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What's Changed On Tiki Central?

Pages: 1 2 3 4 170 replies


I feel that the variety of personalities here makes it more interesting. You get some nice posters and some "bullies"; some funny posters and some serious ones; those who post to contribute a bit of tiki history and those who like to hear about new places; some who are more into the events and meeting other members and some who would rather stay at home; and so on. If everyone posted in the same way it would be boring around here.

[ Edited by: Monkeyman on 2003-10-27 10:43 ]

That happened to me awhile ago. It's tough to keep up and get out to everything when there's something every weekend.


Tiki-bot, I concur.

An Internet “troll” is a person who deliberately starts agruments online or engages in malicious behavior to upset or injure others.

flame war - When an online debate degenerates into a series of personal attacks, rather than a civil discussion. A flame war can take place on blogs, newsgroups, and via e-mail.

A “flamer” is someone who sends these messages.

[ Edited by: turbogod on 2003-10-23 14:51 ]


Is that a screwdriver in your hand, or are you just happy we see you?

On 2003-10-23 13:03, Monkeyman wrote:
I have been searching the post activity for several TC'ers ...

At this point, maybe you should turn the computer off & step outside for awhile.

Oh Chrith-tapher! I've been around awhile and have got to say I'm a big me-too-er/nonsense poster. To me, this is just for self entertainment. You have to make yourself laugh now and then, even if you've got a lame sense of humor.

On 2003-10-23 14:03, thechikitiki wrote:
Oh Chrith-tapher! I've been around awhile and have got to say I'm a big me-too-er/nonsense poster. To me, this is just for self entertainment. You have to make yourself laugh now and then, even if you've got a lame sense of humor.



It's the post Mai Kai doldrums. Once you've been to mecca nothing will be quite the same again.

The passing interest people will come and go. Some might delve deeper into the mysteries of tiki. If they don't, and blow through tiki-town like a tumble weed,BIG DEAL...

If they had some fun while here, great.

If the general posting public becomes so generic as to make the Tiki on the Tiki Central sign fall off, I'm sure Hanford will remind folks what its all about.

Intersting that 4 pages of thread, and only a basic use of "tiki". Is this thread too generic?


"A universe without change is by its very nature stagnant"
Good Ol' Billy Burroughs.

[ Edited by: TikiGardener on 2003-10-23 19:09 ]

[ Edited by: TikiGardener on 2003-10-23 19:20 ]

On 2003-10-23 14:18, thejab wrote:
It's the post Mai Kai doldrums. Once you've been to mecca nothing will be quite the same again.

Ya! Man, that "Hukilau" was da kine! Gonna be hard to beat!

p.s. what was the subject prior to this??? I'm in a daze.......

I haven't posted in quite some time due to a very busy schedule but this topic interested me quite a bit.

I too was a member quite some time ago on Yahoo and actually it was a friendlier group to me back then - granted, I think because it was so new. I enjoyed talking with other tiki afficiondos and hearing of their finds and collections such as mine. I also met some wonderful people I'm still in touch with today.

This forum has provided me with a place to meet more wonderful people through this network and through Hukilau. I don't enjoy reading posts that get messy or those that criticize new members and scold them. I am constantly directing people to TC in hopes that they may meet everyone and help carry the spirit. Isn't TC the place where we might have found out about some of the things we hold so dear to us now.

Thanks to Tiki Bong for bringing this subject to light as I've been wanting to address it for quite some time.

And to everyone - it's a pleasure knowing all of you!

I can understand being bothered by contentless or repetitive posts I guess, though I just pass them by, lots of good stuff between. The posts that always bother me are the tired old "It used to be so much better in here, oh the good ole days, dang newbies" posts that you find in every message board about everything. Or maybe it is the post Mai Kai blues, just in case I think I'll head on down there for happy hour tonight:-).


Always late to chime in, but Interesting topic and very interesting replies. I can only speak for myself, but Amy and I have been members for quite a while and I guess we post pretty infrequently. There are a number of reasons for this. The first one is that we have so little time. We have what seems like five jobs between us. We both work freelance and besides the jobs that earn us most of our income (graphic design and art installation) we have to try and allocate time for the vintage modern resale that we do, the art that I'm supposed to be working on in my studio, the house that still needs work and of course we are trying to get Tiki Quest promoted and distributed. We pretty much work seven days a week, morning, noon and night, and with a baby on the way, I'm afraid we will have even less time to peruse and post. When we are on Tiki Central we are generally reading and trying to catch up. We have learned a great deal and have found the different personalities and different perspectives very interesting. Frequently I don't post because I do not feel that I have anything terribly new or insightful to add.

