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Zerostreet's Tiki Art!

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MadDogMike posted on 09/14/2011

You need to ATTEND Oasis next year!

zerostreet posted on 09/14/2011

On 2011-09-13 19:15, MadDogMike wrote:
You need to ATTEND Oasis next year!

Really would love to Mike....but I don't know how I would get my display and art over there....not to mention the wife and 2 little brats! :D

Here's my progress tonight. Storms picking up!

MadDogMike posted on 09/14/2011

Really would love to Mike....but I don't know how I would get my display and art over there....not to mention the wife and 2 little brats! :D

OASIS ROADTRIP!!!!!!! :lol:

zerostreet posted on 09/14/2011

On 2011-09-13 19:37, MadDogMike wrote:

Really would love to Mike....but I don't know how I would get my display and art over there....not to mention the wife and 2 little brats! :D

OASIS ROADTRIP!!!!!!! :lol:

I'll have to buy a new Family Truckster!

For those of you who own my iPhone/iPod Touch App TIKILANDIA there is an update out today.

A bunch of new art has been added! This is a free update but please note that due to the size of the file it can only be downloaded through wi-fi as per Apple's download rules!

For those of you who don't yet own it, TIKILANDIA is a collection of my art plus a magic 8 ball styled ASK THE TIKI GOD feature and can be bought for your iphone for a mere .99cents!

Here's the link!



zerostreet posted on 09/17/2011

Painted a million blades of grass tonight! Going to bed! :D


i love this one

TikiG posted on 09/18/2011

Tiki with back to hurricane, monkey ridin'-it-out, full-on, forward...SPECTACULAR mood with this one! LOVE IT!

danlovestikis posted on 09/19/2011

I'm with MadDogMike...Tiki Road Trip!

When you paint it is like a carver as the tiki gains depth with each stroke. Wendy

zerostreet posted on 09/19/2011

Thanks Tiki Beat!

Thanks Greg! Glad you notice the composition details. I love that the Tiki has his back to the Hurricane. I feel there's something spiritual in the calm that's exhibited in both the chimp and the tiki in the midst of this storm. I don't think it was intentional from the start, at least not consciously, but I'm feeling it now everyday I paint it!

Thanks Wendy! A road trip is in the back of my mind...maybe soon!

Beachbumz posted on 09/19/2011

Very Cool one Zero!! Love it! Like the way the wind is blowing and the little guy is just kicking it feeling all.. awesome!

zerostreet posted on 09/19/2011

On 2011-09-18 22:39, Beachbumz wrote:
Very Cool one Zero!! Love it! Like the way the wind is blowing and the little guy is just kicking it feeling all.. awesome!

Thanks so much Beachbumz!

zerostreet posted on 09/20/2011

Here's the latest. Worked Koshi some.

One of the reasons I love posting progress shots is that I look at the work in a wholly different way as I prepare to upload the pics. For example just now I noticed how Koshi's grip is way to tight on his mug, almost seems as if it's just a clenched fist. In all these days I hadn't noticed, until I snapped a close-up of him! Gotta work that tomorrow!

Once again...

Is there any kind soul who will be attending GOIN' PRIMITIVE this October who would be willing to pick me up a mug and ship it to me? I am totally in love the the Davey Wong/Grog mug for that event (the grey green one) and they will only be sold there...I would gladly pre-pay and of course cover shipping...and gladly throw in a print as a thank you! If so please message me!

danlovestikis posted on 09/20/2011

Grog made them with a friend. Send him a PM. I wish I were going. Wendy

zerostreet posted on 09/20/2011

On 2011-09-19 19:43, danlovestikis wrote:
Grog made them with a friend. Send him a PM. I wish I were going. Wendy

I did Wendy. They are only being sold at the event. I really love that mug!

