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Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Beyond Tiki


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RevBambooBen posted on 11/14/2003

...(this one's for you Baxdog! oops and Bong too)

Any of you have any cool scars and stories to back em?

I sliced my palm wide open splitting Rattan once. Saw the bones and all. Used duct tape to stich it.

pablus posted on 11/14/2003

After working safely in 48 countries ( not counties) and driving in nearly all of them extensively, I went out one night for a drink at the closest bar to my home. The buddy that was supposed to meet me there went home instead.

At the last 4-way stop on my way home, I stopped and looked and proceeded...only to get smacked by some 19 yr. old punk who was loaded on Budw., had his lights off and had 3 priors for running Stops in a similar manner.

His Corolla flipped my Blazer 30 yards to my left into a telephone pole. I "came to" in the cargo bay ( I had moved a few garden tools out of it a few hours previous) and crawled out of the back window.

You never saw such a happy victim.

I kept screaming "Alive! I AM ALIVE!"

It was a pretty brutal and slow recovery - but just fine physically, except for this killer scar on my left leg that looks just like a shark bite. And, of course, it IS a shark bite... according to me.

Don't tell anyone the real story, OK?

I'm a surfer wannabe that never found a board long enough.

thebaxdog posted on 11/14/2003

OOOOHH where do I begin, OK Colorado,
When I was up in the high country 11,000 FT.
I was loggin some logs for my Sister's cabin.
Took a bad swing with an ax so sharp, you really could shave with it. Anyway the ax bangs into my knee, I look down and don't see a cut, so I walk it off and go back to work. 10 minutes goes by and my ankle starts to tickle, I reach down to itch and up comes my hand with blood all over it. I bend my knee up towards my face and oh look there is my knee cap. Now at 11,000 feet you just don't go to the walk in.
Ah yes, Duct tape and back to work. Later that night I had to sit in the hot hot bath for about a half hour to soak my pants off. Super glue and Neosporin and a bandage, I was good as new.
That same summer I broke my ankle and broke my jaw and nose and broke both front teeth in half. I came back to Kalifourkneeya, it was safer. I promise all is true!!

purple jade posted on 11/14/2003

[ Edited by: purple jade 2005-08-25 09:52 ]

Formikahini posted on 11/14/2003

in a freak window-display accident
Hahahahahaha! I'm sorry, the accident sounds horrible, truly, but the circumstances sound Monty Python-esque! (Glad your brain remained intact, PJ!)

Feelin Zombified posted on 11/14/2003

Age 10 or 11, roasting marshmallows: a chunk of charcoal the size of a quarter was knocked out of the BBQ by a (so-called) friend. It just happened to land in my shoe (docksides) and got wedged between the top of my foot and the top of the shoe. The only water was about 100 yards away, so I ran as fast as I could with my "hotfoot"
To this day, marshmallows scare me.


thebaxdog posted on 11/14/2003

"No way to treat it other than not to swallow (yeah try that little trick) for a week."
I think I can feel your pain.
Just a couple of months ago I had my Tonsils taken out, my uvula(punching bag)removed, the soft tissue at the top of my mouth reshaped, all of my sinus pathways rotorootered, and my nose rebroken to fix what happend in Colorado.
I gots to tell ya it is pretty cool being able to breath again. No snoring either!!
There is something wrong with trying to deep throat the Devil's Trident.
A picture in my mind is worth a thousand words (stories).

freddiefreelance posted on 11/14/2003

I threw a roundhouse punch through a plateglass window. I severed 1/2 the nerves that control my hand, the main veins & artery to my arm @ the elbow, several muscles & tendons, and embedded glass in my forearm. After reconrtuctive micro-surgery, & nearly 20 years of healing, I have a 4 inch bright pink scar across the inside of my elbow that then makes a right-angle turn & continues up the inside of my biscep another 4.5 inches, plus another 1/2 dozen smaller scars on my forearm between 1/4 & 3/4 inches in length.

purple jade posted on 11/14/2003

[ Edited by: purple jade 2005-08-25 09:53 ]

cynfulcynner posted on 11/14/2003

I've got a lovely road rash scar on my right shoulder from a 1994 bicycle accident. I also had a concussion and broke my right collarbone in two places. It's a good thing I was wearing a helmet!

In 1999 I slipped while going down stairs at work and compound-fractured my left tibia and fibula right above the ankle. I underwent surgery that night and had an external fixator for three months. There's a scar on my ankle where the bone was sticking out, and two scars on my shin where the big screws went in.

