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Help me drink large amounts of Angostura rum

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Quiet Village Idiot posted on 11/22/2010

My sister-in-law just got a new job working for Angostura Rum. This means that she now has large quantities of rum and bitters lying around the house. And I'm pretty sure that I will be called on to mix the drinks when I go to stay over Christmas.

The thing is, I don't find that many recipes in the Beachbum Berry books for specifically Angostura or Trinidad rum. So I'm hoping that one of you good people would be able to share such recipes, point me in the direction of a good source, or suggest recipes in which I could successfully use Angostura as a substitute.

Many thanks for any and all help!

arriano posted on 11/22/2010

Angostura lists recipes on its web site that you may want to try:


swizzle posted on 11/23/2010

I assume you are talking about both the 1919 and the 1824. Either one makes a good rum old-fashioned.

Quiet Village Idiot posted on 11/23/2010

Yeah, and the white, and the 5 and 7 year olds!

This is the picture they sent me:

I imagine I can use the white in anything that mentions simply 'white rum', but I understand that it's not dry enough to be substituted for Puerto Rican white - which seems to be by far and away the most commonly used white rum in tiki drinks.

How about the older vintages? Would they be a good sub for (say) Jamaican or Barbados rum?

Anyway thanks to both of you for your help! :)

Kon-Hemsby posted on 11/24/2010

A mix of the 1919 and 1824 makes a good Mai Tai

Quiet Village Idiot posted on 11/24/2010

Thanks for the tip! I'll definitely give that a try!

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