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Bring a Tiki To Work Day - April 6th

Pages: 1 14 replies

Hakalugi posted on 04/07/2011

Today was the day right?

Did anyone here bring a Tiki to work?

Personally, I was surrounded by Tikis as I worked from home today.

bigtikidude posted on 04/07/2011

Every day I work I drive my truck from Pool to Pool.
I have a Hodad Hank/Eric the Red collaboration tiki hanging from my mirror.
And I have a beach towel with a Huge Mr. Peanut Tiki on it,
on my seat, so if I am a little wet, I don't get the seat wet.

So in a sense, yes I took tiki's to work with me.


teaKEY posted on 04/07/2011

I'm a teacher and its spring break week. There was no work to even take a tiki to.

MadDogMike posted on 04/07/2011

"posted at 11:08 pm"

Thanks for the advanced notice Hakalugi! :lol:

Big Kahuna posted on 04/07/2011

2:08 AM Eastern time. Too Late! I'll start planning for next year.

Pittsburgh pauly posted on 04/07/2011

I forgot. But I have at least four in my office, so everyday is bring a tiki to work day.
Luckily, a couple of auctions ended on ebay yesterday so technically it was "Buy a Tiki at Work Day" for me. Does that count?

Big Kahuna posted on 04/07/2011

Oh, yeah! I have a Tiki antenna topper on my truck.

little lost tiki posted on 04/07/2011

Didn't need to bring a Tiki
BigToe and i work together...
Nuthin more Tiki than that!

drgoat456 posted on 04/07/2011

Took a few days off for my birthday a few months ago, and when I got back, this is what my co-workers did to my office. I work with good people. Tacky tiki stuff, but their heart is in the right place.

tikituba posted on 04/10/2011

I'm just now recovering from National Tartan Day, which is also April 6th. Hoot mon, it's like St. Patrick's, but for the Scots. Next time I'll have to carry a dashboard tiki in my sporan (the pouch thingy in front).
Remember, eat Haggis and wash it down with a Mai Tai.

captnkirk posted on 04/12/2011

I know this has been posted before buy my favorite for "taking to tikis to work" has to be Pixar's Mark Walsh.

If my company let me do my office like this, they would probably get several more hours of work out of me, because I would never want to leave.

POCKETIKI posted on 04/12/2011

Forgot to post this...

Takin' a Tiki to work won't be much effort I thought...it's the least I can do to show my support of 'Take a Tiki to Work Day' I reckoned! It was the least I could do! I worked it out on a calculator!! NO PROBLEM!

A little heavier than I thought and I hadn't had my Shreddies in all the excitement.

Still my colleagues appreciated the effort...as if they needed another Tiki around the office, by making me a MAI-TAI! O.k, I made the last bit up, it was a coffee, but they and he, did enjoy his day at Rushmoor Borough Council!

Take care - Trader Jim (Make Mine a MAI-TAI!).

TravnerRavenweird posted on 04/12/2011

What if your Tiki is Always at work, does that count?

khan_tiki_mon posted on 04/14/2011

This is my office at work every day.

thePorpoise posted on 04/14/2011

Rushmoor Borough Council?

isn't that where Richard Bucket used to work??

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