I agree with much that has been said about this already and I empathize with the different perspectives and the ideas that have been expressed. It's always fun to be part of a small group of people who are into something and can share their passion. Regardless if it's a band, an underground film or a love of Tiki and all that it entails. It's fun to collect, to see what treasures other collectors have unearthed, visiting Tiki temples that still stand, building your own home Tiki bar, sharing tropical drinks and conversation with friends, and strutting around in your favorite aloha attire. There are so many aspects and avenues to enjoyment of Tiki, it's no wonder it has so many enthusiasts, and each one has found a different route to Tiki worship. It's also no surprise that with as many of us proselytizing about Tiki that there are more and more converts every day. While I can lament with other long time collectors the demise of the days of thrifts well stocked with discarded Tikis and the irrational prices that are being paid for mugs on ebay, I have to accept that this is the nature of the discovery of, or revival of, any "lost" cultural phenomenon.

I too have passed through the Pottery Barn, Kohl's, and a number of other mainstream retail stores, seen all the new plastic Tiki stuff and thought, "Well, you can put a fork in it, it's DONE!". But then I have to realize that if not for this resurgence in Tiki, we would not have Tiki Farm or Munktiki, or Bone Productions, or any of the fine contemporary artisans who are supplying quality Tiki stuff that we can enjoy. It seems like many of the things that I am very passionate about have become very "trendy" or co-opted by mainstream culture, but I think they are only getting a shallow superficial view of things that are very interesting and multi-faceted. I think it's cool that there are some people who are interested enough to dig deeper and find out what discoveries lay out there– and some of those people are doing that here on Tiki Central.

Back to the original point, like I said, having been in on the ground floor of other discoveries like cool bands or other emerging trends, I can understand being resentful of the "johnny-come-latelys" or newbies. I mean, it's something special to you and you hold it dear and don't want to to be diluted or become a fad. But it seems like there is little to do but let things run their course and if you still are an enthusiasts when things have subsided, you will still be able to enjoy it when others have moved on. I don't think that being mean and aggressive to folks who just discovered Tiki or Tiki Central does anyone any good and I have been dismayed at the treatment some new members have been subjected to. It has even made me apprehensive to post sometimes. I don't need to be criticized for my opinion. What's that expression? "Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one". It seems to me like the best thing course of action if someone says or does something stupid or offensive would be to ignore them. I don't think it reflects well on Tiki Central when members are bullied off the forum just because they have what others think are silly ideas or they (out of ignorance) try to solicit information or interest in their auctions or products. It seems to me that it would be enough to politely point out to them that there is a forum to post ebay auctions or if you don't like that they are trying to sell their wares to what they see as their target market, simply do not patronize them. I dunno' I guess I'm just trying to say that the negativity and venom I sometimes see puts a pall over the forum on occasions. The only other thing I would consider a distraction or a dilution of the forum would be the non-Tiki posts like embarrassing photos, Halloween stuff and whatnot. That's cool and fine, but it seems like maybe if it's not about Tiki subjects it should be in the "Beyond" forum.

Otherwise, I still think that Tiki Central is an engaging and informative forum. I really like that Hanford has created the new catagories for finding and creating Tiki. I think it's great that by pooling everyone's knowledge and recourses Tiki Central is a vital and entertaining place that you can spend a lot of time with. I think it's fine that there are members that contribute regularly, some that post from time to time and those that just enjoy reading and learning. I think that's reflective of the community as a whole, and everyone gets out of it what they put in.

Just my two cents. Sorry I kinda' rambled.

On 2003-10-24 11:55, boutiki wrote:
Just my two cents. Sorry I kinda' rambled.


Ramble all ya want, so long as its as well written,thought out, and intentioned as that!


I have not posted in a while for several reasons, too.
Although I have been busy with other things lately, I have been turned off of TC because it seems to be more mean spirited. Why do I think so?

