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new threads we need on Tiki Central

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aquarj posted on 10/01/2010

Given some of the recent "new" threads appearing here on TC, I had some ideas for some more that are sorely needed. I searched, and there are no existing threads with these subject names...

tiki motion pictures - post here with motion pictures that have tikis in them; motion pictures... tikis... combine the two... which ones are out there

tiki acquisitions - post here with any interesting tiki related items you have recently acquired

tiki cheesecake and nudes - post girlie images that have tikis in them

bartering thread - post things that you would like to barter or exchange with other TC members

mysterio mugs - this is a neat idea I had for a thread, where you can post about mugs that appear on vintage menus, but that don't seem to be documented in real life yet; I am positive there is no thread called mysterio mugs, so I can be certain that no one else has had this idea

tiki jeep - ok, this one already exists, but you can never have too many tiki jeep threads


Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 10/01/2010

There's a TIKI JEEP!!!!????

Bora Boris posted on 10/01/2010

I'd like to see these ~

What Are You Drinking While Making Dinner?

What Are You Watching While Making Dinner?

What Are You Listening To While Making Dinner?

What Are You Snacking On While Making Dinner?

Has Anyone Ever Gotten A Tiki Tattoo While Making Dinner?

Has Anyone Ever Gotten A Non-Tiki Tattoo While Making Dinner?

JOHN-O posted on 10/01/2010

But make sure you start those threads under "Tiki Drinks and Food" because honestly for a forum that targets 2 subjects there's just too much drinking and not enough eating.

aquarj posted on 10/01/2010

All very good ideas Boris - that's the kind of innovative thinking we need around here. That reminds me, we also need a thread called:

Show me your Witco tattoo


Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 10/01/2010

On 2010-09-30 22:05, Bora Boris wrote:
I'd like to see these ~

What Are You Drinking While Making Dinner?

What Are You Watching While Making Dinner?

What Are You Listening To While Making Dinner?

What Are You Snacking On While Making Dinner?

Has Anyone Ever Gotten A Tiki Tattoo While Making Dinner?

Has Anyone Ever Gotten A Non-Tiki Tattoo While Making Dinner?

Everything is better while making Dinner! we covered all these topics too!
you might of liked our "Sex in the Kitchen while making dinner" topic,but you don't think dinner is important?

Dinner Haters!!!

[ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2010-09-30 23:49 ]

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 10/01/2010

On 2010-09-30 22:14, JOHN-O wrote:
But make sure you start those threads under "Tiki Drinks and Food" because honestly for a forum that targets 2 subjects there's just too much drinking and not enough eating.

Thank you John-O,everyone knows you should eat something before you drink!
what is the point of getting all that good Rum,just so you can throw it all up,because you did not stop for Dinner!

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 10/01/2010



woofmutt posted on 10/01/2010

"tiki motion pictures - post here with motion pictures that have tikis in them; motion pictures... tikis... combine the two... which ones are out there..."

There are movies with tikis in them? AWESOME!

Still, as awesome as a movie with a tiki in it could be I don't know if a single thread about these movies (or even TV...Are there ever any tikis in TV shows, or in ads?) is necessary, I think it would be best if everyone just starts a new thread anytime they spot a tiki in a movie or on TV.

woofmutt posted on 10/01/2010

"There's a TIKI JEEP!!!!????" -Sabu The Coconut Boy-

OMG! I was just reading that and thought the same thing!!!

woofmutt posted on 10/01/2010

*I'd like to see these ~

What Are You Drinking While Making Dinner?

What Are You Watching While Making Dinner?

What Are You Listening To While Making Dinner?

What Are You Snacking On While Making Dinner?

Has Anyone Ever Gotten A Tiki Tattoo While Making Dinner?

Has Anyone Ever Gotten A Non-Tiki Tattoo While Making Dinner?*

These are great ideas. I'm also interested in ceramics and would very much like to see a thread titled What Plate Did You Put The Dinner You Made On? and on a similar note (yet different enough as to warrant its own thread) I'd also love to see a thread titled What Table Did You Eat Dinner At? And of course what we probably also definitely need is a Show Us Your TV Trays!!! thread.

