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Wendy Cevola - Began on 01/10/2025 - Todd Locker's black velvet wish in progress. New photos often.

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tikiskip posted on 11/28/2011

Nice work Wendy!!!
Tell Roger I love the chunk lights old and new.
Did he make the ribon and spaghetti type lights as well?
On the resin type lights I showed above those were made by me in 2009.
Here's the quote from that thread.

"Got the inspiration for one light from
Eli Hedleys Lexan wall at Kelbo's,
And Monkeyman here on TC.
I wanted to put my spin on it.
Going to start working wiht resin more"

Can't wait to see the end result.
Wish I had all those chunks to work with!

[ Edited by: tikiskip 2011-11-28 05:27 ]

danlovestikis posted on 11/28/2011

Tikiskip here's the link to Roger's business. He sells the chunks by the pound.
http://www.goldenwestmfg.com I just tried to find the chunks there and I couldn't. It's possilbe that now that he's making the lamps again he's stopped selling the chunks. I'll have to ask him. He makes the chunks himself.

I have looked at your thread and admired your lamps in the past. They are beautiful and look so vintage that we were fooled. I'm very happy to have your link on my thread so I may check in on your work often.

Beachbumz Happy Holidays to you as well. The beautiful bowl is hidden for Christmas but its been hard not to give it to Dan early.

hang10tiki, that's so cool that you found a bank. I made a Ren Clark Head in exchange for wooden tiki. The fellow needed money so he sold it. The head made it to Japan and back and I found it in a case in an antique store in Orange. They called the owner in Japan and he sold it to me for half price because I was the artist. It's back in Dan's collection since I hadn't made one in this size for him! We love antique stores and tiki hunts. I can't get your last carving out of my mind. Burning the mouth black looked so good.

Before I started on Tiki Central I would post on claytikis.com. It shows step by steps for these heads and other clay projects before I started in ceramics.

umeone you are the party. I love all your islands and tiny tikis. I'm looking forward to the mini mystery bowl.

I have an early appointment but sometime today I'll open the kiln. My fingers are crossed because MDM Dan ate the pizza!

Cheers Friends, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2011-11-28 08:04 ]

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2011-11-28 08:08 ]

hiltiki posted on 11/28/2011

Wendy, I can't believe how you got the Ren Clark mug back after selling it, it's a great story. Can't wait to see your latest projects done. I love the hula girls. Best of luck with everything.

danlovestikis posted on 11/28/2011

Thanks so much hiltiki. It was one of those fun moments. I knew ahead of time that the head was somewhere in southern California because there was a thread started by some people who said they had heart attacks seeing it in the glass case and thinking it was a vintage head. So while on vacation we started a search and there it was. The best part was being able to talk to the man in Japan.

Tikiskip, I wrote to Roger and here is his reply. Wendy

Wendy, very good lamps, I liked him using the many natural looking island materials. He has done an excellent job designing and putting them together.

Overall etsy site for my lamps & rocks………Roge

For his lamps.

Resin Rocks…….For Sale.


I opened the kiln and took out my Missionary's Downfall bowls.

Next step was to hose them off really well to remove the dust and take them into the house to dry.

I checked them over and found one crack where I thought I might get one because the clay was so very thick in this area. It happened to this bowl.

Here's the crack under the forehead. Good luck that it's not is a visible place.

I have a lot of different ways to fix this. I will drill it out into good clay and go from there.

All in all I'm very happy with the outcome. I can't wait to glaze these and pair them with their naughty hula women. Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2011-11-28 13:06 ]

McTiki posted on 11/28/2011

What a wonderful display of talent variety. Chunk lamps....I remember a huge blue and purple chunk type lamp my aunt had in Hermosa Beach. Spent hours gazing at it.

You guys are rocking so much Tiki!

Good on you!



tikiskip posted on 11/29/2011

Glad you had no big blow outs Wendy.
Tell Roger thanks, And he needs to start a thread for his stuff on TC.

danlovestikis posted on 11/29/2011

Hi tikiskip, I've given Roge your suggestion. I agree with you that he should have a couple of threads, gallery and other crafts.

My lamp is finished...almost. The swag chain will be replaced with a black one when his order arrives. A lower watt bulb will be used. This bulb is so bright that the different colored chunks all look the same. Roge suggests a flicker bulb for more tiki effect.

In a lighted room with the lamp off the panels look as shown here.

Light on with high watt bulb.

Lava rock along the seams.
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I have surgery tomorrow on my thumb to release a tendon but if I'm able I'll try to get photos with a lower watt bulb and in a lighted room up as soon as Roge has them.