[ Edited by: cynfulcynner on 2003-11-15 20:02 ]

Tiki_Bong posted on 11/14/2003

I was on the way to the river on Memorial day long ago. The highway was packed with fellow river drunks. Me and 2 other cars were passing slower vehicles. The 2 cars in front of me pulled back into their lanes as an oncoming car approaced.

I had nowhere to go so I pulled off on the side of the road, the other driver did the same not thinking I would. Head on collision as 55 miles per hour. My jet ski crashed through the cab of my truck. I was on life support for 3 or 4 days. Had some small intestine removed and have a

7 inch scar on my abdomen. My eye socket was crushed and it had to be rebuilt. No scar though. I have a scar under my bottom lip like some Nazi actor in a WWII movie.

Madame Bong only had a fractured rib (I thought I should marry her after that little incident).

It was after that, that I decided you need to live every day, jump into life with both feet, do anything and everything, as you never know when your number is up.

Kailuageoff posted on 11/14/2003

I lit a plastic cocktail straw on fire and some of the burning plastic dripped onto my right hand and nearly burned a hole
through it.

After that I decided to live life to the fullest by only drinking from cocktail straws.

tikibars posted on 11/14/2003

I've still got a patch of skin necrosis on my left calf from getting bit by a black widow on Easter Island. I kid you all not. I think, in retropect, that the only thing that makes a better story than my Rapa Nui trip is the fact that I got bit by a deadly spider there.

In May of 2000, when I returned, there was a patch of black skin the size of a quarter on my leg. After 3.5 years, it has faded to a light tan patch the size of a dime. I figure it will be all over with in about 2 more years.

At the time, I was pretty freaked out and a little scared being more than 2500 miles from the nearest hospital and having my entire leg swell up... but now I think it makes for a good story. I am now, according to my uncle the doctor, now partially immune to the bit of Latrodectus Mactan.

Speaking of stories, the previous one is 100% true, but I have a tall tale too: I always tell people that the scar on my chin was achieved with a bull whip in Utah when I was in the boy scouts. The real story behind that scar is far less dramatic.

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 11/14/2003

Do nasty paper cuts from The Book of Tiki, Tiki Road Trip, Tiki Quest and Night of the Tiki count?

thebaxdog posted on 11/14/2003

"Madame Bong only had a fractured rib (I thought I should marry her after that little incident)."

Did you not think the accident was punishment enough?

Once I was framing a house and I turned around to walk away on the 2nd floor joist, my leg went through, and just before I landed on my nuts a lovely bolt went 2 and1/2 inches into the back of my leg and saved the boys from being smashed.
But the real pain came when they stuck a bottle brush inside with Betadine on it to clean me up.
I'll be throwing up and passing out about now.(memory pain)

freddiefreelance posted on 11/14/2003

I fell about 25 feet out of a tree into a bush. The bush kept me from breaking anything, but the core of the bush left a 3 inch gash along my ribs on the right side.

Tiki-bot posted on 11/15/2003

It's not the biggest scar, but it was the scariest. I was 11 or so, building a plastic model kit. I was having a hard time cutting a part from the plastic sprue, so I smartly held it vertically with one edge resting on my lap. I held the large x-acto knife the way a slasher would hold a kitchen knife and jammed the blade down ever harder on the stubborn part. In a split second the knife went through the sprue and with about all the force I had, right into my leg about 1-1/2" from Mr. Right. It proceeded to bleed all over the place, but didn't really seem to hurt, probably because I was in mild shock. Only needed 2 stitches.

The tennis-ball sized scar on top of my left foot was an injury that was far more painful and gory. Got run over by a stake-bed truck while on a moped. Compound fracture, skin graft, very unpleasant.

And then there's that scar from where the doctor ceremoniously mutilated me and every other baby shortly after birth...