Tiki Jeep: The machine to drive Tiki people crazy.

[ Edited by: woofmutt 2010-10-01 01:16 ]

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 10/01/2010

Oh! there are some people here (I am not going to name,names) who clearly
don't want to get invited over for Dinner!
And Mai Tai's.........maybe even desert? (Banana's Foster,anyone?)

Bora Boris posted on 10/01/2010

Where Would You Drive The Tiki Jeep For Dinner?

Dinner Near The Tiki-Ti?

Dinner Near Forbidden Island?

Fort Lauderdale - Dinner?

Are There Any Dinner Places With Tiki Torches?

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 10/01/2010

Bora Boris do you cook?

I know you are just having fun with the topic, but I have found that people
who don't cook or don't regulary enjoy a good meal (Carls Jr. does not count) and good cocktails
are the first to mock these type of threads.

I think you just need a good meal today! can I suggest you pop over to the Dinner thread for a few suggestions?

:drink: After all Food was and still is an integral part of the Tiki experience. :drink:

Unga Bunga posted on 10/01/2010

How to make a decent Tiki torch.

woofmutt posted on 10/01/2010

"...I have found that people who don't cook or don't regulary enjoy a good meal...and good cocktails are the first to mock these type of threads." -Atomic Tiki Punk-

I cook, I even worked for several years as the main cook at a catering joint. I like quality food and good cocktails to the point that I am one of the pickiest bastards when it comes to quality restaurants and quality bar drinks (if a cocktail costs $12 it sure as hell better amaze me). A lot of places others rave about I have no intention of ever going to again because in my opinion the quality of their food and/or drinks doesn't warrant the expense or hassle. (When it comes to food and drink I think a lot of people are blinded by flash and atmosphere.)

I generally prefer to eat my or friend's cooking as the food is far more satisfying than what I can get at a restaurant. I rarely buy baked goods at bakeries because in my opinion even highly acclaimed bakeries are rarely if ever as good as what my friends and acquaintances can make. (If anyone ever has a chance to eat anything made by silent Tiki Central member Dogbyte's, do so. She can bake and cook the ass off of any fancy schmancy boutique bakery or restaurant. Also Mr Dogbyte's makes excellent cocktails.)

So now that I've established that I'm a complete hard ass when it comes to what I consider good food and drink...I have no interest at all in the What did you "Make" for Dinner thread. It's a nice community/socializing thread but is merely a "time killer or non-informative" thread and as such belongs in Bilge.

And to be honest I seriously would rather see pictures and read about people's dining tables than the dinners they made.

aquarj posted on 10/01/2010

On 2010-10-01 00:17, woofmutt wrote:
Still, as awesome as a movie with a tiki in it could be I don't know if a single thread about these movies (or even TV...Are there ever any tikis in TV shows, or in ads?) is necessary, I think it would be best if everyone just starts a new thread anytime they spot a tiki in a movie or on TV.

Now you're talking! That's even better!

If anyone would like to stimulate discussion of tikis appearing in motion pictures, they should create a new thread based on this inspiration! They certainly shouldn't waste time searching for synonymous threads like Tikis in films. Moreover, any suggestion that synonymous threads be unified should be called out for what it is: the uptight tiki police doing what they do. As everyone knows, they particularly love picking on newcomers to scare them away.

But that's just the first step. Even better if EACH tiki movie / motion picture / film / youtube vid / scopitone discovery appears in its own thread. And that applies to other topics too. F'rinstance, if someone comes across a Trader Dick mug, say in his own garage, this does not belong in a Tiki Finds thread (or Tiki Acquisitions thread), or even a Trader Dick's thread, but in a completely new General Tiki thread whose topic is this particular discovery in this particular garage.

I am confident that this approach to populating TC with new threads will result in a much needed new level of redundancy!


Bora Boris posted on 10/01/2010

What's Cooking At Trader Dicks?

Mai Tai posted on 10/02/2010

On 2010-10-01 05:41, Bora Boris wrote:
Where Would You Drive The Tiki Jeep For Dinner?

Why, to the Mission Tiki Drive Inn, of course! (sheesh, such a simple answer - I'm gonna have to start a thread on it!)