He hopes to start taking orders this week on Etsy. What's great is that he will customize a lamp to your specifications. This lamp was made to mine. Wendy


[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2011-11-29 08:38 ]

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umeone posted on 11/29/2011

Another surgery Wendy! As always I wish you nothing but the best, will pray for a speedy recovery. :) Your Lamp is the BOMB! Can't wait to see it with a flickering light, great idea!
Take care my friend

tikiskip posted on 11/30/2011

Wendy, Roger GREAT job!!!
Those look great!
You know wendy you got a lot of options with your
light bulb problem.
You could paint the inside of the light with a clear colored
paint to make the red show up darker.
Or you could get red gel and see how that works.
Lastly you could put four of the flicker flame bulbs in the light,
one bulb behind each tiki this would give you many more catch lights
in the rock / tiki.
Flicker flame bulbs are low to no watt really so more would be better
I would think.
Very cool!

danlovestikis posted on 11/30/2011

Hi tikiskip, I passed your message on to Roge and he wrote this back to me.

Wendy, I will be placing the info and pricing tomorrow evening on etsy.

Good luck with the surgery. This has been quite an interesting trip……lamps & all.

Tell Tiki Skip thanks for his comments, I am also enjoying his designs which are very good.

See you…………….Roge

Thank you umeone. I'll be off line starting at 11:30 am tomorrow but back on as soon as I can. It's too much fun to miss a day. Wendy

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MadDogMike posted on 11/30/2011

Wendy, that lamp is looking so cool, the lava rock border really adds to the effect. Good luck with your surgery tomorrow

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little lost tiki posted on 11/30/2011

Holy Smokes!
that lamp is gonna be INCREDIBLE!
you are a genius,woman!

danlovestikis posted on 11/30/2011

Thanks Mike, this surgery will be easier than the last two. I got a couple of black velvets stretched so I can paint with my good hand. Maybe I will even glaze.

little lost tiki I wish that were true but all I did was sculpt 2 tikis that Roge requested and I kept tweaking the Moai until he was happy. The God of Light was much easier. But the lamp designs are all his. I haven't even been around as he hand built the lamp. I will pick it up next week.

He begins to sell these (his business not mine, I'm hired help, motto - will work for lamp) on ETSY tomorrow night by order. The fun part is a person gets to pick colors. I want another one with all the colors he has, now that would be fun.

It's so nice to hear from you both, sleep well, Wendy

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zerostreet posted on 11/30/2011

Awesome lamp! Good luck with the surgery Wendy!

danlovestikis posted on 11/30/2011

Thank you zerostreet. Your painting is terrific. I even love the roots with stringy moss hanging at the arch. I'm leaving now, Wendy

Hi Friends, I'm posting information for a dear friend Roge. Wendy

This Tiki Lamp has been a fun design project. I contacted Wendy Cevola to sculpt the Tiki Head and the Easter Island statue. So thanks to her artistic nature, we have the heads. I made a mold off and cast them using a red resin (per Wendy’s request) which has become part of the rock panel sides. Real Lava Rock has been added to the black putty seams. You can choose to have solid red resin rocks or a mixture of red rocks with black poured around each one to restrict the light coming through. Ask for a design form to be emailed to you.

Measurements are 15 lbs, 10.5” wide x 15.5” high, a four sided rectangle with an open bottom for down light and a closed top. The lamp is wired with 15 ft of chain and 18’ of wire/plug/on-off switch and 2 ceiling hooks.

The time it takes to make a unit is between 2 and 3 weeks.

To Order or view his lamps go to this link later tonight. 11/30/11.

This is the lamp I ordered from Roge in colors of my choice.
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Roge is the original resin chunk lamp artist from the 1960's. I thrilled to have been able to do the sculptures of the tikis for this lamp. You can customize your order to your favorite colors, check it out friends. Cheers, Wendy

PS step by step images of this lamp as it is manufactured are on my "other crafts" thread.

danlovestikis posted on 12/01/2011

went well, stayed awake, no anesthesia, i turned it down, had arm block

photos tomorrow

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mrsmiley posted on 12/01/2011

AWESOME! what a great thread!

danlovestikis posted on 12/01/2011

thank you mrsmiley i appreciate that

most of my surgery photos didn't come out. the light was so bright it was all white. home with everything i need which Dan set up
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surgery photos on Ohana infirmary, wendy

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WestADad posted on 12/01/2011

Wishing you a speedy recovery Wendy!


danlovestikis posted on 12/02/2011

Thank you Chris, I'm already using my fingers on the left side tonight to type.

I wanted to share this photo from hang10tiki. I love being photoshopped...so far!

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I finally checked to see if the cookie lid I've made for kingstiedye's Simpson cookie jar would fit. It does so it's going to be glazed along with the bowls.

Have a good night, Wendy

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ZeroTiki posted on 12/04/2011

Amazing stuff! I'm away for a l'il while and you just keep knocking 'em out of the park! YAY!

~Hopefully your southpaw sketchbook is coming in handy!

