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What's the name of your home tiki bar or tiki space?

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Bincho posted on 02/16/2010

I gotta go with plagiarizing Novato Grotto, as its too perfect a name for the pool bar.....

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 02/16/2010

On 2010-02-13 08:27, Pittsburgh pauly wrote:
"The Boom Boom Room", it just kinda stuck. It may not be that tiki, but it souinds "exotic" enough, and has some history. But now that the Standard in NY uses the name, I may need to re-name it.

The Boom Boom Room was a famous & well known Gay Bar in Laguna Beach, Calif.

uncle trav posted on 02/16/2010

This is a photo of the velvet hanging in my home lounge

"Anyone who has ever seen them is thereafter haunted as if by a feverish dream" Karl Woermann

[ Edited by: uncle trav 2010-02-16 15:11 ]

Kon-Hemsby posted on 02/16/2010

Now that's my kinda sign

Pittsburgh pauly posted on 02/16/2010

On 2010-02-15 17:01, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:

On 2010-02-13 08:27, Pittsburgh pauly wrote:
"The Boom Boom Room", it just kinda stuck. It may not be that tiki, but it souinds "exotic" enough, and has some history. But now that the Standard in NY uses the name, I may need to re-name it.

The Boom Boom Room was a famous & well known Gay Bar in Laguna Beach, Calif.

Just found that out. After I posted here I googled it. That works.
Guess it's in high demand, blues clubs, lounges, but my favorite...it's the name of a play about a bi-sexual go-go dancer set in the 60's!
Guess I should research the next name if I change it.

hombre posted on 02/17/2010

The Cannibal Lounge

Sign by Headhunter

HelloTiki posted on 02/17/2010

Va-Va-Voom Room

mrsmiley posted on 02/23/2010

"Coming Soon" :)

ashman_atl posted on 02/23/2010

Pao Pao Hut...

KeithH posted on 02/23/2010

On 2010-02-16 07:55, Pittsburgh pauly wrote:

On 2010-02-15 17:01, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:

On 2010-02-13 08:27, Pittsburgh pauly wrote:
"The Boom Boom Room", it just kinda stuck. It may not be that tiki, but it souinds "exotic" enough, and has some history. But now that the Standard in NY uses the name, I may need to re-name it.

The Boom Boom Room was a famous & well known Gay Bar in Laguna Beach, Calif.

Just found that out. After I posted here I googled it. That works.
Guess it's in high demand, blues clubs, lounges, but my favorite...it's the name of a play about a bi-sexual go-go dancer set in the 60's!
Guess I should research the next name if I change it.

It is also the name of a strip club here in the Portland metro area.

Mai Tai posted on 02/23/2010

On 2010-02-22 22:26, mrsmiley wrote:
"Coming Soon" :)

I thought that was the name of Ron Jeremy's bar? :-?

tikigik posted on 10/15/2011

"The Boom Boom Room"

I seem to recall a bar by the same name that was located near the south end of the Frandor shopping center in Lansing/East Lansing MI, I believe in the late 80's. Not sure whatever became of it. Was taken there once but don't recall it being particularily "tiki".

mrsmiley posted on 11/16/2011

Ours is called HUBERT'S HULI HULI HAUS (OR The 4H CLUB for short).

Q-tiki posted on 11/16/2011

Holy Huli Huli mrsmiley!!

That is one hell of a tiki room. Dang... Awesome.

PolynesianPop posted on 11/16/2011

The Desert Oasis Room

**Poly-Pop ***

Bartender, make mine a glass of WATAHHH!!!!!

[ Edited by: PolynesianPop 2011-11-20 10:19 ]

Q-tiki posted on 11/16/2011

Another great room!! My eyeballs are drooling and I'm getting thirsty... Very thirsty...

My tiki collection has only just begun and I don't even have a room for it (or a bar) yet, but this is a great thread for inspiration.

Mahalo for all the great pics!!

Holler Waller posted on 11/20/2011

The Aumakua Cove's present entrance.

A sliver of imaginary island life in South Central KY

McTiki posted on 11/21/2011



hang10tiki posted on 11/21/2011

next time im back in Vegas I gota c dat room

got reggae ? posted on 11/27/2011

The Mad Mongoose
Tiki Bar

VampiressRN posted on 11/27/2011

Next year gonna make a trek to LV...gotta hit Frankies and would so love to see the 4H...it looks awesome.

This is the sign my friend Ken [moondog426] made for the VampTiki Lounge.

