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Little lost Tiki's Art Chronicles and Stuffs! Page 70!A brief Return,BUT! Some new pieces to Delight YOU!!!

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hang10tiki posted on 02/26/2012

Crowded hut rocks

surfintiki posted on 02/26/2012

On 2012-02-06 23:48, little lost tiki wrote:

"Around the Fire"
acrylic gouache on wood with a PERFECT Bamboo Ben frame

Wow! That frame is cool (almost as cool as the art :wink: )
What does Benny-Booo charge for such a beast?

surfintiki posted on 02/26/2012

Been a while since I looked at your stuff Kinny. So Amazing you can get your mind onto your canvas!!!
Friggin' LOVE "end of the day"

little lost tiki posted on 02/28/2012

Aloha All!
Well, it was the last weekend to work on inventory for the International Tiki MarketPlace at Don the Beach-Combers this comin Sunday! So get down here and make me feel like my effort was well made! :)

Got Seven new pieces to share.... but first....
lemme answer all your wonderful posts.....

On 2012-02-20 05:03, Professor G wrote:
Your works are always mind-boggling. I may have damaged my retinas looking directly at them before consuming the morning hot beverage, but it was worth it. Stunning as usual, LLT.

Mahalos Professor! Be careful when first awakening and viewing these works pre-coffee...
Overlay of Reality input and vestigial Dream imagery can cause vertigo and confusion so early....best to wait a few hours before

On 2012-02-21 18:41, Benzart wrote:
LLT Strikes Again,
and Again!
Still makin Excellent scribbles Kinny.

Thank you Benz! I'll be visiting your pillars soon at Mojave Oasis..
Love to run my hands along them...they're so incredible! :)

On 2012-02-21 22:47, Sneakytiki wrote:
Rad Orongos and the Maori Tiki is colortastic too!!!

Thanks Sneaks and congrats on that Juxtapoz appearance!
I hope that's just a preview of getting your wunnerful thought -provoking masterworks!

On 2012-02-24 03:57, tigertail777 wrote:
DAMN LLT... do you ever sleep? You do take time to breathe between brush strokes right? :wink:

Breathing and Sleeping are for foolish mortals....wastes too much time over here...
both are over-rated! :)

On 2012-02-24 07:13, hiltiki wrote:
Love The Twins.

They love YOU,hiltiki!
as do i!

On 2012-02-24 08:13, danlovestikis wrote:
Kenny, I just stare at your art and admire every brush and pen stroke. You are a master and deserve to have a million hits on your thread. Love them all and you too, Wendy

Thanks soooo much Wendy! Half of it i attribute to inborn traita and defects,BUT the other half of this menagerie i can only thank all of my artistic genius friends,like yourself...our lil club where we push and prod and hug each other thru the molasses
and share Joys and Happys and insights when we make something that delights! love YOU darling...My life has become richer because of your friendship,knowledge,enthusiasm,and love!

On 2012-02-26 07:21, Benzart wrote:
WOW! 400,000 views, Congrats big guy!

Finally! Been wanting to be a member of the 400,000 Club since i was a wee baby!
i am just so appreciative and a bit surprised that so many folks would want to see
all these scrawlings....BUT i am very pleased that people actually like and often can connect with the art...What a gift! MAHALOS to ALL!!!

On 2012-02-26 07:53, hang10tiki wrote:
Crowded hut rocks

Thanks HAng10 tiki!It made the eyes a bit wonky ( it think it may have blew out my prescription on my bifocals! Perfect justice for doing the same to Squid a few years back when he carved my Oli-Oli,KaKaKa,and PuPule mugs for TikiFarm...KArma via glasses!)

On 2012-02-26 08:16, surfintiki wrote:
Wow! That frame is cool (almost as cool as the art :wink: )
What does Benny-Booo charge for such a beast?
Been a while since I looked at your stuff Kinny. So Amazing you can get your mind onto your canvas!!!
Friggin' LOVE "end of the day"

Hey surfintiki!
How have you been? Hopefully dandy! :)
Thank you for the visit!
Usually with BooBen,i grab frames when we vend at the same time (i can usually get in there early and snatch em all up! Usually, i'll give him a call or shoot him a PM,tell him how many i need,what sizes,and then i just ask him for a total when he's done....
Boo does great work and that man works FAST and PERFECT-nailing that perfect look of rawness..that little bit of DIY genius that makes a piece juuuuuust off enough to be perfect....the man knows,and he's always fair with his prices.....BUT! the man is busy,so you have to ask him for something at LEAST a month before you need it.....
If you need something right away-check his MArketplace thread....he's always keeping his hands busy and may have already made what you need!

Thanks again for poppin in!

First off....
I was invited by empee to be in a Mary Blair tribute show
How could one turn that down?

"It's a Small World After All 2012"

Art inspired by the amazing works of Mary Blair and/or art inspired by the Disney
ride "It's a Small World", for which Mary contributed most of the concept drawings for and is credited for the rides amazing color scheme.

The opening party is March 24th @ 6pm at Boomerang Gallery in Petaluma, CA
and will run through April 15th.

HeeBe JeeBe Store
Boomerang Gallery
46 Kentucky St.
Petaluma CA, 94952

Well, at first i wanted to do a Mary Blair version of HP Lovecraft's
"the Colour out of Space" but after the research,decided to tackle that theme
at a later date in my own style....
But Mary Blair's Atmospheres and landscapes have inspired the mood of that future piece.

Anyways.... i decided to grab ONE piece by Blair and draw inspiration from that.
Here is that piece....

That croc would make a great canoe!
and so it began...sketched it on the wood and was ready for paintin!

"the Aimless Canoe"
acrylic gouache on wood
with a Bamboo Ben frame
20 x 16"

Here it is with just the art....

Like i said...i used her piece as a STARTING point
falling miserably short of her charm and colors and happiness
but i hope she's happy with it....

crocs eat fish,so i changed the canoe motif
to lil fishies travelling thru the canoe's digestive system...

Here's a lil bird fellow hitching a ride on his tail...

and the happy canoe head...

"the Constant Crier"
acrylic gouache on wood
with a spellbinding Bamboo Ben frame!

the painting by itself..

This poor shield seems to have a sympathetic heart when considering
the cannibal's many eals laid at his "feet"

close-up of the palms and strewn bones..

this one started with a purple ground....out of the ol'comfort zone colorwise
but the olive and black and lt green blue brought it all together...

"the Late Night Surprise"
acrylic gouache on wood
with a spellbinding Bamboo Ben frame!