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MadDogMike posted on 12/04/2011

Wendy, I forgot to congratulate you on the cookie jar lid replacement. It's so hard to get replacement lids right because of the shrinkage issue. When you make a piece and a lid, they both shrink equally and fit together (usually) But for this you have to make the lid too big and hope it fits after it shrinks.

danlovestikis posted on 12/04/2011

Thanks Zero, I hope you have more art in the works to share.

ike, it has just enough room for the three layers of glaze which will lift it up a bit. I was very happy that my guess on size worked. I could have sanded it if needed to make it smaller but it was just right.

I'll have more photos tomorrow on my glazing of the Missionary's downfall bowls. I hope I choose the glazes that will work best. Cheers, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 12/05/2011

The glazing has begun. Three layers in each color. Soon I'll have Magic mend for the crack on the first bowl. It will be a good learning experience. Thank you MadDogMike for your recommendation.

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danlovestikis posted on 12/09/2011

Hi Friends, I've finished all the glazing except for the one with the crack. My Magic Mend came today and I'll see if it will work. Here are the steps I've taken today from loading the kiln to working on the crack. Cheers, Wendy

Magic Mend
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Chiseling the cracks larger.
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Enlarging the other side.
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Running the Magic Mend from one side through to the other side.
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I'm hoping for no air pockets.
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Layer then dry, layer then dry all day long.
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Loading the kiln.
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I glazed all the bottom with flat black.
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Choosing the right supports for firing.
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Once the Magic Mend is completely filling the crack I will sand it smooth and glaze this last bowl. Then it's time to fire away!

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[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2011-12-08 20:34 ]

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MadDogMike posted on 12/09/2011

Hope that works out Wendy, my reputation is on the line :D

danlovestikis posted on 12/10/2011

MadDogMike I hope it works. I bought a lifetimes supply! One jar because nothing will ever crack again. I hope you enjoyed being with Dawn in Palms Springs I wish we could have been there for her show.

I finished filling the crack. It dried enough that I could sand it. Then I sponged off the dust and did my glazing. Here are the photos. Cheers, Wendy

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danlovestikis posted on 12/13/2011

I was with Roger today in Grass Valley viewing his newest creations and orders he is filling.

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Check out his Etsy site

Tomorrow I'll post photos of the Missionary's Downfall women and their tiki bowls.
Cheers, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 12/13/2011

Hi Friends, it is so hard to get a photo that shows how beautiful Roger's lamps are but he got a good one that he sent to WestADad that does so I'm sharing it.

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Also here is a photo that shows the two sizes that he is making. The small one will be around $200. This is on Marketplace.
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Well MadDogMike the Magic Mend is a miracle worker so your reputation is secure. The crack is totally gone. I did have glaze skips on every single piece I fired. Tiny but they must be repaired so I'll be back to glazing today. Here are some photos.
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Here's the outcome of the MadDogMike Magic Mend fix.
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The Alter. She is hidden until the bowl is lifted out, you start to drink and find her watching you.
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I haven't absolutely picked which girl will go with which bowl but these pairings are a maybe. What do you think? Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2011-12-16 14:54 ]

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2011-12-16 18:25 ]

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WestADad posted on 12/13/2011

LOVE the girl in the blue dress!

(Love them all actually!)


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MadDogMike posted on 12/14/2011

"Well MadDogMike the Magic Mend is a miracle worker so your reputation is secure"
Whew! I can breathe a sigh of relief! I'm at 50-50 with the Magic Mender; it repaired a ceramic piece I dropped and broke but it didn't fix the kiln shelf I dropped and broke :lol:

I'm with Chris, they all look great but the blue dress with the blue bowl is an awesome combo.

danlovestikis posted on 12/17/2011

Thank you WestADad.

MadDogMike, I just posted a finished photo above to show how the repair is invisible. I do have to share that it wasn't quite as easy as I had first wrote. After I posted the first time I put pressure on the area and the glaze popped off. I felt the area and it was very dusty. As the Magic Mend fired it shrunk and became dusty making the glaze come loose. So I pulled off the glaze, sanded it, wiped it with sponges and re-fired. Second time around it was perfect. So I recommend always firing the fix before glazing it. Cheers, Wendy

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zerostreet posted on 12/17/2011

Awesome work Wendy!...I'll have to agree with Mike and Chris...that one in blue is quite the eye candy! :D

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TikiDaye posted on 12/17/2011

Amazing work! I've been following the development of these 'missionary's downfall' pieces and they have turned out beautifully! Even before I saw Chris, Mike and Robert's comments, I too thought the native in the blue dress was my favorite. (of course I'd expect most of them to be topless due to Dan's influence... Haha). Well done on all of them!