Slacks Ferret posted on 10/02/2010
JOHN-O posted on 10/02/2010

On 2010-10-01 10:45, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
Bora Boris do you cook?

I know you are just having fun with the topic, but I have found that people
who don't cook or don't regulary enjoy a good meal (Carls Jr. does not count) and good cocktails
are the first to mock these type of threads.

I think you just need a good meal today! Can I suggest you pop over for dinner this Thursday? I'm grilling up Ribeye and mixing up Mai Tais with the good rum.

JOHN-O you're invited too !!

:drink: After all Food was and still is an integral part of the Tiki experience. :drink:

All right !! Thanks ATP. I'm looking forward to it. :)

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 10/02/2010

John-O!!!! resorting to subterfuge to get a dinner invite, you cad,I hope we can get one more
Party in before the hot weather subsides,If you want to drive the miles I will remember to invite you!

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MadDogMike posted on 10/03/2010

First of all, if we have a serious conversation here will we be kicked out of Bilge?
Second, Please don't take my comments as criticism of Hanford or the moderators. TC is extremely well moderated for SPAM and for rule violation, but it is not moderated for content. As attractive as that idea may be, it is probably not the answer.

I understand your frustration that TC is in danger of becoming nothing but a tiki-flavored Facebook. My questions - is the golden age of Tiki Central over? Has TC become a victim of it's own success? Was it better when there were only 200 members and there was undocumented tiki history around every corner? Where do we go from here? I'm sure I am partially to blame, I've got 3000 posts and I doubt that 5% have any real content.

Here's my assessment of the current state of TC - do you agree or disagree?
GENERAL TIKI - There is almost nothing of value posted here. Anything of real value has a place to be posted in one of the other forums
HOME TIKI BARS - Great addition. Beautiful tiki bar inspiration for every budget and space.
TIKI GALLERY - This is OK, allows you to do a semi-quick review of an artist's work without having to wade through too much fluff.
LOCATING TIKI - Seems the main benefit is to serve as an archive. 10 years ago, there was lots of tiki history to document. I'm sure there are details yet to be uncovered but the bulk has been documented and the evidence has been torn down to build condos.
TIKI TRAVEL - I don't visit this forum enough to comment
TIKI EVENTS - This forum is very active, especially California events. It seems a good thing to bring the ohana together and keep them informed of events. But none of these events could be accused of providing any tiki content.
COLLECTING TIKI - Is at least holding it's own. There are lots of serious collectors who are gracious enought to post pictures and discussions of their finds. Threads like the Crypto Mugs have brought about great discussions and discoveries
TIKI MARKETPLACE - I'm not sure this really serves any purpose, the real collectors don't need someone to tell them there is a rare mug on e-Bay, they are already bidding. In fact, they would just as soon the rest of the TC world NOT know about the mug
CREATING TIKI - CARVING - This forum is booming. The carvers are a very prolific group and are creating great and very visible works of art. They are really the ambassador of tiki to the world; their work is often set in very visible public places. Whereas hobbies like mug collections are often done in private and some of the greatest collections are never seen.
CREATING TIKI - OTHER CRAFTS - A few years ago this forum was populated by some great and active painters & ceramic artists. Now the great works of art seem to be fewer and farther between.
TIKI FOOD & DRINKS - There is some great information here about mixology and tiki food. Some of you have had your fun with the "What's for dinner" thread in which I have enjoyed making frequent posts - but I'll be the first to admit it has nothing to do with tiki.
TIKI MUSIC - This is a mixed bag. There is some great information about old bands, there are some great reviews about current music, there is also a certain amount of fluff about current bands.
OHANA - Probably adds to the "FaceBookization" of Tiki Central
FORUM OF MYSTERY - What we do here is secret
BEYOND TIKI - Whatever
BILGE - If you go swimming around in the bilge (and I always do :D ), you deserve whatever you find.
TIKI SHOUT! - Should probably be renamed to just SHOUT! Anything that has to do with tiki is posted in the appropriate forum.

