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Little lost Tiki's Art Chronicles and Stuffs! Page 70!A brief Return,BUT! Some new pieces to Delight YOU!!!

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hang10tiki posted on 06/06/2012

That's a lot of great new stuff
Very cool

danlovestikis posted on 06/06/2012

little lost tiki I've been told that you never sleep you just work on your outstanding art fitting your regular work day into the tiny shreds of time left over. I for one am humbled before your legacy of work and creative genius. Never stop except long enough to say hi at Oasis. I love your work, Wendy

Bowana posted on 06/07/2012

"Volcano Boy Bowl"

Mah favorite.

Tiki Shark Art posted on 06/09/2012

Ah... eek... gasp....
my mind...ahahahah!!!!

(KA-POW!... splatter...)


Tiki Shark Art posted on 06/10/2012

Oh fergot 2 say....... the Cannibal totem "the haves and the have nots" RAWKS!!!!!!!

little lost tiki posted on 06/12/2012

Too MUCH Iced Coffee tonight and i got's a second wind...
So i finished a painting
and took some shots
and uploaded em and cleaned em up for tribal Consumption...

But first...

On 2012-06-06 06:20, tigertail777 wrote:
Awesome works as always LLT! As for publishing a book of your art, have you ever thought about trying to start a kickstarter campaign to raise the money to publish one? http://www.kickstarter.com/
I would love to have a book of your fantastic art as well. :)

Hey Tigertail!
Toe alerted me to that
and we thought up a few half-ass schemes
but a book.... a Children's Book
a little lost tiki book
has always been my dream...
but .... seeing as i've been painting stories
as opposed to actually writing most of them down
a book of artworks....
just tiki works first...
then OTHER Books
of all those other tackled genres
and a comprehensive book of collected sketchbooks
even,,,daresay i.... a book of strictly erotic works....

But anyways... i have a few goals this summer

  1. finish the website
  2. finish long overdue commissions
  3. create some KICKASS paintings for the kinnyBigToe show in January
    and Just up the antee and make Tommy Boy really rise to Le Challenge
    and we create an awesome show
  4. work on that BOOK!
    Howzat Sound?

i will be sure to alert the public once a book is in the works....
and Thank you SO much for enjoying this creative journey with me
it's always fun to have friends to chat with and brainstorm via the intertubes!
Heard Mojo Nixon use that
and the term "butt cancer"
we have on that there computer radio thing piped in at work..
Check it out if ye got a bent for that kinda music!
Funny as ALL HECK!

wish they'd play some Abner Jay tho....

On 2012-06-06 07:53, hang10tiki wrote:
That's a lot of great new stuff
Very cool

Thanks hang10!
and kudos on those creepy Wendy and Dan Oscars....
i think that's why i'm up so late tonight...

Scroll down fellow Tribesman
and see the New One!

On 2012-06-06 09:35, danlovestikis wrote:
little lost tiki I've been told that you never sleep you just work on your outstanding art fitting your regular work day into the tiny shreds of time left over. I for one am humbled before your legacy of work and creative genius. Never stop except long enough to say hi at Oasis. I love your work, Wendy

Hallooooooooo Wendy!
Yes.. I do abuse my body with long work hours
long bouts of isolation
painting jags
,but brain stimulation/problem solving/learning
and willpower and discipline
(and at least a few naps thrown in for good measure)
It's a THING,a sickness
a drive
a calling
i dunno... i just get so derned happy and excited with the joy of creating
of exploring
you KNOW how that is....
We have a Mutual Admiration Pact!
Your spy painting is a delight
and those Tiki Bobs
YOU should do a book of all of those!
Thank you for inspiring me
HOPEFULLY as much as you inspire me!

On 2012-06-07 12:15, Bowana wrote:
"Volcano Boy Bowl"

Mah favorite.

Miss you ALMOST as much as i miss Wendy!
The colored ground on watercolor paper
Volcano Boy BOwl was
in the very tip top shelf of
the "failed drawings
and experimental surface treatment page" Repository...
Needing to save time and get the initial impressions of these mugs down
having prepared grounds really helped
NOT to interrupt the flow....
He's my favorite too....

but i'm mama's favorite...