  1. Too many members react too negatively, too quickly, to too many posts - especially from newcomers.
    2)I'm tired of feeling like I have to justify my existence here. I say that because I often read posts by braggarts claiming to be more tiki than the next guy. Really, so what? It makes the board clicky and too middle school, in my opinion. Since when is this a competition?
  2. Sometimes I don't want to post because I fear some joker (Bong) who will knock what I'm saying. Everyone has a right to their opinions, but really can't be at least be polite to one another? I don't think saying "hey that's just how I am" can justify rude behavior. I don't want to be picked on, so I don't post much any more.
  3. What is wrong with posting somthing that says Kohl's (or any other mainstream store) has tiki mugs? I don't live in the cradle of tiki civilization and I like being advise when something I like is available.
  4. This is looking more and more like a bad frat house where the newcomers are pledges who must accept the abuse of elders. It has looked like all newcomers have been subject to hazing and that's not cool to me.

Bong, I don't question your tiki expertise, but I do question the way you treat people on here sometimes. You scare me, man.


Bong is like the Hutch. There's a little Bong in all of us.

Don't take the Bong too seriously folks. Think of him as your curmudgeonly but loveable uncle and you'll do just fine.

I agree. He scared me a little at first, but so did sushi, computers, roller coasters, etc., all of which I groove on now. Bong just says what we all think but won't admit to 'cos we still give a stupid crap if people like us or not. Come on, folks, free yourselves, release your inner Bong!
(Actually, there's a fine art to being Bong. I don't think just anyone could do it.)

On 2003-10-24 14:31, purple jade wrote:
Bong just says what we all think ...

Speak for yourself.


I hear what you're saying PJ, but I disagree.
In no way does Bong speak for me or represent my opinions.
Actually, to me, it's more like being scared of thug waving a gun at me than being scared of a roller coaster.
Roller coasters and computers aren't bullies.
I don't want this to be ONLY about a certain person, either. It was simply an observation.

On 2003-10-24 15:08, Chacha wrote:

Roller coasters and computers aren't bullies.

same goes fer sushi!

Bong said he thinks things seem different on TC. Does anyone disagree with that? Yes or no. Not asking for reasons, qualifications, or pointing fingers, or blaming anyone for anything. It is different. It IS! Whether because of natural ebb and flow or what, but it's different. Just about everyone I've talked to who's been a member (or lurker) for more than six months thinks so. So I still think he just said what we've all noticed in some way, shape or form. Is it really that EVERYONE has suddenly become SO busy that they where they once posted at least once a week, now they sometimes don't show up for well over a month? Or is it maybe that they don't keep up as vigilantly because they're bored? Or irritated? And if that's so, it's a good idea to call attention to it and try to get things back on track, if possible.
I personally noticed a bit of a drop-off when certain members (and/or former members) were posting just to start arguments. I think it turned a lot of people off. Some seem to think that's what this thread was doing. I don't. I think it was a valid question, and one for which people should shelve their personal sensitivities for a minute or two and think about objectively.

P.S. Tiki Chris and Chacha~
Are you speaking in regards to the subject of this thread or about Bong's tone in general? I ask you to think about what he's asked here as if someone else had asked it, without your bias against him.
And what I meant is, until I learned to appreciate sushi and computers for their good points, they put me off too. Bong has made some good points, here and elsewhere.

[ Edited by: purple jade on 2003-10-24 15:22 ]

[ Edited by: purple jade on 2003-10-24 15:24 ]


On 2003-10-24 15:10, Tiki Chris wrote:
same goes fer sushi!

You clearly haven't had fermented soy beans. ::shiver::

Back to topic: I actually have a weakness for assholes. Not all assholes, just some of them, and I happen to be partial to the assholes we have here at TC. (There's more than one; Bong is, however, a standup standout asshole.) However! A brand spankin' new person has no way of knowing that the asshole who is attacking them is loveable. It comes across as a test one is supposed to pass, and that's just bullshit.

I can't help but wonder if some of this comes because some of the more, shall I say, abrasive personality types around here come from relatively tiki-clogged areas of the world. Perhaps it's been a while since the last time these folks tried to throw a luau, only to hear "Why do I have to wear an aloha shirt? Why can't I just have a beer? Ugh, do I have to wear the lei? God, who drinks those nasty girly drinks? Don't bother with the umbrella, I'm just going to toss it. What's that awful music with the screeching woman, anyway? Do you mind if I turn the basketball game on, I just want to check the score."

