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MadDog Mike's Platterful of Pupule - Quicksand Quincy

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MadDogMike posted on 03/07/2012

Thanks Greg. A cookie cutter might work, but a mold would be able to give me a 3D effect. While I was cleaning up my kitchen mess, I noticed one of the cookies DOES have a faint Tahitian Cannibal face on it.

In just the right light, you can see the mouth, nose, eyebrow, and his right eye. Still an epic fail though :D

Sophista-tiki posted on 03/07/2012

mmm cookies
what about icing the faces on.

[ Edited by: Sophista-tiki 2012-03-07 01:48 ]

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 03/07/2012

You can do it!

WestADad posted on 03/07/2012

Everyone in my house would eat those cookies!

Valiant effort my friend.

pwest71 posted on 03/07/2012


NOOOOooooooo!!!! It can't be so...I'm not concerned, watching this thread from the very start, I know you're a person who works through problems, not one to hide or quit...You can do it...One way or another...You have the ceramic skills, I'm sure you could pull off a mold for cookies, but even if you don't want to try that, you could always still just do sugar cookies and ice the design on...I wonder if Hallmark ever made any "tiki" cookie cutters...I'll have to search...

Keep at it, your over the top dedication to tiki and especially the Tahitian Cannibal theme will, I'm sure prevail and you'll do something even better than the first thought...



Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 03/07/2012

In the history of Epic Fails, I am sure none have tasted so good!

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Professor G posted on 03/08/2012

On 2012-03-07 08:10, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
In the history of Epic Fails, I am sure none have tasted so good!

Atomic Tiki Punk makes a valid point (Who is this ATP? He's good.). Failure is never delicious. Cookies are delicious. Based on this genius, perhaps supergenius, reasoning, MadDog Mike's Tahitian Cannibal Cookie Initiative (the MDMTCCI, I like to call it) is hereby reclassified as a minor setback and not, I repeat, not, an epic fail.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 03/08/2012

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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hang10tiki posted on 03/08/2012

thanks, now i want a freekin cookie

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KokoKele posted on 03/08/2012

Failure is just opportunity in disguise!

Keep trying on those cookies!

You are, indeed, the King of all Tiki Media!

MadDogMike posted on 03/09/2012

Thanks for the encouragement my friends. Did some research on Springerle cookies and molds - after you mold the cookies you let them dry 24 hours before baking them. Interesting!

I finished my Tahitian Cannibal Tiki Dashiki and tassled Kufi cap, I think I look damned handsome in it (of course, I may be the only one who thinks so :D ) Thanks Dawn for such a great fabric design

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WestADad posted on 03/10/2012

...."Dashing Tiki Dashiki"......

Looking good Mike!

Sophista-tiki posted on 03/10/2012

wow thats cool! be sure to post your pic on the Spoonflower site too

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tigertail777 posted on 03/11/2012

Very spiffy looking there Mike! I think the picture is missing a tiki drink in your hand though. :wink:

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 03/11/2012

The UN would like to relinquish the floor to the Ambassador of Tiki.

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danlovestikis posted on 03/11/2012

Mike you look as hot as the mugs that are in my kiln right now! Soon you'll be holding your mugs and wearing your necklace to match. Oh, another photo op. I stole the photo for my MDM file.

Dan said thank you so much for the fire twirling card for his birthday. Very cool, no hot, no cool, oh Mike.

Cheers, Wendy

MadDogMike posted on 03/11/2012

Chris & Tiger, thank you
Dawn, pics posted
Wendy, I'm worried what you might do with that photo. Pics have a history on TC of resurfacing looking something like this :lol:
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(thanks ATP :D )

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 03/11/2012

Great big old smiley face, Mike!

MadDogMike posted on 03/15/2012

Summer is bearing down fast on the desert ~ high 80s this week and we'll probably reach 100 sometime next month. I had built a faux bamboo frame and reed fence shade on the Lanai so I could grow some semi-tropical plants but it was starting to look pretty shabby. Plus the reed fence didn't really block enough sunlight.
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So I built a mini A-frame with some bamboo fencing shade.
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Do the beams with a carved figure have a name?

