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Beyond Tiki Finds

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Tipsy McStagger posted on 05/05/2012

great rattan tank !! what a great score....

I picked up this mint 3 sectional vintage 50's atomic couch for a mid western price of $135.... we're gonna keep this and replace our vintage white 2 sectional.

here's pics of it that i lifted off the estate sale site where we bought it....

Mr. NoNaMe posted on 05/06/2012

On 2012-02-22 16:56, Mr. NoNaMe wrote:
Picked up a Trader Vic's bird vase from ebay. Does anyone have a guess as to it's when and where's?

Thanks Tikicoma! Tikicoma informs me and Tiki Central that this vase is from Trader Vic's Tokyo.

Naneki posted on 05/08/2012

Sorry, for the poor quality of the photo.

Two copper lanterns from The Netherlands. No on/off switch. Just plug them in and they light up. DHR is the manufacturer. They're marked "Heklicht" [sternlight] on the front.

[ Edited by: Naneki 2012-05-08 12:21 ]

[ Edited by: Naneki 2012-05-08 12:23 ]

TIKI DAVID posted on 05/13/2012

Paul Mayen 'style' coffee table

Big Kahuna posted on 05/14/2012

Scored this killer cribbage board. Handcrafted by Buddy Ploof. I love stuff like this!
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TIKI DAVID posted on 05/15/2012

struck mid-century gold;
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all three ,C.JERE'

"Pets are welcome,Children 'MUST' be on leash" TD

[ Edited by: TIKI DAVID 2012-05-15 10:14 ]

TIKI DAVID posted on 05/17/2012

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SandraDee posted on 05/17/2012

On 2012-05-15 10:13, TIKI DAVID wrote:
struck mid-century gold;
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Holy crap! I NEED this !!

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8FT Tiki posted on 05/27/2012

Wow, lightning strikes twice in one month. Another yard sale find. This one is larger and more elaborate. Purchased from a former US serviceperson who brought it back from the Phillipines. Will probably keep this one and sell or trade the other one now. Don't have room for both.

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uncle trav posted on 05/28/2012

What fun!! picked up this WWII German Mod 23 grenade at a garage sale. Inert of course but you never know what you will find out there.
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TIKI DAVID posted on 05/31/2012

todays garage sale finds
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Bora Boris posted on 06/05/2012

I got this yesterday, I didn't know that it lit up at first but Mrs. Bongofury noticed and with some haggling help from Bongofury it was mine for $35.00.

Lights on!

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Lights out!

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:D :D :D :D :D

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sputnikmoss posted on 06/05/2012

Wow Boris that is awesome!! I can't believe it lights up, so cool!

TIKI DAVID posted on 06/07/2012

found this the other day,I thought is was kinda cool.
art deco/industrial
anyone know anything about this?
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"Pets are welcome,Children 'MUST' be on leash" TD

[ Edited by: TIKI DAVID 2012-06-07 16:22 ]

TIKI DAVID posted on 06/11/2012

A trio of Frederic Weinberg bar stools,flea market find.
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nui 'umi 'umi posted on 06/30/2012

Found this ceramic lamp at estate sale this morning. Forward hold has a red lens, aft has a green. Need a b/w TV now to set it on.Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/50848/4fef6a5f.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=ac8b3ff0cbe122ac602db8b82c852fda

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atomictonytiki posted on 07/01/2012

Red forward and green aft..really? Just don't sail that ship on open water or you'll get in real trouble with the coastguard.

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nui 'umi 'umi posted on 07/01/2012

Hello ATT, we only sail in reverse,and only under a full load of Rum.

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atomictonytiki posted on 07/02/2012

Of course you want a full load of rum, you don't want to drink the water, you know what fish do in it :)

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Thrift store trawling, I picked a 'barrel' mug off the shelf; turning it over in may hand only to find I had a decidedly 'non-tiki' item. Much head scratching and Googling later, I still don't know what I have. Any ideas?
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It's just a little smaller than a TV's coconut, and is stamped 'CANADA' on the underside. The motto reads 'VEL SERRO-VELSAXO VINCIMUS'.

I hope this is the correct topic to post a 'brain-picking' request for a non-tiki item. To be on the safe side I'll mention that this week I picked up a grapefruit-yellow Loewy Le Creuset 2.5 coquelle for $10...


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On 2012-06-07 16:21, TIKI DAVID wrote:
found this the other day,I thought is was kinda cool.
art deco/industrial
anyone know anything about this?
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Looks like you have a print of one of Fernand Leger's Cubist masterpieces. I dig his work. I think this one was painted in the early 1920's.

[ Edited by: Slacks Ferret 2012-07-06 22:06 ]

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Philot posted on Sat, Jul 7, 2012 8:46 PM

On 2012-07-06 13:34, Alefoot wrote:
Thrift store trawling, I picked a 'barrel' mug off the shelf; turning it over in may hand only to find I had a decidedly 'non-tiki' item. Much head scratching and Googling later, I still don't know what I have. Any ideas?
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It's just a little smaller than a TV's coconut, and is stamped 'CANADA' on the underside. The motto reads 'VEL SERRO-VELSAXO VINCIMUS'.