MadDogMike posted on 09/20/2011

Love it Robert!
You have to hold on tightly to what's important to you and I can tell that mug and drink are very important to Koshi!

tigertail777 posted on 09/20/2011

Love the details Robert, the background storm is now taking on a little more of a sinister look. Regarding the hand, yeah I can see what you mean now that you pointed it out: there would be no room in that fist for the rest of the cup/mug, so it feels a bit odd. But man that is a minor detail for such a great piece. As always I really dig your fur texture and lighting; that is time consuming (as is all that grass wow).

zerostreet posted on 09/21/2011

Thanks Mike and Tigertail! The fur and the grass is quite time consuming but very rewarding to do. The hand is no big deal for sure but there's no such thing as a mistake with acrylics as they are so easy to fix!

zerostreet posted on 09/23/2011

Ok. Fixed the mug...grabbed my Napa Rui mug by John Mulder and used that as a model. I like it now!

Almost there!!

tigertail777 posted on 09/23/2011

Looks a LOT better! Wonderful. I have no room to talk really, drawing hands is the single most difficult thing for me to do...they drive me apeshit. My "Mrs Stacked Man" painting I re-painted one of her hands five times and am still not happy with it.

Side note... do monkeys have 4 or 5 fingers? No, I am serious I really am not sure. If it is 5 he looks like he is missing a finger? Or are my eyes deceiving me?

EDIT: never mind I see the pinky now, I had to squint my moniter is kind of dark sometimes. I guess the answer would be 5.:lol:

[ Edited by: tigertail777 2011-09-23 00:32 ]

zerostreet posted on 09/23/2011

On 2011-09-23 00:27, tigertail777 wrote:
Looks a LOT better! Wonderful. I have no room to talk really, drawing hands is the single most difficult thing for me to do...they drive me apeshit. My "Mrs Stacked Man" painting I re-painted one of her hands five times and am still not happy with it.

Side note... do monkeys have 4 or 5 fingers? No, I am serious I really am not sure. If it is 5 he looks like he is missing a finger? Or are my eyes deceiving me?

EDIT: never mind I see the pinky now, I had to squint my moniter is kind of dark sometimes. I guess the answer would be 5.:lol:

[ Edited by: tigertail777 2011-09-23 00:32 ]

Thanks!! Actually,what you see is a ghost of the fifth finger. Tonight I'll try to finish up the hand.

zerostreet posted on 09/25/2011

Done! :D Gonna get a proper scan done soon.

Koshi Greets The Storm
16x20 Acrylic on Canvas

MadDogMike posted on 09/25/2011

So bitchin'! Koshi is cool as a cucumber in the midst of a wicked storm. (phrase borrowed from Robb H :) )

zerostreet posted on 09/26/2011

On 2011-09-24 19:09, MadDogMike wrote:
So bitchin'! Koshi is cool as a cucumber in the midst of a wicked storm. (phrase borrowed from Robb H :) )

Thanks Mike! Look for a PM in the next few minutes!

danlovestikis posted on 09/26/2011

Hi zerostreet. As I looked from step to step I saw a bag at the base of the terrific tiki appear. It made me wonder is it his? Was he on a journey and now has stopped to contemplate the horrific storm on the horizon. I can feel the wind on his face, that's how good this painting is. Love it, Wendy

zerostreet posted on 09/26/2011

On 2011-09-25 18:24, danlovestikis wrote:
Hi zerostreet. As I looked from step to step I saw a bag at the base of the terrific tiki appear. It made me wonder is it his? Was he on a journey and now has stopped to contemplate the horrific storm on the horizon. I can feel the wind on his face, that's how good this painting is. Love it, Wendy

Thanks so much Wendy!

That's basically it! Right near the end of painting I thought that adding a bag or backpack at the Tiki's base would further add to the feeling that this chimp purposely stopped and climbed up the Tiki just to "enjoy" this storm. In my opinion, this just adds to the calm within the chimp and to the assurance he has that all will be fine!

