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Billy the Cruds' work, via KINGMAN ARIZONA-Maori BAR!!!

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seeksurf posted on 07/13/2010

Got to love the sanding. Looking great! love the color.

Billy the Crud posted on 07/16/2010


So I've finally gotten to a database at Mike and Melissas place in Vegas to update on the Arizona and Vegas trip....(Aloha from HELL, by the way).

Having sort of fallen into financial hardship, Moss was kind enough to let me carve and raffle off some tiki masks at Frankies Tiki Room here in Fabulous Las Vegas. I had to throw these things together rather quickly, so please excuse the non attention to detail and the repeat styles. All in all, the masks should make their new owners happy at 2 dollars per ticket.

This is what I have to raffle off so far...

Those plus a Moai that I will be carving onsight will be available for raffle.

Also, another giant Tang in the works for a friend in Norcal

I don't have a lot of time, so to those who have posted, thank you for the kind words. To everyone else, hopefully we will see you at Frankiies tonight and tomorrow night.

Billy the Crud posted on 07/30/2010

Ok, sinve being semi-logless in AZ, Ive decided to try and do some different things. Heres some "Crud Craft" that will be available at the Car Show in SanTee this saturday........

My very first Witco-esque bar.....

The beginnings of a total ripoff from Witco on 4x10 spruce(I think....could be spruce)

A little slap-n-crap. Hey, may look cheesy, but mount it on cheetah print and I made 60 bucks out of nothing(hopefully)

Sort of like this, but this one I made for the wife for our anniversary. It's better in person, but I didnt feel like messing with the lighting.

and finally, this guy was going to be a peanut, but I got REALLY sick of carving that head. Threw a marq head on it.

View my work @


"96 tears from 96 eyes".....RIP Lux Interior

[ Edited by: Billy the Crud 2010-07-30 13:22 ]

tikigodz posted on 07/30/2010

Your Honesty is a breath of fresh air
Love the bar!

Billy the Crud posted on 07/31/2010

On 2010-07-30 15:23, tikigodz wrote:
Your Honesty is a breath of fresh air
Love the bar!

I Have NEVER heard anyone say that about me before. Thanks! Guess Im doing something right for once!

4WDtiki posted on 07/31/2010

He's never met you, huh? :lol:

little lost tiki posted on 07/31/2010

great quiver of goodies there Crud!
lovin the fish bar!

Go Crud!

RevBambooBen posted on 07/31/2010

that bar is very..... born again?

Benzart posted on 07/31/2010

These guys are Great

And of Course the Maori ain't getting by here without a shout!

Who finished up Really Nicely, Way to go

Somewhere along the line Billy, You seemed to get Serious about your carvings and it really Shows.

closettiki posted on 07/31/2010

Billy.......love the ...slap n crap....pump it out and bring it to Oasis........

seeksurf posted on 07/31/2010

Wow lots going on! love the fat man.

Billy the Crud posted on 07/31/2010

You guys are making me uncomfortable. I need an insult, pronto. I don't know what to say, man.....Just that I guess desperation brings out the best in me. Well, that and the best family a guy could ask for. Ive spent 3.5 years dragging my behind and trying to learn this craft and for some reason this year Im finally doing something with it besides starting flame wars on TC.

Feeling the Ohana here, guys. Thank you very much.

Oh, and BTW......No one has mentioned that Im copying everyone and ripping off other peoples ideas. Just wait til I post the Paipo rip-off. Call it a tribute, I guess. It IS 20 times larger that the original. Ill post pics after the car show tomorrow.

tikigodz posted on 07/31/2010

rip off ,tribute what ever .
Im pretty sure the ohana is just proud to have someone taking notice.
Besides who gives a SHIT,art is always intimidating life,
What do I know its to damn early and i had a lang ass night ,but love seeing your post, JOHN 316 ROCK ON BROTHER !!! Just dont eeeefffff with my style HAHAHAHHAHAHA!

hellbilly1932 posted on 08/01/2010

Looking good Crude!

Great seeing you today at the car show, I'm about to head back to catch some of the last bands. Damn nice work you had out there hope you sold it all.

BTW I won for best truck today, imagine that, I only entered for the parking, haha.