This one started with a green ground and i decided to use white as the outline
to agitate the situation.....

the painting all by it's lonesome..

a lil looser and raw behind the outlines,
it created a real visceral depth and lighting to the work...

working wet in areas produced some cool looks i'll be sure to utilize later...

bones and hut....

"Valley of the Waterfalls"
acrylic gouache on board

Had a notion and decided to design my Hidden Island Lair/Studio....


Here's a PNG inspired one...
"Night of the Red Moon"
acrylic gouache on board

little bit of fun with color and PNG motifs....

the red moon..

Lovelovelove this guy's PNG face butt! :lol:

and finally two little tiny ones..
"Night Stroller"
acrylic gouache on mini canvas

"the Cannibal's Bowl"
acrylic gouache on mini canvas

That's all i got!
See you all at Don's on Sunday!

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2012-03-03 11:58 ]

Lake Surfer posted on 02/28/2012

Awesome sauce Ken!

Love the latest offerings! Mind bending colors and themes!

I hope they all go to great new homes this weekend, and I'm thrilled I get to see 'em in person on Sunday!

See ya soon!

MadDogMike posted on 02/28/2012

Kinster, I missed your last posted group! Great lighting on the bird drum circle. Valley of the Falls is awesome! If you would build your studio there I would come visit more often :D

TikiDaye posted on 03/01/2012


I've been away for a bit but naturally hit your thread first upon my return to TC... You never cease to amaze nor inspire me, my friend!

I love your Blair tribute piece...
Blair's art has always held a special appeal with me...
You struck a great combo of Blair inspiration and Kinny magic...
Well done!
In fact, I would love to see what a Kinny Small World would look like...
I'll email Mickey and suggest he turn to you when he decides to make the sequel ride.

Was (pleasantly) surprised to see a couple of your pieces in limited edition print via Steal This Art...
Prints? By Kinny? Never thought I'd see that...

Anyway, brother, you are certainly churning out the magic as usual.
Wish I could catch up at the Tiki Market this weekend but cannot make it.
One of these days I will make it to Cali for a visit.

Peace & blessings!

Lake Surfer posted on 03/07/2012

Very proud to be the new owner of this wonderful piece, Ken!

And it was so great to see you live and in color on Sunday!

I'm working on maybe being a part of the next Marketplace, and this time I need to make a stop at the studio!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 03/16/2012

Great Purchase Lake Surfer! U got great taste in art - KENNY is DA" BEST!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 03/16/2012

I love your Blair tribute piece...
Blair's art has always held a special appeal with me...
You struck a great combo of Blair inspiration and Kinny magic...
Well done!
In fact, I would love to see what a Kinny Small World would look like...
I'll email Mickey and suggest he turn to you when he decides to make the sequel ride.

I so agree. Disney needs LLT.  
The new Disney Hawaiian resort on Oahu is very nice... but the art on display in the halls and rooms , while nice, is lacking the energy and vibrant aloha that every LLT piece explodes with. They would do well with acquiring some original Ken Ruzic work for their resort.
little lost tiki posted on 03/26/2012

Aloha Everyone!
I just spent 2 hours typing this up and replying to y'alls
and telling y'alls how much i loved you all dearly
and then....
i accidently ERASED it!

So,please forgive me,but i gotta work tomorrow
so i will reply to all of you who have been nice enough to leave a comment
at a later date...

here are some of the paintings i will have a Mojave Oasis
for you to adopt!

i share these on here because there are details and explanations
but sorry... no step-by-steps today...

"Sleeping Village by the River"
cel-vinyl and acrylic gouache on wood
with a Bamboo Ben frame

a close-up of the moon....
i wanted a crescent moon,but also wanted a PNG-ish face smiling sweetly downward...

Here's the little tiki fellow who

  1. was carved and mounted near the riverbank
  2. has walked over of his own accord
    while everyone was asleep
    to talk with his underwater friends....
    (i tend to find the second option the most interesting!)

This part was fun to paint!
i painted the fish over the blue ground first
and added the shadows underneath and on them...
a few Artjams back,Toe said it looked like they were floating above the river!
which they were....But that was only stage 1
He didn't know about stage 2!
the last layer of the surface of the water
along with shadows on the fish from above...
note the green "reflection" lines
closer to shore...
simple but effective!

"Closing Time"
cel-vinyl and acrylic gouache on wood
with a Bamboo Ben frame

Decided to return to the Tiki Bar Interior scene...
This painting occurs at Closing Time
as the viewer looks woefully back
at drinks half-consumed
and the soft goodbyes of mugs and smiling pufferfish lamps...

Here's my dream bowl...one of em,at least...

Here's a dream PNG shield mug
with a lonely umbrella...

and here's a wobbly pufferfish lamp
bidding the reveler g'night!

"Warning on the Shore"
cel-vinyl and acrylic gouache on wood
with a Bamboo Ben frame

This painting was a challenge for a number of reasons....

1)the pallete.... a periwinkle/pink/sky blue/red
offset by olives and a dull brown....
would it work?
Well....i think so
but i got's a bias!

2)i felt like revisiting
the old TikiFarm Mug theme
of the 3 moods
and Very Happy

Like the ol' Oli Oli Kakaka,and Pupule mugs...

brought back here,but applied to these PNG shields....

3)i wanted to set a subtle theme...
What better subtlety than a warning?

  1. i wanted to capture reflections and the ripple of water upon a shore
    driving the composition upward towards the faces,the gag if you will..
    and then having that emotion
    the emotion of encountering these shields and the bones strewn about
    rippling outward from that emotion,carried into the sky
    amplifying it...
    capturing that initial shock....

So it was quite a mental push
as well as a little outside of the comfort zone..
but HECK!there was a SALE at Art Supply warehouse,sooooooo
i followed my instinct and grabbed a BUNCH of paints and canvases
for some new stuff for Mojave oasis !
Come on down and see it all in person!
I'll be sharing the tiny trailer with Doug Horne!
(i don't mind spooning! PLUS! He's a giant,so i can just snuggle up on his chest
and he won't even notice....like a cat!) :lol:

If you'd like to see EVEN MORE new pieces that i didn;t share here
(ie: no close-ups or comments)
then Go HERE!
Anyways.... It's gettin late
G'night for now!

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2012-03-25 23:56 ]

Beachbumz posted on 03/26/2012

I've done that erase thing so many times... arggg!
Ken your work is amazing!!!! I love them all them all.. I love the colors you used in the Warning on the Shore, and the expressions on the PNG shields is sooooo cool..
Thanks for sharing brada, wish I could make it to OasiS but not gonna happen this year.. :( Aloha

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 03/26/2012

Very nice Kinny, now don't get a big head!