On 2012-06-08 22:07, Tiki Shark Art wrote:
Ah... eek... gasp....
my mind...ahahahah!!!!
(KA-POW!... splatter...)
Oh fergot 2 say.......
the Cannibal totem
"the haves and the have nots" RAWKS!!!!!!!

Gee thanks Brad!
it was fun going back to the paintpen OVER the acrylic
i had done it for so long during my first 7-8 years
That i needed a Sabbatical to ween myself off of drawing
and more towards actual PAINTING
you know the deal!
quite remarkably so!
So now,when i do that technique of paintpen over acrylic ground
it's like riding a bike
and this Bike is well-greased
Don't it feel
after doing it for this long...
That we're finally hitting our stride?

i finished the piece for ElroyArtSpace

here's the info
copied from my last post....
edited slightly....
I was asked by Joe at ElroyArtSpace
to be in their 3rd Annual Art Exhibition during
the Famous TIKI KON 2012 Event!

Here's their website...

and the FACEBOOK page to Tiki Kon 2012!

the theme is
"What Makes Your TIKI Hapi?"
and it will be a 2-month long show
at ElroyArtSpace
Opening reception during Portland's
First Thursday Art Walk on August 2nd.

The requirements for the work....
1)Newly created Wall hang-able(under 40 x 36")
2)And the theme is ....
"YOUR artistic interpretation/answer of:
What Makes Your TIKI Happy?..."

as you read in the last post
i had developed characters
gathering together


the title eluded me....
until tonight

may i present?...

"the Happiest Hour"
acrylic and cel-vinyl on
One Dang Dern Beautiful piece of wood!
(Thank you tree!)

i was pleased with the interior lighting of puffyfish!
Plus he finally gets a second drink!
after i dunno how many paintings!
the radiating lighting
makes him wiggle all happy-like!

a little nod to the ceramic masterworks of Munktiki
on a beautifully carved shelf
with a gorgeous outer tapa thatch thing goin on there....

Here's the shield guy from "Pele's Diamond"
replacing his dayjob as a backstabbing espionage guy
and relaxin with the Ohana...

and here's Volcano Boy Bowl
still debating if i should do a little more
design work
on the sides facing the viewer
(i don't have to do the OTHER side
because YOU'LL never see it,silly!)

and Here's a nice shot
of Shifty and his yet unnamed PNG shield mug buddy
He is just a little bit TOO Happy for my taste...
Whereas shifty is WAAAAAY riding his third MaiTai...
Also take some time to get lost in the overlapping
planes and grains of the table
from a distance it captures the mug's shadows
Close-up...you can just get lost in THAT Funhouse...

for those more interested in PROCESS and TECHNIQUE
Areas where the Lighting Collides and get's all tangled up in each other...

and here's the lovely Bamboo,tapa,and thatching textures

Okay... Back to the TOO HAPPY PNG Mug boy in that piece..
Was talking to Holden via e-mail
about our current TikiFarm project
that launches next month!

You bought Derek's so you Should Buy this One too!
and the other two future ones by future mystery artists!

i sent him a few of my dream mug pics i had posted earlier
and y'know what?
he really DUG this one!
"the Potion" Boy!

Ball was in his court
He tweaked it a bit
so as to function better for YOU...the Mug connisseur

and this is what we got's so far...

See Kids? Dream Mugs sometimes DO come TRUE!

and on that sweet note....

Stay tuned for further adventures of Unamed PNG mug!
I got's ta go to Bed!
work tomorrow..ugh.

Night Night!

Professor G posted on 06/12/2012

There's very few minds I'd want to spend any time in at all, but I always enjoy these little visits into yours. I dug it all, this time around, Kinny. Thanks for the descriptions and discussions.

VampiressRN posted on 06/12/2012

That pitchur & mug look fabulous!!!

danlovestikis posted on 06/12/2012

Gosh Kenny you just make me smile over and over again. I want to look you straight in the eyes to see if I can absorb some of your talent.

Creativity is your middle name and certainly is in every cell of your brain. I just love that there is so much to see in every piece that you paint and draw.

I know how much time it takes to post these photos. Thank you for each and every one of them.

I miss you too, Wendy

foamy posted on 06/12/2012

Really fun stuff. You've honed your style and it's looking very, very good. Carry on (figuatively and literally)!