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[ Edited by: VampiressRN 2011-11-27 13:53 ]

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Wayfarer posted on 02/01/2012

The Wayfarer
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I had the sign made in Subic Bay. I asked the carver what woods he had and he said all he had was mahogany or monkeypod. (Remember this is the Phillipines so cedar and pine are exotic foreign woods but mahogany is normal) I asked about the price difference since monkeypod is a bit more expensive than mahogany stateside. He shrugs and says, "It's the same price." I went with the monkeypod! The lettering is in Old English which isn't tiki BUT in Olongapo & Subic Bay that's the default font they carve in and so its associate it with carved signs from there.

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Monkeyman posted on 02/01/2012

Did some painting last weekend for the first time in a long time.

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bigbrotiki posted on 02/01/2012

Nice, love the shape. I don't think I shared my very excellent Eric October creation here yet:

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I love maps, and Big Daddy Olu is in the position from where he overlooks the lake.

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Joe Banks posted on 02/01/2012

And here is my fine Eric October creation for my place.

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jeffro1962 posted on 02/01/2012

The Hukkaboom Lounge , entertainment nightly.

A lovely sign made from a packing pallet hung over the door to our break room at work until the new regime of Gap khaki clad tightasses took it down as being " unprofessional ". It was in quasi oriental/tiki script with all our nicknames on it .

Since such things are frowned upon at work, I adopted the name for my tiki bar in progress.

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joekerr9 posted on 02/01/2012

My home tiki bar is named Tiki Joe's Voodoo Lounge! I have built three tiki bars I will post some pictures up as well.

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forgotten tikiman posted on 02/01/2012

The Forgotten Tiki room.

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bigbrotiki posted on 02/01/2012

EXCELLENT choice of name, Mr. Banks! :)

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Joe Banks posted on 02/01/2012

Thank you, sir! No spill blood.

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JOHN-O posted on 02/02/2012

That's better than the House of Pain. :D

A lot of those early 1930's pre-code jungle horror films would be good inspirations for Tiki Bar names...

  1. House of the "White Zombie"
  2. Skull Island (a la "King Kong")
  3. "West of Zanzibar" (or maybe the "Kongo" Room, the talky remake of the Lon Chaney silent).

This is the stuff Don Beach was probably watching at the movies right before he opened the Hollywood DTBC.

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Rhummbatito55 posted on 02/05/2012

The "Rhummba" is what shes called !

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Haole Jim posted on 02/07/2012

"Haole Jim's"....

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MontiTiki posted on 05/05/2012

MontiTiki's "Tiki Oasis"

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Tiki-kitty posted on 05/08/2012

The Popoki Lounge...Hawiian for "cat"! :)

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TikiHardBop posted on 05/08/2012

Just barely on topic, but not enough for its own topic, and maybe its just the way my mind works, but wouldn't "The Sendak Lounge" or something like that be a great name for a tiki bar? All kinds of great mottos come to mind: "Where the wild things are" and "Wild rumpus every night" for example.

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hottiki posted on 05/09/2012

[ Edited by: hottiki 2015-10-13 20:17 ]

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mortarman posted on 07/01/2012

Mine's not started yet but I'm working on it. The name will be "The Grotto Lounge"

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Bloody Good posted on 07/01/2012

My tiki bar is called Bloody's, it is derived from my last name which is Bloodgood.

These are pics from a party I had a year ago and I used my twin brother's vintage bar. A more permanent structure is going to be built next year in the same spot. I hand painted the sign.
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skootiki posted on 07/04/2012

"Sweet 808"

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geedavee posted on 09/24/2012

Mine is called The Lothario Lounge. It is a Mid-Century styled tiki bar with a swingin bachelor pad vibe.

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tikilongbeach posted on 09/24/2012

The Hana Grotto.

TIKI DAVID posted on 09/25/2012

I have three different bar/lounge areas.
First one is all vintage, 'VOODOO LOUNGE'
Second,out door living/dinning area is the 'CAPTAIN TABLE'
Third out, off the side of the garage is 'LAST FLIGHT OUT'

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_PapaTiki_ posted on 09/25/2012

My wife and I have an attached room on the back of our house that we converted to a tiki bar. It's called Lava Lounge.

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rumackay posted on 09/26/2012

Hi all, long time lurker, first time poster, and I've had so much fun reading about all the amazing builds on this site, thanks for sharing

The man cave/tiki bar is under way and progressing slowly but I'll post up some progress shots shortly. The name I came up with for the room:

"The Mahi Mahi Room"

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Dagg posted on 09/26/2012

My bar/lounge is still a work in progress... But this is the name Im leaning towards.

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Ill start a build thread if anyone's interested.

[ Edited by: Dagg 2012-09-27 12:48 ]

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hiltiki posted on 09/27/2012

Dagg, I like the name of your lounge/bar. And yes show us some progress pictures.

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Bearded Bastard posted on 09/27/2012

The Wrecked Wench

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