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sophista-tiki orignals Dawn Frasier

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Sophista-tiki posted on 02/10/2011

yardage, coconut buttons, and sewing patterns should all arive tomorow. Making aloha shirts and dresses availible at the event

Babalu posted on 02/10/2011

I LOVE, LOVE the Mojave shirt Dawn....my two loves, vintage travel trailers and tiki on one shirt.

Please save an XL for me!! I really want one!

PS: This is going to be a hands down, SMOKIN' HIT with the vintage trailer folks too...

[ Edited by: Babalu 2011-02-09 17:19 ]

Sophista-tiki posted on 02/10/2011

20 yards of fabric arrived today

MadDogMike posted on 02/11/2011

Very cool Dawn! You gonna sew those all yourself or send them off to Indonesia to have them sewn???

Sophista-tiki posted on 02/11/2011

Indonesia sew ers would be afordable. I can only afford Sew- ers, sew people, who do sewing, on sewing machines. ( if you want to call yourself a seamstress go right ahead.) BUT I have a team of sew ers lined up here in Seattle. and a couple of TC sew ers for the special garments.

[ Edited by: Sophista-tiki 2011-02-11 12:33 ]

Hiphipahula posted on 02/11/2011

I want a shirt in a bad good way :wink:

zerostreet posted on 02/11/2011


danlovestikis posted on 02/11/2011

Wow, wow, what else is there to say, oh awesome! Wendy

Sophista-tiki posted on 02/12/2011
leleliz posted on 02/12/2011

Your artistic style really lends itself well to fabric design...love these!

Sophista-tiki posted on 02/13/2011

new swatches.

2 more batches of swatches on their way then I can sort and place them all in collections.
so far my collections are

TikiG posted on 02/13/2011

Beautiful Dawn!

Sophista-tiki posted on 02/15/2011

coming soon - STICKERS

WaikikianMoeKele posted on 02/15/2011

On 2011-02-15 13:53, Sophista-tiki wrote:
coming soon - STICKERS

SO cool!!!!

Sophista-tiki posted on 02/15/2011

thsnks, there will be a line of architectural stickers, with a couple of tikis thrown in. this first tiki is 8" high

Sophista-tiki posted on 02/15/2011

Abstractive, Matuku fabric now availib/e in 6 colorways


Mr. Pupu Pants posted on 02/16/2011

Hey Dawn, those are AWESOME :)

Wouldn't those graphics look cool on a retro lunch pail? Too cool. :)

On 2011-02-15 13:53, Sophista-tiki wrote:
coming soon - STICKERS

Sophista-tiki posted on 02/16/2011

fresh batch of samples arrived this morning. these selections are now availible for sale.

Sophista-tiki posted on 02/16/2011

soory PuPu I missed reading your post before I moved onto the next thing. in response to lucnh pail... HECK YA now I want one!

MadDogMike posted on 02/16/2011

Dawn, are all of your fabrics (except the Mojave Oasis, of course) available to buy?

Sophista-tiki posted on 02/16/2011

yes all of my fabrics are availible for sale here:

there are 2 galleries. the one at the top of the page is whats for sale
the one at the bottom of the page is what is designed but not yet availible.

Abstractiva, Tsunami, Brown

[ Edited by: Sophista-tiki 2011-02-16 16:35 ]

Swamp Fire posted on 02/17/2011

Love those fabric designs! Great job Dawn!!

keigs20 posted on 02/21/2011

very nice Dawn still love the painting we have from you!!!!!

Sophista-tiki posted on 02/21/2011

Thanks for looking.
wait until you see the clothes!!!
getting lots of attention for the fabric designs outside of the tiki relm. I fully expect licensing this year.