MadDogMike posted on 03/26/2012

"Sleeping Village" ~ Looks like he's about to go skinny dipping. Everyone else is asleep, he's hung his shirt on the palm tree, and he's already got one foot in the water. Hope it's warm!

Beautiful colors on "Warning on the Shore". Great job of adding a fresh palatte and still maintaining your signature look.

Tiki Shark Art posted on 04/07/2012

love it, love IT. LOVE IT!

little lost tiki posted on 04/09/2012

Okay! Time to reply to y'alls....as promised....

On 2012-02-28 01:48, Lake Surfer wrote:
Awesome sauce Ken!
Love the latest offerings! Mind bending colors and themes!
I hope they all go to great new homes this weekend, and I'm thrilled I get to see 'em in person on Sunday!
See ya soon!

Hey Dave!
Great seein you at Don's a while back! Sorry about the ray sting!
Next time we will ARTJAM!
thanks for those two PNG masks!
they are proudly in the studio room where i paint..
watching over stuff....

On 2012-02-28 06:15, MadDogMike wrote:
Kinster, I missed your last posted group! Great lighting on the bird drum circle. Valley of the Falls is awesome! If you would build your studio there I would come visit more often :D

Can't wait to see your crazy smiling face at MOJAVE OASIS!!!!!
Was having fun with that circular outward emanating lighting
Will be able to do more observational studies at MOasis!
Someday i will build that studio by the waterfall
and i will build you a hut next door!

On 2012-02-29 18:27, TikiDaye wrote:

I've been away for a bit but naturally hit your thread first upon my return to TC... You never cease to amaze nor inspire me, my friend!

I love your Blair tribute piece...
Blair's art has always held a special appeal with me...
You struck a great combo of Blair inspiration and Kinny magic...
Well done!
In fact, I would love to see what a Kinny Small World would look like...
I'll email Mickey and suggest he turn to you when he decides to make the sequel ride.

Was (pleasantly) surprised to see a couple of your pieces in limited edition print via Steal This Art...
Prints? By Kinny? Never thought I'd see that...

Anyway, brother, you are certainly churning out the magic as usual.
Wish I could catch up at the Tiki Market this weekend but cannot make it.
One of these days I will make it to Cali for a visit.

Peace & blessings!

Hey Jason!
Thanks for poppin in stranger!
I'm wondering if a kinny Small World would be a good idea....
All i can see are epileptic seizures
babbling incoherent children
and the stuff of lunatic's nightmares
and lawsuits...i imagine lots of lawsuits...
So in the meantime,these little creations will remain in the 2-D
for now..

and Yes! Jeremy at Stealthisart.com is a friend of 20 years
and a true collector and admirer of the arts....
i kept both of the print runs on there
at 25 prints or below....
have done a few prints since last we spoke

"Under the Midnight Sun"
"Land of the Mermaids(Angelfish)"
"Land of the Mermaids(Seahorse)"
and "Moon and River"

No print has a run over 40
so i'm pushing out into the print arena
but slowly
and with a desire to provide the owner with something very limited
and beautiful and perhaps even worth something someday....

Please try and make it down to Cali for a visit
my studio couch is always open if you need a place to crash!

On 2012-03-07 01:21, Lake Surfer wrote:

Very proud to be the new owner of this wonderful piece, Ken!

And it was so great to see you live and in color on Sunday!

I'm working on maybe being a part of the next Marketplace, and this time I need to make a stop at the studio!

Thank YOU,man!
It couldn't have found a better hut to live at!
Don's was a LOT funner hanging with all youse crazy kids!

On 2012-03-16 00:18, Tiki Shark Art wrote:
Great Purchase Lake Surfer! U got great taste in art - KENNY is DA" BEST!
I love your Blair tribute piece...

Blair's art has always held a special appeal with me...
You struck a great combo of Blair inspiration and Kinny magic...
Well done!
In fact, I would love to see what a Kinny Small World would look like...
I'll email Mickey and suggest he turn to you when he decides to make the sequel ride.

I so agree. Disney needs LLT.  
The new Disney Hawaiian resort on Oahu is very nice... but the art on display in the halls and rooms , while nice, is lacking the energy and vibrant aloha that every LLT piece explodes with. They would do well with acquiring some original Ken Ruzic work for their resort.  

Send them guys my way! We can do matching bedsheets and curtains as well!
and we can have a Brad wing
and a Dawn wing
and a Doug wing
etc etc!
You're always too kind,Brad! Thanks for your perseverance and energy and especially your BRAIN!
Can't wait to see YOU and all those canvases at laLuz this summer!

On 2012-03-26 00:32, Beachbumz wrote:
I've done that erase thing so many times... arggg!
Ken your work is amazing!!!! I love them all them all.. I love the colors you used in the Warning on the Shore, and the expressions on the PNG shields is sooooo cool..
Thanks for sharing brada, wish I could make it to OasiS but not gonna happen this year.. :( Aloha

BeachBumz-Thanks for the visit! Tonight i'm being EXTRA VIGILANT as not to erase all these comments! :lol: So glad that you and so many others dig that Warning on the Shore piece...This next batch i just made has that same stream of consciousness color approach...i think you'll like it...
too bad about oasis....but if you're ever in the neighborhood
there's a lot of Tikiart at the studio...

On 2012-03-26 00:58, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
Very nice Kinny, now don't get a big head!

does this even rate a reply?
send a hug to Nancy for me!
none for you!

On 2012-03-26 08:20, MadDogMike wrote:
"Sleeping Village" ~ Looks like he's about to go skinny dipping. Everyone else is asleep, he's hung his shirt on the palm tree, and he's already got one foot in the water. Hope it's warm!

Beautiful colors on "Warning on the Shore". Great job of adding a fresh palette and still maintaining your signature look.

Hey Mike!
that was supposed to be moss,but i like your approach a LOT better!
CANNOT WAIT to go Skinny Dippin at Mojave Oasis,buddy!
and yet another Warning on the Shore approval!

Here's ALL the pieces from this latest burst of painting
Gearin up for Mojave Oasis Kiddies!
They get first dibs on these pups..

and here's the Mojave Oasis thread

if'n you'd like to come down and experience the MAgic!

Now below will be a FEW of those pieces with details and lil comments....
for JUST the pieces GO to that link...

Are we at an understanding?

Here we goooooooo!

"the Brothers"
acrylic gouache,celvinyl,black gesso
on tissue paper and ink stained canvas

this one was originally a canvas i had tissue-paper/ink stained
then after a time
i applied black gesso to form two ovals
that resembled cut gems
and there it sat
for a long time
until i picked it up and decided to make two PNG shield brothers
in a little spat....