MadDogMike posted on 09/26/2011

Wendy, I need to train my eye to be more observant - I was so focused on Koshi and the storm that I missed the bag. And, yes Robert, everything will be fine :)

tigertail777 posted on 09/26/2011

WOW! Wonderful! I love the warm glow of light on him, and then having the storm be all darker hues of blue to bring the warm colors forwards. Nice touch with the bag/backpack; tells the story in greater depth and adds psychology to the character. :)

WestADad posted on 09/28/2011

Totally cool Robert! Fantastic work.

zerostreet posted on 09/28/2011

Thanks Tigertail and Chris! Appreciate the comments!

zerostreet posted on 10/03/2011

Working on a non-Tiki painting of Philip K Dick, but got a image in my head last night and just had to get the sketch out. This will be monochrome, just black and moonlight!

danlovestikis posted on 10/04/2011

Good Tiki!

zerostreet posted on 10/04/2011

On 2011-10-03 19:22, danlovestikis wrote:
Good Tiki!

Thanks Wendy! Couldn't resist starting in on this one tonight!

danlovestikis posted on 10/04/2011

Even Better but with that neck he looks alive and scary. Wendy

MadDogMike posted on 10/04/2011

Robert, I love the way you can just "whip up" a piece from nuthin'. Like magic, outta thin air! Nice moon lighting (not the Cybill Shepherd type either)

zerostreet posted on 10/04/2011

On 2011-10-03 20:00, MadDogMike wrote:
Robert, I love the way you can just "whip up" a piece from nuthin'. Like magic, outta thin air! Nice moon lighting (not the Cybill Shepherd type either)

Ha! Thanks Mike, and Wendy! I'm surrounded with about 30 artists Monday through Friday so that helps with the inpsiration!

tigertail777 posted on 10/04/2011

Holy crap Zero... do you have some kind of science fiction machine that you hook up to your brain and it makes the paintings appear on the canvas instantly? Seriously I think you better check your brushes for scorch marks. :wink:

Badd Tiki posted on 10/04/2011

I kind of like the steeper hill side in the sketch, I think it fills the composition better.

little lost tiki posted on 10/04/2011

Hey Zero!
which is good.

zerostreet posted on 10/05/2011

Thanks for the comments everyone!

Tigertail- I think working in TV has just naturally sped up my work. Nothing like a know-it-all producer breathing down your neck for their graphics to help kick things into overdrive!

Badd Tiki- I can kinda see what you're saying...either way these things then to change several times before I'm done!

Ken! Thanks man! Always appreciate your encouraging words!

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zerostreet posted on 10/07/2011

Acrylic on 8x10 Wood Panel

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MadDogMike posted on 10/07/2011

DAYAM SKIPPY!!! That was quick! And sweet!

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zerostreet posted on 10/07/2011

On 2011-10-06 19:01, MadDogMike wrote:
DAYAM SKIPPY!!! That was quick! And sweet!

Thanks Mike! The image came in a rush and I had to get it out! Back to my Philip K. Dick portrait already in progress! :D

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tigertail777 posted on 10/07/2011

Wow, I am in awe with your speed in making such wonderful works. Dayum indeed!

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zerostreet posted on 10/07/2011

Thanks Mike and Tigertail! Appreciate the words!

[ Edited by: zerostreet 2011-10-07 07:22 ]

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little lost tiki posted on 10/07/2011

soooooo awesome!
i just wanna run my hands on that grass and wood!
much better and bigger pic here than FB....

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zerostreet posted on 10/07/2011

On 2011-10-07 08:06, little lost tiki wrote:
soooooo awesome
i just wanna run my hands on that grass and wood!
much better and bigger pic here than FB....

Thanks Ken! As I'm sure know our paintings never look their best online. At least the pics I take of mine seem to lose the softness the original has.

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zerostreet posted on 10/11/2011

Got inspired by our own Kenny Ruzic who did an AMAZING job painting a plaster skull....so I grabbed a few from my local Michael's and here is my first painted skull.

Thanks Ken!

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Beachbumz posted on 10/12/2011

Wow Zero that Moonlight Ku came out beautiful man.. and that skull... SWEET!!
Looks almost like it could fit somewhere within the picture.. Love your art bra..

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