I hope this is the correct topic to post a 'brain-picking' request for a non-tiki item. To be on the safe side I'll mention that this week I picked up a grapefruit-yellow Loewy Le Creuset 2.5 coquelle for $10...


Totally guessing here, but with the Thunderbird and made in Canada, I'll posit CWC = Canadian Wood Carvers. I'm no Latin-speaking guy, my best guess for the motto is something like "saw (carve?), succeed or die". Not sure why a woodcarvers event (trophy) cup would be ceramic.??!!

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I have seen the SS Cookie Hut on T C before. It plays the theme from Gilligan island when you open the lid. BTW,it's a cookie jar.The surfer on the wave is also a cookie jar and I've never seen it before. You surf freaks will like this. Open the lid and one of three songs will play: Surfing safari
Sidewalk surfing
and my favorite -Surfing USA.

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[ Edited by: nui 'umi 'umi 2012-07-27 21:23 ]

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half price labor day thift store sale;
LEE TREVOR, Horse hide leather jacket with all the patches,XL.
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"Pets are welcome,Children 'MUST' be on leash" TD

[ Edited by: TIKI DAVID 2012-09-03 12:20 ]

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This is an eBay win. I was surprised that I was the only person that bid on it since it's in 'Tiki Mugs: Cult Artifacts of Polynesian Pop'. The lightbulb that came with it looks ancient.
The person that was selling it said that it was a souvenir from Land's End, England. It does have Made In England stamped on the bottom.
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I don't collect surf, but I would've been so wrong to pass this up. Beautiful condition and measures 34x45 inches.
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Looks kinda tiki, don't know what it is but pretty sure it's Australian. Shoulda been a detective.

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bout 12" long.

[ Edited by: nui 'umi 'umi 2012-09-19 12:50 ]

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Still going through boxes from my mom's estate and found an old box full of these. Not sure were I'll ever use them cause it is really a mix-matched set, but sure are cool to have.

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= Dale

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[ Edited by: tikilongbeach 2012-10-21 16:16 ]

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Lori, is that tooled leather?

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No, it's a 44 inch long piece of wood. The white pieces are mother of pearl.

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Very cool!

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It does look like leather in the pics. I think its kind of old due to the cracks in the wood which you can't see in the picture. I paid $30 for it.
The tapa cloth has the Tongan crest on it. Does that mean I should be more careful with its treatment? Like I shouldn't poke holes in it or make it into a lamp? It has something about Queen Salote on it.

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GOOD WILL; After a little 'rub'n & oil'n'
they look just like 'NEW'
Carter Bros. Scoop Chairs. 50's-60's
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Very nice. What did you use on them?


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I mean this with love......You bastard! :lol:

[ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2012-09-24 10:25 ]

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On 2012-09-23 20:26, gabbahey wrote:
Very nice. What did you use on them?


On these,they were in great shape to begin with ,first wipe the dust ,then wipe with 'Minwax'special walnut stain to clear all the tiny scratches & scuffs, dry, buff, rub in rejuvenating oil,(teak oil).
then 'armour all' on the vinal.

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I got to ask, how much did you get em for?

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About 24" tall, and no maker's or carver's mark.

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On 2012-07-27 21:21, nui 'umi 'umi wrote:
I have seen the SS Cookie Hut on T C before. It plays the theme from Gilligan island when you open the lid. BTW,it's a cookie jar.The surfer on the wave is also a cookie jar and I've never seen it before. You surf freaks will like this. Open the lid and one of three songs will play: Surfing safari
Sidewalk surfing
and my favorite -Surfing USA.

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[ Edited by: nui 'umi 'umi 2012-07-27 21:23 ]

Found another cookie jar today. This one plays the background sound when the great white (Jaws)is on the prowl and soon to eat somebody. Hope I'm not starting another collection.
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Deadstock Hang Ten bell bottoms. Late 60's-early 70's.
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Deadstock 1950's flannel by Cisco. Cisco made the Duke Kahanamoku Aloha shirts in the late 40's-early 50's.
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This was a birthday gift from my loving and lovely wife...

A Broyhill Brasilia dresser for my listening lounge/changing room. :) She rocks!

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Flea market find,
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too big,can't find a place to put it,Signd 'MOREDII',made in denmark.
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but, 'I LOVE IT'

"Pets are welcome,Children 'MUST' be on leash" TD

[ Edited by: TIKI DAVID 2012-11-21 18:35 ]

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Very nice Danish Modern piece, TIKI DAVID!

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Just in case you're interested, Moreddi is an importer mark (as opposed to a manufacturing brand). Founded by Maury and Ed Frank, (get it - Moreddi), this was the stamp for their importer company that supplied their Frank Bros stores in exotic Long Beach, CA.

Still cool Danish furniture, and they were supposedly among the earliest importers. Although they carried pieces that were kind of the little siblings to the more famous works from the big name designers, these kinds of brands brought a lot of great modern pieces to a broader audience at a lesser price, often with designs that had a nice style in their own right.

We happened to look into the name one time after getting some dining chairs with the Moreddi mark.


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aquarj,Thanks for the info.

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