So there's my 2 cents worth :D

[ Edited by: MadDogMike 2010-10-02 20:11 ]

woofmutt posted on 10/03/2010

"...Is the golden age of Tiki Central over?"

I've heard that so many times it's lost all meaning.

JOHN-O posted on 10/03/2010

On 2010-10-02 19:53, MadDogMike wrote:
....is the golden age of Tiki Central over?

Of course it is. :)

And Mike, "latecomers" like you and me missed out on it.

But you don't need the internet to order cocktails in the Tiki bar. THAT'S the real Tiki Culture !!

[ Edited by: JOHN-O 2010-10-02 20:18 ]

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 10/03/2010

If I can interject here...
The Mainstay of the original Tiki lifestyle was the "Tiki Bar" & the "Polynesian Restaurant"
These were places families went for dinner & Adults went to escape into a Primitive/Island decored oasis
It was all about exotic Food,Drink & Fun! That was the attraction.

The food was Indian,Polynesian/Hawaiian,Seafood, But the majority of the cuisine served was Chinese Food!
Most Tiki decored Restaurants & Bars were Chinese Restaurants period.

I grew up in the 1960s,I remember the day President Kennedy died and my family loved going to to Tiki Restaurants
of course I was way to young to drink at the time, but by the time I got my first fake ID ,I was living in Hawaii
and Orange County, Ca. in the waining days of the Tiki Bar,I did see many of the old school places close.

So what was it all about? Fun of course! it seems many TCers miss that one! it's not Rocket Science,it was about Fun,Food & Drink and escaping your everyday life,a long day at the office,a fun place to take a date etc.

So stop taking all this so seriously,your missing out on all the Fun! and yes "Food" was a major part of it!
unlike a "Jeep" or much of what most people discuss here.

[ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2010-10-02 23:26 ]

Bora Boris posted on 10/03/2010

Yes, it's all about ** Fun** until someone makes a little ** Fun** of your very popular and going strong Food post, then it's not as much ** Fun** until you remind us that it is Fun. Is this correct? Because that's what it sounds like. :lol:

Ok so back to the topic, more threads I know I'd like to see ~

John-O's Guide To John-O.
Projects Never To Be Finished - Blab About Them Here.
I'm Not Into This Stuff At All But I'm Kinda Angry And Defensive.
I'm Just Here To Make Money, Teach me How To Make Money Off Of You.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 10/03/2010

No Bora Boris,I can take the jabs,but since it is my thread being discussed, I wanted to to address
the perception that it has nothing to do with Tiki culture,Lifestyle etc.

Of course my Thread is very General on the Topic,because if we concentrated only on what was considered
Tiki Cuisine,it would not be an active thread up til now,Then what would TCers have to make fun at, A Tiki Jeep?

but by all means have all the fun with it you or anyone might care to, but I disagree with anyone who thinks
it has nothing to do with this whole Tiki Revival we got going on.

I know I sound all serious here, but believe me I am the first to laugh about it.

woofmutt posted on 10/03/2010

"So what was it all about? Fun of course! It seems many TCers miss that one...So stop taking all this so seriously, you're missing out on all the Fun!"

I've heard that one so many times it's lost all meaning, too.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 10/03/2010

So Woofmutt,what's your point? that you are not having any fun?

[ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2010-10-03 00:44 ]

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tiki mick posted on 10/03/2010

On 2010-10-02 20:17, JOHN-O wrote:

On 2010-10-02 19:53, MadDogMike wrote:
....is the golden age of Tiki Central over?

Of course it is. :)

And Mike, "latecomers" like you and me missed out on it.

But you don't need the internet to order cocktails in the Tiki bar. THAT'S the real Tiki Culture !!

[ Edited by: JOHN-O 2010-10-02 20:18 ]

Amen to that! If you still get chills down your spine when hearing a beautiful old Hapa Haole song like "sweet someone", then you don't really need whatever the current concept of "Tiki" is.

