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Wendy Cevola - Began on 01/10/2025 - Todd Locker's black velvet wish in progress. New photos often.

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danlovestikis posted on 05/12/2012

Atomic Chick you get a big huge for that post next week at Caliente.

Sandra Dee I just got a great visit and hug from you thank you for adding a post too.

McTiki I just love surprising you. That's just the response I was looking for today.

Yesterday I spent it in the garage with clay up to my elbows. Here's what I accomplished. But as the story continues you'll see that ceramics may be one step forward and one step back.

Tiki Tonga Missionary's Downfall bowl. Hand built. His woman is in a pink sarong so the interior of this bowl will be pink too.

It's still pretty soft so I just roughed in where the stones will be carved.

Next up I built a Missionary's Downfall Alter with bowl. This maybe another one for Loki Tiki due to the sad story that follows.

I took out a new bag of clay. There is less of a chance that there will be an air pocket that will explode the item that way. I marked where I would start to remove clay for the alter and started scooping it out.

This looks like great modern art I should stop here and sell it for $100,000.

After scooping out a mountain of clay I got the form just right.

Close up.

Next I carved in all the stones.

The pillars are weak from being new. I used plastic wrap to support them as they dry.

The sad story. These take a lot of work. I'm not sure why but my guess is that the pillars are ticker and as they dry and shrink during the firing process they put stress on the thinner bottom of the alter.
I also made the bowl.

The sad story.
Out of the kiln this morning I found a crack on Loki Tikis alter. when I picked at it off came a larger chunk. I'll play with it to see what I can do. Meanwhile Loki Tiki will tell me if he wants to continue on with this project.

Dan's hungry so I have to stop now. Later today I'll try to post the photos of the glazed ceramics. I had a lot of success's too. Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2012-05-12 11:20 ]

hang10tiki posted on 05/12/2012

Outstanding posts
They all look great
Love the bob holding a lil bob
Busy busy busy
C u 2 next week
Can't wait to get my mug

MadDogMike posted on 05/12/2012

Wendy, love the tropical foliage Bob!

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 05/12/2012

Oooooohhhh Nooooooooo!

danlovestikis posted on 05/12/2012

hang10tiki it is packed and ready to be delivered and we'll have another visit. Here are some more busy photo.

MadDogMike you said it perfectly. I've finished the Tropical Flora Bob see below and I'll see you next week.

Tropical Flora Bob for BaconSM. I missed photographing one side.

The Bob's in the kiln shed drying.

How the top shelf looked when I opened the kiln.

The new glaze tests are on the top row. Pinks, purples and one Caribbean Turquoise.

Bumatay Bowl with 3 heads $250 but Dan bought this one this morning.

Bumatay Bowl with 4 heads $300. The two I made go to Psycho Tiki D and Joanne.

I've made Bumatay necklace for $40 each.

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Elvis is in the room but he's leaving for Caliente to live with Atomic Chick.
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Tapa Bob for harro in Australia. I'm super happy with the Tapaish glaze.
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Now it is time to glaze some more Bobs. See ya tomorrow on Tiki Central, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2012-05-12 13:38 ]

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SandraDee posted on 05/12/2012

aww Elvis Bob is awesome! well they are all awesome but love Elvis the most.

Great work as always Wendy! (and Dan, the sidekick of awesome!)

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VampiressRN posted on 05/12/2012

Wow Wendy...you are such a power house!!! Shout out to Dan too.

Elvis made me laugh. :)

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swizzle posted on 05/12/2012

What are you doing to me Wendy? You know i'm going to want a Bob now. I just need to figure out something original you can make for me, i don't want to steal any of the ideas from those you've made already for others, however that's quite difficult as they all look great. I can't wait to see the ones that are drying finished.

Also, harro's Tapa Bob is superb. I'm sure he's very happy with it. I might have to find out where he lives and pinch it off him. :lol:

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harro posted on 05/12/2012

Wow, that's amazing Wendy!! I love how tapa bob came out, he's brilliant!! Fantastic job!
PS all the others are amazing too!

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Danno posted on 05/13/2012

I love your creations and am finally looking to owning one for my very own!! And hopefully many more to come! Awesome!

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bavtech posted on 05/13/2012

I finally got over to pickup my Zombie torch mug today!