Here's a close-up of the tissue paper/ink stain under the paint...

"Baby Cannibal King"
acrylic gouache and cel-vinyl on canvas

This one was just a little warm-up on these 6x12 canvases i got...
Wanted to do some quickie affordable paintings
so people could take some art back to their hut
and not break their bankrolls....

Here's a close-up of his head
the red you see in the piece was an afterthought
it sat there for a week with just the blue rough background
and daddy wasn't pleased with it..
until,i had a brush sopping with some vermillion
while i was working on another piece
so i slopped it on there
and it WORKED!
Now it's done..

"the Cannibal's Throne"
acrylic gouache and cel-vinyl on canvas

This one was a little more modeled
tighter outlines and richer shadows....
i love his face!

and these wee slave cannibals with the big mouths are just the perfect skull stands...

"Cannibal's Feeding Frenzy"
acrylic gouache and cel-vinyl on wood
with a raw and primitve Bamboo Ben frame

Here is the piece without the frame....

i was going for a shaded cool of the day mood for this feeding frenzy...
kind of as it's nearing the end and nap-time is right around the corner...

this chap is having slight greed/hoarding issues..

Homeboy here is just STOKED for no real reason...

and here's their cannibal idol...

Using the peacock blue for the outline really brought some of the olives and the browns forward....nice optical effect i will have to apply in the future some more....

"Bane of the Bullies"
acrylic gouache and cel-vinyl on wood
with a savage and primal Bamboo Ben frame

Everybody's been bullied in some way
at some time in their lives
it's what drives us to suceed
our way of getting even with those troglodytes from High School..
Anyways....there's a Bullying movie out in the theatres
so the word was in the air
so i grabs it
and took that idea
and pictured this poor little shield experiencing the Bane of being bullied!!
Here's the piece all by it's lonesome...

Here's the poor victim being teased and cryin puddles on the grass below him....
i busted out that coral again and played around with a hazy night setting..

here's a nice fuzzy moon on a quiet humid night...

and here's the last o dem bullies!

Okay! it's 1:30 and i gotta get to sleep!
Thanks y'alls for all the comments and nice things and visits!
Hope to see everybody at Mojave Oasis!

I'll be vending in the vintage trailer half circle
right near the bathrooms and General Store!
See you there!

zerostreet posted on 04/09/2012

Awesome stuff as always Ken! The standout for me here is Bane of the Bullies! Love the cubistic feel!

MadDogMike posted on 04/09/2012

Another vote for "Bullies"

TikiDaye posted on 04/10/2012

I'm with Zero & Mike ... The bullies rock!

The Blue Kahuna posted on 04/10/2012

. . . already worth somethin' and a whole lot more to me Ken!

Clarita posted on 04/12/2012

Oh no poor little shield!
great new ones :)

ZeroTiki posted on 04/12/2012

I always love your stuff, Kin kin Kinnykin!
I love being able to finally go to an art location regularly and see your stuff in place, being all Nor
Cal and stuff!! Whee-OOOOO!

little lost tiki posted on 04/18/2012

Hello Kids!
All packed up cept for
Loading it into the car
and fillin a bag fulla clothes and toiletries!
MOJAVE OASIS here i Comes!

Please be sure and visit the half circle Vintage Trailer area on Saturday,where the Giant Doug Horne ,myself,and the Hula Cat Twins
will be showing off our artistic and acrobatic Magic! :)

Any of you previous attendees KNOW about
LLT's Exclusive Mojave Prices...
Priced to MOVE!
I WANT these in your Huts!
I got's too many of em!
Help ME help YOU get some good original art in your Domicile!
See you there!
Here's JUST ONE of the flyers for this momentous event!

to see all of them crazy flyers for Mojave Oasis
start here! http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?mode=viewtopic&topic=41495&forum=17&start=195

and remember.... We're not HALF as Creepy as those flyers
so c'mon by and say,"Aloha!"
You'll be glad you did!

Well....just need to reply to a few of you who were nice enough to come a visitin and i got some Step-by-Steps to Share with y'alls!

zerostreet-Thanks for the props,buddy! I think that was one of the strongest of that batch...

Mike!-Thanks man! Glad i get to see YOU this weekend!
it's been a looooong time!Ain't you Lucky? You get to see "Bane of the Bullies " in person! (not responsible for ocular damage)

TikiDaye-Mahalo Man! I'm glad the pathos meets comedy theme resonates with folks....Oh yeah! and the colors ! Thanks again for droppin in!

Blue Kahuna-Why thank you for the good vibes,Blue! It's always so rewarding to discover that,despite the fact i'm a selfish little troll who paints only for himself,that others are moved by these babies as well! Makes this whole art thing seem a little more valid!

Clarita! Aloha dear friend! i think the only thing that could make that shield happy,would be if he got to go on a picnic with YOU!!!
Really enjoying your new work! You are creating MAGIC! :)

ZeroTiki-Glad you are enjoying the Mary Blair tribute and "the Wayward Canoe"You and empee need to combine forces and get that NorCal scene Hopping! Someday,Toe,and Doug,and I will make the trek and come visit y'alls! Mahalo!

Okay....this isn't from square one,but i caught this piece
about 1/2 way done and decided "HEY! i haven't shared any step-by-steps lately " sooooooo.....

"By the light of the Pufferfish!
Acrylic gouache and cel-vinyl on wood...

Here's a shot where most of the initial colors and lighting are filled in...did all that in acrylic gouache,but used cel-vinyl for the black because of it's flooooooooow...


used light washes of the black to start building up shading
as you can see on the right in the PNG mug....

Next step...not much different from the last
(i think that was a mere 3-hour session)


Memories of Mojave's Mermaid Lounge and the beautiful lamps ..

continuing some of the linework..and Graaaaaaains!


a little more development on the pufferfish lamp..

more grains,started on the lamp and the rock wall more


and TA DA!
Here's the finished painting with it's lovely Bamboo Ben frame!

"By the light of the Pufferfish"
acrylic gouache and cel-vinyl on wood
with a Beautiful Bamboo Ben frame

and here it without the frame!

i liked breaking some of the shadows on the table
into another plane.and the grains...i love the grains....

some details!

the LAMP!

the MOAI mug!

the TAPA Bowl!

the PNG Shield Mugs!

and,of course....the light provider....
the Pufferfish!

and here's two other new ones that i got a close-up of each to share!

acrylic gouache on canvas

kind of a departure from previous colors
but they sure are DANG Happy!

"the Brothers"
acrylic gouache on canvas


Well,that's it...if you'd like to see more of the new ones for Mojave Oasis..go here!

