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Show off your Rattan!

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1961surf posted on 02/18/2010

Your display looks great Tiki Royale ...nice presentation.

leleliz posted on 02/18/2010

i will find a circular shelf..i will find a circular shelf..i will find a circular shelf

there..i put it out into the universe and now it will come back :)

great shelves both of you!

leleliz posted on 07/15/2010

I have wanted a rattan set for years now but price has always been an issue. Well that and the fact that I don't have a truck to pick furniture up with.

Seems that my patience has paid off...Monday I am picking up this set of rattan for $200--woot! woot!

Since it is so cheap I am going to invest in some barkcloth to make matching cushions for them....I am so stoked!

LiddleLola posted on 07/16/2010

Very nice find Liz and great price to boot.
Good luck with the round shelves.


Tiki Royale posted on 07/16/2010


Murph posted on 07/19/2010

Everyone has some great rattan.
Here is our set.

and the here's the fun surprise the sofa turns into a bed!

leleliz posted on 07/19/2010

Murph love your set! super jealous!!

leleliz posted on 07/20/2010

ok so picked up the set today...and here are 2 pics..1 without flash and 1 with. Let me just say that I have wanted this type of rattan for so long that now that I have it I realize I need to replace my coffee table...get some rattan end tables..relace my barrel lampshade on my panther lamp...etc...good lord let the thrifting commence!

Murph posted on 07/20/2010

Leleliz your set looks great.

Psycho Tiki D posted on 07/20/2010

I am going to have to make a point to visit you next time I am in or around your part of town. That looks absolutely amazing! Great score and youi should be proud of the finished look. BTW, I like you coffee table too!


leleliz posted on 07/20/2010

Thanks Murph and Duane :)

Murph your set still is the best one on this thread. I love the pull out bed and the finish looks so pretty.

Duane...you are more than welcome to come anytime you are around these parts. I wish the coffee table was a bit smaller but it will do for now.

Kamaina Kraig posted on 07/20/2010

I love your shelves over the sofa!!!!

leleliz posted on 07/20/2010

On 2010-07-20 10:41, Kamaina Kraig wrote:
I love your shelves over the sofa!!!!

Thanks Kraig :) I got them off Ebay for only $50 !

Paipo posted on 07/20/2010

Finally...very surprised to find this in the town I live in!

Quite an epic saga involved in procuring this treasure in the end...and now a lot of work ahead of me. I have found some amazing pieces of furniture lately, but old stuff in this town is pretty much always badly damaged from neglect...

I'm thinking of pilfering some of the trim from the back side to refinish the edge of the bar top:

First step: pulling this godawful check fabric off the stools:

What was underneath - worst tropical print fabric EVER!

I will probably use the green tapa barkcloth on the bar in the above pics to recover these.

Anybody got any experience of repairing these bars or replacing the trim and binding on rattan furniture? I see 1961surf had a bar restoration thread but it never progressed much beyond the sanding/refinishing stage.

I am thinking I may have to find a sacrificial specimen to cannibalise for materials. You need to soak or steam the stuff before wrapping it, correct?

Any advice or tips appreciated!


SandraDee posted on 09/18/2011

With help from Trad'r Bill and Psycho Tiki D we have added this awesome bar to our collection today :

Super excited to say the least esp after seeing this thread and how rare this style is :


Thanks again to you both!

Psycho Tiki D posted on 09/19/2011

Although the bar in the thread you posted is nice, I really like the one you bought today.

I could take pictures and post them but that is for you and your room mate to do SandraDee. Congratulations!

The people who sold this were extremely nice and helpful.

Gotta love this style!



Bongo Bungalow posted on 09/19/2011

Fantastic SandraDee! I was unaware of boomerang shaped bars.

1961surf posted on 10/14/2011

Picked this vintage horizontal stacked rattan bar up last weekend .Had to drive a long way to pick it up ,however
I think it was worth the trip! Rare twist bar stools that rotate -with original cushions .Needs some minor finish
work on the rattan facia ,so I will probably hand sand all the original varnish off by hand , then shot two fresh
coats of Zspar yacht varnish ..... wet sanding in between coats for an ultra finish.