TK Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/8159375f95fc5cbe0996f422934f64e8?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
talo ka posted on 10/03/2010

On 2010-10-03 07:37, lucas vigor wrote:

Amen to that! If you still get chills down your spine when hearing a beautiful old Hapa Haole song like "sweet someone", then you don't really need whatever the current concept of "Tiki" is.

great sentiment lucas. i am Not an expert on tiki but i do like it and that is why i am here, to learn and enjoy. IMHO, it doesn't matter if you know the complete tiki history and are a purist, but rather that you enjoy it and want to learn more and are trying to keep it alive even if you are not expert purist. flame on time prolly. oh well such is life.

pssst. i don't care.

[ Edited by: talo ka 2010-10-03 13:27 ]

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Mr. NoNaMe posted on 10/03/2010

Since I am self diagnosed as having adult ADD and can't concentrate on too many of the threads in Bilge, because of all the words, I say we should have more threads that have lots of pictures.

How 'bout a "photo disassociation" thread?
Or.... pictures of clouds that look like something other than clouds.
Or... pictures of your migrating moles and its distance traveled with original location, current location and projected location.

Ah ha!! A thread that posts no words OR pictures!?!? I could read pages and pages of that in NO time.

E Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/a9872472a5f9b86ecd7b5d2d625fbb73?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
ebtiki posted on 10/04/2010

My 2¢:
I'm primarily a mug collector, and the Tiki Marketplace forum is very valuable to me. Granted, the number of eBay ads can be annoying, but I appreciate having a place for TC'ers to offer stuff to others.

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Zeta posted on 10/04/2010

New threads we need, I propouse:

*The Hanfords™ Tiki Academy Awards
*Strange coincidences, synchronicity, serendipity, chance and weirdness like that.
*Why Tiki? (Why you like it so much?)

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Zeta posted on 10/04/2010
  • The Revivalist Revisionist
  • Late Post- Modern Tiki
  • Purists Only
woofmutt posted on 10/04/2010

*Strange coincidences, synchronicity, serendipity, chance and weirdness like that.

  • The Revivalist Revisionist

  • Late Post- Modern Tiki

I was fine with this thread as just another derailed late night toss off. But then Zeta goes and makes suggestions for a few threads which could actually be genuinely interesting...How the hell do I deal with that???

aquarj posted on 10/04/2010

Hey, before we get all derailed from some of the great brainstorming here, I think it's essential to point out that this is not an anti-dinner thread. Some of my best friends eat dinner. The point is that there are nuances and variations that are left uncovered by the existing threads, and they're crying out for new threads. Sure there's a thread called What did you "Make" for Dinner. But not a single one of Boris' great ideas for dinner-related threads overlaps with that one. Let's give credit where it's due - that's some good creative thinking there by Boris, without stepping on anybody's toes with existing threads. If we all just put our heads together, we can come up with some great new threads for TC, such as...

What did you "Eat" for Dinner?
(Note, the other thread has its rule that "you have to make it yourself" so this thread is ENTIRELY different)

*What did you "Prepare" for Lunch?

What did you "Consume" for Breakfast?

What did you "Snack On" between Meals?

Do you "Brush" your teeth after a meal?*

As for whether there should be a distinction between tiki dinner and just any old dinner in the "Tiki Drinks and Food" forum, let me just remind everyone that it's not called "Tiki Drinks and Tiki Food". So I don't know about you all, but that reads to me as ANY FOOD! Plus, as AtomicTikiPunk says, tiki is all about fun, food, and drink, so ANY discussion of food is on topic for TC, right? Well anyway, THIS THREAD is all about new threads, so maybe what we really mean to say is that there should be a new thread about whether THAT THREAD should be where it is.

As for the other ideas posted here, some of you are being a little cryptic as to the new thread ideas you're suggesting. F'rinstance, I wasn't sure what to make of this one:

On 2010-10-02 20:17, JOHN-O wrote:
But you don't need the internet to order cocktails in the Tiki bar. THAT'S the real Tiki Culture !!

New thread: JOHN-O's guide to the REAL tiki culture

I couldn't really tell what the thread suggestion was; this topic may have been more or less covered already in other posts, but not in its OWN THREAD, so I say, make a new thread! But this following one is a great idea, right in line with the spirit of THIS thread.

On 2010-10-04 08:03, Zeta wrote:
*Why Tiki? (Why you like it so much?)

