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An Open Request to All TC Members--Please Re-Link or Upload Lost Images!

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JONPAUL posted on 09/21/2011


Apparently, the fact that so many older images do not show up within the threads here on TC is affecting people's interest, attention span and desire to self-educate about Polynesian Pop and Tiki culture.

While I do not personally find any validity in these kinds of excuses (It's analogous to someone not wanting to read a book because it doesn't contain any pictures), what if we all come together and make a concerted effort to re-link or re-upload older images and flesh everything out once again? I'm sure we've all had "Aha!" moments--finally finding that "perfect" thread that has all the answers to our questions, only to find that all of the images are gone. At least if we brought the images back, it would give those new to Polynesian Pop history one less excuse to NOT educate themselves.

As part of an overall effort to revitalize the current state of TC in general, I humbly request that everyone take just a few minutes a day or even an hour or so on a weekend, call up one of your older threads or contributions, find the images on whatever storage media you might have and re-link or re-upload a few images. Even if everyone only managed do a couple, it would still end up being many, many more images than when the effort began.

As an added bonus, once the posts are edited to reflect the reinstated images, the corresponding threads will be bumped to the top and a whole new generation of members and lurkers will discover them for the first time!

bigtikidude posted on 09/21/2011

hell yeah

TIKI DAVID posted on 09/21/2011

IF anyone has a request for a pic ,they can PM for a copy.

[ Edited by: TIKI DAVID 2011-09-21 12:46 ]

VampiressRN posted on 09/21/2011

Wonderful idea. I confess...I am a visual learner and though a written description might be great, the picture is my hook. Thanks JP!!!

Hiphipahula posted on 09/21/2011

I support the cause, thanks JonPaul... Let's get back to Tiki, stir it up, keep it tried and true.

Bora Boris posted on 09/21/2011

I love this post! :)

Tom Slick posted on 09/21/2011

I had the same idea, but then thought...Man, there are a bunch of red X's in all kinds of dug up, and rehashed topics! I guess the easiest thing to do, is if you see a red X, PM the person who posted the original missing photos and request that they reupload them...That would probably be the easiest way to tackle the red X.

MadDogMike posted on 09/21/2011

Just a reminder to future generations of Tiki Centralites; if you use the "Add Image" button, the picture is hosted on the Tiki Central server and should be around as long as Tiki Central is here. If you post it with BBcode and a link to another site it could disappear at any time. This example (pulled from a TC thread) is linked to "goofspot.com", if that site ever closes down this image will be lost.

Chuck Tatum is Tiki posted on 09/21/2011

Listen to Mike,He is wise!

abstractiki posted on 09/21/2011

I to would really like to see all the lost pictures re-posted. Especially if they are from Locating Tiki or historical type pics.

One of the things we are doing here at TC is basicly writing and documenting the entire definitive history of Polynesian pop culture as we know it and as we discover it.

Tiki Central is going to be, should be or already is the single most complete record of this culture any where in the world. It helps promote the remembrance and significance of this culture to those who know little of it and those who are interested in learning. They don't teach this in school so it is up to us, the ones who care the most to preserve it as best we can. It is a great service to future generations.

Dustycajun posted on 09/21/2011

Well said Abstract. I have over the years re-posted some of the dreaded Red X photos that were not originally mine on various threads. We need to hire a dedicated scanner/poster and send them over to Sabu's house to get most of the Red X's back!

And folks, listen to Mad Dog Mike, use the Tiki Central server to post the images so they stay here forever (except during the great White Out of 2011).


Editing the post does not bump it as current, but if the Red X's are updated there should be a bump to let everybody know.


tikiskip posted on 09/21/2011

Some of my threads have this problem, and they
are my photos.
But I did go through most of my threads and try to repost photos.
That brings us to but number two, I can't find some of my photos
so I can't put them back.
Lost some photos when computer went down.
Sorry, will see if I can find more.
Lots and Lots of hours go into a thread like the Kahiki.
It is a shame to lose info.
Good idea though.

