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Pao Pao Hut

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Thanks for the note! I sure do love the old Googie design elements and hopefully someday when I have more space to "spread out" will incorporate more of those cool shapes and such into my lounge/bar. Sadly, with the exception of a few old diners/coffee shops, there is tragically little in the way of "space-age" design to brag about here in Atlanta. I do have a bit of Cali-envy, but it is what it is, so I do what I can to bring a little cool to the old south...

I love the feel of you closet bar. There is a lot of detail in the work.

Too busy lately for any big projects, but a few additions around the hut... Working behind the bar instead of on it, but that's the idea.

You did an awesome job...crammed a lot of fab decor into a small space...it looks very inviting. Good lighting effects too.

Congratulations! what a fantastic job you have done. An inspiration for those of us with limited space. Well done.


I could drink there. My highest praise. Well done.


Still awesome and still making me jealous! :)



LOVE what you've done with the place Ashman-atl, truly extraordinary how you've managed
to cram so much soul into such a small space.

Looks like Tiki Ti's in there!!!


Wow! Thanks to all for the kind encouragements. It's definitely motivating me to push the envelope and come up with some stuff to make the space even better! In no time, I made a list of about a dozen small projects to work on over the next week or two. Time is at a premium now, though, as my lease will run out in July of 2012. Summer is at hand and plenty of opportunities for cocktail socials, so I should be able to get plenty more enjoyment out of this escape before it's time to take it all down...

But, I'm also starting to think about the new and improved Pao Pao Hut... This weekend, a neighbor announced that "free" bamboo was available and I quickly stacked up a load in the boot and hauled it back to the house.

Here it is stacked up outdoors:

Any advice as to drying/curing is appreciated! I've heard that drying outdoors is too wet (high humidity here) and indoors too dry... Bending, twisting, splitting also seem to be issues to overcome and I have no experience with the fresh stuff. This is black bamboo, but most of it is too young to have changed color yet; don't know how it will look when dried...

Gotta get back to work!


I rent too and have VERY limited space; your bar is such an inspiration!!!! I'm on a very tight budget as well and just starting my collection. I live in Columbus GA and planning my first trip to Trader Vic's. Any suggestions? :) lol Thanks for all the photos!

This is awesome! And very inspiring - I'm also renting & have not much space, but seeing what you've done is a real motivation. Thanks for sharing, and congratulations on the hut!

Added a few new tikis to the collection over the past week including a vintage United Airlines piece...

More vinyl, too...

Also visited the inspirational Jungalero in Folly Beach, SC this past week. Here's a peek...

Big thanks to the Howlands for being such gracious hosts!

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