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M-modern and Sven Kirsten present: THE CONTEMPORARY IDOL - Palm Springs, Feb.17th

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Lake Surfer posted on 02/18/2012

Killing me too Dawn.
Nothing here... nothing on FB!
Let's see some pictures!

Bruddah Bear posted on 02/18/2012

I wish I could have made the trek out to see this show. I too am patiently waiting for pics to be posted so that I can vicariously enjoy the show.

On 2012-02-17 09:21, MadDogMike wrote:

I'm planning an early Saturday morning hike up to Tahquitz Falls if anyone who is not hung over wants to join me :)

I know what you're doing... :wink:

You're looking for Shangri La and hoping that a young Jane Wyatt will be swimming nude in the pool at the falls.

Bear :lol:

MadDogMike posted on 02/18/2012

Well, I went last night but I didn't take any pics for you guys, sorry. The event was very well attended, pretty much filled to capacity - hope that translated to some sales for the artists. Lake Surfer and Dawn, your pieces looked very impressive there. Dawn, I noticed a little figure near the signature on the "Mystic Order of Mu" and I didn't notice on your paintings before - what is the significance?

Chuck Tatum is Tiki posted on 02/18/2012

Is everyone noshing at "Sherman's Deli" maybe some Hair of the Dog?

Sophista-tiki posted on 02/19/2012

alright I'm home from work you've had all day to post some pics, stop torturing us!!!!

Mike the little figure you noticed was part of my signature. When I actually remember to sign my pieces I like to use my own hieroglyphs that say "tiki Dawn"

JOHN-O posted on 02/19/2012

This was really an inspiring show !! To see such a wide diversity of Tiki art across different mediums and styles in ONE place was amazing. It really illustrated net new Tiki Revival creativity, which stayed true to the original spirit of mid-century Tiki-style and its modernist influences.

My apologies to the virtual Ohana but I get the feeling those of us in attendance may have dropped the ball with the photography. It was just so crowded with so much socializing (lots of TC in the house) and art admiration that I didn't think to take pictures, especially with Tonga Tom in the house. He was however unfortunately sans camera. I think Soccertiki and WooHoo might have gotten some snaps.

I did see the Bigbro stealthily taking pictures. I'm sure his professional skills will do the best justice to all of the great art.

Dustycajun posted on 02/19/2012

What a great show. Seeing the variety in style and medium of the amazing art all in one place was amazing. The Martini Kings were a perfect band for the event. Also fun to see all of the TC characters mixed in with the "Palms Springs" crowd.

Follow the sky lights to the palm trees at the M Modern.

There was a great photo shot with Sven and all of the featured artists who were there. Unfortunately I did not get much of a picture of the scene amongst all of the paparazzi.

The gallery hired a professional photographer who was shooting all night. Hopefully those photos will show up on the web at some point.


JOHN-O posted on 02/19/2012

Who are the artists standing between Eric October and Bosko ??

zond2 posted on 02/19/2012

I got a few snaps and a piece or 2 of video and as soon as I get back to Casa Grande I'll process them and post'em
Got a new, shrink wrapped copy of "TIKI MODERN" and had Sven sign it!
Wish I had an xtra $950 (or my wife wasn't standing nest to me at the time) for Bosko had a hellacool crashed ufo piece up that even had some "The Satan Bug" vibe going even though it was in color.

danlovestikis posted on 02/19/2012

Where are all the women? Boys night out? I would have loved to have been there with so many of my favorite men. Cheers, Wendy

MadDogMike posted on 02/19/2012

John-O, I can't help you with the spectacled artists, but Kirby looks like he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar :D

(In Kirby's defense, this picture was taken while they were setting up for a large group shot and he wasn't ready for a picture. Still, if I were writing the "Tiki Enquirer" I could SO write a tabloid headline based on that photo! :lol: )

Bear, I didn't find Shangri La, but the falls were beautiful

Dustycajun posted on 02/19/2012

On 2012-02-18 19:19, JOHN-O wrote:
Who are the artists standing between Eric October and Bosko ??

Michael Uhlencott and Chris Reccardi.


(corrected per BigBro)

[ Edited by: Dustycajun 2012-02-19 09:35 ]

bigbrotiki posted on 02/19/2012

That is Michael Uhlencott by Eric and Chris Reccardi next to him. Chris is also a musician and currently working on a new album with Elliot Easton and the Tiki Gods.

O.K., here we go. I got some pics off before the doors opened, but I did not document ALL and everybody's, it was little time. First the exterior:

Tiki Tony hypnotized by the search light!

This photo best encapsulates the look I was going for:

Mod sculpture, Jazz, and some cool Witco-esque Bosko art

Here's a "group shot":

L to R: Michael Uhlencott, Miles Thompson, Cass, Crazy Al (on black velvet!), and El Gato Gomez below

Lake Surfer's Tangaroa Twins

Eric October (Aloha Jhoe's design on the left)

Doug Horne's Mod Cat

"Polynesiac" Jim De Pompei's lamp idols

Moritz R.'s (next Tiki Mag and BOT cover artist!) red and green wahines

COOL sculpture (L - R):
Kirby, Eric October, Danny Gallardo, and my fave Kirby, the shrunken head bird

Shag's the Idolator


Oceanic Arts' Leroy Schmaltz came thru with three marvelous pieces!

Here is another: Two of Tikidom's ancestral artists right next to each other:

Leroy by being THE last original active carver , and Keigs by being William Westenhaver's direct heir!

