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Tiki Bob art show at the Tonga Hut March 27 starting at 4pm.

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tobunga posted on 03/22/2011

On 2011-03-22 08:19, JOHN-O wrote:
Remember when your school text books had the answers to chapter quizzes in the back? Rather than try to answer the questions on their own, some kids simply went straight to that section.

Tobunga was one of those kids !! :D

Well, actually, what happened was I was reading about TIki Bob in the Book of Tiki, and then moments later logged on to TC, and saw Sven's question on this thread.

I just happened to be unknowingly studying before the pop quiz!

Did I pass the test?

It was a very strange coincidence, me reading the Book of Tiki and then visiting TC... has that ever happened to any of you other fine tiki folks?

Cammo posted on 03/23/2011

"Both SHAG and Derek Yaniger's art is heavily influenced by the old stylized cartoons of yesteryear."

...like Jim Flora?

...or like Ward Kimball?

GROG not dumb, GROG smart.

aquarj posted on 03/23/2011

"...the old stylized cartoons of yesteryear"

Good examples Cammo. And for much more "Cartoon Modern" see Amid Amidi's treasure troves of imagery here and here. And get his book, highly recommended!

Sorry if that's an interruption - back to boosting bob's bonafides!


GROG posted on 03/23/2011

Wish GROG luck, the Bobs went through bisque fire last night. The kiln still too hot to open this morning.

Thanks Randy for links to Amid Amidi's "Cartoon Retro". That book GROG has been meaning to get for awhile. GROG LOVE old UPA style animation.

GROG miss Tiki-Kate

[ Edited by: GROG 2011-03-23 11:06 ]

GROG posted on 03/23/2011

Still Life with Tiki BOB MUG by SHAG

GROG miss Tiki-Kate

[ Edited by: GROG 2011-03-23 11:13 ]

GROG posted on 03/23/2011

There's a few things to touch up here and there, but for the most part things are looking pretty good. The colors that are on there now are underglazes (you put them on the greenware and they go into bisque fire). Now onto the glazing and another fire. Invariably there may be a few more touchups and another glaze fire after that, but time-wise it look like GROG should have some Bob mugs ready for the show.


GROG miss Tiki-Kate

[ Edited by: GROG 2011-03-23 13:24 ]

Tobor64 posted on 03/23/2011

Go, Grog, Go!

little lost tiki posted on 03/23/2011


Wildsville man posted on 03/24/2011

you forgot this great piece of modern Tiki Bob art at the beginning of this blog

a Sam Gambino Classic

Hiphipahula posted on 03/24/2011

To my surprise nowhere is there a cocktail named the Tiki Bob. I searched high and low but just to be sure I called upon my good friend Dr. Trader Tom. Tom didn't find one either we stumbled on the, Sneaky Tiki, Super Sneaky Tiki and Royal Sneaky Tiki, signature cocktails. Perfect opportunity, thus I bring you, Live, from the Tonga Hut March 27th the Tiki Bob Show! I bring you **TIKI BOB the Cocktail! ** See you at the show!

GROG posted on 03/24/2011

Yay!!! New drink by Hiphipahula. GROG sure it going to taste great.

Thanks for showing us Sam Gam' Tiki Bob art Rory. Sam the man! Tiki Magazine cover artist for next issue.


Where GROG need to go Tobor? Most people tell GROG to go to hell, but after glazing Tiki Bobs, hell would be a welcome respit.

Pretty much finished the glazing yesterday and a little this morning. Now to add some clear glaze and back into the oven they go.

GROG posted on 03/24/2011

GROG a little worried about "Blue Bob", the sad-looking Tiki Bob next to the Yin/Yang mug and shot combo. GROG just bought that glaze yesterday, and it supposed to come out blue, but it definitely not go on blue. GROG never use that glaze before, and not have time to test it. GROG sure hope it turn blue when GROG fire it!

bigbrotiki posted on 03/24/2011

What a police line up, quite a cast of characters you made there, Grog!