Pixel Girl posted on 10/14/2011


know anyone who would want to buy this off me? the whole set the bar already sold


I am in San Diego :)


Pixel Girl posted on 10/14/2011


know anyone who would want to buy this off me? the whole set the bar already sold


I am in San Diego :) come get it soon or it goes away forever.

Later Rad People

Joy ebaypimp2000@yahoo.com

VampiressRN posted on 10/14/2011

These are old pictures of my bar and shelves I purchased for total of $120 about twenty years ago.

The booze is now stored in that reproduction cabinet behind the bar.

I keep my glassware on these two shelves.

I love all the banded sets that have been posted!!! :wink:

TTUMS posted on 10/21/2011

This is from my sunroom and my living room...

I found this plant stand at the local Goodwill for $5!

These two chairs each have an ottoman but they are so large that only one ottoman fits in the room. From Craigslist for $150 for the 4 piece set. the lamp in between the chairs came from an antique shop in California. It was $99. The magazine holder was another Goodwill find at $3.

Crummy picture bt this is a daybed. A Craigslist find at $40. All the fabric laying in piles on the daybed will eventually be made into slip covers for all the sunroom rattan.

The large aquarium. It's a 3 piece set that holds some of my Polynesian dolls. Found this at a local thrift store for $199.

The 8 sided aquarium and my first rattan purchase. Unfortunately it leaks so it will hold my redware Hawiian figures. A junk store find I got for $75

My 3rd and medium size aquarium. Another junk store find for $175

I found the chairs on Craigslist for $120 for the pair. The covers are original and were hidden by a red and blue slipcover (you can see those sitting on the daybed photo). The end table is one of a pair of Haywood tables. I picked these up from ebay for $200 for the pair.

Lastly the 3 piece sofa set I found on Craigslist for #200. Horrible slipcovers and they'll be the first to be redone. The second of the Haywood end tables lives here.

1961surf posted on 10/21/2011

Rare matching set of twist base bar stools that swivel .... with and without backs .Original salmon colored bar stool
cushions covers all in xlnt condition .I will probably strip all the dark stain and make them a much lighter tone .

Tiki Royale posted on 10/21/2011

Nice pieces Ttums. Funny, I picked up a 5 piece Frankel rattan sectional that also had horrid 80's Navajo print cushions... Go figure.

1961surf posted on 11/11/2011

Rare vintage 1940's multi rattan strand floor lamp w/ original fiberglass barrel shade

Unique pair of rattan table lamps with original shades and narra wood bases

[ Edited by: 1961surf 2011-11-10 20:29 ]

1961surf posted on 11/23/2011

Some insane recent rare finds !

1950's mahogany and rattan desk

Mid Century bar stools four - three strand rattan legs w continuous pole ring strecher
featured in Harvey Schwartzs " Rattan Tropical living throughout the house" book on page 118
I will redue cushions to their original shape, size and type of fabric .

1961surf posted on 11/29/2011

7 1/2 hour drive paid off big time!This a close up shot of this incredible solid mahogany student desk-
with rattan trim & dove tail corners on all the drawers - solid mahogany - sides,back and front .
This will be restored and then made available for sale in my rattan thread

This would be considered the Holy Graille or crypto caliber vintage rattan!

In 17 years of buying,selling,collecting and restoring , I have never ever seen or come across an
original recliner and in this great of condition with original cushions!

I will re -upholster cushions in vintage print bark cloth and this will be made available for sale
under my rattan thread

[ Edited by: 1961surf 2011-11-29 21:40 ]

1961surf posted on 12/11/2011

Mid century modern vintage rattan table 43 " tall table lamp in near mint condition with original barrel shade .Solid 3 1/2" oak wood base .Will make available for sale under my rattan thread .

Aquatic Safarinaut posted on 01/27/2012

Got these today...still need to clean and maybe refinish...The cushions definitely need help...

Bora Boris posted on 01/27/2012

On 2012-01-26 16:29, Aquatic Safarinaut wrote:
Got these today...still need to clean and maybe refinish...
The cushions definitely need help...

