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Tiki Wonderland 6 Dec.3 ** Grand Re-opening** pg.6

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Bora Boris posted on 11/12/2011

GROG posted on 11/12/2011

On 2011-11-10 09:54, Bora Boris wrote:
Nay! :evil:

It was the ANGRY SMILEY that put it over the top as MORE than just a vote.

[ Edited by: GROG 2011-11-12 15:02 ]

PiPhiRho posted on 11/12/2011

OK, bring back the body shots off the playmate of the month and I will cancel my other plans and come. I'll buy Boris a drink and he'll be fine with the whole thing.

GROG posted on 11/12/2011

Sorry, PiPhiRo. Once Boris has nixed something, his decision is final and there's no going back. You DO NOT want to anger Boris.

GROG miss Tiki-Kate

[ Edited by: GROG 2011-11-12 15:01 ]

Bora Boris posted on 11/13/2011

On 2011-11-12 14:58, GROG wrote:
Sorry, PiPhiRo. Once Boris has nixed something, his decision is final and there's no going back. You DO NOT want to anger Boris.

You DO NOT want to anger Boris? I love the sound of that but angering GROG? That's just DANGEROUS!

Unga Bunga posted on 11/14/2011


Queen Kamehameha posted on 11/15/2011

There are some surprises coming! So keep watching the thread!


Tangaroa-Ru posted on 11/15/2011

I like the cookie competition, but maybe that's because I won it one year. I say yes to the bake-off. I know that it would be another tough battle between Eric October's artistic genius versus my sneaky use of rum in baked goods.

crazy al posted on 11/15/2011

Do to APE monkeying around, Grog will be selling my wears as i will be there only in spirit.......

Get em with out shipping!!!
(limited to 250 total... First 50 are Ebay items)
next are a Limited Glaze Run of an Edt.100 Baja Brown!

My first edition tiki #13 of 250 sold for $35 in 2004
the next edition tiki #80 of 100 sold for $60 in 2007 (s/h included!)
I’m releasing the New Tiki #34 at $40 for the first 50 in the edition of 100 Baja Brown

buy now with credit i will ship to you
paypal here:
visa here:

GROG posted on 11/15/2011

Good news people. ------ GROG talk to Jeremy yesterday, and seems like the rum tasting was greenlit before Boris had a chance to nix the idea, so Appleton will be providing the rums for the event.

FREE rum tasting if you bring your Goin' Primitive wrist band, and $10 to get a wristband to allow you to do the rum tasting at this and possibly other events.

In other news----------

GROG only have 8 more drinks to finish the Grog Log and become a member of the Society of Drooling Bastards, so GROG trying to time it so that GROG finish on Dec. 3rd. to get inducted into the society and earn GROG' "Buck-off" pendant, so all GROG' drinks at the Tonga Hut will be a dollar off. Thanks Tonga Tom for finishing off the drinks for GROG. GROG not supposed to be drinking alcohol, so GROG take several good sips and pass it off to Tonga Tom. Him not one to turn down a free drink.

Bad news to hear that Crazy Al won't be there in person---worse news to hear that Kinny wil be. GROG hope Appleton is bringing LOTS of rum, because we'll all need it.

Looks like we are tied at one Yay from lovely Tangaroa Ru for the Christmas cookie contest and one ANGRY NAY from Boris against the cookie contest. We need more votes to make a final decision.


This Cookie Contest sounds awesome. Details? Rules?

bigtikidude posted on 11/15/2011

The Russian Roulette at the event may have been canceled.
But that doesn't mean you can't play at home.


Tonga Tom posted on 11/15/2011

On 2011-11-14 23:48, GROG wrote:

GROG only have 8 more drinks to finish the Grog Log and become a member of the Society of Drooling Bastards, so GROG trying to time it so that GROG finish on Dec. 3rd. to get inducted into the society and earn GROG' "Buck-off" pendant, so all GROG' drinks at the Tonga Hut will be a dollar off. Thanks Tonga Tom for finishing off the drinks for GROG. GROG not supposed to be drinking alcohol, so GROG take several good sips and pass it off to Tonga Tom. Him not one to turn down a free drink.