Here's a crazy Ken Ruzic piece I own, "Tiki Bob and his Brothers":


GROG posted on 03/24/2011

Thanks Bigbro for another fine example of Tiki Bob-inspired art and from TC's very own LLT/Ken Ruzic. GROG wish GROG had time to bust out some 2-D art for te show, but GROG too busy finishing up these damned ceramics. GROG Photoshop art for the art show invitation will just have to suffice. Feel free all to download both or either one and post on your Myspace, Facebook, Blog, or whatever.

[ Edited by: GROG 2011-03-24 13:42 ]

bigbrotiki posted on 03/24/2011

Love that first card, Grog, great concept!

On 2011-03-24 09:53, Hiphipahula wrote:
....we stumbled on the, Sneaky Tiki, Super Sneaky Tiki and Royal Sneaky Tiki, signature cocktails. Perfect opportunity, thus I bring you, Live, from the Tonga Hut March 27th the Tiki Bob Show! I bring you **TIKI BOB the Cocktail! ** See you at the show!

Wonderful, Kelly, that is true ancestor worship in action: Providing the ritual potion to honor the father of Tiki Bob!
Are you gonna mix it like he did? :wink:

What's dat, you ask? Well of course it's:

...and here's a menu illustration for it:

(this would make a great tattoo!)

Here's some press coverage that Bob Bryant got himself :) :

This was the only clipping of this happening I had for years, until Swanky found the great Men's Mag article that I got to put in Tiki Modern. Thank god for men's magazines, and the men who collect them!

I am glad I went into my archives today, where I found this unpublished photo:

Tiki Bob behind his bar, cheering some unknown tippler. What is he cheering with? But of course:
Behold Bob holding a Bob!:

And last not least, the exterior of Tiki Bob's, as shown in the BOT:

...and a close up of the cool sign above it:

I don't think I have ever seen that smirk anywhere else? That's kind of a pre-stage to "Cutesy Bob". :D

MadDogMike posted on 03/24/2011

On 2011-03-24 11:09, GROG wrote:
GROG a little worried about "Blue Bob", the sad-looking Tiki Bob next to the Yin/Yang mug and shot combo. GROG just bought that glaze yesterday, and it supposed to come out blue, but it definitely not go on blue. GROG never use that glaze before, and not have time to test it. GROG sure hope it turn blue when GROG fire it!

Don't sweat it too much Grog, many glazes fire to a color completely different than their unfired color. All of my greens start as a red/brown and my clear starts as neon green!

tobunga posted on 03/24/2011

I'm waiting for my mugs to come out of the kiln (fingers crossed they'll look half-way decent!) but here's some other pieces I've done for the show:

This is a larger version of a black paper drawing I did about month ago. This version is 11x14, and the larger size allowed me to get more detail, including a puffer fish!

I also revisited the drawing I did of the facade of the restaurant, again an 11x14 black paper drawing. I was able to get much more detail in this piece too, including an actual background of the city lights.

I've left a strategically placed open space in the composition so that if anyone is interested, I will draw them into the scene. If you're at the show at the Hut, I'll draw you in while you wait! (To get an idea of what I mean, check out this mock up below (the only person I have as a black paper drawing is Grog, so that's why it's him).

Can't wait fer the show!

Mr. NoNaMe posted on 03/25/2011

Wow! I love it Eric.

Erik the Red

GROG posted on 03/25/2011

Thanks Bigbro for all the Tiki Bob info and photos. This turned into a nice creative and learning thread. See what happens when you can keep Ruzic at bay?

GROG set fire to Tiki Bob's? GROG not remember that. GROG must have been REALLY drunk.

On 2011-03-24 16:39, tobunga wrote:

So, this is how the mugs look right now and will remain looking until tomorrow. Tobunga has some mugs and bowls in there as well and Kirby's got his Skull-eyed Kirby Bob in there too.

MP is sending something down to Tobunga to bring to the art show, so GROG looking forward to that. This is going to be a fun art show.

