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Tiki Central / General Tiki

Official Introductions Thread. New Members, Post your introduction here...

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LiddleLola posted on 06/03/2011

Welcome aboard. Sounds like you found your cyberhome GraniteWahine.
Have a great time searching TC for inspiration.

Darilyn aka LiddleLola

newB24 posted on 06/06/2011

As you can tell by my username, that is me!

I'm embarking on a basement bar build and will document and need LOTS of help and advice!

Been trolling the build pages and can't believe what some of you have built!


moki and duke posted on 06/07/2011

We're moki and duke... 2 artists, bloggers, and fans of Disney. Duke runs 2 websites, http://www.disfanreview.com/ and http://www.filmfanreview.com/ moki has a photography business you can read about here: http://www.moniqueduke.com/

After designing and decorating our son's Indiana Jones bedroom (seen here: http://www.moniqueduke.com/me/ts-indiana-jones-disneyland-ride-inspired-room/ ), moki decided to convert our girls' large bedroom into a "bayou" and is now making plans to convert our bedroom into a tiki pad.

We're long time lurkers and want to say thanks for all the sharing the members have done here!

Aqua Tiki posted on 06/08/2011

Hello Tiki Central members! I am going to be embarking on a Tiki building quest in my back yard shortly. I have gotten so many good ideas from Tiki Central I can't wait to get started. I am currently getting a survey done so I can start my Tiki. My plans are to build a 16' x 16' tiki with an outside bar that faces my pool. I will post pictures as soon as I get the ok from the county permit office.

jacob posted on 06/10/2011

Hello everyone, I am Jacob. I am a new member of this forum. Thank you.

Chuck Tatum is Tiki posted on 06/10/2011

From a semi-new member, welcome to TC!

parrothead528 posted on 06/13/2011

Hey everyone Im new to the site, wanting to get some ideas for a tiki bar and maybe even a man cave! ha ha

bigbrotiki posted on 06/13/2011

Chuck, all of a sudden I believe your name was a stroke of genius! :D

Tikizealot posted on 06/15/2011

Greetings! I'm pretty new around here, but glad to have found Tiki Central. Headed to Oasis this year, missed it last year, so this will be my first time to the event. I discovered Tiki Central when I visited Frankie's in Vegas (killer place by the way). I'm into pursuing Tiki culture, mixing historically accurate cocktails...plus inventing new ones...also love Mid Century Modern stuff, doing Tiki Projects, and pursuing Exotica music on vinyl whenever possible. I was amazed and quite stoked to find there's a bunch of other people into this too!

Chuck Tatum is Tiki posted on 06/15/2011

welcome one & all!

BigBro (I know what you are saying! nudge nudge) I hope that Swedish massage service and bottle of rum I sent
over to your house has softened you up to the Chuckster a bit too!

CTiT out..........

warbanshee posted on 06/17/2011

Hello everyone, I'm am very interested in learning how to carve tikis, Of course i want start out right and ask you the Professionals, on how to get started, please let me know on what books or info I need to obtain, plus the Do's and Dont's and Tools needed. Thanks, Sincerly Warbanshee

pupu4two posted on 06/20/2011

Hello to all!! My wife and I just attended our first Hukilau and had a great time. Met a lot of fun people.I also learned about the history of my Witco bar from one of the event vendors.What an eye opener for me! We live here in Las Vegas and I am currently in the process of completing my home bar. Taking a road trip later this week to Oceanic Arts to get remaining materials. Look forward to interesting forum info and discussions!

kraken posted on 06/22/2011

I'm a new member who for years has been a reader (called a "lurker" in internet argot). Finally joined
because the Fairmont/Tonga Room situation has come to a boil once again, and this time there may
be a chance of reviving the old place. Not that there aren't better tiki establishments in the San
Francisco area right now, but the Tonga Room is a traditional Old San Francisco favorite, and there
are not many Old San Francisco entities left in any field. (In fact, when I was a little kid our parents
would at times take us out to a prestige restaurant for dinner and the Tonga Room was always my
favorite--even though they also took us to Trader Vic's on San Pablo avenue.)
These days I live in Martinez and drink more exotic tea than exotic cocktails, but I still pine for
a first class Tonga Room.

bluehammer posted on 06/23/2011

Hello all. My passion for rum has led me here. I have searched this site for years, but never signed up. I figured it was time. Thanks to everyone for having such an active site regarding one of the most fascinating topics.