It proudly goes on the Wendy section of my shelf.

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There is a opening on that shelf Wendy. What can we put in that opening?

Thanks again for the absolutely AWESOME MUG!

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Professor G posted on 05/13/2012

Everything is lovely, but the Tropical Foliage Bob and the Tapa Bob are just stunning to me. I'm always sad when you have ceramic issues, but you always learn so much from them. I look forward to seeing your new solutions to these setbacks.

danlovestikis posted on 05/13/2012

Sandra Dee today I'll glaze your TNT. I'm so happy that everyone is fine with Elvis. I sure wouldn't want to mess him up.
Vampiress RN I'm only as good as my man, I'll give him your shout out.
Swizzle I loved your facebook page. I'll ship your torch tomorrow. Having my art with you and harro in Australia is super. You are converting to Bob!
harro I had to wrestle the Tapa Bob from Dan. Now Dan's on my next wish list for a tapa style mug. I'll ship your mugs tomorrow.
Danno you are on the next wish list starting after Oasis 12.
bavtech I loved your facebook page too. Thank you.
Professor G I've patched it but there is no cure for a crack like this one. Here's what I did to make it worth having.

The cracked Missionary's Downfall bowl is worth saving for display. I filled the cracked area with Elmer's wood filler. It works great for chips on ceramics.
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Over fill it so that when it dries and shrinks it still fills the area. Then sand it.
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Then I painted it with Liquitex Glossy paint.
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The bowl that was for Loki Tikis Alter was fine but boring so I added some glaze. This is a risk because if glaze is too thick it will boil in the kiln. I hope I didn't ruin this. There's risk and there's learning experiences.
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Yesterday I carved and fine tuned the two Missionary's Downfall bowls. They are now drying in the shed with the Bob mugs.

If accepted this will be Loki Tikis replacement Missionary's Downfall bowl and Alter.
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This one is for Tiki Tonga.
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I started work on mymotikis small Bob bowl. Three layers of glaze takes a long time. This shows 2 layers. One more and then I'll do the faces.
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I wonder what I'll learn today.

Happy Mother's Day, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2012-05-15 16:28 ]

hang10tiki posted on 05/13/2012

Who needs TV
I have the Dan and Wendy show
Another great episode

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little lost tiki posted on 05/13/2012

You are Incredible Wendy!
Every page just lights my eyes up with new and wonderful work!
We are so Blessed to have you here on a consistent basis
sharing your creative magic so honstly and joyfully!
You're the BEST!

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anthonymaye posted on 05/14/2012

I am new to TC but I recognized you from SAC ohana I love what you do. The mugs are incredible maybe someday I will have a few in my collection.

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cdtiki posted on 05/14/2012

Wendy and Dan, you are the powerhouses of mug design. The Dynamic Duo of Clay! Can't wait to catch up with you guys at Caliente. 4 days and counting.


danlovestikis posted on 05/14/2012

cdtiki someone put parts of a PBS show of our tiki collection on u-tube. Just in case you missed it here are the links. Thank you LiddleLola for providing it.
The interviewer didn't know anything about tiki and insisted on the part about the banjo. We had zero control over the content.

little lost tiki wonderful words flow from you like fine wine. I'm grateful for each one, thank you. You are such a sweetheart.

anthonymaye welcome to Sac Ohana. I look forward to meeting you. Dan will have fun taking you through the jungle. Thank you for letting me know you like my work.

cdtiki should we bring your Zombie Torch to Caliente???

Thank you everyone you I value each one of you so very much.

Progress Report on the Wish List:

Dan and I got up early and went for a 1 hour walk. Then the rest of the day I sat at the table in our nook with the TV playing while I glazed.

I did take one break to check on the two Missionary's Downfall bowls that were drying and found that one had a crack.

I dug it out from end to end.
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The I soaked it in water.
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Then I filled the hole with clay.
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I save all the plastic wrap that comes off each project as I finish it. I re-use it in lots of ways. Here I packed it around the alter to slow the drying process. I put a plastic bag over it. Now I'll wait to see if I cured the crack or made it worse.
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Now it was time to glaze, glaze and glaze. Every color has to go on three times. These dried over night and I'll glaze the faces with clear today and then go on to the next set.