[ Edited by: foamy 2012-06-12 07:23 ]

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 06/12/2012

Very nice job on the mug set, Kinny
Off the subject for a moment I would like to see an animated cartoon from you
to see your crazy visions come alive could be very interesting.

zerostreet posted on 06/12/2012

Awesome work Ken! Love the piece for Elroy! Who wouldn't be happy in that tableau! Gonna start mine this week!

hang10tiki posted on 06/12/2012

great work

McTiki posted on 06/13/2012

I'm definately digging "Happy Hour" Have always enjoyed the moods you create in your art.

And now.....I await the mug thing.....damned be my addictions....

Keep em flowing



little lost tiki posted on 07/09/2012

Aloha Folks!
loooong Day,but i have a lot of backlog soooooo...
let's get this partay started!

On 2012-06-12 05:28, Professor G wrote:
There's very few minds I'd want to spend any time in at all, but I always enjoy these little visits into yours. I dug it all, this time around, Kinny. Thanks for the descriptions and discussions.

Wow! even i didn't dig them all! You are too kind Professor! What's art if you can only share it visually? Adding a little bit of insight and discussion helps my fellow art brothers realize that they're not alone....that we all have the same fears,doubts,and brash instinctual decisions
that sometimes fall short of the mark...
I've always said that artists shouldn't be put on a pedestal removed from the people
They should be caged with hay on the floor and poked,prodded,and questioned by the crowd...
There are a lot of (I've found) WEIRD things we think about...stuff a lot of folks don't bother with..
it's good they a lil peek...
Thanks again for your encouragement!

On 2012-06-12 05:59, VampiressRN wrote:
That pitcher & mug look fabulous!!!

Thank you,dear! Holden JUST sent me the labels to sign and number and they should be done and sent back to him SOON!
Then i should start on the "potion" PNG mug
sketching it out to spec and stuff.... this one should be fun once we hit the Glaze stage!
Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee x 100!
Thanks for stopping by!

On 2012-06-12 07:10, danlovestikis wrote:
Gosh Kenny you just make me smile over and over again. I want to look you straight in the eyes to see if I can absorb some of your talent.

Creativity is your middle name and certainly is in every cell of your brain. I just love that there is so much to see in every piece that you paint and draw.

I know how much time it takes to post these photos. Thank you for each and every one of them.

I miss you too, Wendy

Hello Wendy
my sweet art-sister!
I would love to just gaze into your beautiful eyes as well..
i LOVE staring contests! it's like you're gazing into a watery viscous soul of another human...
and with artists,,,it's like BAM!
As for creativity...you are the queen
All those Bobs.....incredible!
but the most inspiring thing is
that you got OTHERS involved as well
and created some of the Best and funnest and TRUE ART Tiki Bobs! You have SO much Heart
but the thing that is so wonderful about YOU
is that you not only have HEART for your artwork
but you have heart for all of us misfits!
Keep on keeping on Baby! I'll be seeing you soon at OASIS! :)

On 2012-06-12 07:23, foamy wrote:
Really fun stuff. You've honed your style and it's looking very, very good. Carry on (figuratively and literally)!

Heya Foamy!
Thanks so much for the comments! I've been keeping sketchbooks for quite a long time (1989 to be exact) and it's a real good gauge in terms of studying old content and styles and allowing me to monitor and hone up the parts are lacking...PLUS,there's always SOMETHING i've forgotten about,some old project or painting idea.....and it's surprising how sometimes genius ideas or masterworks slip through the cracks and are neglected for years... Pip! Pip! :)

On 2012-06-12 14:47, zerostreet wrote:
Awesome work Ken! Love the piece for Elroy! Who wouldn't be happy in that tableau! Gonna start mine this week!

Mahalos zerostreet!
Haven't been on here awhile,and now it's Done!
LOVIN your reverb piece! the way the grass sways,capturing that resounding pulsating 'verb!
There's gonna be so many stellar pieces in that show!
ElroyArt is a gonna SHINE!