Pele Paul posted on 06/23/2011

Hello all,
Wanna stop by and introduce myself, Im Paul been into the tiki thing for about 10 years give or take, use to live in Hawaii for 4 years, have a small collection of tiki stuff in my backyard, have always loved the whole tiki retro thing, and just got back from Murph's tiki wed party and have to say, IT WAS THE BEST TIKI PARTY EVER!!!!! looking forward to posting some photos and sharing ideas as well as local hot spots and such!!

thanks to everyone thats made me feel right at home, looking forward to making some new friends!!


12th house tiki posted on 06/27/2011

I'm new and it says to introduce yourself so...
Hi! :) I've been lurking for a year or more so thought I'd take the plunge and sign on.
(Plus I'm starting to carve and make tiki art and I have lots of questions...)

I'm a graphic artist in Dayton Ohio. Pretty much as far away from any island as you can get.
Maybe I'm into escapism, so I'm usually daydreaming about carving, or tiki something, or Halloween.
If I post art you'll see I have some weird monster/island sort of thing going on...

Thanks for letting me join and being open with your forums!
I look forward to reading and replying :)

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Welcome to all the newbies, great to see the enthusiasm. Keep those home bars coming!!!

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Hi all we've (my husband and I) been lurking for awhile. Definitely time to sign up. Our love of tiki started in 2003 when we bought a mid-century modern home and we have been taking it back to the 50s every since. So sad to see people renovating and stripping out all that great stuff- we've sold all our new furniture and replaced it with great old MCM stuff, danish too which we love. We were lucky enough to find an original Sears Tiki Bar on Craigslist about five years ago and with much sweat equity we refinished it and proudly house it today on a screened porch - fully thatched. The patio is being finished up (Mondrian pattern - colored concrete, pretty cool) and soon the Tiki bar will be completely open. We have had many a cocktail in preparation. Great to be here.

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welcome,welcome,WELCOME! Please step up to the bar and enjoy a tropic beverage of ohana goodness!

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Hey Everybody!

Just joined the forum and wanted to say hey! After six years of enlightenment from discovering Sven Kirstin's Book of Tiki at a Houston museum gift shop in 2005, plus the years of Tiki Magazine following that, it's about time I started participating in the very active Tiki culture happening in real life.. right now!

I could probably pinpoint when I started getting interested in the Hawaiian/SoCal culture of surfing and tropical exotica around the early 90's starting with Red Hot Chili Peppers and other similar influences, but since then it's become a strong passion for me on many levels. Since I found the modern Tiki movement, I've been inspired to collect vintage Tiki mugs, masks, artwork, ephemera, etc. and to discover Tiki bars and restaurants -- new and old -- whenever my partner and I travel. Vintage cocktails and vintage lounge music are a staple in our home throughout the week, and our guests expect it every time they visit (which is often). We don't have a formal Tiki Bar but plan on finishing the basement exercise room in full Tiki fashion in the near future.

Our first Tiki convention was Tiki Oasis 2010 in San Diego, which was a total blast and a true spectacular. However I didn't feel the human vibe of the culture until we attended Ohana: Luau at the Lake 2011 in Lake George, NY last weekend. The people were perfectly friendly and fun, and the event was intimate, special and inspiring. I'm already looking forward to next year's!

I'm fascinated by the surviving Tiki Temples from the original movement and I want to contribute to their preservation as well as the proliferation of new temples of the Tiki Revival Movement happening right now. And I want to meet the people who feel the same way I do.

Oh, and I'm not sure I mentioned that I can mix cocktails that will put you on your ass.. in a good way. :wink:

Thanks for listening. And thanks for making me realize I'm not completely insane. (Well at least not because of THIS..)