The best thing was that Leroy actually made it out there, here he is on the right in the red shirt:

More later. Modernism Weekend is still on!

tomsartproject posted on 02/19/2012

Such an awesome show. Thanks for the pics bigbro!
So much amazing work to cram into the eyeholes in a short time,
it's good to have documentation. Deserving of a catalog methinks.
Congratulations to all the artists, sooo energizing and inspiring!


heylownine posted on 02/19/2012

Wow, thanks for the photos. Everyone's art looks incredible. Depending on how long the show goes I hope to get out to see it in person.


Wildsville man posted on 02/19/2012

I was able to walk it yesterday morning before another Modernism Party took over the gallery.

I have to believe this was the BEST show I have ever seen on the whole TIKI culture.

Great artist from across the worlds and spanning generations.

Also,seeing some of the artist break there own styles to try something new was a breath of fresh air.

Thank you to all the artist who make this seen so credible.


Lake Surfer posted on 02/19/2012


Very impressive.
Wonderful pieces by all involved. So cool to see everyone's style shine through and also capture the theme of the show.

Thank you for sharing the photos Sven! All the artists should be very proud of their work.

And Leroy... words fail me. We all have so much to learn from him. He is a master, and still doing amazing things with wood.

Chuck Tatum is Tiki posted on 02/19/2012

Thanks Sven & congrats to all the Artists ,Very nice job!

Me Myself and Moai posted on 02/19/2012

From alpha to omega....a GREAT show. It was wonderful seeing friends, and the artwork and enthusiasm with the Martini Kings providing the "soundtrack". Great job Sven and M Modern.

WooHooWahine posted on 02/19/2012

Mahalo! Mahalo! Mahalo to Sven, All The Artists, and to Jay and The M Modern Ohana who put on such an Incredible Show.

Sophista-tiki posted on 02/19/2012

WOW Amazing art!

Luki posted on 02/19/2012

Thanks so much for all the pix.

Did Michelle Bickford make it there with any of her work? I was hoping to see pictures of what she brought, if she did make it.

This would've been a very cool show to attend; so many great artists and, from the images, some great work! sigh


bigbrotiki posted on 02/20/2012

Oh wow, thanks everybody, I'm glad you likey! The opening was well attended, and everybody got a buzz out of the energy.

It was great to have so many artists from the show in attendance, plus have many artists that were not in it come and visit, also.
The Martini Kings were the perfect cultivate sound track for the evening, and Truus' Musica Exotica added that avantgarde touch.

I was thrilled to have author Alan Hess attend, he (together with Leroy) is one of my spiritual forefathers, his book "Googie" (1985) got me and many of my friends into Midcentury Modern architecture, and coined the term:

Here's Alan chatting with my wife Naomi, another one of his fans. I got to introduce Alan to Bosko, whose new works he really liked:

Here are two wild and crazy guys in their favorite artists' shirts - (whose works were also IN the show):

Sven & Sabu in Dawn & Shag rags

Here's a close up of Kirby's dangling head:

And here a close photo of Leroy's amazing wood collage!

He still got it!

Sophista-tiki posted on 02/20/2012

blown awayby the sculptures, I hope someone post more pics of them sans people and from differnt angles with dramatic lighting, hint hint

OceaOtica posted on 02/20/2012

Had a wonderful time at the show and in Palm Springs in general! We overslept at the hotel and made it to the show 2 hours and 45 minutes late, so were grateful the doors stayed open late till a little after 12. Airator in hand, dispensed Ron Abuelo 12 to artists and a few attendees; bottle was empty in approx. 20 minutes. Sven was grinnin with a second cup in hand. Thanks to Sven and all who had a hand in putting the show together, and to those who came out to check it and visit.
We dropped by the gallery on Sunday and took some snaps, though did not get a good photo of the sculptures as Danny's beautiful carving was being hauled out as we entered, and missed a few of Bosko's pieces as well. Hopefully this gives out of towners a good eyeful.
There were two Mary Bickford pieces in the gallery, beautifully done, one of which sold on Sunday while we visited with Dre.
last photo is my pieces, of which i did not get to photograph completed before the show, they are 2 feet high, depicting Asaro Mudmen in traditional poses

SandraDee posted on 02/20/2012

WOw that Kirby piece is really stunning!

Tiki Shaker posted on 02/20/2012

Amazing show and a fantastic weekend. Congrats to Sven for curating this amazing show and congrats to the artists for creating so many amazing pieces. The art, the music, the drinks, the people... it was a fantastic time.

bongofury posted on 02/20/2012

That was a great show Sven. There was so much too look at and lots of friends there. Excellent variety of art and the Martini Kings were in top form. Wish we could have stayed longer.

little lost tiki posted on 02/20/2012

What an Incredible Evening
Chock full of Breat Art and Great Folks
and Great Booze!
Thank you Sven and jay and Dre
for making the Magic!

crazy al posted on 02/20/2012

very cool to see so much excellent work and diversity abundant... fantastic Sven!!

Hiphipahula posted on 02/21/2012

Stellar show Sven Congratulations. I congratulate the artists as well, really beautiful art work everyone, amazing to say the least. Again, great show, one to be very proud of!

A Frame posted on 02/24/2012

On 2012-02-17 10:15, A Frame wrote:
Boy, I seem to always miss a lot of the cool events darn it!

OK, I've looked at the photos and comments posted and have also spoken to a few that attended. I have formulated a new opinion and feel I need to amend the above earlier post.

I seem to always miss the REALLY COOL events...!!

Tiki Shaker posted on 02/27/2012

Tiki Shaker posted on 02/27/2012

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