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Tiki Central / Home Tiki Bars

The Beginning

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Rhummbatito55 posted on 01/15/2012

Getting my first Tiki Hut build on. Gonna burn all the wood on this baby ! She will be called the "Rhummba"

Rhummbatito55 posted on 01/15/2012

More Photos folks ! :wink:


Rhummbatito55 posted on 01/15/2012

VampiressRN posted on 01/15/2012

That is going to look great!!! You have a beautiful backyard and the burn turned out nice.

MadDogMike posted on 01/15/2012

You've already got the torches and the palm trees goin' on, gonna look nice! Keep us posted.

LoriLovesTiki posted on 01/15/2012

Very nice so far! Can't wait to see how the build develops.


Rhummbatito55 posted on 01/16/2012

Thanks guys for the comments !! more to come soon. :) Will post a peek of the sign for it soon.

Rhummbatito55 posted on 01/16/2012

Sneaky Peaky on the sign. :wink:

forgotten tikiman posted on 01/16/2012

Nice!!!! Im staying tuned to the build :)

hang10tiki posted on 01/16/2012

Go, go, go

Rhummbatito55 posted on 01/17/2012

Some more Pics folks !!

Water proofing the roof !!

WestADad posted on 01/18/2012

Looking great so far. Awesome fan/lamp combo.


Chuck Tatum is Tiki posted on 01/18/2012

Don't forget to wire some outlets for additional decorative lighting, some glass floats, Puffer Fish etc.

jeffro1962 posted on 01/19/2012

One more time, I'm new to the site and love what I've seen so far especially the home tiki bar section.


Rhummbatito55 posted on 01/20/2012

Got a few more pics here folks. Got the thatch roof put on and im quite happy with things so far. Also had the baby wired up with multiple plugs everywhere. This baby sits where we used to have our spa, so its wired for 220, which leaves me plenty of power. Little bit more pics below.

Rhummbatito55 posted on 01/20/2012

Here is the full sign which is almost finished.

Chuck Tatum is Tiki posted on 01/20/2012

You got some good bones to work with, Now decorate!
want to see pics of that first cocktail when its done!

Matt Reese posted on 01/20/2012

Great start. That sign is very very cool. Can't wait to see more. Remember "layers, layers, layers".

Rhummbatito55 posted on 01/21/2012

This guy keeps things in order when im not around ! :wink: its o'l Capt Jack !!

Rhummbatito55 posted on 01/21/2012

I had worked on restoring an old pub table that i had sittin the garage. sanded it and restained and sealed it for out doors. It didn't have any chairs to go with it so i went ahead and made some. i liked them so much that i decided to turn them out for the Rhummba !! The other one i did in the pic was a prototype recliner which needs some serious refining. the legs are too bulky and the chair ways a ton LoL !! but hey ! its a proto type and gotta start somewhere !! :wink:Hope You all like !!

Rhummbatito55 posted on 01/21/2012

Here is a pic of the finished sign for the Rhummba. it was done by a good friend of mine who is a professional artist. Her work is awesome !! Hope you guys like it. Its gonna go into the middle of a bigger sign which will be framed out in Turtle Bamboo strips and then jungle folige added to it, ala Disney Jungle Cruise style. Tell me what you guys think !! :) If you guys have any questions about anything or the sign just shoot me a message. Her work is very reasonable. Thanks again for lookin !

Derek Mitchell posted on 01/22/2012

Sign, and bar, look great. Blonde, red and dark, one of each flavor.

Rhummbatito55 posted on 01/22/2012

HaHa i like the firecracker behind the bar cause shes tryin ta get me drunk !! just gotta watch out for the lil guy behind the bar or he'll put some voodoo hex on ya !! lol

MadDogMike posted on 01/22/2012

I thought maybe you put the firecracker behind the bar because she couldn't find her shorts! :D

(Edited to remove a question that had already been answered :) )

Never get Tazed on a full bladder.
Life is short, smile while you still have your teeth.

[ Edited by: MadDogMike 2012-01-25 06:31 ]

Rhummbatito55 posted on 01/23/2012

Here are a couple of planters i picked up out in Corona.

[ Edited by: rhummbatito55 2012-01-22 18:12 ]

Rhummbatito55 posted on 01/25/2012

ErkNoLikeFire posted on 01/27/2012

very nice!!!!

hang10tiki posted on 01/27/2012

lookin good

Rhummbatito55 posted on 02/05/2012

New Booze shelves !! :wink:

Rhummbatito55 posted on 02/05/2012

Heres some more pics folks !!

Wayfarer posted on 02/06/2012

That's a beautiful bar you have.

simplydlacruz posted on 02/15/2012

I'm with wayfarer. That is freakin awesome. Thanks for sharing the build process with all of us.

Q-tiki posted on 02/15/2012

Ditto the last two posts! Excellent work.

I love the pic at dusk... Very nice!!


Rhummbatito55 posted on 04/17/2012

Gearing up for our Luau 2012 !! More pics below !!

Rhummbatito55 posted on 04/17/2012

forgotten tikiman posted on 04/17/2012

Im diggin this build. The ambient lighting and tikis are cool. Like that pirate in the crows nest as well. Great idea. Thumbs up :). Aloha!!!

hang10tiki posted on 04/17/2012

me like
now me thirsty

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Rhummbatito55 posted on 05/06/2012

Yes folks !! my new Favorite !!

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Danno posted on 05/07/2012

Yessssss, very nice. Time to "kick it" and imbibe in a cocktail, or two, or three, or . . .

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Rhummbatito55 posted on 05/29/2012

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Monotikitiu !!!

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Rhummbatito55 posted on 06/03/2012

Been getting ready for our Luau 2012 ! Making some Tiki tribal Skeletons for the Hut !!

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MaukaHale posted on 06/03/2012

I like those!

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VampiressRN posted on 06/04/2012

It just keeps getting better and better. I love those pictures at dusk too. FABULOUS!!!

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Rhummbatito55 posted on 06/04/2012

The Natives are restless tonight !!

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Rhummbatito55 posted on 06/04/2012

Still have one more guy to add to the top still !

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hang10tiki posted on 06/05/2012

Those skinny dudes rock
Way cool

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TikiReno posted on 06/05/2012

Sweet skeletons! Just may have to borrow that idea! Are these guys halloween shop purchases? Did you just glue them into position? Waterproofing? Info on the dead guys please.

[ Edited by: TikiReno 2012-06-04 21:49 ]

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Rhummbatito55 posted on 06/05/2012

Bought these online from Buckey skeletons. unscrewd them all and then started posing them and hotgun gluing them. when it came to the hands i cut each digit to reform them to hold the spears or point etc. made the outfits outta extra thatch, and small child hula skirts from Michaels. didnt seal them as they are made outta hard plastic. They are just smaller versions of my capt jack up in the crows nest. need to get crackin as Luau is this coming Saturday !!my friends think im nutzz but i love doing this stuff !!

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