Mahalos again for the visits!
Hope to see you at MOJAVE OASIS!!!!!!!

AlohaStation posted on 04/18/2012

"Memories" piece is outstanding! I want one that is measured in feet not inches.

ZeroTiki posted on 04/19/2012

We are gettin the Peta~luau petaluma style wrenched together up here, Mister K! Will keep you posted!

MadDogMike posted on 04/19/2012

Oh, I didn't know you owned any hot pink paint! :lol:

Have a safe trip, see ya soon!

little lost tiki posted on 05/13/2012

Happy Mother's Day! Seeing as i'm stranded out here in Sunny Cali and just called me mum and sissy for Mother's Day
i now have a quiet afternoon to myself...
A Happy Mother's Day to all you moms out there! Your selflessness and love and guidance have made all of us who we are today...Big hugs and a SHOUT-OUT! Whoooop!

Lemme Reply to youse folks nice enough to leave your thoughts and we'll be on our Waaaaay!

On 2012-04-18 07:40, AlohaStation wrote:
"Memories" piece is outstanding! I want one that is measured in feet not inches.

Hey Buddy!
I assume you're referring to "By the light of the Pufferfish" and the comment "Memories of Mojave's Mermaid Lounge and the beautiful lamps"....Mahalo Boss! Love that BIG Pineapple Tiki you recently finished! I'm with you on the going BIG part,but alas,with paintings,unless it's a commission ,will leave a Big painting dusty and stored in the attic of the studio...But! Toe and i are having a 2-man exhibition in January ..."Clash of the Titans" (he didn't like my original pitch name "BumFight" :( oh well...) where we will both be doing some bigger pieces that befit an art show of two troglodytic talents of our age..... :lol:
Glad you had a BLAST at Hukilau...and I'll see if i could come down again and visit y'alls! i miss the MAI-KAIIIII!

On 2012-04-19 01:08, ZeroTiki wrote:
We are gettin the Peta~luau petaluma style wrenched together up here, Mister K! Will keep you posted!

Zero! RIGHT ON! A big part of our responsibility to our artist brethren is to SPREAD THE FIRE! INSPIRE! Make sure there are those who will respect and cherish this movement,
those who will do research and studies and understand and communicate that to others...etc etc ad naseum...
Can't wait to hear what bonfires you're starting up there!
Thank you! :)

On 2012-04-19 05:33, MadDogMike wrote:
Oh, I didn't know you owned any hot pink paint! :lol:
Have a safe trip, see ya soon!

Mike! Why i outta!!!!
So great seeing you at Moasis! Your warmth and humor and sneaky pranks and sly smiles made this weekend even FUNNERER! As for the pink.....I've found there are ways of adding it to classic color combos,and have it work ...at least i think so....Gonna go to the art supply warehouse soon and plan on picking up some MO unlikely and CWAZY colors!!!

Speaking of Mojave Oasis..
Thanks to Everyone involved!
i love you Amy and Ray!
If you haven't gone,you should GO!
sooo much Aloha and general mellowness and Ohana...
and MAN! can a person get their DRANK ON indeed!
and vending with Doug was such a JOY!
Here's one of the flyers for that momentous event....

Anyways....early Sunday morning,awakened by the sweet smell of dew(i slept outside on the grass outside my trailer....just because) i got up and wandered the early morning grounds,doing some studies of some of the new tiki poles erected around the grounds...there's always new and wonderful things to be discovered on the grounds ,as Amy is constantly adding new and wonderful acquisitions to the park!

Their simplicity and frankness are really stunning in person! and there are soooo many! It was fun to try and trace the original sources of some of these guys!

Hey Folks! Remember this painting?
Well, i was scanning some sketchbook pages and came across the original studies for these lil guy's!

"Cannibal's Feeding Frenzy"
acrylic gouache and cel-vinyl on wood
with a raw and primitive Bamboo Ben frame

Here's the original sketches in all their flurry and messiness!

If you wanna see details and commentary on this painting
click here and i will teleport you THERE!

Finally was able to start a piece AND remembered to document it!
Started a Cannibal Totem...and used Hawaiian influences on these guys...
started with a few quickie sketches during an Artjam a few weeks back with Doug and Toe ...(got to watch "The Impossible Kid" a Filipino-ploitation film with the coolest cutest midget Weng Weng That you've ever seen in Cinema! Check out his Secret Agent flick "For your Height Only...on Netflix...GO!)

Choo-Choo-Choosing the entry on the left
i began to sketch it out in pencil onto the raw canvas....
Had to draw some guidelines on there just to keep my wonky sense of balance and composition in check.....

Kind of forgot to sketch the Orongo Birdmen in there,but ....
maybe next piece....PLUS,that's a Rapa-Nui thing,not Hawaiian Island sooo.....
Next step was to erase the guidelines and refine areas that appear too wonky....
i used washes of orange to create a warmth underneath
(Toe does the same thing,but he goes over the ground with thick layers of paint...whereas i will applying washes of color over the ground..)
Mostly used cool or neutral colors for a ground
so there's a little excitement factor going on here.....

Then i applied some washes of the same color
a little deeper in some areas
a way to map out shadows and the like....

Next step is the raw umber and whites
built up in washes,to bring out the figures even more.....

Here's some close-ups!

Next step was more Raw UmBAH,a lil more white


and some olive for the grass loincloths,and some YELLAR to get the mouth flames goin...

some Deets...

Next step is to apply the paintpen over the rendered ground...
(i refer to this as my "old-style" as it was a technique i used very early on in my painting career...a way of making the image more flat,more graphic...Later i learned to utilize the underpainting more to help define the figure's light and shadow,as opposed to just using the rendered ground as an area of color to fill-in...)
Sorry,that may have been a little too ART THEORY for the likes of Youse! :lol:
Anyway, i hope you get the gist of it...
Anyways, i took a sabbatical from this style for a few years,preferring to master the brush,as this form of painting was half painting and half drawing
(brush and paintpen)
BUT! i wanted to able to do a piece fairly quickly,sooooo..
there you have the saga over style
for this painting...
Not taking a whole picture of the ALMOST finished piece YET!
gonna make you Wait on that...

Anyways,here's the details from my second to last session on this child!

Here's an ultra close-up to show you the underpainting and how with just an indigo and yellow paintpen,it"s all beginning to come together..

Still miles to go before i sleep
but it's at a point where i can finish it at my leisure...

No,that's not a Mr. T mohawk..
it's the top Tiki's grass skirt brushing on the top of the skull in the middle guy's forehead!

This guy said a MOUTHFUL!

Perhaps a sly commentary on the inequalities in our world today?

Still have to think of a title for this one....
Stay tuned!
and thanks for poppin in!