I want to put a netted float hummingbird feeder up, so I did a search on TC: the home of all things tiki. Sure enough, Kohl's sold some about 5 years ago.
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A TC member bought up a bunch of them, I'm checking with him to see if he has any left. Otherwise I'll have to improvise ~ maybe a netted rum bottle feeder with rum colored nectar. I'm sure that will get me in trouble with PETA and the ASPCA :D

WestADad posted on 03/15/2012

Cool Mike! Like the A Frame.

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SandraDee posted on 03/15/2012

Mike loving the dashiki!

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Queen Kamehameha posted on 03/15/2012

Amazing as always!

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danlovestikis posted on 03/15/2012

Hi Mike, that sure reminds me of your Mohave tent. Both are super. Wendy

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AlohaStation posted on 03/15/2012

I like the hut! I have an old wooden swing frame that would work perfectly for that - hmmmm!

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Professor G posted on 03/15/2012

You have the kind of great ideas that help other people have great ideas. I'm filing this one away, MDM.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 03/15/2012

Super cool Mike, I am liking the Feeder Float also, Actually a very cool idea, those would
look sharp hanging in the trees.

MadDogMike posted on 03/16/2012

Chris, Sandra, Amy - thank you very much
Wendy - I had to "cannibalize" the tent to make the A-frame
Tom - that frame isn't too sturdy and may not be up to code, you probable better not follow my plan if you want it to support you!
Greg - you should build you one, pretty quick and easy.

ATP - the float hummingbird feeder is bust for now. My Kohl's connection didn't come through and I wasn't able to find a suitable replacement. So I netted a Kraken bottle instead. The hardest part was finishing off the half bottle of Kraken but I manned up and took one for the team this afternoon :wink: I masked off the labels and gave them a couple of coats of spar varnish, it gave them a bit of an antique look and I'm hoping it will protect the labels from the elements some. The feeder part is a rubber cork with a hole drilled in it and a piece of 1/4 copper tubing. I used a 1 inch stopper but it's a bit too big, I may go back to Lowe's and see if I can find one size smaller. I had some Wilton black paste food coloring to make the nectar dark, but it's actually a dark blue and looks a little funny. I'll pick up some brown some day and see if that's better.
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Tomorrow I'll see if I can get a better daytime pic. If I can get my SLR working (I dropped it :( ) maybe I can get a pic with a hummingbird feeding.

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hang10tiki posted on 03/16/2012

Lucky lil hummingbirds, get to live on RUM

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Professor G posted on 03/16/2012

Tiki hummingbirds will insist on two kinds of rum and a demerara float.

. . . and also tiny, tiny little wee umbrellas (which MadDogMike will now build, just because he can).

MadDogMike posted on 03/18/2012

On 2012-03-16 13:02, Professor G wrote:
. . . and also tiny, tiny little wee umbrellas (which MadDogMike will now build, just because he can).

Here ya go Greg :wink:

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"Ha, ha - I whooped ya', I whooped ya' all! You'll think twice before messin' with Percival C. McLeach!"

[ Edited by: MadDogMike 2012-03-17 20:27 ]

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hang10tiki posted on 03/18/2012

To funny
U rock

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Professor G posted on 03/18/2012

I knew I could count on you, MDM.

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MadDogMike posted on 03/18/2012

Hang10 and Greg ~ I've been a bad boy! The umbrella I'm holding is a quick mini made of construction paper and a wire brad, then I intentionally blurred it so you couldn't see any details. The second pic is a real paper umbrella on a 5 inch diameter giant dime. I used that trick a few years back on April Fool's Day, thought I could get away with it again. :D

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Professor G posted on 03/18/2012

I should be bitter, but really I'm just impressed that you have a giant dime lying around the house.

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Heath posted on 03/18/2012

That made me laugh out loud!
And I concur about the giant dime.

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VampiressRN posted on 03/19/2012

U R DA MAN!!! Tooooo kewl...A-frames for gardens and Tiki drinking fountains for birds...your hood is looking awesome.