Man! wish you could have went to Tikisharks and Mile's show at La Luz! I don't get out much,but this was a must see 'cause Brad is OHANA STRONG! It was an incredible showcase for both of them... Miles pieces were very small which provided the perfect balance to Brad's pieces in the adjoining room....In one room you were overwhelmed by delight and being flung into a world of BIG environments,sloshing and floating through brad's painterly textures and lighting....
and in the Miles room ,where you had to move in close to capture all the details ,like looking into one of them Candy Easter eggs with the dioramas inside....reading that back it sounds nuts,but that's how it felt... very small genius lighting, (actually Brad deserves kudos for that as well) minute brush lines.. i mean hair thin....and great narratives all around!
Got waaay too buzzed there with Toe and Doug and saw Hassan and Nick Camara And Holden and Sirginn and a bunch of the Tiki crew!
Here's a picture Toe took of all of us buffoons....

That's Nick Camara Mr. Tiki Magazine (what a sweetie He brought me back my
Ralph Steadman illustrated Curse of Lono! What a guy!)
Hassan Patterson(sp?) Haven't seen this guy in years ! Glad he followed us to the Tonga Hut for after party hangin out!
There's Brad! Hi Brad! Congratulations!
Doug Horne MY Giant and chauffeur for Toe and i,the Drinky Twins!
(Spicy Margaritas mmmmmmm!)
In the foreground is Badass King of the TikiMugs Holden Westland
and the guy on the right just photobombed in there
(but he's wearing a bitchen Paipo Moai Tangata MAnu pendant,so i guess he's cool...)

AAAAAND just because..
a few artjams ago, Toe and i
and i think Tyler
were havin an artjam
and i busted out a Birthday HoHo for Doug!
and the Madness ensued throughout the evening!
Here's a picture of Mick Jagger singing Happy Birthday to mah Giant!

On 2012-06-12 15:38, hang10tiki wrote:
great work

Thanks hang10!
i would have been happy with just a "good work!"
ya makea me blush!
Thanks for coming by and taking a peep!

On 2012-06-13 13:36, McTiki wrote:
I'm definitely digging "Happy Hour" Have always enjoyed the moods you create in your art.
And now.....I await the mug thing.....damned be my addictions....
Keep em flowing

Hello McTiki!
Thank YOU for vibing on the moods of the piece... Sometimes a painting reflects a mood not intended by the artist,
either it's because the painting rebels and finds its true intent
or the viewers misinterpret the purpose and feeling of a piece...
everything works out PERFECTLY
and i smile BIG! :)
Happy Hour is one of them pieces...

Look forward to hearing your thoughts on these mugs
once they're ready
and sent
to hundreds
of greasy mug-coveting paws
around the globe!
Mahalo for the visit!

and now...... finally ,it's time for art.....
First off.....wandered a bit
stopped painting
and did a bunch of drawings
following my bliss and instinct
because it's only Aquarelle 100% cotton Watercolor paper,right?

Did a crapload of tissue paper and ink stains on about $250 worth of Aquarelle
baby has expensive tastes! :)
Here are the lot of em!
(i'm putting them HERE instead of my GALLERY posts ,because they ain't paintings
but be patient i have a piece in the works at the very bottom...

"the Chief's Bowl"
12 x 16"
ink,Copic pen,bleachpen,cel-vinyl,and pencil
on tissue paper and ink-stained
Aquarelle watercolor paper
private collection

a mixture of a loose study of a Hawaiian carving
with what i would imagine to be a cool bowl in a Tiki Bar! :)

i can almost hear em GRUNTING!!!!

a close-up of the face and grains

le VolcanO!

"Conversation with an Idol"
ink,bleachpen,and Copic marker on tissue paper stained Aquarelle watercolor paper

and one of my faves.....for the concept alone...
"Cry of the Toothless Cannibal"
12 x 16"
ink,Copic pen,bleachpen,cel-vinyl,and pencil
on tissue paper and ink-stained
Aquarelle watercolor paper

Haven't approached the
"psychology of the Cannibal" series in a while...
They've been
and a whole other mess of emotions
SO i decided to examine
the life of the toothless cannibal in this piece....
and lemme tell ya... it ain't pretty!

Here's a closeup of the top skull and his headdress

the lil midget skull above his nose...

and the one in his widdle hands...