MadDogMike posted on 05/13/2012

Kinny, you need to go over to the Tiki Spy Oasis thread and start lobbying to have Weng Weng as the official spy of TO12

Will carve posted on 05/13/2012

That really pops when you add the pen.
Your carve is on the way.

Heath posted on 05/14/2012

Speaking of Weng Weng...

Recently spotted at an antique store in Smithfield, VA:

(cue X-Files theme)

VampiressRN posted on 05/14/2012

That is his top secret off-planet portrait!!!!

little lost tiki posted on 05/21/2012

Just a quick Drive-By and show ya how very close i am to finishing a painting for the Tiki Oasis Spy Themed Art Show!
But First...

On 2012-05-13 13:59, MadDogMike wrote:
Kinny, you need to go over to the Tiki Spy Oasis thread and start lobbying to have Weng Weng as the official spy of TO12

Mike! Weng Weng would be a GREAT Mascot for Tiki Oasis!
Here's my favorite picture of him...EVER!

and that rap is HORRIBLE!

On 2012-05-13 14:19, Will carve wrote:
That really pops when you add the pen.
Your carve is on the way.

Hello Will!
Received it and it is Wonderful!
Thank You sooo much!

Will be painting it up Soon
and will post some progress shots of it
from your beautiful carve to our glorious finished collaboration!

Heath and Vampiress....
Basta with the Weng Weng!
Let the folks discover him on their own....

Took a Break on the Totem and decided i had better start working on the
Tiki Oasis Spy themed piece for the art show there
and for a chance to have that art be the cover of an event record....
The only requirements were that it was to be no bigger than 12x12
have a Spy/Secret Agent theme
and have a Tiki somewhere in it...

So here's some of my warm up sketches as i explored Spy/Secret Agent themes..
First i thought of perhaps a villian
with some kind of Tiki amidst his lair....

MAybe flank his large seat with two shieds?
Give him a sidekick?

Here's another one in his Secret Laboratory...
The shield on the wall with a dagger
was a concept that stuck with me
and led to the final piece........

That was when it struck me....
How about some intrigue at a Tiki Bar?
and instead of having human spies and agents and villians,
let the mugs and decor fill that ticket...

So i tried out a PMP mug hiding out in a pineapple.....
A mysterious Moai with a Topknot fez....
a Cannibal with an old school Spy vs Spy Bomb...
The old Poison Blowdart routine....

Here's some more ideas and further explorations of others...

Here's another reeeeeal fast and rough sketch

Added a lil color to the sketchbook entries.....

Started to work out a layout....

Figuring out who goes where to help the piece flow right!

And here it is about 90% done....

"Pele's Diamond"(working title)
12 x12"
Acrylic and cel-vinyl on wood

Here's the Pufferfish,with an eyepatch
and a Mechanical Claw HAnd
attempting to pilfer Pele's Diamond!

A radar/listening device used by the bottom mug
and a spilled bottle of poison....
Did it make it's way into somebodie's drink?

Here's the original inspirational shield,
eyeing the pufferfish
and brandishing a shiv!
to the upper right of him is the net i have to finish and then ALL DONE!

Periscope UP!

Here's that Cannibal,holding onto that old school bomb
(i still have to make it look lit
(plus all the lighting that accompanies THAT!)

Here;s a shifty Moai with blank expression,
Spy vs Spy hat
and shades....
(Maybe a member of the Moai Mafia mayhaps?)

Here's Blowgun Boy up in the Corner
getting ready to shoot a poisonous dart at some unsuspecting agent...

And lastly,this mischievious mug has some Dynamite and
a twitchy plunger...

Well that's it so far......
Whaddya Think?

MadDogMike posted on 05/21/2012

I liked the blowdart drink garnish guy on the bottom right, too bad he didn't make the cut :lol:

Gonna be another great one Kin! I can almost hear the "Mission Impossible" theme on the vibraphone.

(What's funny is that when I read your posts, I can hear them in your voice :D )

davidleslie posted on 05/21/2012

You are pure inspiration Kinny!!!!!

BigToe posted on 05/21/2012

simply brilliant. so fun to see all of your preparation and process.

please, please, someone create a Kinny process book!!!!!!!!

zerostreet posted on 05/21/2012

Backstabbing, eavesdropping, theft...and so much more! Awesome work Ken!

AlohaStation posted on 05/21/2012

You are killin it!!

MadDogMike posted on 05/21/2012

On 2012-05-21 05:20, zerostreet wrote:
Backstabbing, eavesdropping, theft...

I thought you were talking about Tiki Central!
(just kidding of course! :lol: )

zerostreet posted on 05/21/2012

On 2012-05-21 10:55, MadDogMike wrote:

On 2012-05-21 05:20, zerostreet wrote:
Backstabbing, eavesdropping, theft...

I thought you were talking about Tiki Central!
(just kidding of course! :lol: )

........what makes you think I wasn't?......:D

little lost tiki posted on 05/22/2012

Well! She's finally finished!
But you'll have to wait a few minutes so i can answer all these nice folks...

On 2012-05-20 21:01, MadDogMike wrote:
I liked the blowdart drink garnish guy on the bottom right, too bad he didn't make the cut :lol:

Gonna be another great one Kin! I can almost hear the "Mission Impossible" theme on the vibraphone.
(What's funny is that when I read your posts, I can hear them in your voice :D )

i can totally hear YOUR voice whenever you post as well, Mike!
Looks like Caliente was an absolute BLAST!
Might have to make it down next year....
That lil blowdart fellow MAY turn up in some other piece,so be patient bubs!
and Thanks for all the encouraging words!
You're Amazing!

On 2012-05-20 21:05, davidleslie wrote:
You are pure inspiration Kinny!!!!!

Thanks David!
Always good to know that the creative fire gets passed on to others
Part of an artist's job,y'see! :)

On 2012-05-20 21:18, BigToe wrote:
simply brilliant. so fun to see all of your preparation and process.

please, please, someone create a Kinny process book!!!!!!!!

Hey Tommy! Why publish a book when Artjams can do the same thing...but with BOOZE?
Mutual inspiration Pact,buddy! Diggin the Frazetta inspired piece you're working on now..
Now THAT's inspiration!
Speaking of.... if you ever want that "Dictionary of Subjects and Symbols in Art"
you're gonna haveta COME AT ME,Broooooooo! :)

On 2012-05-21 05:20, zerostreet wrote:
Backstabbing, eavesdropping, theft...and so much more! Awesome work Ken!