These are for Sandra Dee.
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This is for Deb, it still needs running red lava over the sides.
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Then two for mymotiki.
A classic small Bob bowl.
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A super carved with fall colors. Dark brown on the outside and orange with speckles on the inside.
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In this last photo there is also a small bob super carved statue that I did because I had him left over. I used the Carribean turquoise blue glaze for the first time. I hope he's pretty in blue.

Thanks for joining me on this adventure in glazing, Wendy

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TikiG posted on 05/14/2012

Aloha Wendy!

I haven't dropped in for a while - holy smokes you're on fire - Miss Pele herself!!

There's so much creative art on this thread I consider it one of the jewels of TC 'cause each time I return I'm always inspired to create something myself, something that hopefully will inspire someone else in return...see how the world revolves? Needless to say I've been a fan from the very start and its been a inspiring journey so far (91 pages on this thread? GO GO GO!!)

Wendy - keep your artistic passion burning white hot and never let your passion smolder down to ashes okay? (sigh)

'til next time - Cheers! G

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LoriLovesTiki posted on 05/14/2012

I am BEYOND excited! We are finishing up the Gator Hut and are starting on the bar so the "Lorilovestiki" Bob will have a good home.

Thanks SOOOOO much! I am forever in awe of you and your talents!

Did I ever tell you how much I love those little pineapple bowls too. You amaze me.


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WaikikianMoeKele posted on 05/15/2012

I just LOVE watching your step by steps! I learn so much from you every day.
& I received my replacement sig card, etc. today. Mahaloz!
Gonna get some good pics soon!
Love ya babe!

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SandraDee posted on 05/15/2012

Awesome! My dad will love his and I am going to make great use of the TNT mug at Oasis :)

Got your email and replying now.

Thanks Wendy xxoxoxo

hang10tiki posted on 05/15/2012

Another great day I see...

danlovestikis posted on 05/15/2012

TikiG those swaps started showing my the joy of posting on these threads. Connecting with friends here is very rewarding and inspiring.

Lori Loves Tiki, Kele and Sandra Dee I sure have a big head today after reading yours and TikiG's posts. I thank you very much for a great start to my day.

hang10tiki here's another busy busy busy day!

mymotiki's mug.
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Deb's bowl will have an new product used on it. French Dimensions. My glaze tests showed rich deep colors. My fingers are crossed.
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Psycho Tiki D's Missionary's Downfall bowl and the woman who caused it. The bowl when fired will be the same colors as the Bumatay bowl.
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BaconSM's bowl was super hard to paint. It's like a pot hot over the heat source. The colors overlap in the middle of the bowl but that doesn't show in the photos.
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I tried both wet paper towels and plastic wrap so I could paint the different colors.
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It was a windy day here so I'd dry each step before doing the next.
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I fired a whole load last night. Bottom level.
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Top level.
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Mikey Tikis Super Carved Bob.
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SOLD to MurphDog also sold to her is the small Bob in turquoise statue.
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Thank you every one. I'll be back to glazing and carving today.

Change of plans our house sitter freed up a day early so we leave for Caliente tomorrow. All your tikis in progress will be well guarded while we are gone.

I'll miss you all unless you are at the event and come up to say hi.

Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2012-05-15 16:22 ]

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Tavarua Tiki posted on 05/15/2012

Looks fantastic Wendy, can't wait to see what you come up with next!

hang10tiki posted on 05/15/2012

fun fun fun
great pics

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MikeyTiki posted on 05/15/2012

On 2012-05-15 08:44, danlovestikis wrote:
Mikey Tikis Super Carved Bob.
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That looks absolutely wonderful! Thank you very much!

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cdtiki posted on 05/15/2012

Yes Wendy, bring the mug to Caliente please and we'll see you there. We'll be there Thursday.

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rugbymatt posted on 05/15/2012

Aloha Wendy! Since Tiki Caliente is almost upon us, can you please just bring my torch mug along with you and I'll pick it up at the Travelodge. Mahalo.


danlovestikis posted on 05/15/2012

cdtiki and RugbyMatt your Zombie Torch mugs and in the car and ready for the trip.

Here's the beginning of my contribution to the Volcano/Fire/Pele swap that MadDogMike is sponsoring this time around.