For me, finding someone who is even only a leeetle, tiny bit interested in learning more about "the whole tiki thing" is something exciting. I push hard for those folks to pick up a copy of the BOT and to check out TC. To then see people run out from TC "because they couldn't stand the heat in the kitchen" is a terrible loss, particularly since the supposed hot kitchen doesn't really exist. For someone to get that far only to have the door slammed in their face sucks.


I don't think the question "What has changed" is yes or no.

MY question was "Does anyone disagree that things seem different?" Which I believe can be answered "yes" or "no". And now let's really degenerate things by making this a semantics argument.

I like Bong. I like Tiki Chris. I don't know too much about Chacha. I'm not taking sides. So please don't draw any lines in the sand with me.

Well, the background is green, whereas on Yahoo it was white.

And while we have advertising, its not those damned pop ups, and inserted ads they would put between you and the link you just clicked on.

I don't see as many posts from sweetpea any more.

Thats about all I've noticed.

I went through a posting lull due to medical thingies, and will go through one this week due to a vacation thingy. The there will be the Turkey day thingy, and the pine tree day thingy, and another medical thingy thats growing on my forehead, and needs to get removed and examined thingy. There I'm posting lull excused well into next year.

People move on sometimes, even the most vocal tiki purist may decide that its time to let the mugs get dusty, and see what else is going on out there.

Change? I hope so. To paraphrase Zappa, without change, nothing happens. (extreeeeeeeeemely loose paraphrase by the way, but pretty much sums it up)

TG http://www.exotic-tiki-gardens.com


I'm relatively new, but Tiki Central is a nice escape for me. Having made an attempt at growing up and being responsible I find I don't get to interact with many really interesting people anymore. T.C. seems to be where a lot can be found. Whether someone's going off on someone or trading carving tips... it's a zillion times better than listening to some yutz go on about sports or whatever inane fad the mindless yuppies have latched onto. I haven't had the pleasure yet, but I'd even consider it an honor to have Bong rip me a new one.


I don't mind too much if someone here is rude - it just reveals their own character. The problem is when they intentionally give the impression that they are speaking for all of TC (even using the word "we" at times).

Someone said when a "bully" posts, the rest of us are either complicit or scared of the bully too. Not necessarily true - many of us are just too busy much of the time to keep up with the Million Mail club.

As for the original question, I honestly don't see any big changes. I remember squabbles and dry spells on the original club. I think Bong's original post referred to TC being "taken over" by off-topic posts from new members with apparently a passing interest. I see plenty of off-topic posts, but I wouldn't say that all or even a majority necessarily comes from new members. Just the opposite - so-called old-timers often seem to talk about almost anything on their minds. But maybe that irony was supposed to be part of a "joke" of posting this in the first place, along the lines of "I like to start fires and watch them burn." If so, the joke's on us for reading and replying, and Tiki-Bot's reply was the most appropriate. Who cares - I think the forum is what you make of it. I'm still very glad it's here, and still see interesting posts from the "bullies" and "newbies" and others in between.


On 2003-10-24 12:27, Chacha wrote:

Bong, I don't question your tiki expertise, but I do question the way you treat people on here sometimes. You scare me, man.

Classic and typical response, I don't really give a fuck what people think of me. That's why I am and always was punk. Most you people think you're a 'punk' (and you claim to be), but you're so fucking "POLITCALLY CORRECT", you can't even take a descent shit.

You may not like what I have to say, but in only 3 days, my thread has caused 75 replies and 1726 views. Go find another thread that generated that kind of enthusiasm.

One general line of agreement in most posts has been, 'yeah, the board has become a bit stagnant'. I've only caused you to think and react. You actually created something in your post.

I tell my children (yeah, don't be afraid, I've reproduced) everyday - Do something creative, anything, draw, sing, play, construct. But above all, THINK!

Those of you that think I'm an asshole, bully, whateva', have never met me. Stop by sometime and let's hoist one!

All I've done is force you to do something, anything.

Now, get over it and move on!

Just too rich not to......

