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MadDog Mike's Platterful of Pupule - Quicksand Quincy

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little lost tiki posted on 02/10/2012

F**K Mike!
you are OUT of CONTROL these days!
and it's ALL STELLAR!

MadDogMike posted on 02/12/2012

Wendy, Chuck, Tiger, Chris & Sven - your comments and encouragement always make me smile, thank you.
Heath - I'm not naturally this handsome, I need all the beauty rest I can get! I've given up TV instead of sleep
PWest - These tiles have an opaque white base on the back and the light doesn't shine through well, but I am planning a mosaic table using ceramic and stained glass of a volcano & sunset. I have one more blank table left.
Prof G -hmmm ...chewing gum - is that available in orange?
Kinny - thanks for adding some "color" to my thread :D

Here's the finished table with brown grout.

I think my next piece of "fluff" will be a Tahitian Cannibal Tiki Dashiki

PS - Just wanted to thank Dawn again for allowing me to use her Tahitian Cannibal design, she has been very supportive and helpful - Thanks Dawn :)

littlegiles posted on 02/12/2012

Mike, that is one cool table. I have seen you work with mosaic, clay, and other mediums....what is next, soft goods for the home? Perhaps some nice cannibal throw pillows? :)

Keep up the great work.

Oh...what ever happened to those chinese tile coasters you were working on? That was such a cool and original concept.

Beachbumz posted on 02/12/2012

Brada mike that trailer looks great and the table is amazing.. You rock bra!


So is there really a 70 inch LCD in that trailer..?

danlovestikis posted on 02/12/2012

Mike, what fun you'll have with everything out and in place. You'll make a great tour guide. Cheers, Wendy

Queen Kamehameha posted on 02/12/2012

Mike great table!,, as always your projects are fun, colorful and amazing! And thank you for the cool card :)


Chuck Tatum is Tiki posted on 02/12/2012

You have a Masters Degree in Awesome!

Clarita posted on 02/13/2012

Aaww I love it, I think he wants to take a little nap :)

MadDogMike posted on 02/17/2012

Wendy & Chuck - thank you very much, I can always count on you for a kind word
Amy - Can't wait for Mojave Oasis, I'm excited!
Giles - I haven't forgotten those coasters, they WILL happen one of these days. And I am making some "softgoods", working tonight on a Tahitian Cannibal Tiki Dashiki.
Clarita - thank you, so good to see you hanging around TC
BeachBumz - it would be hard to fit a 70 inch LDC into a 48 inch trailer but I did hide a 44 inch and a DVD behind the curtain

Not really :wink: Behind the Photoshop Gilligan scene is a screened window for ventilation. The panel behind the stove in the pic below comes out to open that window (you can see the brass latches).

Got my "kitchen" remodeled.

Painted the area in high gloss exterior latex. I would like to Formica the whole area one of this days but not right now. Dismantled my Coleman stove and painted it with high temp orange paint, then did some plumbing to relocate the propane cannister underneath on the left side (in the orange and yellow holder). Did a little eBay shopping to pick up some cast aluminum vintage Club cookware - a small brown Dutch oven and a small yellow frying pan, big enough to cook bacon and chili beans for myself and anyone else who happens to stop by. I plan to take my trailer to Palm Springs tomorrow night to sleep in after Sven's M Modern Gallery show. I've got it, I might as well use it :D

SandraDee posted on 02/17/2012

Awesome job on everything!

Question is...

Dawn has many, many, many different designs of fabulous fabric...are you going to make more trailers inspired by more of them? You know so you have a few back ups?


WestADad posted on 02/17/2012

Very cool Mike!! Have fun in Palm Springs.

danlovestikis posted on 02/17/2012

Hi Mike, I hope your trip is super fun. I'd want to view your trailer as much as all the cool tiki art. What fun, good job, Wendy

littlegiles posted on 02/17/2012

On 2012-02-16 18:37, MadDogMike wrote:
Giles - I haven't forgotten those coasters, they WILL happen one of these days. And I am making some "softgoods", working tonight on a Tahitian Cannibal Tiki Dashiki.

Go ahead and make two cause I'm sure someone will be wanting one...or you can just mail it over to the east coast to me. LOL

Have a great trip to Palm Springs.

Professor G posted on 02/19/2012

On 2012-02-19 08:58, MadDogMike wrote:
Hey, I'm working with Dawn's Spoonflower fabric today too :D

I just saw this on the Sophista-Tiki thread. A dashiki is nice, of course, but take it all the way, MDM. I've got three words for you: cannibal cabana set. It'll be snazzy and it's fun to say out loud.

WestADad posted on 02/22/2012

Hey Mike!! How was the trip to Palm Springs?

Sophista-tiki posted on 02/22/2012

hey canibal cabana set! I think I have the pattern for that. terry cloth lined of course for poolside.

MadDogMike posted on 02/24/2012

I had a great time in Palm Springs. Sven's exhibit was very nice, got to catch up with some old friends and meet some new ones. It was 200+ miles round trip, the trailer towed well with no problems. Saturday morning, while the rest of the SoCal TC crowd was hung over, I hiked up Tahquitz Canyon to a beautiful waterfall.