I think the pairing of the first two (black & white, blue dress) with their bowls is spot on... Curious as to how the other two might look swapped: the black-haired beauty with the altar bowl seems like it'd be a nice pairing. Also, what happened to the beauty with the tats? (that's tats, with an 'a'... as in 'tattoos')

Once again, gorgeous work!

...and congrats on the repair!

Jason <

danlovestikis posted on 12/17/2011

Zerostreet, thanks so much.

TikiDaye yes all my art is influenced by Dan why else would I be doing topless hula girls. I made my final choices for the girls that will go with each of these bowls. These are the first four of twelve total. I still can't work clay until my incision at the base of my left thumb heals. The stitches didn't keep it closed and now it's glued shut no water allowed.

Here goes Bowl number one that cracked is the one that Dan wanted and bought from me. So sold.

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Bowl number two not topless sure seems to be a guy favorite so not everyone is like my husband. Maybe I should paint tops on all the rest?
It also has a removable tiki necklace.

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Number three is more of a candy dish or ashtray. It's a crazy tiki so the girl has to be the one with all the tattoos. The tiki and the girl have blue eyes.

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Bowl number four is an alter with a removable bowl. When you lift to drink the girl is looking up through the alter.

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Jason, thank you for all the nice comments. What do you think of all these pairings? Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2011-12-16 22:28 ]

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2011-12-17 09:08 ]

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tigertail777 posted on 12/17/2011

Wendy I for one think you paired them perfectly; they all have logical theming. Love how they turned out. My favorite is the alter one, the orange tapa design dress is beautiful and goes well with the red/magenta color on the alter... though I am a little biased: orange is my favorite color. :wink:

Can't wait to see the other pairings. :)

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little lost tiki posted on 12/20/2011

the Wahines AND the lamps!
You're Queen Midas!
Everything you touch turns to BEAUTIFUL!!!!!

Lovin that Blue Wahine with the pool....

danlovestikis posted on 12/20/2011

Hi tigertail777 and little lost tiki. Thank you for you kind words. It seems that the most popular girl has her top on. Dan just must be on his own when it comes to topless!

As I sell the next two I'm going to offer to paint tops on them. You both made my day! Wendy

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tigertail777 posted on 12/21/2011

Poor Dan... Wait a minute... the one I liked is topless...what does this say about me? :wink:

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TikiDaye posted on 12/21/2011


Perfectly paired! So, how many more are you creating...8?

Praying your thumb heals quickly so we can see more of your beautiful works!

Jason <

danlovestikis posted on 12/22/2011

Hey tigertail777 it says you are a man!

TikiDaye my plan has been to do a bowl for each of the women and there are 8 left. I may get sidetracked with my current project but we will see. Thank you for your well wishes. I think by next week I'll be mucking it up with clay.

Christmas Cheers, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 12/22/2011

This of course is the menu cover for Skipper Kents, Oakland California. This is my favorite menu art.

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This is the front of an extremely rare mug that they produced.
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The Zombie closer up.
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The back of the Zombie mug.
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I thought that they should have added the chest of the Zombie as shown on the menu to the mug. I made this one for Dan in clay in 2006.
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Now in 2009 the Swap idea on Tiki Central was to make art using a menu cover. So what else could I do but make it from my favorite cover. This time instead of trees I used the woman. Zombie on one side and Woman on the other.
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This was also made in clay and hand painted. TikiG was my swap partner.

Ever since I made the next step and began making molds and casting ceramics I have had this mug in mind. So now I'm doing it. I will post the step by step photos as I start with sculptor's clay and work to produce this mug. I also have a twist in mind that will reveal itself as I proceed.

I hope this is a fun journey for all of us. Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday, may you all have the best new year ever, cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2011-12-23 16:54 ]

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TikiKIrby posted on 12/23/2011

Wow Wendy, I think you've definitely had a great year, really doing some awesome sculpts and I love the glazes.. I like the wahine with the top best too, but I think it's because I love the glaze/ color combinations!!! If she were topless, I would not complain... Artistically speaking of course...

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hang10tiki posted on 12/24/2011

Outstanding as usual...

danlovestikis posted on 12/24/2011

Thanks TikiKirby, I think I'll have to match the rest of the woman to their bowls.
hang10tiki, thank you.

Here goes...

Building the column out of number 4 Romo Clay.
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It took a week of heating and layering this clay into the right shape.
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Using photos I start to form the woman. I also added clay to the bottom to make the shape more of a fogcutter mug.
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VampiressRN posted on 12/24/2011

Amazing as always...you've got the gift of creation.

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MadDogMike posted on 12/24/2011

Wendy, that's gonna be a tall drink of water! (or rum :D )

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TikiTomD posted on 12/24/2011

Wendy, that clay original mug you did with the woman is exceptionally beautiful! Can't wait to see what you do in ceramic with this!

Mele Kalikimaka,


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