"Classic and typical response, I don't really give a fuck what people think of me. That's why I am and always was punk. Most you people think you're a 'punk' (and you claim to be), but you're so fucking "POLITCALLY CORRECT", you can't even take a descent shit. "

Choice A - Read with Jack Nicholson voice, "You want the Tiki truth? You can't handle the Tiki truth.

Choice B - Read with Stuart Smalley voice, then add, "Because I'm Tiki-er than you, punk-er than you, and doggonit, I don't care if people like me"

Good one, Bong! You are right, it would be more fun to do this with drinks in hand and talk trash while bowling!

"You may not like what I have to say, but in only 3 days, my thread has caused 75 replies and 1726 views. Go find another thread that generated that kind of enthusiasm."

Love the logic. Since Brittany Spears gets the most web views, she must generate the most enthusiasm in all of music. If ya don't care what we think, why ya care how many views ya get? Just asking.

"One general line of agreement in most posts has been, 'yeah, the board has become a bit stagnant'. I've only caused you to think and react. You actually created something in your post."

I agree with you. A little spirited conversation is crucial. A little self-aggrandizing about the epic contribution of your thread, but good. It did liven things up.

"I tell my children (yeah, don't be afraid, I've reproduced) everyday - Do something creative, anything, draw, sing, play, construct. But above all, THINK!"

No disagreement on that. Great paragraph!

"Those of you that think I'm an asshole, bully, whateva', have never met me. Stop by sometime and let's hoist one!"

One!? One!?! Oh well.

Great point again, I bet Bong would be one of the best folks here to hoist with! Also, a guy who doesn't seem cowered by mere disagreement. I bet he wouldn't take it wrong if ya disagreed with him.

"All I've done is force you to do something, anything."

Hmmmm, maybe picture a guy in a wife beater tank top: "I love ya baby, it's just that ya made me hit ya." Maybe Mike Ness dealing with Christina Whatsername....:D

"Now, get over it and move on!"

Wow, a punk Eagles fan. Was that on Hell Freezes Over or something?

Good fun, time for some Flor De Cana and lime!

On 2003-10-24 18:14, Tiki_Bong wrote:
Classic and typical response, I don't really give a fuck what people think of me. That's why I am and always was punk.

Bong, it's not what people think of you, it's about whether or not your own actions are contributing to the trends you're complaining of. I wonder if to a degree they are.

I'm not saying that your posts make newbies post ... but perhaps to a degree your posts are keeping more newbies from becoming longtime members. If we keep scaring away new members all we're going to be left with is members posting 1 or 2 posts then leaving.

It takes significantly thicker skin for a newbie to post their second Tiki Central post than it does their first, if you catch my drift.

Not trying to dissuade you from being who you are, Bong. Just pointing it out. You can be unapllogetic in who you are, but still take a proactive approach to changing Tiki Central for the better.


My second post happend to be a reply to a Bong post, it made me mad.
I think I gave him a fair amount of shit and made some good points.(last ones ever)
I thought for sure it was my last day?
Anyway, I think we are pretty good buddies.

Can anyone go to a party and sit around with ten people and not have the same things happen that happen on this board?
We are all in a different dynamic at one point or another.
I don't have a lot in my who,what,why,when TIKI brain cells, but I am good at being a smart ass.
I don't post as much anymore because my work and family load doubled a while back.
Hell, I have not poured one of my TIKIS for a year.
The wimps will always be wimps until you grow up enough to realize computers don't hurt people, people hurt people.
Look at the bright side,
When you know Bong, you always have two assholes to choose from!


Tiki_Bong wrote

Most you people think you're a 'punk' (and you claim to be), but you're so fucking "POLITCALLY CORRECT", you can't even take a decent shit.

I have been a little irregular latley!?!? I want to thank Bong for helping me to love my inner poser! To embrace the poser that I AM! No more will I fight what just is! There is no shame! I am FREE! Now I'm gonna go
TRY to take a decent shit! If I had only known sooner! Thanks Bong!

[ Edited by: DawnTiki on 2003-10-25 12:52 ]

Many years ago while attending a concert (Agent Orange, JFA and ??? ca. 1986) I jumped, Docs first, from the mezzanine into a sea of gelatin Liberty Spikes. As I was sailing through the air I realized a very important life defining reality: what a fine line it is between being punk and just being a punk ass bitch. Just then I landed on some guys arm and broke it. Leason learned. Oi! and Aloha!