You are welcome GROG, glad to be of service...But it is the "Loyal Order Of The Drooling Bastard" we ain't no Society. :wink:


[ Edited by: Tonga Tom 2011-11-15 09:43 ]

Hiphipahula posted on 11/16/2011

And now it's time to reminisce and pay tribute to an all around swell, sweetie of a guy and a heck of a baton twirler, a true American, A Marine, ...Ken Ruzic an American classic! who could forget! .............

little lost tiki posted on 11/16/2011

oh dear....

and let's not forget my personal hero...
who single-handedly SCORED
with these two lovely Pistol Packin Mamas
last Tiki Wonderland....

now that's NUTS!

GROG posted on 11/16/2011

Rehashing old crap.

Hiphipahula posted on 11/16/2011

but too classic to be forgotten! Wheres your wittyness Grog?? HUH? I see? ...oh Nothing, i see nothing...let's see your creative side Mr. Hot Shotty, snooty patooty photoshop guy.... :wink:

Hiphipahula posted on 11/16/2011

p.s. Tom, that's the most huge signature graphic on TC I have ever seen..... heehee....

little lost tiki posted on 11/16/2011

yeah Ernie
Who's the Scrooge NOW?

Hiphipahula posted on 11/16/2011

do not make fun of my mad skills, it's all in good spirit :blush:

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bigtikidude posted on 11/16/2011

I like that one a lot Kelly!!
Thumbs up.


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The Sperm Whale posted on 11/16/2011

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Will she be doing Pole Dances? I'll bring my dollar Bill's Yo !!

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Bill5925 posted on 11/16/2011

On 2011-11-10 09:49, GROG wrote:
Christmas cookie competition----yay or nay?

I say "Yay". I've got a very undoughy specialty I would like to bring. It's from a secret family recipe that also happens to be in Joy of Cooking. So maybe not so secret.

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crazy al posted on 11/16/2011

On 2011-11-16 01:11, Hiphipahula wrote:
but too classic to be forgotten! Wheres your wittyness Grog?? HUH? I see? ...oh Nothing, i see nothing...let's see your creative side Mr. Hot Shotty, snooty patooty photoshop guy.... :wink:

can you say day job!......LOL

Grog stepped up to sell my crap! YAH... unless i find someone else to do it??????

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Hiphipahula posted on 11/16/2011

Al I might have to add you to Santa's shit list. We will miss you on Tonga Hut's very important day, as Queen K said "Stay Tuned" lots of surprises to come. I understand Al you have a Ape gig, kind of hard to replace you :( I will ask Santa to cut you slack cause your amazing Art will be selling at the Tiki Wonderland Party. So come buy Crazy Al's amazing art at the TH ! Dec 3rd Noon!

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Tonga Tom posted on 11/16/2011

Great, who's back am I gonna ride around on this year?

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GROG posted on 11/18/2011

Stay tuned here for a VERY SPECIAL announcement about the Tonga Hut and why this Dec.3rd Tiki Wonderland will be much more than just another Christmas Tiki art show at the Tonga Hut.

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Sherriyaki posted on 11/18/2011

Saturday December 3rd, 2011 heralds the Grand Reopening of Tonga Hut, celebrating a new partnership of Tonga Hut owner Jeremy Fleener and Amy Boylan creator of Mojave Oasis. ‘Tiki Wonderland’ will further deck the occasion with Tiki inspired offerings from local craftsmen and artists.

Embracing the history of Tonga Hut established in 1958, enhancements speak to Mid Century design and rescued artifacts of great tiki palaces of yesteryear while maintaining Tonga Hut's unique character.

‘Tiki Wonderland’ opens to it’s fifth year created by Ernest “Grog” Keen and exhibits the unique and joyous designs of many of the So Cal's Tiki artisans. Tunes supplied by the Glasgow Tiki Shakers and libations crafted by Kelly "HipHiPaHulA" Reilly.

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Dustycajun posted on 11/18/2011

So, that's the big news, very exciting! Certainly make this a must see event.


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Loki-Tiki posted on 11/18/2011

WOW!!! That is an exciting announcement.

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croe67 posted on 11/18/2011

Awesome News!!!

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GROG posted on 11/18/2011


What the hell?

We have more Yays than Nays, so it look like Cookie competition is a go.

Now THAT big news.