GROG not mention anything about vending, but GROG going to have some Tiki Bob Salt and Pepper shakers, and some Bob shots on hand if anybody wants some. GROG believe Tobunga will probably have some plush Bobs. GROG not sure how many prints Tobor is getting made, but if he has 'em he should sell 'em. Anything that doesn't sell tomorrow can go up on the online show Monday, so keep your eyes out for the online show.

[ Edited by: GROG 2011-03-24 18:37 ]

bigtikidude posted on 03/25/2011

Awesome Just Awesome, Eric.


TikiG posted on 03/25/2011

Wow! Looka all the cool stuff here, man! GROG really workin' his ass off with his ceramics - looka that caveman GO! Nice job Ernie and best of luck with the final phase of those beauts.

I really like Tobunga's black paper art and the idea of adding a person on the sidewalk in front of Tiki Bobs is a killer idea. Whoever snags this puppy is lucky...

Just finishing my painting this afternoon and its a doozy in my humble opinion. While I may not be able to attend the show on the 27th, I will post my piece on the internet the following day.

Great job everyone so far. I can't wait to see the finished results of things not quite ready right now.

Cheers! G

Tobor64 posted on 03/25/2011

On 2011-03-24 18:28, GROG wrote:
GROG not sure how many prints Tobor is getting made, but if he has 'em he should sell 'em.

I just picked up the prints today from the printer so I will have some on hand to sell if anyone's interested.

This is going to be a great show!

mp posted on 03/25/2011

Heres a sneak peak at the giclee prints im working on for the show.
Ive ordered 500 and hope to have'm down there by Sunday.
I hope theres some TCers who like KISS.

TIKI BOBS KISS!!!! Just kidding, my wifes idea I thought was hilarious.

Ive been hiding from this thread because there will be no Bobutay or Bob Bumatay. The idea
was too ambitious and I have no where to fire right now. No clay :(

Another idea I had was "Under Sea Bobs" or "Jelly Bobs". Here is the result
of a few hours in illustrator working on the idea I thought would end up on velvet.

I also flaked out on this one. IM A LOSER!!!

So what im sending down to the Tonga Hut is this modified piece left-over
from Oasis. Black Lava Happy Bastard.

And this piece I put together for the show. Its a painted clay casting with
painted wood scrolls floating on black velvet with a vintage frame.

Everyone's art looks great and there certainly no shortage of great clay
pieces which is AWESOME! I wish I could be there sunday.
THANKS AGAIN ERNIE! You are da man!!!!

OceaOtica posted on 03/25/2011

Stuffs looking great everyone, Sven thanks for posting the unpublished photo, hopefully will have half of mugs out of the kiln tonight and more saturday, along with one piece by Amber Skowronski, will be cool to see line up of Bob variations, will hopefully get to post pics of some Zombi Bobs and Notch-o Bob tonight, see you folks on Sunday

little lost tiki posted on 03/25/2011

Awesome Sufferin Bob piece,empee!
that frame is the Bee's Knees!

shame on you for dropping the ball on the JellyBobs,tho!

GROG posted on 03/25/2011

Finally got crap out of the kiln. Here's the results.
UNHOLY BOB is OK. YIN/YANG BOB combo has minor touchups. ROCKY BOB, might darken him up a bit. MINIMALIST BOB is fine. PRIMITIVE BOB's gonna get some more glaze.
BLUE BOB turned blue and came out great. GROG a little disappointed with CUTESY BOB. GROG did a darker wipe on him, so the low areas on the body should be darker, but overall he's fine.

BLUE BOB looks good.


Tobunga's BOB lineup.

Kirby's skull-eyed mug.

GROG did a couple of one-of-a-kind-colored Java Bobs for the show, and some Bob Shots in glazes that GROG hasn't used on any BOB shots yet.
There'll be some BOB Salt and Pepper shakers too. They'll go in tomorrow nights firing.

Tobor64 posted on 03/25/2011

Hey, Grog, Kirby & Tobunga, those all look great!

MauiRose posted on 03/25/2011

Grog crap lookin' good!