"I like you, man. You're crazy, but I like you."

[ Edited by: Primo Kimo on 2003-10-24 20:50 ]

No Bong, nothing has changed-you're still dispensing wisdom in your own inimitable manner.

While I sit at home day after day scratching my balls I think, "That Bong, He's such a fucking punk. I hope while he's at his bean-counter job he tells his suit-monkey boss to fuck-off."

You unlovable spiky-top you!

Follow the bouncing ball kiddies...

You're a well paid scientist
You only talk in facts
You know you're always right
'Cause you know how to prove it
Step by step

A PhD to show you're smart
With textbook formulas
But you're used up
Just like a factory hand

Something is wrong here
You won't find in on a shelf
You're well paid
You're well trained
You're tied to a rack

Company cocktails-gotta go
Say the right thing
Don't fidget, jockey for position
Be polite
In the pyramid you hate
Sip that scotch
Get that raise
This ain't no party at all


Cringe and tense up
Grind your teeth
And wipe your sweaty palms
Close your windows driving past
The low life company bar
They're making fun of you

Even you
You've gotta punch the clock
Too scared to punch your boss
When will you crack
When will you crack
When will you crack
When will you open your eyes

Pull up to your sterile home
You're drained
Bite the heads off of your kids
Chew them well, they taste like you
Just slam the door

Assigned here 'cause your company owns the land
All your colleagues live there too
Private guards in golf carts
Keep you safe at home?


When will you crack
When will you crack
When will you crack
When will you crack

The dark shattered underbelly
Of the American dream
Avoid it like the plague
It stares you from your bathroom mirror

I wonder if Bong is a well paid scientist?


Watching girls go passing by
It ain't the latest thing
I'm just standing in a doorway
I'm just trying to make some sense
Out of these girls go passing by
The tales they tell of men
I'm not waiting on a lady
I'm just waiting on a friend

A smile relieves a heart that grieves
Remember what I said
I'm not waiting on a lady
I'm just waiting on a friend
I'm just waiting on a friend

Don't need a whore
I don't need no booze
Don't need a virgin priest
But I need someone I can cry to
I need someone to protect
Making love and breaking hearts
It is a game for youth
But I'm not waiting on a lady
I'm just waiting on a friend

I think we all wait for friends and we've found plenty here.

"Someday...I'll go insane...and someday...I won't have a brain...they'll take away the part that huuuuurts and let the rest remaaaain...Fix me, Fix my head, Fix me please I don't wanna be dead"...(-I didn't write this, incidentally).


Star Star (Mick Jagger/Keith Richards)

Baby, baby, I've been so sad since you've been gone
way back to New York City
where you do belong
Honey, I missed your two tongue kisses,
legs wrapped around me tight
If I ever get back to Fun City, girl,
I'm gonna make you scream all night.

Honey, honey, call me on the telephone,
I know you're movin' out to Hollywood
with your can of tasty foam
All those beat up friends of mine
got to get you in their books
And lead guitars and movie stars
get their toes beneath your hook.

Yeah! You're a star fucker, star fucker, star fucker, star fucker, star
yeah, a star fucker, star fucker, star fucker, star fucker, star,
a star fucker, star fucker, star fucker, star fucker star.

Yeah, I heard about you Polaroid's,
now that's what I call obscene,
your tricks with fruit was kind a cute,
I bet you keep your pussy clean.
Honey, I miss your two tone kisses,
legs wrapped around me tight.
If I ever get back to New York, girl,
gonna make you scream all night.

Yeah! You're a star fucker, star fucker, star fucker, star fucker, star
yeah, a star fucker, star fucker, star fucker, star fucker, star,
a star fucker, star fucker, star fucker, star fucker star.

Yeah, Ali McGraw got mad with you
for givin' head to Steve McQueen,
yeah, and me we made a pretty pair,
fallin' through the Silver Screen.
Honey, I'm open to anything
I don't know where to draw the line.
Yeah, I'm makin' bets that you gonna get
(you man) before he dies.
(John Wayne)

Yeah! You're a star fucker, star fucker, star fucker, star fucker, star
yeah, a star fucker, star fucker, star fucker, star fucker, star,
a star fucker, star fucker, star fucker, star fucker star.