I should be getting back to painting in about a week. , have a few shows lined up and need to make inventory for vending at Tiki Oasis.
I just dug out all of my (never been seen by you people) silk screens and will have asmall offereing of T-shirts soon,
My book, Tapa designs of the pacific is currently in que and will also be availible soon.

and of course stickers, I've always wanted to do stickers.
(I bought a sticker from Doug last year at TO for my truck and its my favorite, and inspires me to make my own stickers every day I see it)

24 more fabrics will be availible in about a week.
and remember if you cant sew but you want a custom shirt or dress you can always contact Karrol ( Kiki von Tiki) or Andy (Fashion Tramp) to make something special just for you.
just buy your fabric and send it to them .

WestADad posted on 02/21/2011

Hi Dawn, excited about your book! Any thoughts about pre-ordering?

Love all your work!


Sophista-tiki posted on 02/21/2011

I will have book info in about 3 weeks or so, I have to size it down because the original done in the early 90's is large format . I'll be adding some new pages too. When I have all the details I will be taking pre orders.

WestADad posted on 02/21/2011

On 2011-02-21 10:02, Sophista-tiki wrote:
I will have book info in about 3 weeks or so, I have to size it down because the original done in the early 90's is large format . I'll be adding some new pages too. When I have all the details I will be taking pre orders.


Sophista-tiki posted on 03/06/2011

new batch of samples arrived last week. 24 more designs are now availible.
I wish I could show what I am working on . you'll see soon enough and then I can finally get back to painting.

mp posted on 03/07/2011

Dawn, your blowin my mind! So talented.
There all BEAUTIFUL.

little lost tiki posted on 03/07/2011

Girl's outta Control!
in a good way!

4WDtiki posted on 03/07/2011


Sophista-tiki posted on 03/07/2011

hahaha Thanks for the nice words, I thought I was reading a NYTimes review.

Just wait until you see the clothes!!

Sophista-tiki posted on 03/15/2011

is it live or is it memorex

If I didnt make this myself I would think it was vintage.

little lost tiki posted on 03/15/2011

it does look vintage!
Model one and take a pic!

Lucky Jackson posted on 03/15/2011

That is so freaking cool, nice work Dawn!

Hiphipahula posted on 03/15/2011

More than Awesome Dawn, you have great talent and skills!

Sophista-tiki posted on 03/17/2011

Donating this pair of watercolors for next weekends auction fundraiser for Japan here in Seattle. In the company of some legendary NW school artists. . Honored to be included for this personal cause. As some of you may know I work at the Japanese Community and Cultural Center here in Seattle and am curator of collections for our museum.


locals may want to go check it out

[ Edited by: Sophista-tiki 2011-03-17 17:55 ]

Sophista-tiki posted on 03/19/2011
bigbrotiki posted on 03/22/2011

On 2011-03-15 11:05, Sophista-tiki wrote:
is it live or is it memorex

If I didnt make this myself I would think it was vintage.

I totally agree! Dawn, you really have found your medium with those fabrics! I want them all - on SOMETHING! Suddenly I wish I wuz a girl and knew how to sew! (not that that's only a girl thing, but the chances would be better) :)

danlovestikis posted on 03/22/2011

Perfect, I'm a fan, Wendy

zerostreet posted on 03/22/2011

On 2011-03-15 11:05, Sophista-tiki wrote:
is it live or is it memorex

If I didnt make this myself I would think it was vintage.

So nice!

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Sophista-tiki posted on 03/30/2011

hang tags for the clothes
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MadDogMike posted on 03/30/2011

Sweet! Very professional!

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Queen Kamehameha posted on 03/30/2011

Hummmm, I love it, all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! b Great job Dawn!

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Sophista-tiki posted on 04/12/2011

Ok since theyve been officially revealed I think I can now post this under "stuff I made"
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little lost tiki posted on 04/18/2011

These were so gorgeous in the flesh! The orange just POPPED!
as do your watercolors....the cools feel cool!
Thanks sooooo much for making this last weekend a Cornucopia of Cavalcades!

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Tiki Shark Art posted on 04/19/2011


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TheBigT posted on 04/19/2011

ST, somehow I don't think I've ever seen your work before. May I make the understatement of the year and say, "WOW"?! I'm hooked now! :)

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