This is so much fun to see the variety for this swap. I just came in from the garage after working on my contribution. It's roughed out.

Start with one Bob mug.
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Work on some peaks and valleys for the lava to run down.
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My swap partner will need to use a straw or will find out fast this is a dribble mug.
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Here I began to build Pele.
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I thought about leaving off the boobies but decided I owed them to my fans!
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The clay is really sticky right now so I'll round out and fine tune those points later.
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I made another mistake last night. My alter was drying well and had no cracks. So I decided to leave it unwrapped and put it on top of newspaper to dry the floor faster. It cracked again.
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I thought about what I should do.
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The woman sits out front and this big hole I dug out is under the bowl.
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So I think I will glaze the hole to look like a crack that has red molten lava below. Of course that just means the edges will be red.
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Or before I do that I may change my mind so right now it is a work in progress.

I ran out to check on Tiki Tonga's bowl and it was fine, not a single crack.
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Thanks for looking, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2012-05-15 16:58 ]

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WestADad posted on 05/16/2012

I've been slacking off around here a bit. Need to remedy that right now.

Wendy, your work is fantastic! I truly enjoy watching every step of the process.

And, I am thrilled to own two more of your works of art! Here you go, as requested, your mugs with my mug!

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danlovestikis posted on 05/16/2012

WestADad, thank you so much. It's nice to meet you face to face. I am so grateful for every post and photo. This is so much fun. Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 05/16/2012

Wendy the energizer Tiki

MadDogMike posted on 05/16/2012

Great Pele Bob Wendy!!! It's gonna be a Swap favorite. Since I'll be doing the drawing for the Swap, PM me with your bribe offers to get paired up with Wendy :lol: (I am kidding OF COURSE, everything will be on the up and up - character is what you do when you think no one is watching)

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harro posted on 05/16/2012

The creativity never stops! That pele Bob is gonna be hot! Thanks for including the boobies, us fans deserve them, especially when they are sculpted to perfection like that!
Enjoy a few days RnR at Caliente, with so much activity recently i'm sure you'll appreciate a break from clay n glaze n kilns n cracks etc. we'll be waiting here for the next installment when you are ready!

danlovestikis posted on 05/16/2012

Thank you hang10tiki and harro. I'll miss you all. It will be wonderful to be with friends like MadDogMike and to get real hugs instead of word hugs. I'll be checking here while gone in case there are messages. Cheers, Wendy

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GROG posted on 05/16/2012

Fixing cracks. Paperclay---awesome stuff. Works on bisque, too.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 05/16/2012

Pele Bob is another winner Wendy!

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WaikikianMoeKele posted on 05/17/2012

PeleBob is AWSOME! Yay Wendy!

danlovestikis posted on 05/17/2012

Atomic Tiki Punk and Kele, thank you I'll do my best. I love these TC activities that bring us all closer.

Grog, really? I've never heard of this. Are you coming to Caliente? I need a lesson in paper clay.

We are here and we walked downtown Palm Springs. We had our favorite Moroccan salad at California Pizza kitchen. Then we swam. We met up with
CD Tiki, Diane, Deb, Rubgy Matt, Big Tiki Dude, Rory, CY, Tiki Bob and Crazy Al. We just got here and its been a blast already.

I almost wish I'd brought some clay to play with while here. Be back soon, Wendy

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Beachbumz posted on 05/18/2012

Sounds like a blast Wendy!! Hope Dan and yourself have a great time, Wish I could make it to one of these parties someday... :( Have a cold one for me ok.. :drink: AlohA

danlovestikis posted on 05/18/2012

Hi Beachbumz, we had a gallon of cold water for you. This event is really the classic "fun in the sun". I wish everyone was here. Atomic Chick, hang10tiki, Joanne have picked up their mugs. I'm getting pleanty of hugs so life is good. Cheers, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 05/20/2012

Gosh today has been super. We hung out with GoGo and Danny of Go Tiki (had to pick up many of their wonderful tikis). We visited with BongoFury and his wife Mickee and of course scored more art. Then on to visits with CY and MadDogMike, Sabu the coconut boy, Atomic Tiki Punk, hang10tiki and Nick Cannon. I saw some of my art displayed for sale with bavtech. Then scored mugs from Crazy Al and John Mouldar and Max. I'll have to update this with photos when we are home. Gee I hope we saved enough money for gas. We are hooked on Rory's event now. Caliente is a must attend event. Yep I can't say it enough. It's been a relaxing time but I'm ready to get back to work next week. I have a Creature from the Bob lagoon to make and many to glaze. Cheers, Wendy

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 05/21/2012

Thanks again Wendy! great to see you guys out in the desert.