I'm also really digging JellyBobs and Suffering Bob.

danlovestikis posted on 03/26/2011

Grog crap lookin' good!

A lady can't really say that so I'll just second it! Wendy

kirby posted on 03/26/2011

Grogs stuff turned out pretty great!! It looks like the untested blue bob glaze turned out a lil on the blue-green side but it still looks good! as for my "kirby bob" Now thats the way to leave a leaf in the pool!! (Grog will know what that means).

Big Kahuna posted on 03/26/2011

Ya, know, up 'til now, I really did not like Tiki Bob, but you guys are blowing me away with your creativity. Wendy, Eric, GROG, Kirby, your stuff is amazing. MP, you gotta do that Under Sea Bobs! It's probably a good thing I live this far away, cuz I'd be trying to buy everything! Have a great time you guys & take lots of pics.

PS: Kirby, I get the "Leaf left in the pool!" :lol:

bigbrotiki posted on 03/26/2011

Nice job, guys!

I think Blue Bob is sad because he was painted another color than what a Tiki should be painted in: brown! :wink:

TikiKIrby posted on 03/26/2011

Wow, there is some very cool ideas here.. It's cool to see how this little bar made such an impact, and has inspired so much... BigBro, mahalo for all the pics and back story, there's always something more to learn from you. Great work everyone, congrats!!

GROG posted on 03/26/2011

Thanks for nice comments. GROG doing touch up glazing now. The touch up on Primitive Bob either salvaged it, or totally ruined it. No way to tell until it come out of kiln on Sunday.

KAHAKA posted on 03/26/2011

Bob might need looooooooooong nap after show.

Hiphipahula posted on 03/26/2011

MadDogMike posted on 03/26/2011

Behold the 8th Wonder of the World - BOB KONG!!!

The resemblance to Fay Wray is uncanny! :D

Kong is 7 inches tall, modified from a cast made by DanLovesTikis/Wendy

Display stand is wood with a plastic sacrificial virgin. Overall display is 5x7x8 inches.
I regret that I won't be able to attend the show :( , so Bob Kong will be available for the online show.

OceaOtica posted on 03/26/2011

Nice work MDM!

Here is the Notch-O Bob and two of the Zombi Bob. Notch-o has opening in mouth for dry ice. Hope firing goes well and will have more Zombi Bob ready for the Tonga leg of the show

hiltiki posted on 03/26/2011

This is certainly one of the most interesting art events so far. I know it is not possible but would be nice to have a book with all the different versions of Bob. Grog, you have done a great job putting this together.

danlovestikis posted on 03/26/2011

hiltiki lets get Sven and Jay Strongman on the phone it's time for another book!

I love the scary Bobs OceaOteca. MadDogMike you make me proud to be associated with you.

This is one of the really fun shows. The Swap that Hewey runs is a lot of fun too.


TikiG posted on 03/26/2011

...excuse me while I pick my jaw up off the floor...WHOA PEOPLE!! AWESOME!!

GROG posted on 03/26/2011


Set up for the Tiki Bob Show at the Tonga Hut will be from 2pm-3:30 and the art show starts at 4pm and runs until 8pm. We might be able to leave the hanging art up for a couple of weeks (prints and paintings) but GROG have ask Jeremy. All the mugs, masks, carvings, or whatever 3-D object(s) you bring will have to go home if you don't sell it.

Bring a card with your name, title of piece and price if you're planning on selling it. Bring your own change for cash transactions.

Art that doesn't sell can go up on the online art show on Monday. Even if you sell your stuff, it'd be nice to have photos of it in the online gallery for all to see.

danlovestikis posted on 03/27/2011



When BOB's sombrero is off he is a decanter. He comes with this new cork.

This could also be made as a mug with sombrero.

SUPER CARVED BOB, Hand Carved so no two would be the same. Under glazed then covered with clear glaze. I believe that a regular Duncan IN glaze would have the detail remain deeper, the under glaze filled up the design. Your choice of colors.