So does your wiring. :lol:

1961surf posted on 02/07/2012

Nice six band set score Safari !

Aquatic Safarinaut posted on 02/07/2012

Thanks Bill,

Here's the sofa after a soapy water scrub, a light sanding and two coats of Minwax Polyshades Honey Pine...Many thanks Polypop for the advice...

The cushions are the original with springs but aren't very comfortable. The covers, though dry cleaned, still look pretty ratty. Not sure which way I'm going to go on them...

Next weekend, the chair...

TIKI DAVID posted on 02/07/2012

Rattan & Witco

it kinda works

MauiRose posted on 03/11/2012

Picked this up today from Craigslist

Dustycajun posted on 04/05/2012

Inspired by my last visit to Bongofury's Rincon Room, I have on the prowl for rattan.

A few local finds.

A kidney-shaped table that is now the boy's TV/X-Box stand.

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A nice little two-tiered corner end table.

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And an old Heywood-Wakefield 3-piece sofa with original cushions.

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I found a few more items that need a little work before photos.

Rattaning is fun!


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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 04/05/2012

Nice DC! and curse Ron (Not really) he had some very nice Danish Modern pieces too!

[ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2012-04-04 19:56 ]

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TikiRootsRocka posted on 04/14/2012

Just picked these up. I'm super stoked as these are my first rattan pieces.
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The seller told me the table tops had been replaced with oak, so those will have to be changed.
Anyhow, it'll be fun to fix 'em up, can't wait until they're done.

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TikiRootsRocka posted on 04/17/2012

Thanks to everyone for posting your cleanup and restoration tips, they definitely came in handy. She's still got a long way to go, but there's a huge difference with a Murphy's Oil Soap wash and some orange oil.

I tried to use just the sudds from the from the MOS, applied 2 applications of orange oil, and washed the cushion covers. Next is the "super cleaning," getting all of the dirt out of the little knooks and cracks, more orange oil, a beeswax finish, and custom covers. Oh, and that table top is killing me

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8FT Tiki posted on 04/29/2012

Didn't expect to find one of these here! Mrs. 8FT always wanted a rattan aquarium so she's happy & that makes me happy too.
It was a yard sale find yesterday with a Mid-West price...$20 :) Just have to clean it because they had a turtle in it instead of fish.

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KittyKat65 posted on 05/06/2012

I just bought this set:

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sputnikmoss posted on 05/24/2012

Found this huge vintage rattan shelving unit at Salvation Army on 1/2 price day for the office!

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8FT Tiki posted on 05/27/2012

Wow, lightning strikes twice in one month. Another yard sale find. This one is larger and more elaborate. Purchased from a former US serviceperson who brought it back from the Phillipines. Will probably keep this one and sell or trade the other one now. Don't have room for both.

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KittyKat65 posted on 05/30/2012

A start on my new family room...

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[ Edited by: KittyKat65 2012-05-30 11:55 ]

Murph posted on 05/30/2012

Very cool

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Tiki Trav posted on 07/12/2012

So back in 2007 I picked up this set of 2x 2 seaters & 2x single seaters for $200,
Regretably sold it a year later...
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then shortly after I found this set "lovingly restored" with blue enamel, I passed these up..
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now fast forward to July 2012 & I just bought this set on ebay for $300.. now just a quick 1200km (800mi?) drive each way to pick them up..
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Bamboo Bev posted on 07/13/2012

Man, great find and real cheap too, I found a set like this in Newtown but they want $3000.00 for the set.

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KittyKat65 posted on 07/13/2012

Great price and nice set!

As a former Sydney gal, I agree that Newtown prices are ridiculous.

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Tiki Trav posted on 07/14/2012

Agreed, Newtown is ridiculous, but that's the price you pay to walk into a store and take home the rare furniture you want without scouring the earth for months/years, getting up on the weekend before sunrise to go to swapmeets, carboot sales, yard sales, thrift stores, church stalls, markets etc. And then there's ebay, gumtree, craigslist etc...
nice to look at though!!!

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