Wendy is building me a MadDog Mike Cannibal Bob to match my trailer - you're the bestest Wendy!

There are more pics and I'm sure more to come on Wendy's thread

Prof G and Dawn - No, NO, and NO! I saw Oasis pics of the guys in their cabana sets. They have better looking legs and/or bigger coconuts than I do. I am NOT about to wear one of those in public :lol:

I am working on my Tahitian Cannibal Tiki Dashiki though. I have a basic knowledge of sewing machine operation and a good enought grasp of spatial relationships to understand what a seam will look like when your turn it right side out. But, truth be told, I am no tailor. This pattern is fairly simple as it is designed but of course that wasn't good enough for me. I wanted to add a colored "yoke" around the collar and wanted to incorporate it into the dashiki, not just applique it to the top after it was done. I got in over my head a little, fortunately most of the errors are on the collar facing inside where they don't show. If Dawn, Kiki, Wendy, or any other seamstress gets a good look at it they will have a bit of a laugh. But it will look damned good from across a dimly lit tiki bar :D

Dawn was gracious enough to design a companion fabric for me; it's the background to the Tahitian Cannibal without the figure. I am getting ready to order some of that fabric to use around the sleeve hems and the bottom hem and then I'll be done. Here's a plug for Dawn's fabrics on Spoonflower in case you have need of some really cool fabrics.

Chuck Tatum is Tiki posted on 02/24/2012

Your a Tiki Maniac, Mike....A Maniac!

tigertail777 posted on 02/24/2012

Agreed. Mike you are quite insane. Next thing I know you will figure out a way to put tiki treads on the tires. :wink:

MadDogMike posted on 02/25/2012

Chuck & Tiger, I’ll take that as a compliment. If anyone knows crazy it's you two! Tiki tire treads, now that would be a challenge. After the tires wore out I could make them into tiki huarache sandals.

Like many of you, I grew up in the "waste not, want not" era – there were children starving in India or China who would be happy to eat your brussel sprouts. To this day I still feel guilty when I leave food on my plate even though I know that restaurants serve way too much food. My dashiki pattern also included a pattern for a kufi cap and I had extra fabric, I thought it would be wasteful not to make one.

The kufi is the West African cousin to the North African fez. The fez is, without debate, tiki - so if you add a tassel and a tiki to a kufi, how could anyone argue "that's not tiki"? :wink:

The band of the hat seems a bit plain, I may have to have "Tahitian Cannibal" embroidered on it

little lost tiki posted on 02/25/2012

(with creative energy and talent!)

you're gonna be the HIT of the PArk in April,Mike!

Great seein you at mModern!
Thanks for making that drive!

Professor G posted on 02/25/2012

Tiki dashiki with a cannibal kufi? Say that three times fast after a few Dr. Funks. Can you do tassel-spins with that thing?

Chuck Tatum is Tiki posted on 02/25/2012

You might get mistaken for the "African Ambassador of Tiki" if you wear that out, Mike!

little lost tiki posted on 02/25/2012


poptiki posted on 02/25/2012


[ Edited by poptiki on 2022-10-12 03:15:14 ]

littlegiles posted on 02/25/2012

He swings, he hits....it's out of the park! Awesome job on that Mike. You will be stylin' and profilin'.

hang10tiki posted on 02/25/2012

Don't hold back, try it on n take a pic for all to c

danlovestikis posted on 02/25/2012

Surprised over and over again. Your are SuperTikiMan. I love everything you do.

I carved lines in your mug last night.

I want to see that waterfall.

Thanks Mike for letting us see all your creativity, Wendy

zerostreet posted on 02/26/2012

I would say you have a "basic knowledge" on making just about anything!

Very impressive work!

MadDogMike posted on 02/26/2012

Kinny - MadDog X, I like it!
Greg - I'm working on the tassel spin but I think it needs a lead fishing weight for a little more mass
Chuck - will I get diplomatic immunity?
Hang10Tiki - it will be a couple of weeks before I get the fabric I need to finish the dashiki, then I'll post a pic of me in it
Wendy - can't wait to see my mug finished (don't stress yourself though, I know you have a thousand other projects going. You more even be more tiki productive than Kinny!)
PopTiki, LittleGiles, Robert - thank you. I do these things to amuse myself, bonus if I get to entertain you too.

Last week while I was camping in Palm Springs, the park manager snapped a picture of me sleeping in my trailer early in the AM. This is the UN-RETOUCHED photo he e-mailed me. No Photoshop of any kind was done. Sometimes my feet get a little cold but the weather is pretty temperate here.