DECANTER BOB, hand carved and no two alike. The cap is for display. If used as a decanter it comes with a new cork. This style can also be made as a mug.

SHRINER BOB choose your name and or symbols.

Glazed and then metallic paint added to name and symbols.

Straw hole in the back.

PEACENIK BOB, choose the hair color and style. Shirt plain or 60's wild.

TIKI BOB BOWL, color choice and bowl style changes possible. This is the first in a series that Dan calls the shouldhavebeen bowls. There were mugs and there shouldhavebeen matching bowls. Now there will be!

Acrylic on canvas/card, not framed.

Tiki Bob's in the Jungle Room.

This is my husband Dan (wendylovestikis) he never posts because he never learned to type. He does however collect tikis, they are his passion. Today he twisted my arm to sell him every one of my Tiki Bob creations. I love my husband and so what can a woman do but give in. SO I will take orders for each of the ceramic Tiki Bobs. I will do better now that I have had practice. Each one is hand carved or built so no two will be the same. That goes for colors as well. You can make special requests.

Example on Shriner Bob Zelzah is now gone. Aloha has been ordered so it's gone. What would you want? More than 6 letters will make the word smaller. I could instead of Shriner symbols put a Moai head on the front of the hat. What I can say is that a Tiki Bob Bowl I sell on order will not have a hole in his head like this first one. Peacenik Bob will have your choice of hair color and the shirt will be different designs.

So what I'm saying is that I'm up for custom BOB's, the price will stay the same. Do you have a Bob that you would like me to make that is different from these? Let's talk. I'm reliable and I will work hard to make you happy, Wendy

ADD ON: I am making a Tiki Bob Decanter for the Sacramento Crawl next October 2011. It will have a small volcano on top. If you are interested in owning one I will put you on the list to be notified if any are left over after the event. At the moment it is sitting in the center of a 6 piece mold. I have not poured even one. Here are photos of it in clay. They will be sold by who comes to the crawl first and who is first on the list who did not attend. No obligation. No price yet. Cheers, Wendy

Based on this design.

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2011-03-27 21:27 ]

GROG posted on 03/27/2011

Great stuff Wendy. This thread starting to look like the online show that supposed to start on Monday.

danlovestikis posted on 03/27/2011

Just following you sir and then MDM. But notice we didn't post prices that will be on Monday. Guess what I got Gecko to make a Bob. I'll be posting it as soon as more photos are ready. It's spectacular. Wendy

Krisdrama posted on 03/27/2011

Looks like my carved Tiki Bob will be ready after all. :)

GROG posted on 03/27/2011

Yay Kris! Looking forward to seeing it all finished up. We've got several more artists bringing stuff tha tthey haven't posted, so it's going to be a fun show. Drinks by Kelly, Music by DJ Audrey, and GROG even hear rumors that someone might be bringing some Kalua pork. That's reason enough alone for GROG to be there.

Kiln is cooling down, so GROG will pull out ceramics in a little bit, and hopefully the touchups GROG did improved the ceramics, and didn't totally destroy 'em. See ya'll soon.

Don't forget artists----bring artwork in between 2 and 3:30 so can have everything set up by 4.

danlovestikis posted on 03/27/2011


Piña Bob by Gecko
This is my latest that I call Piña Bob. My moms favorite fruit! I can here her now "Mikel buy mommy wun piña bepor u com hom"!
Me and Poptiki was going to do a colaberation pineapple bob a few years ago where it was just da pineapple with bobs face but it never came about. I still wanted to do it but only got around to doing it recently so I came up with this design that was a bit more complicated to create but was worth it in da end as it looks great.
I normally put flowers on da wahine bobs. This is da very first from da mold and is on da Kane bob. It will be da only Kane wit da flower. Da rest will be on my wahines. I will put these on eBay wen'eva I have da chance to make'm as they are a bit hard and time consuming to do.



Please contact him though his web Page at:
Made in Hawaii

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2011-03-27 17:38 ]

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2011-03-28 17:01 ]

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