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Doctor Z posted on 11/15/2003

Back during my "experimenting with illicit substances" days, I worked shipping and receiving at a bookstore. One day I was at home, showing off to some friends my 'technique' of cutting through packing tape by laying it on my leg and cutting it with a dull box knife. Unfortunately, I'd just brought the box knife home and replaced the old blade with a nice, razor-sharp new one and in one quick move, proceeded to slice my right thigh through my jeans and all the way clean to the bone. Being a little "under the influence", I didn't feel any pain and was actually quite intrigued: for a brief moment, I was able to clearly see all the layers of skin, muscle, fat and whatever else like it was an anatomy text book. But then it started to bleed. A lot. (kinda like that Dan Aykroyd-as-Julia Child skit) I should have gone to the doctor, but in that "state" there no way I was going to even leave my room, let alone go to the hospital! Receiving no help from my hysterically laughing friends (apparently copius amounts of blood can be incredibly amusing), I tried my best to patch it up with toilet paper and scotch tape. It left nice 4-inch scar on my leg, and a lot of bloodstains on the carpet, the wall, the couch, my clothes, my friends, some towels...

Oh, and I also have scars above and below my left eye from where my best friend hit me in the face with a beer bottle in 5th grade (broken glass in the eye - NOT fun...)

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Unga Bunga posted on 11/15/2003

My old girlfriend had this fantasy she had always wanted to fulfill, sex in the cemetery.
Well, we fulfilled it and we are just ready to leave when the security guard yelled FREEZE. We didn’t know who it was, and in a cemetery in the middle of the night, you don’t freeze, you run. As we were running I hit a tomb stone that had some metal sticking out of it, tearing a chunk out of my leg. I was so nervous; I didn’t even feel the pain until we were out of there. Yes, we got away, and yes, it was worth it.

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Shipwreckjoey posted on 11/15/2003

tikibars - you'll have to talk to my wife Sally about spider bites. She was bitten on the hand by a brown recluse spider & had to go through the whole debreeding / skin graft thing. You'd never imagine how something so small could cause so much damage. She's got a scar on the back of her hand the size of a silver dollar. If she hadn't got into the hospital when she did, she'd probably be wearin' a hook right now! ARRRR...kinky

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badmojo posted on 11/15/2003

I have a nasty 2" scar that runs across the base of the Pinky on my Left hand. About 10 years ago I was putting up a Ceiling in my basement, and going for a Shoji screen look. I was cutting mass amounts of 2" flat moulding to hide the edges, and go around pipes and ducts. Well some of the tight corners needed very small pieces of molding to be cut, and realizing how awkward it is to cut small pieces using a compound mitre saw, it seemed like the best technique was to hold the moulding with my LEFT hand, on the RIGHT side of the saw blade. First cut went fine, picked up a bit of sandpaper to clean the edge before dry fitting, and wondered where the Liquid dripping, splattering sound was coming from. Looked down to see mass amounts or blood dripping onto the mitre saw and table. I assesed the wound, and because it had kinda taken a "hunk" out, stitches would only have puckered the wound, so I just stopped the bleeding, and went without a bandage, so it could "dry up" as soon as possible. And when customers ask me how it happened, as soon as I mention "Compound Mitre Saw" they get a glazed look in thier eyes and just say "Oh..."

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Tiki Diablo posted on 11/15/2003

[ Edited by: thechikitiki on 2003-11-14 23:29 ]

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Mano Tiki Tia posted on 11/15/2003

Let's see

  1. Severed Femur artery, surfing, 10 years old, Nice big scar
  2. Punched under right eye in High School Water Polo game 9 stitches
  3. Body boarding shore pound with homemade board, put left hand through nose of board on impact. After fiberglass picked out, five stitches.
  4. Slammed knee into ornate sharp corner at Mann's Chinese, six stitches
  5. Broken Glass candy dish falls and hits right calf at work, seven stitches.
  6. Vasectomy, sharp blade, two stitches each. Total of six, no four.

Those are all my scars
Sorry, there couldn't be more

[ Edited by: Mano Tiki Tia on 2003-11-15 00:02 ]

freddiefreelance posted on 11/15/2003

Smaller scars: multiple road rash scars on knees, multiple lancing scars on knees, 3/4 inch lancing scar in left middle finger, multiple small box cutter & knife scars on hands (esp. knuckles), small blood blister scar on right clavicle, 1 inch long patch of scar tissue from being dragged across the rocks by a wave in Rhode Island, small round scar on the inside of my right elbow from the top of a chain link fence, tiny scar on the inside of my right eye from a tree limb when I was 6... That's about all I can think of right now.