:lol: I picked up a 1/18 PT Cruiser model cheap on eBay and made the trailer model to go with it. Body made of 2x6 wood, PVC fenders, wheels off a toy truck, aluminum keystock for the hitch, and Sculpty feet. Trailer is about 10 inches long including the hitch and the feet. Thanks for the inspiration Uncle Trav :wink:

danlovestikis posted on 02/26/2012

Mike, I would have been fooled except I know you don't shave your legs!
You show us your skills as a master toy builder, trailer forger and tricky photographer. We have seen and shouldn't forget the 7 layer cake/pie you baked last Christmas or your multitude of past skills. I vote you should be President of the United States and save us all. Hugs, Wendy

WestADad posted on 02/26/2012

Geez thanks Mike! Now my kid wants his own Cannibal camper set complete with action figure with Tiki Fu grip.

(Love it!) :)

Sophista-tiki posted on 02/27/2012

visual confirmation of match. with one diference the design uploaded without the canibal has 3 colors, and the design uploaded WITH the canibal has 4 colors. the extra color is a creamy yellow.

zerostreet posted on 02/27/2012

Well...you made a Cannibal Tiki Dashiki why not Cannibal Tiki Long Johns to keep the feet warm?

Tiki Tonie posted on 02/28/2012

Wow, your trailer is amazing! I love how you painted the pattern along the wall too. And made the matching mosaic table. Fantastic! I hope you don't mind, but I might be stealing some of your ideas for my bathroom.

Sneakytiki posted on 02/28/2012

So much goodness with the tiki dashiki and all the different projects..you got Mad Skills Mad Dog!

hang10tiki posted on 02/29/2012

Those big dogs need a pair of Bob slippers

MadDogMike posted on 03/01/2012

Thanks guys :D

Starting to run out of things to Tahitian Cannibalize but here's an ice chest

I have painted ice chests before, even with the Krylon Fusion paint designed for plastics it doesn't stay on. The canvas cover is removable & washable, and does not interfere with the opening of the chest.

pwest71 posted on 03/01/2012

WOW!! That's all I can say...Awesome work as usual, creativity with MANY mediums. You're the best!!

One suggestion for MORE Tahitian cannibal ideas...How about some iced, sugar cookies...Matching color icing...Or maybe some matching napkins for your trailers' kitchen...



danlovestikis posted on 03/01/2012

The perfect piece of cannibal cloth to enhance your chest was just leftover waiting for this project? You are not only creative you are lucky. No wait we are lucky to take this journey with you. Impressed, impressed, impressed, Wendy

little lost tiki posted on 03/03/2012

Are you DONE YET?
i think it would top things off at MOasis if you actually cannibalized someone...
like a hitchhiker or drifter or somethin....

MadDogMike posted on 03/03/2012

On 2012-03-01 06:57, pwest71 wrote:
...One suggestion for MORE Tahitian cannibal ideas...How about some iced, sugar cookies...Matching color icing...

Good idea, how about taking a Dremel and making a Tahitian Cannibal die for a cookie press?

On 2012-03-01 08:17, danlovestikis wrote:
...we are lucky to take this journey with you...

I wouldn't take this journey without you Wendy, it just wouldn't be the same.

On 2012-03-02 17:33, little lost tiki wrote:
I think it would top things off at MOasis if you actually cannibalized someone...
like a hitchhiker or drifter or somethin....


Chuck Tatum is Tiki posted on 03/03/2012

I declare you the Ambassador of Tiki & the Arts! Here, Here!

beadtiki posted on 03/03/2012

On 2012-02-29 22:22, MadDogMike wrote:
Thanks guys :D

Starting to run out of things to Tahitian Cannibalize but here's an ice chest

I have painted ice chests before, even with the Krylon Fusion paint designed for plastics it doesn't stay on. The canvas cover is removable & washable, and does not interfere with the opening of the chest.

OMG! It's a cooler cozy!

uncle trav posted on 03/04/2012

Mike, your like the gift that keeps on giving !! Fantastic work as always and your posts never get old. Keep up the good work.

Clarita posted on 03/05/2012

Haha haven't seen this before! that's awesome :)

MadDogMike posted on 03/07/2012

Thank you Trav & Clarita :)

I can't dazzle you with brilliance in Wendy's absence, but at least I can entertain you with an EPIC FAIL! Inspired by Paul's comment, I thought I would make some Tahitian Cannibal cookies.

On 2012-03-01 06:57, pwest71 wrote:
One suggestion for MORE Tahitian cannibal ideas...How about some iced, sugar cookies...

So I borrowed a cookie press and made a ceramic die to go into it (it seemed easier than cutting one from steel) Here he is, see how proud he looks next to the shiny stainless steel "professionals"

At first it was all rainbows and unicorns, but life can be a cruel mistress. He started turning out substandard cookies

Do you see a tiki face in any of those cookies? Yeah, me neither. Finally, he cracked under the pressure :lol:

If I want any Tahitian Cannibal cookies I may have to try a ceramic tiki Springerle mold :D

Professor G posted on 03/07/2012

Way to chase the dream, MadDog. That's the kind of maniacal obsession I like to see. A mold would work, but what about some form of cookie cutter?

Anyway, wouldn't a cannibal cookie be a cookie that ate other cookies?

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