Okolehao posted on 09/23/2011

A plug for our patron Hanford: Photos take up server space. Server space costs money. Becoming a Grand Member is a small way to help make sure the board can keep the 50 zillion photos up for future generations. I'm as guilty as the next person for not signing up, but I don't post photos very often (excuses, excuses). But . . . . if anyone reading this signs up (hear that mega-posters) I'll match them and sign up too. :wink:

JONPAUL posted on 09/27/2011

Hmmmm....410 views and not one single response that anyone had re-linked even a single image.

OnaTiki posted on 09/27/2011

you know how it is, everybody is too busy or just doesn't care.. some thing just won't happen

[ Edited by: OnaTiki 2011-09-27 11:22 ]

aquarj posted on 09/27/2011

On 2011-09-21 13:58, MadDogMike wrote:
This example (pulled from a TC thread) is linked to "goofspot.com", if that
site ever closes down this image will be lost.

What kind of knucklehead would use a site called goofspot? Like, crazy, man! Anything from a site called goofspot can't be that important to preserve, anyway.

But there's lots of OTHER images that have gone dead and would be great to see resurrected! Not much we can do about the images from formerly active members, but it's true that it would have a nice revitalizing effect if some of the old images were brought back AND the corresponding threads were bumped up. Fun to see when someone brings back an old topic.

I can proudly say I have no dead image links in my posts, which is something around 700 images. But this is as good a place as any to say thanks again to some of our primo content gatherers like Dustycajun and Sabu (and many others)! Their visual stimulus package is what keeps TC rich.


little lost tiki posted on 09/27/2011

Just checked my Other crafts thread and have the first seven pages on notiice....
Just had a major computer crash,but am currently trying to retrieve old images
from my old MAC,so mahalos for the heads up
i will replace those as i finds em!

Bora Boris posted on 09/28/2011

Okay, I know not everyone can do this but I have replaced some of the bucket mugs that I nabbed from Sabu's very cool Doctor Z's 3-face Mug Collection post.

Sadly, I didn't download all of them but it's a start. :wink:

Dustycajun posted on 09/28/2011

Bora Boris,

That is definitely one of the top posts that needs fixing, thanks for the start.


tikiskip posted on 09/28/2011

It would also be nice if more people would add
something to some threads.
When I started the Kahiki thread I had hoped to see
some stuff I had never seen.
Stuff has been added but not much really.

bigbrotiki posted on 09/28/2011

Yaaah! More active posting of visuals instead of just laying back and consuming!

Ask not what Tiki can do for you, ask what YOU can do for Tiki!

bigtikidude posted on 09/28/2011

kinda a derailing or maybe a side railing here.
I don't post much content here.
But I do try to go to most of the So. Cal. events,
and by supporting those, I think that is in a way.
Keeping the tiki spirit going.

I am baffled by members of TC, that post, but never or hardly ever go to Tiki events.
please explain this to me.
or should this be a new thread?


bigbrotiki posted on 09/28/2011

Jeff: It's just that some strange people enjoy Tiki style solely for its artistic and design coolness, for its visual extremes and unique concepts, and not for drinking, music listening and partying. They're probably the same weirdos that enjoy going on urban archeological expeditions for hours with no certain place to go. Jeeez! :roll:

aquarj posted on 10/19/2011

Not sure if this is the place for this question, but...

Does the image upload utility automatically downsize images?

If so, that's unfortunate.


Hakalugi posted on 10/19/2011

On 2011-10-18 22:36, aquarj wrote:
Not sure if this is the place for this question, but...

Does the image upload utility automatically downsize images?

If so, that's unfortunate.


Yes and yes.

mrsmiley posted on 10/19/2011

On a somewhat related topic;
It is not uncommon to see a link to something temporary (like an auction or a for sale listing). You click on the link and ....it ...goes....NOWHERE!
AN Example- Jotul Tiki Stove topic "I couldn't find any info on this doing a search but I do know that I want it.

http://pueblo.craigslist.org/app/2610298066.html "

Try that link. Yup, it is dead. Only about 12 days old, too.
I would recommend posting the link, but then copying and pasting any pertinent info and posting any interesting photos so they don't vanish into the internet wasteland.

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