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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 03/19/2012

I said nothing Mike, About the dime....MDM pulled this one a while ago.

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hang10tiki posted on 03/19/2012

It's not even April
Got me...

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teaKEY posted on 03/19/2012

I know humming birds like the color red. Red is the color of flowers and usually the feeder are red. Not sure what you can do though,

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MadDogMike posted on 03/22/2012

That wasn't very nice of me ~ you're right it wasn't even April Fools Day. ATP, I think it's been 3 years since I used that trick :D TeaKey, I haven't seen any hummingbirds drinking from the Kraken feeder yet but I've been gone during the daytime. They say you don't have to color the nectar, that they will find it anyway. If not I can color it red or put a fake flower down on the "stem" until they learn where it is. Back when my son was shorter than me, we did a science fair experiment where we filled identical feeders with different colored nectars and watched to see which the hummingbirds prefered - as I remember there wasn't much of a difference.

I had planned a project for Mojave Oasis last year and didn't get around to it, so I'm trying again this year. I wanted to make a Solomon Island war canoe complete with a nguzunguzu (in case you're wondering, as I was, it's pronounced "new-zoo-new-zoo") For logistical purposes, I didn't want to carve the canoe from kulagara wood and lash it together with o'olahi vines - so I got an inflatable kayak instead. Then I started looking for something to make the nguzunguzu from. I finally settled on some black plastic packing foam I found
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Pros: lightweight, waterproof, flexible, tough, already black in color
Cons: small pieces need to be joined together, does not hold detail, the only tool that seems to carve it well is better suited for carving turkeys.
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I pieced some blocks together and started carving
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Until I got something that resembles a nguzunguzu
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Next will be to use some foam scraps to find a suitable glue, probably E6000. Then find a paint that will stick to it for the white eyes and designs. The kayak will be painted flat black with an automotive vinyl paint. The plan is to glue a magnet into the bottom of the nguzunguzu and a small piece of sheet metal onto the prow of the kayak. We'll see what happens :D

"Ha, ha - I whooped ya', I whooped ya' all! You'll think twice before messin' with Percival C. McLeach!"

[ Edited by: MadDogMike 2012-03-21 20:04 ]

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danlovestikis posted on 03/22/2012

This is so cool. Who else could have thunk it up. (: Wendy

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Heath posted on 03/22/2012

If you have a yardage store or upholstery shop in your neck of the woods, check to see if they carry foam glue. A product I have used in the past is called (oddly enough) Foam Glue made by Abad Foam.
Here's their website, though now it's only good for seeing what the logo looks like.

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[ Edited by: Heath 2012-03-22 08:44 ]

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little lost tiki posted on 03/22/2012


Mike-you are UNSTOPPABLE!

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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 03/22/2012

The definition of "MadDogMike" :The never ending need to create everything, In an Artistic way.
Usage: I needed stuff, So I "MadDogMiked" it!!! Alt: I MadDogMiked this working "Tiki Dirigible" out of balsa wood
and a D-Battery.

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MadDogMike posted on 03/23/2012

Wendy, Heath, LLT ~ Thank You!!!
ATP ~ In a hundred years that will be one of those things like "B-side" or "E ticket ride" People will say it and no one will have any idea why!

Almost done with my nguzunguzu, just a little cleanup left. The rough surface of the foam make any detail painting difficult. Got to find a good way to attach the magnet but Wendy already gave me some good tips. I'll finish painting the canoe black, then decide if I want to add some white Solomon Island style geometric patterns to the canoe too.

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danlovestikis posted on 03/23/2012

Oh my Dan and I are in hysterics. Mike it is so cute. You are not going to war in that canoe you are just going to make so many new friends and delight the old ones. Creative is your middle name. I'll be smiling the rest of the night. You are so dear. Wendy

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MadDogMike posted on 03/23/2012

Thanks Wendy (and Dan) ~ never go to spear fight in an inflatable war canoe! :lol:

I feel a Christmas card coming on :D
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hang10tiki posted on 03/23/2012

That dude will own the lake

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