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4WDtiki - Bill's stuff. - first new pics in years

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little lost tiki posted on 08/20/2010

It's like an army of cool tikis!

4WDtiki posted on 08/31/2010

Oasis is over :( and that tiki army is smaller now!

I started the repopulating of the army at Oasis. Here's a shot from yesterday of the tiki I was carving in the carving village(TM) on the left, and on the right, the tiki I'm trading to Dawn for one of her gorgeous paintings.

Did a little more on Dawn's tiki today:

Here's the one it's supposed to look like!

4WDtiki posted on 09/26/2010

Here's Dawn's tiki all done!

Here's the other one from the post above.

Not sure if it's done yet, I'm thinking of carving in some details.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/26/2010

Really nice work!

Creative Chimp posted on 09/26/2010

man thats a nice lil tiki army you got going there....great work

hiltiki posted on 09/26/2010

Bill, it's always fun checking your newest carvings. You have your own unique style that I really like. I specially love your female pieces they are so well done.

TheBigT posted on 09/26/2010

Great new stuff. I really like the way the arms are curved on the new one.

MadDogMike posted on 09/26/2010

Beautiful work Bill! You need to hollow out Dawn's tiki like a Buzzy drum so it doesn't cost so much to ship! :D

4WDtiki posted on 09/26/2010

Thanks everyone!
Mike, no need to hollow out that tiki, it's bone dry and incredibly light, I'd say

GROG posted on 09/26/2010

Tikis are lookin' good.

Tiki Shaker posted on 09/27/2010

Those look awesome, as always Bill.

4WDtiki posted on 10/11/2010

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 10/11/2010

Yea I like it!

laojia posted on 10/11/2010

He look strong! Nice carve Bill...


MadDogMike posted on 10/11/2010

Sweet! I like that you have carried the "ray" theme from the eyes to the neck

seeksurf posted on 10/12/2010

I realy like the look of this fella. He looks old as hell. Is this a new carve?

Savage Daddy posted on 10/12/2010

Beautiful finish. You are on the marq with this one!

rugbymatt posted on 10/12/2010

Nice piece!

McTiki posted on 10/12/2010

Very very nice bunch of Tikis!

4WDtiki posted on 10/12/2010

Thanks everybody!

On 2010-10-11 22:54, seeksurf wrote:
I realy like the look of this fella. He looks old as hell. Is this a new carve?

seeks, I started this one at Oasis, but it's been sitting a couple weeks while I figured out if I wanted to put some detail on it or not. I'm glad I did.
And "old as hell" is what I was going for, thanks for picking up on that!

Sophista-tiki posted on 10/14/2010

Look what I found sitting by the front door when I got home today

my new tiki Thanks Bill

VampiressRN posted on 10/15/2010

As always...SUPERB!!!

4WDtiki posted on 11/01/2010

I've been working on this for two weeks in between rainstorms, and finished it today.

It's 10 feet tall!

Here's the full shot.

This tiki will live in La Jolla (lucky!) and I have two more 10 footers to carve for the client.

MadDogMike posted on 11/01/2010

Dayam!!! Very nice Bill

Obviously he grew so big eating all that citrus fruit :D

danlovestikis posted on 11/01/2010

Wow, now that's what I call a fantastic tiki carving. Wendy

little lost tiki posted on 11/01/2010

That turned out BOMBS,Bill!
Bring EM ON!

swizzle posted on 11/01/2010

Another great piece 4WDtiki. I think your work is great.

drasticwagon posted on 11/01/2010

Way to go Bill! Nice Job

AlohaStation posted on 11/01/2010

Excellent!! Love the big tikis. They really have great presence.

TheBigT posted on 11/01/2010

Killer! That already has a cool ancient vibe to it.

laojia posted on 11/02/2010

Impresive... Really!

Savage Daddy posted on 11/02/2010

WOW! Top Notch! Your work is inspiring me to get off my butt and carve!
That one is going to be hard to part with. I'm looking forward to the next
two ten footers. Now get back to work! 8)

Benzart posted on 11/03/2010

Hey 4Wheeler, I Really Love this last guy. You took plenty time to finish him but With the level of detail and toe Excellent Finish, you're Allowed!..

4WDtiki posted on 11/03/2010

Wow, I'm feelin' the love. :D Thank you all!
I delivered the tiki yesterday, here's a pic in it's new backyard with me for scale.

Kino posted on 11/07/2010

I'm really like'n the size of that one.
Very nice work as usual.
Looks like you might have spent,what,couple hours on it on it ? lol
You must have lots-o-friends to help you move those 'lunkers' around.

pjc5150 posted on 11/08/2010



4WDtiki posted on 11/09/2010

Kino, I got that guy into the truck by myself. :D But it was lighter than when they dropped it off. :wink:

So here's the start of the next 10 footer. Started it yesterday between football games, and a little more time on it today.

geedavee posted on 11/11/2010

Those 10 footers are awesome.
Someday I will have room to carve that big.

laojia posted on 11/11/2010

Some another "ten footer" and you have the pillars for start building a house of men in your garden... :roll:

amate posted on 11/13/2010

Just when I finally find a 6 foot log, some guys comes along and ups the ante with a couple of 10 footers! :lol: Those are seriously impressive!!!

4WDtiki posted on 11/14/2010

Thanks, amate, laojia, and geedavee!
davee, you need a bigger balcony. :wink:

Here's where I am on the second one after working on it most of today.

The six foot fence behind it is for scale!

Benzart posted on 11/14/2010

Darn Man, THIS one is looking Better and Better, Awesome one coming hee for sure..
But will it measure up to this Last one??

Only time will tell?? :P

4WDtiki posted on 11/14/2010

You tell me, Ben, here it is. :D
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McTiki posted on 11/14/2010

4W, Those are very nice.

I like the patina look on the Marq. He looks ancient, but well preserved.

Well done!

4WDtiki posted on 11/14/2010

Cool thanks, that's the look I'm going for.

MadDogMike posted on 11/15/2010

Someone's La Jolla backyard is gonna be AWESOME with those three giants!!!!! Great work Bill - 2 down and one to go?

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kirby posted on 11/15/2010

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VampiressRN posted on 11/15/2010

Awesome as always Bill!!!

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