-DJ (Voodoo Devil)

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This site is amazing. Newbie here - My name is Joey (see username) and I met John O at Wildflower Pizza. He is a wealth of knowledge and told me about the site. I live in Santa Monica and interested in all things Tiki.

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Zeta posted on Fri, Jul 1, 2011 11:42 AM

Pasele joven Joey_Turbo ! Bienvenido sea usted! Bueno y barato el Tiki, llevelo.

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Zeta posted on Fri, Jul 1, 2011 11:46 AM

Voodoo Devil! Welcome! We need more people from New England! Looking forward for your tiki contributions. Aloha!

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Born and raised in Cleveland (no tiki here, just ask)
Tiki Tourist for past 10 years
I heard about this joint from the guys at Smugglers Cove and Forbidden Island
Always looking for new bars and lounges, planning on going primitive this October.
I'm the owner of Pride Of Cleveland Scooters and the newly hatched ClevelandMoto and our podcast by the same name.

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JOHN-O posted on Fri, Jul 1, 2011 7:50 PM

On 2011-07-01 11:29, Joey_Turbo wrote:
This site is amazing. Newbie here - My name is Joey (see username) and I met John O at Wildflower Pizza. He is a wealth of knowledge and told me about the site. I live in Santa Monica and interested in all things Tiki

Cool !! Welcome to Tiki Central, Joey Turbo. :)

That's another addition to the Westside tribe. That's about 8 of us now (that I know of).

Anyone interested in a bi-weekly TC night at the Galley on Tuesdays or Thursdays ?? It's Happy Hour in the bar, all night !!

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Definitely good to see another Westsider. Welcome aboard to all the newbies.


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On 2011-07-01 11:46, Zeta wrote:
Voodoo Devil! Welcome! We need more people from New England! Looking forward for your tiki contributions. Aloha!

Thanks for the warm welcome, Zeta :)

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Hello; from the top of the world; Barrow Alaska !!

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[ Edited by: MajikImaje 2011-07-06 14:28 ]

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Hey everybody! Just started building my tiki room, and love the culture! So just wanted to say howdy from Houston.

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On 2011-07-01 11:29, Joey_Turbo wrote:
This site is amazing. Newbie here - My name is Joey (see username) and I met John O at Wildflower Pizza. He is a wealth of knowledge and told me about the site. I live in Santa Monica and interested in all things Tiki.


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Hi all,
Just thought I'd post my intro into the wide and wondrous world wide web of tikiness here. Been an occasional lurker for a bit.
I'm just a poor working schmoe who's a Chicago native and has been a tiki admirer for as long as I can remember (even as a kid I loved pineapple and tried convincing my family to take us all to Hawaii instead of Disneyland) but can't say I've been a full-fledged tikiphile until lately where I think I'm becoming obsessed with cocktail recipes. Love most anything mid-century that fuels my frenetic energy, but love the mellowness of just kicking back and sipping a crafted cocktail listening to exotica... just writing that is making me want to do just that.

Thanks all
Tiki Louie

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Hi. Don't have much to say yet, though I do have fond memories of going to Kelbo's from time to time as a kid (sure, the food may not been anything special, but the atmosphere was wonderful, and a Zombo beats a Shirley Temple all hollow when it comes to non-alcoholic drinks!).

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Just checking in to say Aloha just have been bitten by the tiki bug. But i'm ok with it.


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Hello All,
Starting up a new joint in cambridge with an angle on some tiki drinks. Got a taste of it back in LA with the puka bar back in long beach and looking to make a bit more

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Been checking out this site the past month - fantastic resource and great community - very inspired by the stuff on here so had to join! :D

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Can I re-introduce myself? It's been quite a while since I posted, but a recent visit to the Mai-Kai has put new life in my bones! Or was it the fog cutter? Anyway, I hope to post some of my photos soon. Thanks, Rocky.

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As far as introductions go - I am a Detective at the Crime Jazz Unit. One of our more trusted snitches squealed about your website and this time his information was as good as my Scotch.

