the live show.

Jeff Central posted on 06/03/2011

Looking forward to the Bali Hai gig!! :)

Cheers and Mahalo,

DejaVoodoo posted on 06/18/2011

I'm a little late to the Tiki Joe's Ocean party. I just ordered a copy of "Under The Midnight Sun" after reading this thread. Can't wait to receive my CD in the mail. What little I heard of the album on MySpace (the Tiki Joe's Ocean music player on their web site wasn't working for some reason) sounds like a nice, upbeat, groovin' soundtrack to Summer!

Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 08/02/2011

Hey thanks, OnlyATikiLad, Jeff & DejaVoodoo!

Happy August everyone~

So now here's that Tiki Joe's Ocean line up for the Tiki Oasis Bali Hai Show, Thursday Aug 18th...

Drums- Dave "Squid" Cohen, future mayor of Seattle
Vibraphone- Mark Riddle aka Marty Lush of "Marty Lush & the Latin Livers" & "The Tikiyaki Orchesta"
Guitars- Mr. Alika Lyman, carrier of the "Lyman" torch in name & in talent
Bass- Fred Ubaldo jr., heralded San Diego Latin DJ and bassist/arranger for "Mr. Bongo" Jack Costanzo
Percussion- Nelson Ortiz, flying handsman of "Marty Lush & the Latin Livers"
Flute- Cudra Clover - Maui's own Exotica DJ and beloved eclectic artist
Vocals- Miss Natalie Duryea, the Northwest's own femme fatale/sultry ingenue
Keyboards, etc - yours truly, Andy Nazzal

with....supercool guest...the 1 and only Marina!

Hope to see you there~


"Exotica Album of the Year"
2011 Hawaii Music Awards~!

[ Edited by: Tiki Joe's Pop 2011-08-15 10:54 ]

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