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Anyone else sick of these kind of releases?

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Feel like everything has gotten more and more silly in terms of what many brands are trying to sell or market. There is a now a "glazed donut" flavored vodka?! http://www.web2carz.com/lifestyle/food/1012/glazed-donut-flavored-vodka-to-hit-shelves heres the link for an article on it... truly disgusted

Can't be any more disgusting than fluffed marshmallow vodka.

The worst part is that almost every bar I go to has the shelves lined with various flavored vodkas like this, and uses them as the basis of all their "martinis" and cocktails. People drink this shit, or they wouldn't make it. It's lowest-common-denominator product, like cheap spiced rums and domestic beer. Mass market appeal. And yet if I went to some craft-cocktail joint and they boasted a house-made, glazed donut-infused vodka, I'd probably be curious... :wink:


Reminds me of Cupcake Vodka

Makes me gag just thinking about it. I'm pretty sick of the whole cupcake craze altogether.

[ Edited by: skeeter 2012-06-12 13:44 ]

a plain glazed-donut flavored liquor, without infused bacon?! that's disgusting.

Did someone say BACON!? :D


Apparently, the public wants these.


Women want these. I hate how everything is a martini if it comes in a cocktail glass.

Oh waiter...a bacon martini please.

chicken & waffle vodka



On 2012-06-12 17:14, teamtom wrote:
Women want these. I hate how everything is a martini if it comes in a cocktail glass.

Hey now, I call BS. As for the second part of your post, why would martinis get any special treatment-- so many things with pineapple juice and grenadine are called mai tais.

Everybody knows that every drink with vodka in a cocktail glass is called a something-tini, and every drink with rum and pineapple juice is called a something-mai tai. It's, like, common knowledge.

you left out the something-rita...

[ Edited by: thePorpoise 2012-06-13 15:09 ]

Oh yeah, everybody knows that every blended drink is a somthing-rita.

Yep! Its just the way it is guys. As mentioned. Mass market appeal. The majority dont care what their drinks are mixed with, as long as its good to them. One of my friends made me a drink she called the 50/50. Which is orange juice and smirnoff whipped cream vodka and I think a little vinalla. I have to admit it was tastey like the 50/50 ice cream bar. Hence the name.


Why is there no branding here? I mean, M&M's vodka doesn't exist? Hello? Hershey's vodka Kiss? Snickers? What everyone wants is more and more sweet sugary goodness and that means Reece's Vodka right? Peg that sugar meter to 11!. We're saturated in Oreo's and Flurries and all that, so, it has to cross over to th ebooze. We've been well trained to hate the taste of actual alcohol. Well, we only drink vodka, so that taste is just a burning feeling, which we hate. So, we must hide it under all that suger goodness!

Please step over the sugar vomit in the bathroom later.

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