Now... Crime Jazz may be our name but our game also includes various forms of like minded music including your beloved Tiki. Heck, one night years ago we hauled in Les Baxter and Martin Denney on a 'drunk and disorderly' charge and they left loads of records behind in the drunk tank!

The Crime Jazz Unit is a half hour radio show, loved by KXLU and comes to you from not so foggy London England every other Sunday.

We here at the Crime Jazz Unit think your site has guts and great information and that's all we can ask for...

Pop in for a visit and I'll pull the cork from the bottle in my desk drawer and serve us a couple paper cups of hootch...


As we like to say - give it a listen, if you got the guts!


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On 2011-07-27 17:48, BostonTikiTed wrote:
Hello All,
Starting up a new joint in cambridge with an angle on some tiki drinks. Got a taste of it back in LA with the puka bar back in long beach and looking to make a bit more

Do tell! We have a smidge of tiki in the area, and are always looking for more! Please let us in on it, maybe in the New England Tiki thread! There's lots of local ohana that would check it out.

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...again! :)

I was on here many years ago (pre-Kids!) under the login: Zuke

Can't seem to login under that name and it's tied to an email addy that no longer exists. I even found my original post here:

I'll paste that below and UPDATE the relevant info. :)


Long time lurker and finally joining in the discussions, since I finally have something to share. Completed the build on my long planned dream TIKI BAR!

I owe a lot to this board here. Got many of ideas from some of the picture posts. Learned I didn't have to buy my bamboo via a website, but rather right at my local Pier 1 Imports and Hobby Lobby.

I'll post a Thread with pics and details about my Tiki Bar. But of course just wanted to say HI first. I belong to one message board already that I post at quite a bit.

And this place seems about on par with them in the friendly dept.

My vitals:

-42 on April 21st
-Married, 2 kids (almost 3 and almost 6)
-Work as a Email Marketer/Web Designer & now Hawiian Shirt entrepreneur!
-Lived in the Chicago 'Burbs my entire life

I have lots of close friends and consider myself very social. We plan LOTS of events and are fond of our annual traditions (super bowl, football pools, pub crawls, poker games, golf outings, etc.).

I'm a poker fantatic. Play in many regular games.

Big fan of the "mid-century" look. So, attracted to Tiki of course.

Grew up with parents who played a LOT of swing and jazz and grew up liking it myself and play a lot at home. Massive record collection! But I dig everything from Dixieland jazz to punk, really.

I am also insane about movies. Have a pretty large collection of that too and a pretty nice Home Theater right next to the ole Tiki Bar that I'm pretty proud of too.

So... as you can see, I'm really quiet and shy.

Questions? Comments? Flames?

...so most still applies!! Been a tough few years with raising my two boys and being unemployed for a bit. Things are settling down in all aspects and a little more time for my passions: like TIKI culture and graphics. I have been painting more murals of late and even added to my Tiki Basement bar. (The original pictures of that are here: http://www.zortea.us/TikiBar/index.php

We recently even went to Hale Kahiki out here in River Grove (I have pics I'll post here later!) and been hard at work developing a private label Hawiian Shirt company with a friend from high school! Very early stages, but you can see that site here: http://www.badshirtgoodtimes.com/

I hope to contribute more here and maybe get out to some events, now that the wife and I occasionally LEAVE the house!! We're planning on hitting some tiki bars in LA when we head out there on business soon.

Look forward to interacting more here!

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My name is Lou Lou, but my screen name here is Fiji Mermaid, which is the name of the home tiki bar I have had for a little over a year. I have just moved to a new location, so the bar is going to debut on Friday August 5th. I am renting, and therefore don't have quite the depth of decor that some on here have. However, I have grand delusions for when I own another house (the one I currently own is infested by an ex spouse), or even an actual bar.
I have been collecting tiki, exotica and mid-century tchotchkes for several years, as has my current husband. I also have a decent and growing collection of tiki mugs, muu muus and Hawaiian and Exotica vinyl records.
I live in New Orleans, a block from the Fairgrounds Race Course, which is where Jazz Fest is held, if anyone has ever been.
Some of you may know that New Orleans is the home of Tales of the Cocktail, a mixologists convention. I was fortunate to meet Beachbum Berry this last weekend there, which was a geek-out for me.
You can find the Fiji Mermaid on Facebook, and I make a mean Mai Tai, as well as some great originals, so if you're in town, see if I'm open!