Thanks Zerostreet!
Not as exciting or dynamic as your Amber Tiki painting for the show,
but one of them pieces where the viewer gets rewarded for searching around the surface....
What's the skinny on the Monkey/Ape show at Harold's gallery,by the way?

On 2012-05-21 06:58, AlohaStation wrote:
You are killin it!!

Thanks Man! A lil bit o intrigue always spices thangs up,dontcha think?

On 2012-05-21 10:55, MadDogMike wrote:

On 2012-05-21 05:20, zerostreet wrote:
Backstabbing, eavesdropping, theft...

I thought you were talking about Tiki Central!
(just kidding of course! :lol: )

HEY you two!!!
You're both much better artists than comedians...
Leave THAT to the professionals!

Alrightio...it's DONE!

acrylic and cel-vinyl on wood
for the Tiki Oasis Spy/Secret Agent Art Exhibition

Here's a close-up of the netting...

and the LIT bomb in the cannibal's hand..

and just a final close-up to really get y'alls INTO the painting....
come closer........CLOOOOOOSEEEEEEEER!

That's it....gotta work tomorrow! G'night all!
and thanks for the visits and comments..
You all so Sweet!

tigertail777 posted on 05/22/2012

HA HA HA!!! Awesome LLT! Love the pufferfish with the eyepatch. I just went back to my MAD magazine reading days. Ya gotta have a fem fatale in one of those paintings somewhere. :wink: You doing anything for the art swap?

anthonymaye posted on 05/30/2012

I just spent like three hours of my life eye effin your thread I'm in love with your work and would be in line to buy the book big toe spoke of
I can't wait to see more.

little lost tiki posted on 06/05/2012

"Ello Folks!
Tis a Foine Noight fer eh Displaye of Tiki Artefects,eh?

Anyways,that's all the "old cockney" dialog you're getting tonight!
I got's a lot of art to share and gotta get some sleep before work tomorrow,soooooo............

On 2012-05-22 06:05, tigertail777 wrote:
HA HA HA!!! Awesome LLT! Love the pufferfish with the eyepatch. I just went back to my MAD magazine reading days. Ya gotta have a fem fatale in one of those paintings somewhere. :wink: You doing anything for the art swap?

Hey tigertail!
Glad it brought some smiles!I DID use a lot of the common Spy vs Spy elements (Hat-Lit Bomb-Shades-Bottle of Poison-Periscope-Poison Darts-Mechanical Claw-Dagger-Radar Listening Device-Dynamite Plunger)
Waitaminute! Those are ALL Spy vs Spy elements....
As for the Art Swap.....
Look Below for i will share it with everyone FIRST!

On 2012-05-29 20:15, anthonymaye wrote:
I just spent like three hours of my life eye effin your thread I'm in love with your work and would be in line to buy the book big toe spoke of
I can't wait to see more.

Thanks Anthony!
It's pretty cool that someone would
go over this thread for a full three hours....
i do hope you found it somewhat amusing in between the paintings....
There are some gems back there....
the step-by-step of the 9-foot surfboard
is one i like to hunt for and reminisce on the experience.....
Not sure of the Book you're talking about...
Neither Toe or i have been swept up
or tapped by any big publishers...
but who knows what will happen in the future...
the gears are turning...
My money's on toe getting a book first and I'll have one published post-mortem...
which would be a bummer because i ,for one ,
would like to have a book of my work to refer to and remember! :)
it's not fair... :(
I have in the past,published 2 books of tiki Artwork
(B&W Limited Edition Kinko Specials)
A couple of limited Edition Coloring Books,and two kinko assembled (B&W) Collections of sketchbook entries
(They're all sold out-but you may find em on ebay after i croak!)
Mahalos for being so kind and enjoying the work so much.....

Okay! Onto the Art!

Firat off... My piece for the Pele/Fire/Volcano Art Swap
It has an 8/8/12 Deadline..
This is open to all
and a really fun way to meet other fellow Ohana members and exchange some good mana!
Go Here and Participate!
It's Fun for Cryin Out Loud!


Anyways here's my contribution to the Swap!

"Bath in the Land of the Volcanoes"
ink,water=soluble pencil and tissue paper stain on Aquarelle watercolor paper

AAAAAAAAAAAAND... for those of you who have been patiently awaiting the finishing of that Cannibal Totem....
Well.... It's finished! YAY!
Here it is!
and with a clever "timely" title as well!
momma's gonna beam when she hears of this! :))

"the Have and have Not's"
acrylic and cel-vinyl and paintpen on canvas

Here's the HAVE fellow!
A Bowl full of bones as well as a mouthful!
More than enough to share!
and he's standing on top of that poor gent
with the fire in his belly!

and here's the rest of him and his poor friend
supporting all the weight..
maybe a clever analogy to
the financial burdens of the Middle Class
and who that money benefits?
Naaaaaah! These are Hawaiian inspired Tribal Creatures!
But then again...hmmmmmmmm...

Anyways.... I was asked by Joe at ElroyArtSpace
to be in their 3rd Annual Art Exhibition during
the Famous TIKI KON 2012 Event!
Here some of the info i feel safe leaking to the gen pub
if you get my drift....

"What Makes Your TIKI Hapi?" exhibition will be a 2-month long show, with an opening reception during Portland's
First Thursday Art Walk on August 2nd.
Leo's RULE!

The requirements for the work....
1)Newly created Wall hang-able(under 40 x 36")
2)And the theme is ....
"YOUR artistic interpretation/answer of:
What Makes Your TIKI Happy?..."

Such a Simple Framework to get all of us creating and flourishing
and makin some great work for this show....
Thanks Joe and Elroy ArtSpace for including me in this one!
You're a Peach!
Here's their website...
and the FACEBOOK page to Tiki Kon 2012!

and here's a link to artists and photos in last year's show!

Anyways ..with those guidelines in place...
i began....
with a 16x20 piece
of beautifully assembled
and sanded wood..
But first...before desecrating such a surface of beauty
something needed to formulated...
WHAT would make tikis happy?
a drum circle?
a midnight row?
a pile of victim's bones to eat at leisure?
Tons of Cocktails?

Joe from the gallery mentioned how he liked the recent spy piece
"Pele's Diamond"
i had painted for Tiki Oasis...
so then i thought.....

Why not put some mugs together with what makes THEM happy?
Humans are always happy in a Tiki Bar
Especially after a few!
But what about the half empty abandoned mugs
enjoying mixed company
with new and old friends
i got me a thunkin.....

so i started sketching out mugs that i would like...
Dream mugs....Dream mugs that make me smile....that make me hope...
that make me happy!

