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Home Tiki Arcade Name

Pages: 1 10 replies

Lente posted on 06/04/2011

(Helpful hint: skip to the indentation to get to the point)
So one of the rooms in my house (when it is not the guest room) is going to be my "home arcade," henceforth known as home arcade. Really it's just a collection of 80s to early 90s consoles and an arcade emulator/arcade stick thing going on, but indulge a guy, no?
I know that arcade machines and video games are really the opposite of tiki, older than the 70s debasement and perhaps even less conducive to conversation than television. As someone who has had some nice conversations over very casual two player games I could argue against that point of view, but regardless, this isn't the place for such arguments. Since arcades/videogames are far more modern than tiki, the two don't traditionally belong together. I understand that. But I am doing it anyway.
The bits of tiki collectibles I have that are too fragile for my outdoor bar and some of wife's and my own carvings will be decorating said home arcade. So here is the deal:
*****I need a name for this home bar/arcade hybrid. I'm hoping for something of a marriage between 80s science fiction and 50s primitivism. Since this is a hard combination, I have failed. I am asking for your help, tiki central.

Bruddah Bear posted on 06/04/2011



beadtiki posted on 06/04/2011


The Sperm Whale posted on 06/04/2011

Bally Hai

MadDogMike posted on 06/04/2011

Hmm, thought I posted here yesterday. I guess not. I wonder where I did post this? :lol:

Pong sounds like a good faux Polynesian word. How about Pongo Pong? Tonga Pong? Pongynesia?

Lente posted on 06/06/2011

You guys are geniuses. Tron Tiki and Galactiki...I cannot decide.

ErkNoLikeFire posted on 06/25/2011

Hehe, you can kill a lot of time at work coming up with arcade/tiki names.

Robotiki 2084
Moai Invaders
Oceanic Rampage
Tikiroids (maybe not)
Poi Position
Tiki's Revenge
Pele's Lair
Super Tiki Fighter 2

little lost tiki posted on 07/03/2011

Super Maori Brothers

JOHN-O posted on 07/04/2011

On 2011-06-04 13:02, The Sperm Whale wrote:
Bally Hai

Spermy nailed it !!

There can be no other choice.

Slacks Ferret posted on 07/04/2011

Photos please! I would love to put a mame arcade machine in my bar, but i prolly have no room for it.

Lente posted on 07/04/2011

I'll post some pictures once it gets finished. Speaking of which, I should stop being lazy and post pictures of my bar.

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