This should cure you. :) Ayhooooooo

I'm about to have a nervous breakdown! My head really hurts...........anything after 1980 is cheating!!!

"I won't apologize For acting outta line You see the way I am You leave any time you can..."

Damn Ben... ya beat me by two minutes!

[ Edited by: Lake Surfer on 2003-10-24 23:53 ]

Had a girl and she did me wrong
I didn't let that kinda shit go on too long
Split the clouds and divided the sea
Showed that evil bitch how nasty the tiki god could be
She didn't call no more nor bother me
My little tiki god made sure I'd live in peace
One day I read they found a body in the river
Tiki God, why you make me shake, you make me shiver, all right

I got a Tiki God... saves me... I got a Tiki God

Bobby Brady found the idol in the rubble
Had no idea it would cause so much trouble
When Greg tried to throw it back in the ocean
There was a rumble, an awful commotion
Don't ask me how, but the tiki found Bobby
He thought the idol was some Hawaiian hobby
Turned out the god was mean and vicious
Didn't respond to Bobby's 3 wishes, no no

He had a Tiki God... saves him... He had a Tiki God

So when you're caught up in an evil plot
Your life's in danger and you can hear the shot
Your head is spinning and you're fading fast
How long do you think this kinda fun can last
Your luck will change with a simple motion
I found my idol in a bottle in the ocean
He splits the clouds and divides the sea
And shows those evil guys how nasty those tiki gods can be, all right

He had a Tiki God... saves him... He had a Tiki God

p.s. - the Presidents of the USA version sucks ass -- the original is way better

The best tiki bar is the one that's within stumbling distance of your bed
The Humuhumu Room

[ Edited by: Humuhumu on 2003-10-24 23:49 ]

"IIII'm craaazy and III'm hurt...Head over shoulders...It's going-berseeeeerrrrk"...

Bong, if you feelin' frogish, jump! I'll make like a snake and catch you in mid air. See ya at the next one bro.


On 2003-10-24 23:44, Humuhumu wrote:

p.s. - the Presidents of the USA version sucks ass -- the original is way better


I actually just picked this cd up yesterday, and according to the liner notes, it is a Presidents Of the U.S.A. song, written by Chris Ballew, their guitarist. Theirs is the only version I've heard (Thanks TraderPup!). Is there another??

(Sorry to derail the thread, but I was actually listening to the disc while I read these posts...)

Now back to the 'real' thread...

On 2003-10-24 15:18, purple jade wrote:

Are you speaking in regards to the subject of this thread or about Bong's tone in general?


in general: i usually find tiki bong's perspective different than mine. not necessarily better/worse, just different. & only on rare occasion have i felt that he was saying what i was thinking.

but i must say that quite often if i see that tiki bong has posted something or started a thread, i just don't read it.

w/ respect to this thread: i haven't been thinking about how tc has changed at all. honestly, i'm just now finally catching up from a nearly 2 & 1/2 month hiatus.

but now that i'm caught up, i can say that i think tc is about the same. only maybe a little better:

i love the locating tiki forum. i think the creating tiki forum is a brilliant idea. i find that when i ask a question i still get quality responses from friendly, like-minded folks.

speaking only for myself,
tiki chris

[ Edited by: tiki chris on 2003-10-25 19:37 ]


according to the liner notes, it is a Presidents Of the U.S.A. song, written by Chris Ballew, their guitarist

When I was about 10 or 11, I got a bootleg copy of a demo tape for a band called "Dukes of Pop" that had this and many other great, goofy songs on it. I just about wore that tape out, and I still have half the songs semi-memorized. Sadly, I lost it while moving a while back. Imagine my shock when many years later I heard a relatively bland, tame, over-produced version of Tiki God on the POTUSA album... turns out that Ballew had previously formed about a dozen bands with slightly different lineups here in Seattle over the years, and my tape was from one (or maybe more, who knows) of his earlier bands.


"I love to light fires and then watch them burn... "

It looks like someone else down there in SoCal likes Tiki_Bongs philosophy as well. LITERALLY !!

I hope all you HoityToity's are safe from the flames and let's all hope those Santa Ana's die down fast.

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