Here's the art spasm from that welling of thoughts...

a TApa Bowl

a HAppy Cannibal with a lil treat

a Papua New Guinea Shield

who....with his GAZE invites YOU
the viewer into the picture
Because what is a mug without a
human to hold it
drink from it
admire and contemplate it....
I imagine THAT's what makes these Tikis the Happiest!

i chose the PNG Shield for the painting...
and developed it further into this...

"the Potion"
ink,tissue paper stain and acrylic gouache
on Aquarelle watercolor paper

Despite not making it into the painting
This lil guy DID make it to the drawing stage

ink,tissue paper stain and acrylic gouache
on Aquarelle watercolor paper
private collection

some abstract moais that might work better somewhere else....

a Maori chum
who's just a little too WIGGED to be happy
and a bare bottom cannibal bowl
Total Dream Bowls!
Neither made the cut....

Here's a study for some Orongo mugs
i had done an orongo bowl in a previous painting
and just thought they needed mugs as well
in my dream mug land!
i think my love for the Orongo birdmen clouded my vision
on how to best communicate happiness...
Birds just have that STARE....not happy not sad
Body language aint gonna cut it for this piece
it has to be more direct...

i even developed this into a watercolor ink drawing
but that was just for me...
(see below)

"Orongo Mug"
ink,tissue paper stain and acrylic gouache
on Aquarelle watercolor paper

Next sketchbook musing brought a Volcano Bowl idea
i used for the "Bath" piece way up top

and a new look for the pufferfish
as well as a take on the backstabber tiki in "Pele's Diamond"
but this time he's holding a drink instead!

Here's a more developed drawing i did of him...

"the Conversion"
ink,tissue paper stain and acrylic gouache
on Aquarelle watercolor paper

Not really sure WHAT he's converting to
BUT he had that feel and lighting that reminded me of some of the Classical Saul/Paul Conversion pieces in Art History...

Here's an initial layout for this piece..
with a few mugs that shouldn't be there..

I really liked the volcano bowl in it's simplicity
it's carefree DUH I'M HAPPY mood!
so i developed him a little bit further
AND got the composition 80% nailed..

"Study for as yet unnamed painting"
pencil on tissue paper and ink stained
Aquarelle Watercolor paper

which in turn inspired this drawing...

"Volcano Boy Bowl"
try saying that after a few!
ink,tissue paper stain and acrylic gouache
on Aquarelle watercolor paper

Also,the Second Tiki on the bottom right
is also a Poached character...this time we paid him S A G wages to
pose as a cannibal...happy with his prize....
THAT's what makes THAT Tiki HAppy!

He deserved to be turned into a sketch as well...

ink,tissue paper stain and acrylic gouache
on Aquarelle watercolor paper
private collection

Anyways.... Here's what i got so far on the Beautiful sanded WOOD!!!!

the lighting's gonna be a lil off these first few step-by-steps
so bear with me,m'kay?
and the glare....
please excuse the glare...

Here's a closeup of the washes i've laid over the initial pencil work...

You can see how it's just fill in
the colors
then do the lighting
step back
then repeat

This shot is closer to the real colors..

of course,the happy bar scene wouldn't be complete
without the warm mellow light of this fellow!
And of course,his friends offer up astraw to him!

Here's the PNG guy hypnotizing the drunken reveler
with Happy Exotic Vibes from warm tropical Shores!

i put "Hapi Tiki"
the mug designed by Munktiki's Paul Nielsen for Tiki Kon 2012
up on them shelves...to kind of give it an homage feel
a celebration of the event...amongst other things....
here's what the mugs look like!

Beautiful huh?
i know Dawn will FREAK over these colors!

Anyways,here's where i put those two fellahs...

and here's an ultra-close-up for all
you Artistic technical geeks out there!

and ....on a final note
before i pass out into DOZEYLAND
a few other pieces i managed to finished
(from half done pieces of long ago
awaiting the RIGHT time to be BORN!

"Between Worlds"
Ink and acrylic gouache on
Aquarelle watercolor paper
private collection

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and the anticlimactic...

"Cannibal Mug"
Ink,tissue paper stain,and acrylic gouache on
Aquarelle watercolor paper
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Thanks for visitin Folks!
Hope you enjoy this new batch!

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http://www.kenruzic.com will be up someday,i Promise!
I'm on FaceBook Too!look me UP,suckas!

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2012-06-05 18:48 ]

zerostreet posted on 06/05/2012

Wow! An amazing array of images as usual!

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Professor G posted on 06/05/2012

It's always fun, Kinny, to see what you're up to.

MadDogMike posted on 06/06/2012

That blew my mind!
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Kinny, I love it when you let us into that white-headded noogin of yours. To see the thought process and all the paintings & sketches you do to prepare for a piece. It promises to be a good one. Love the Art Swap piece too, beautiful.

little lost tiki posted on 06/06/2012

On 2012-06-05 04:21, zerostreet wrote:
Wow! An amazing array of images as usual!

THANKS zerostreetBeen hooked on painting wood lately...probably the same way you are enjoying them cigar boxes.....aaaah! Surfaces!!

On 2012-06-05 05:17, Professor G wrote:
It's always fun, Kinny, to see what you're up to.

Mahalo Professor!
It's always great feeling that i'm not alone with my art in this vast underground batcave of a studio...i know that all over the globe,folks are enjoying this journey almost as much as i am! :)

On 2012-06-05 20:04, MadDogMike wrote:
That blew my mind!
Kinny, I love it when you let us into that white-headded noogin of yours. To see the thought process and all the paintings & sketches you do to prepare for a piece. It promises to be a good one. Love the Art Swap piece too, beautiful.

glad i could blow some minds on here! It's such a charge to be able to share all aspects of HOW a painting gets created....when i was a lil wee fellow,i remember being at the Art institute of Chicago and standing before "st. George and the Dragon" and wondering HOW THE HECK such a beautiful image was created.... well....this is my way of providing some of those answers thru the eyes of an artist from OUR time....
Loving your Mosaic for the Swap! I think there's gonna be some great pieces created by the time the deadline is up!
Miss you buddy! :)

Well... Here's some more progress....
Here's the whole thing
THIS photo represents the MOST accurate color
the others are a lil off....sorry!

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Here's the Boys on the shelf and some of the wall tapa....

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getting some grains of the wood and some line and shading work finished...

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roughing out the gent on the left...

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and here's a Big close-up of him
cause he makes me SMILE!

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Hopefully he makes YOU smile too!

Night Folks!


tigertail777 posted on 06/06/2012

Awesome works as always LLT! As for publishing a book of your art, have you ever thought about trying to start a kickstarter campaign to raise the money to publish one? http://www.kickstarter.com/

I would love to have a book of your fantastic art as well. :)

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