Check your PM's I sent you my address.

buzzard posted on 08/02/2010

dang billy good stuff!!!!
really like the bar,everyone should have to wear shoes to match!!!

tikithomas08 posted on 08/05/2010

great job on the witco pecies, i didnt realise at first that bar was done by you! bitchin stuff, as usual!

if you still need an insult,to fill your quota...NICE RIP OFF, ASS! ...haha. hopefully we can chop when i get back, need to get in shape for oasis!

Billy the Crud posted on 08/12/2010

Heres my latest witco ripoff------

I thought it was an easy design, but it turns out there is no such thing when youre working with solid Ash. Hard as a rock, baby.

This one IS available

Polly posted on 08/12/2010

Wow, they all look great!
I love them all.

Billy the Crud posted on 08/12/2010

Thank you Polly.

Here's the new beginning for the Maori Bar. Legs and front plate carved....

This SHOULD be done by the end of the weekend, we will see.

seeksurf posted on 08/13/2010

We all rip-off to some extent. Witco's looking good.

Billy the Crud posted on 08/14/2010

OK, first look at the Maori Bar, almost all assembled and ready for stain......

This bar will of course be red and black with a special Maori tapa cloth center.

And this little guy is Mr Smileys creation. A lightweight, fold-up, portable tiki bar!!!

mrsmiley posted on 08/15/2010

Billy's bar looks AWESOME in person! A really solid piece.

Billy the Crud posted on 08/16/2010

Here are Smileys' shelves. I just got them sprayed and they look great, Bruce! These will be available at Mr Smileys' booth......

This large (future) Moai will be adorning the carshow.....

....This frog headed fellow(carved in part at Frankies tiki room) is destined for Dale,

and this is the Maori Bar with Moari tapa.....I may replace it with red velvet or animal print...

and finally, not tiki,but tacky.....Bowling pin mug shelves.

Cant wait to get away from all of this Cholla and Ocotillo to see my family and go to Oasis!!!


mrsmiley posted on 08/16/2010


Benzart posted on 08/17/2010

Billy, You're definitely Going in the right direction,,Keep at it!

Billy the Crud posted on 08/17/2010

Thanks Benz and Bruce!!

Here is "Joe" who will be adorning the Oasis Car Show this year...

And finally, a little more done on "Sapo Gigante"

hellbilly1932 posted on 08/17/2010

Nice stuff billy! Don't look like I'll be carving at Oasis with you, I didn't get tickets this year so it looks like a no go. I will be heading over to check it all out on Sunday though.

Billy the Crud posted on 10/10/2010

UPDATES!!!! Some tiki, some furniture....

Maori Grace credenza coming soon.......

PS,Miss ya, Kate!!!!

Billy the Crud posted on 10/14/2010

Ok, then......no replies. I guess Ill post something better!!

The new credenza and barstools.....

tikithomas08 posted on 10/16/2010

all the stuff coming out of 'zona is looking top notch, man!

little lost tiki posted on 10/16/2010

Great work comin out of you lately!
put some pants on,tho!

Billy the Crud posted on 10/16/2010

I think Ill be making a LOT more furniture in the future......but right now, I have to get my Dachshund ready for SOCKTOBERFEST, by putting her in liederhosen and a sock on her head.

tikithomas08 posted on 10/17/2010

your the new witco! CRUDCO!

MadDogMike posted on 10/17/2010

Billy, I don't poke my head into the "Carving" section too often because I'm jealous of the talent and commraderie. But your recent stuff is too kool for skool!

I love this table, looks like it was made by the bastard son of Frank Lloyd Wright and a Maori princess :lol: (I mean that in a good way :D )

closettiki posted on 10/18/2010

im loving the furniture..Theres no one doing a witco look like you

keep em coming.....

oh......"Sapo Gigante" now resides on my back patio...........

Im stoked

[ Edited by: closettiki 2010-10-17 20:12 ]

Billy the Crud posted on 12/09/2010

Im still here, I promise. New tikis to be posted in a few days AND building a treehouse in Vegas. This stuff is getting pretty fun, I tell ya!

closettiki posted on 08/16/2011

Where's Billy?

Billy.....Will you be at Oasis this year?

We need to share some adult beverages!!!!

eric 21 posted on 08/21/2011

I love the ambiance of your photos, rock n 'roll

Watango productions posted on 03/30/2012

What happened to the Crud part of this forum?

Captain Jack posted on 03/30/2012

I agree, Watango!! Billy the Crud was one of my best influences when I started this tiki carving gig!

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