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TikiRootsRocka posted on 05/21/2012

Hi Wendy and Dan,
Great getting to know you guys better this weekend!
Can't wait to get back to the show!

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Atomicchick posted on 05/21/2012

Hi Wendy,

It was so nice to see you and Dan at Tiki Caliente, wish I could have spend more time with you guys. Thank you for the mugs they are awesome! Add a tapa bob to my list!! :wink:

danlovestikis posted on 05/21/2012

Hi everyone, thank you all so much for watching my thread while we were gone. I was so happy to find that it was still here. You all did a good job to protect it.

I want to say thank you to Joanne and Jama for the lovely shirt and Hukilau Glass. To Danny and GoGo for the necklace and ceramic bargains. To hang10tiki for the Tiki Cup and the carved Tiki Crate statue. To MadDogMike for the portable photographic studio, soon my photos of ceramics will improve. Knowing you were thinking of us was super special. We will enjoy these forever. Hugs, Wendy and Dan
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For Dan it was a feeding frenzy. So many fine artists with their wares for sale.
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I posted this on the Caliente page too.

Rory we loved your Caliente Event. It was more fun than we could have imagined. We hope to be able to attend every year.

Here are some photos of our fun hook-ups. This is like a meet and greet if you haven't tied the names to faces in the past. Cheers, Wendy and Dan

Dan and I celebrating our 34 wedding anniversary with this trip to Caliente.
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A bunch of us found each other at the Palm Springs Street Fair on Thursday. This is Tiki Bob and Dan.
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Joanne with a cute dog. I'm not sure who is cuter!
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Dawn Fraizer - Sophista-tiki and KikivonTiki Karrol Baker with Dan. It was really nice to have such a peaceful visit before the mad party began.
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Max, Wendy and my newest friend Tavarua Tiki.
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Atomic Chick - Caren with her new Elvis Bob mug.
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Wendy with Atomic Tiki Punk, I've got his face memorized so I'd know him anywhere.
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hang10tiki and Eric October with all of Eric's wonderful art.
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GoGo and Danny two of the dearest people you could ever meet. We appreciate having them as friends and their beautiful ceramics in our collection.
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Wendy and Tiki G. He owns the first topless girl in red skirt that I made in clay. After I sent it off to him I decided to make the Zombie Torch.
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For my anniversary gift Dan and I picked out this wonderful painting of The Place of Refuge by Amy Swenson. We made a trip there and thought her painting brought back wonderful memories.
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I got to meet CY. He's posted on my thread and look at all the wonderful creative tikis he carved and brought down from Portland Oregon. We just talked to him he is close by on his trek home but alas he's not dropping by.
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bacvtech and Mary live very close to us and we had more fun visits at their booth.
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Crazy Al and Dan (who scored another great mug)
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MadDogMike and Wendy. He is the sweetheart that you all think he is. It's great that he has two grandchildren who can carry on the sweetness.
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Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Art of Portland Oregon with John Moulder in the middle. John's making wonderful mugs. We got one of his new Sneaky Tikis.
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Wendy, Jama, Joanne just out having a great time.
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Wendy with Sabu the Coconut Boy.
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I was sad that I missed taking a photo of every person there but I'll steal a few when they get posted here.

I need a Rory photo. He needs his voice to return from Frog Island.

Thank you Rory and everyone who came up to meet us. We had a blast. Cheers again, Wendy and Dan

Thank you Atomic Tiki Punk, Atomic Chick and TikiRootsRocka for the messages. You are so welcome and it was great to have longer visits.

Today I will unload the kiln and see whats good and what's not so hot now that they have cooled. Photos start again tomorrow. (: Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2012-05-21 13:27 ]

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anthonymaye posted on 05/21/2012

WOW! looks like you two had a incredible time what a haul.

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