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Bike Shack posted on 11/15/2003

I'm a national BMX racer in the 46 thru 50 age group, I am always banged up, cut and brused, with a broken bone some where every 1&1/2 years.(On the only Bamboo Bmx Bike)

I also had a scar from heating Marshmellows with a fork when I was a little guy. I had heated it with a BBQ looking fork and put it in my mouth while it was still glowing red. So I had 4 little scars on my top lip and four more on the bottom. That summer my buddies called me "Shrunken Head"

[ Edited by: Bike Shack on 2003-11-15 09:38 ]

tikibars posted on 11/16/2003

On 2003-11-14 18:49, Shipwreckjoey wrote:
tikibars - you'll have to talk to my wife Sally about spider bites. She was bitten on the hand by a brown recluse spider & had to go through the whole debreeding / skin graft thing. You'd never imagine how something so small could cause so much damage. She's got a scar on the back of her hand the size of a silver dollar. If she hadn't got into the hospital when she did, she'd probably be wearin' a hook right now! ARRRR...kinky

Man, this creeps me out. There is no doubt that after an unbelieveable time spent on Rapa Nui (got bit on my last day there), I spent my last night there wondering if I was going to have to have my leg amputated once I got back to Chile.
Fear is the mindkiller, man. I didn't sleep that night.

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SES posted on 11/17/2003

On 2003-11-14 18:49, Shipwreckjoey wrote:
tikibars - you'll have to talk to my wife Sally about spider bites. She was bitten on the hand by a brown recluse spider & had to go through the whole debreeding / skin graft thing. You'd never imagine how something so small could cause so much damage. She's got a scar on the back of her hand the size of a silver dollar. If she hadn't got into the hospital when she did, she'd probably be wearin' a hook right now! ARRRR...kinky

I ummm... sat too close to one of those brown recluse and have a nice faded patch of brown on my derriere.
For future reference if you get bit/stung by anything (well maybe not a shark) place raw onion on it. The juice neutralizes the toxins in the bite immmediately. Wish I had remembered that on the first day but after a few recurring episodes, I used it and think I have exorcised most of the toxins from my system. Evil truly evil... I thought I was going to die from that bite... others have. I put lavender, tea tree oil and tea on it to keep it from getting infected and to get it to heal fast. Also ate lots of turmeric powder, onion soup and MEGAdoses of Vitamin C. Drank a ton of water to rinse it all out of my system.

purple jade posted on 11/17/2003

Hey you spider bite victims...

Having gone through what you have, what would you say would be the result of being bitten 160 times by brown recluse spiders?

RevBambooBen posted on 11/17/2003

Hey Chicki-

What gives on the edited post? Is it karma? Thinking you might get a gnarly future Scar if you posted?? Inquiring Minds want to know.

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Jungle Trader posted on 11/17/2003

Boobam Ben, Chiki said something about a scar on his uh....you know uh...well some of us have scars there when the doctor sliced us (OH JEEZ it hurts just talking about it) immediately after being born.

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SES posted on 11/17/2003

On 2003-11-16 21:11, purple jade wrote:
Hey you spider bite victims...

Having gone through what you have, what would you say would be the result of being bitten 160 times by brown recluse spiders?

All at once?
Were they baby spiders?

purple jade posted on 11/17/2003

All at once?
Were they baby spiders?

Allegedly...age of said spiders undetermined.

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SES posted on 11/18/2003

Well... my single spider encounter must have bit me 2-3 times in the same spot and it got about 3-4inches across. I did not react as badly as many others because I treated it ASAP to prevent the major infection and necrosis that others get. I also heal really well and ALL my scars seem to be disappearing recently. The spider bite is a faded patch of brown at this point. I have too many scars to list! Hah... My 1st black eye was at 19 months old. I had a concussion by age 4 from falling off a ladder. I liked to climb things and even slept on the headboard of my crib. I was very accident prone till I finally learned to slow down about 40yrs later!

cynfulcynner posted on 11/23/2003

On 2003-11-14 23:59, Mano Tiki Tia wrote:
6. Vasectomy, sharp blade, two stitches each. Total of six, no four.

You're my kind of guy! Did you use the frozen peas? :lol:

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Mano Tiki Tia posted on 11/23/2003

On 2003-11-22 22:46, cynfulcynner wrote:

On 2003-11-14 23:59, Mano Tiki Tia wrote:
6. Vasectomy, sharp blade, two stitches each. Total of six, no four.

You're my kind of guy! Did you use the frozen peas? :lol:

No, but the Diet Pepsi, Valium, Vicoin, Sponge Bob, Ice pack therapy, worked wonders for the Post-Snip recovery network.

[ Edited by: Mano Tiki Tia on 2003-11-23 01:27 ]

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