YES YES YES!! Exactly! You don't even need to run a search for that one! I think we can all just safely assume this is a topic that has never been covered (at least not under that subject name) here on TC.

I think we're turning a corner. Keep em coming!

(ps - I know this may come off as teasing some people; please keep in mind this is Bilge and just kidding and all that.)

Unga Bunga posted on 10/04/2010

How to score on a bar crawl!

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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 10/04/2010

I can Digg it....

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swizzle posted on 10/06/2010

What camera did you use to take the photo of what you made for dinner?

What room in the house was the photo taken of what you made for dinner?

Was the water in the sink too hot and you had to wait for it to cool down before you did the dishes after eating what you made for dinner?

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little lost tiki posted on 10/06/2010

new threads we need on Tiki Central?

How about one GOOD lucas vigor thread...
i'd settle for just one!

JOHN-O posted on 10/06/2010

Huh ?? The Rhesus Monkeys' thread is the funniest (i.e. greatest) one around !!



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Swanky posted on 10/06/2010

How about a "Forbidden on TC" thread. It would contain such over used gems as:

"Why don't you just have a Mai Tai and relax?"
"Where's the aloha?"
"I am not a purist and I don't know what tiki is, but I like it."
"Look at this long round log shaped thing I just put a face on and now call it a tiki! What do you think?"
"First carving"
"I hate TC, but here is my crap to sell/event to hype, that I want you to give me your money for."

TM Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/180714450de4dbf3d2be79a6a5bb4fd7?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
tiki mick posted on 10/06/2010

Or my all time favorite: TINO

(Tiki in name only)

woofmutt posted on 10/06/2010

"How about a "Forbidden on TC" thread. It would contain such over used gems as: 'Woofmut.'"*

I can't figure out why that would be a forbidden topic (it certainly wouldn't be an interesting one), but here are two thread ideas drawn from favorite Tiki Central comments:

*Is The Golden Age of Tiki Central Over?

Tiki: It's About Fun!!!*

G Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/4e20517aacd2c64067ce90679f1db07a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
GROG posted on 10/06/2010

On 2010-10-06 10:05, Swanky wrote:
How about a "Forbidden on TC" thread. It would contain such over used gems as:

You sure "woofmutt" is overused? Seems like there's plenty of room for more threads with Woofmutt in them. See, there's not THAT many!
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/5038/4cacb8bf.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=bc6e0d617fca6ac76e32d4fc9bc65dc4

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/5038/4cab7272.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=e6d20e0f9ee61025b15b7ee6742f4b1b GROG
GROG miss Tiki-Kate

[ Edited by: GROG 2010-10-06 11:02 ]

woofmutt posted on 10/06/2010

Several of the threads with my name in the title are well crafted humorous (if not downright hilarious) commentary on actual threads on Tiki Central...

Woofmutt Is Now Known As Woofmutt With Sprinkles On Top

Woofmutt's First Carving*

Club Woofmutt

Gettin Tight All Over the Place with Woofmutt

Several of the other threads are shameless self promotion in an attempt to liberate cash from the wallets and purses of the Tiki public. (I was surprised to see I now have a thread in Tiki Carving. Wow, I didn't think I'd be allowed in that forum.)

(Oh, I was even more surprised that I don't have a live appearance scheduled at the Tong Hut later this month. This fits into my schedule fine, but I'm still firing my publicist.)

All the other threads with my name in them are basically just mash notes. When you put out a lotta love, a lotta love comes back.

I can see why threads with my name in the title might be chafing GROG's thong cuz look at this random sampling of threads with GROG's name in the title:

Tiki Statue Stolen! Stolen By GROG???

Oklahoma Tiki Totem Stolen from front garden shortly after GROG visit to OK City

GROG stole arrrr name....

dr.tikimojo's camera equipment stolen (similar to equipment GROG is selling on Ebay) 1300 photos of tiki oasis gone forever!

Lost camera at Kona Club, Oakland During Dinner With GROG

GROG: Buy, don't steal mugs

GROG, When is it ever cool to steal a design???

New book! GROG, Confessions of a Tiki Central Thief

Pages: 1 2 3 4 147 replies