(Damn you Sherriyaki stealing GROG' thunder!)

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GROG miss Tiki-Kate

[ Edited by: GROG 2011-11-18 08:56 ]

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Joe Banks posted on 11/18/2011

On 2011-11-18 08:49, GROG wrote:

(Damn you Sherriyaki stealing GROG' thunder!)

Steals your thunder with only her fourth post!

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OceaOtica posted on 11/18/2011

Nice, to many more years of the Tonga Hut's doors open to welcome the thirsty traveler! got clay, wood, and paint flyin, now gotta thinks about some coogies. Looking forward to seein everybody there!

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Tangaroa-Ru posted on 11/18/2011

This news officially rocks the house... or in this case, Hut. Congratulations on this fine, fine Tiki business union!

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bigbrotiki posted on 11/18/2011

Wonderful! Kudos to Queen Kamehameha for continuing her policy of sponsoring artists and places that are part of Tiki history, helping to perpetuate the culture from within, by and for people who love it and are clued into what it represents - like a real queen would do it.

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Awesome News. I got my cookie in the oven practice makes perfect. or not.

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bigtikidude posted on 11/19/2011

I hope Kirby makes something with Rice Crispys again.
and I promise to not touch it til after voting is done.

I Plan on stopping by there early.

and I post this only because its later that night (after) the event.
But kinda near by, and a cool event.

Deke Dickerson's Venturesmania (ventures tribute band) w. Noke of the Ventures playing too.
is playing at Joe's bar n grill in Burbank at 9pm
info here:

See I don't hate LA,
I just need cool special events to come up there.


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mp posted on 11/19/2011

Congratulations Tonga Hut! Great to see continued support
for a truly AWESOME Tiki Bar. I wish I lived closer!!!
Huge Mahaloz to you Ernie and Jeremy for hosting all these cool
shows and supporting the Tiki arts. Meeting everyone at the
Handbuilt show was a real highlight for me!

Long live the Tonga Hut!

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GROG posted on 11/19/2011

[ Edited by: GROG 2011-11-27 03:51 ]

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tonga hut posted on 11/19/2011
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Chuck Tatum is Tiki posted on 11/19/2011

Great News, we will be there, why? because we like you!

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Tangaroa-Ru posted on 11/19/2011

If we're having a cookie competition, let's have prizes! Not that the rum-drunk, stuffed-mouth, gurgling of "mmmoohhh, these are gooood" isn't enough of a winning moment but... it isn't enough. Grog, any chance there could be prizes for this? Sure a trip to Hawaii would be nice, but I don't think that's in the budget. I think the lure of prizes might make more people enter this. More entries = more cookies = more things that taste good with Kelly's drinks. Maybe a mug prize, Tonga Hut T-shirt prize, Tonga Hut gift certificate prize? Last time you did this, there were prizes for artistic merit and taste. I think I won a free drink, which I ordered and gave to YOU. I say up the stakes a little.

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GROG posted on 11/19/2011

We'll definitely have some prizes for the winners. Two winners. One for Best-Looking Cookie and one for Best Tasting Cookie. GROG will be at Tonga Hut tomorrow, and will discuss prizes with Jeremy. Big Tiki Dude will be there tomorrow DeeJaying if anybody else want to join GROG and the other Tonga Hut regulars for a drink, some tunes, and nacho cheese chips.

The Tonga Hut will be closed Nov. 27 until the Grand Re-opening on Dec. 3rd, so this is the last Sunday and last week to see it in it's current condition before it gets a little face-lift.

Also, Krisdrama will be having her last drink from the Grog Log tomorrow and will be inducted into the Loyal Order of the Drooling Bastard.

[ Edited by: GROG 2011-11-19 13:50 ]

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Tangaroa-Ru posted on 11/19/2011

Yay, Grog and Jeremy!

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little lost tiki posted on 11/20/2011

i vote that Kari IS the BEST LOOKIN COOKIE in TOWN! :)

Amy and Jeremy together?
Wonderful News for us AND the Tonga Hut!

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Queen Kamehameha posted on 11/20/2011

Thanks Everyone! I am excited to be part of such a great place! Thank you Sven...That could possibly be the nicest thing I have heard i a long time :) Thank you too KinnY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Bora Boris posted on 11/20/2011

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