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Aloha! I arrived here on these shores recently through the six degrees of tiki...
*A miniaturized version of the "Book of Tiki" that I bought at Old Navy years ago, which resurfaced during a recent move
*A forlorn touristy souvenier book from Disneyland that I discovered at an antique store (on sale no less?!?)
*A couple of hypnotic visits to the hawaiian islands
*Which led me to find a copy of "Tiki Magazine"
*Where I found "The Quiet Village" podcast
*From same website I found a link to this community!

But I guess growing up in Southern California, there was always had a measurably amount of Tiki in my dna anyway!!

So many of pleasant & happy memories have some link to Tiki...it is so sad to see so many of those familiar places have been torn down in the name of "modern progress"! I hope to contribute in some way in helping bring back or keep alive our links to a wonderful heritage we all share in some way :wink: mahalo!!

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Hey everyone, my name is Rick i've been lurking for a few weeks, but i finally decided to come in and warm my hands by the fire and introduce myself. So here i am. I've been wood working for about a year making random stuff out of mesquite wood, but i think i've caught the tiki virus. I made my first tiki about a month ago out of mesquite and it actually turned out decent. So, i immediately started making another one and before i even finished that one i started another. haha. Anyhow, once i work up some nerve i will post some pictures of what i've done. Cheers.

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Kapn.K posted on Fri, Aug 5, 2011 8:52 AM

I just found this place today, looking for a pic of the old Moon Islander restaurant in Titusville, FL. I'm into 50's and 60's, MCM, Atomic, and Tiki styles.
Thanks for having me,

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Hi, my name is Laura and I have been hanging around the fringe for years and love the Moai. I love the tiki culture and enjoy tiki crawls. I have a collection of mugs too. I have not been to any tiki events like Hukilau or Tiki Oasis. I hope to some time.

The most wonderful tiki of all!

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SeanH posted on Sun, Aug 7, 2011 11:18 AM

Hi all.

I've been reading old threads here for a week or two, after stumbling across the forum while looking for tiki drink recipes. I've always enjoyed tiki culture, but from reading here I see I have a ton to learn! I just hope my wife doesn't get mad at me for all the purchases I'm making :wink:

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Hey everyone,

I was a member here about 5 years ago when I carved my first tiki out of a three foot piece of cypress (see photo). I lost interest for a while due to my other hobby (restoring cars). I catch myself looking at the tiki in the garden hoping I'd get a chance to do another soon. Long story short, my friend is cutting down a palm tree and I'm going to give it another shot. I'm not sure if it is the correct type of palm for carving, but I'm sure I'll be able to figure that out with your help. Can't wait to start. I'll keep you all up to date on my progress.


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Aloha! I'm a new member that finally decided to join Tiki Central after years of enjoying this wonderful website. I've been collecting tiki mugs as well as other Hawaiian items for over a decade and proudly display my mug collection in my living room. My wife and I love Hawaii and try to go as often as possible. Live in San Diego and always look forward to Tiki Oasis which we have gone every year since it starting coming here(remember when it all was held in a tent in the parking lot at first?) Always look forward to a Tiki event in San Diego or Los Angeles area, definitely looking forward to Tiki Oasis 11 next weekend!

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I never set out to write a tiki novel, but I kept stumbling on the Tiki Room whenever I did a search for a recipe or cultural reference for the pulp novel I've been writing. Now I keep coming back even if I'm not researching mauna loa or tiki cults and, given my tastes, I'm not surprised I've fallen hard for this.

I can't say my novel is tiki'd up, but now there's a definite and growing poly pop theme in its general over-the-top pulpiness. See you all around!

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