"the Dreaming Head"
ink,bleachpen,and Copic marker on tissue paper stained Aquarelle watercolor paper
private collection

i liked the idea of a shrunken head,unable to move physically
but only through the spirit and mind....
it would appear to be a happy situation

"Guardians to the land of Pele"
12 x 16"
ink,Copic pen,bleachpen,cel-vinyl,and pencil
on tissue paper and ink-stained
Aquarelle watercolor paper

This one was fun because i worked on it when it was damp so parts of it
have this nice messy immediacy (is that a word? it's LATE!)
Also the zigzag/triangle pseudo tapa stripe across the top
evokes volcanoes
and rugged mountains

a close-up of the shield to give you an idea of the messiness...

the skulls at their feet!

"Jungle Pool"
ink,cel-vinyl and bleachpen on tissue paper stained Aquarelle
watercolor paper
12 x16
private collection

This one is more about Papua New Guinea the land
as opposed to their art,Spirit Hooks.Shields,or Masks
i apologize to the purists out there
but it's just too dazzlin NOT to share!
This one was a fun opportunity to try and capture the lighting of Jungle foliage onto water...as well as playing with above and below the surface of the pool effects....nomnomnom!

"Shield designs inspired by Kamanggabi carvings"
(Upper Sepik,PNG)
ink,bleachpen,and Copic marker on tissue paper stained Aquarelle watercolor paper

a little altered study of the Masters..

"Outside the Doomed village"
ink,bleachpen,and Copic marker on tissue paper stained Aquarelle watercolor paper

Here's a repeat of an old favorite tiki of mine,but instead of hanging out in a Modernist architectural environment
i threw him back out in the jungle
where he belongs.....
for this one i used proper instead of stylized skulls
just seemed more appropriate....

ink and bleachpen on tissue paper stained Aquarelle watercolor paper

a quick Modernist study...very rewarding..

"the Restless Night"
12 x 16"
inkand bleachpen
on tissue paper and ink-stained
Aquarelle watercolor paper

Haven't done a Maori-themed piece as of late,and since i had the ink and the bleachpen..........

a close-up of the crowded mouth...

and Maori Tonguefellow

"Sun and Moon"
12 x 16"
ink,Copic pen,bleachpen,and pencil
on tissue paper and ink-stained
Aquarelle watercolor paper

loosely inspired by some Sepik River Spirit /Ancestor Hooks


a Zoom-in of the crocs...


"Bath in the Land of the Volcanoes"
Tissue paper stain,ink,and cel-vinyl on Aquarelle watercolor paper
12 x 16"

This piece is for the Fire/Volcano/Pele ArtSwap going on now on Tiki Central! Interested in Paticipating?
Deadline is August 8th

"Sun and Moon"
ink,tissue paper stain,gold paintpen on Aquarelle watercolor paper

the FIRST version of the one up a ways....

"Sun Dance"
ink,tissue paper stain,bleachpen on Aquarelle watercolor paper
Loosely inspired
Loosely inspired by a Middle Sepik river Sacred mask Ancestor
from the Ai Bom Village in Papua new Guinea

"Tapa melody in Green"
ink,tissue paper stain,gold paintpen,and bleachpen on Aquarelle watercolor paper

a couple of more birds and a croc ...
"the Gossips"
ink,tissue paper stain,and bleachpen on Aquarelle watercolor paper

"the last Pineapple"
ink,tissue paper stain,and cel-vinyl on Aquarelle watercolor paper

"the Secret Smile"
ink,tissue paper stain,pastel pencil on Aquarelle watercolor paper

"the Warm Smile"
ink,tissue paper stain,and cel-vinyl on Aquarelle watercolor paper

Loosely inspired by a female figure Spirit hook from a Kanganaman village
Papua new Guinea

"Three Birds"
ink,tissue paper stain,and cel-vinyl on Aquarelle watercolor paper

"Jungle Birds"
ink,tissue paper stain,and cel-vinyl on Aquarelle watercolor paper

a little more abstract meets PNG shield motif....
the EYES!!!

"the unexpected dinner guest"
12 x 16"
ink and pencil and
on tissue paper and ink-stained
Aquarelle watercolor paper

Vegetarian meets Cannibal Carnivore!


a detail of the volcano in the background...

i think i'll do a piece JUST of this pineapple bowl...

Did some more Sketchbook Dream Mugs
while seeking a design to do on this HUGE 2x6 foot canvas i got at the Art Supply warehouse....

i hope to incorporate these kids into a painting sometime soon

HOWZAT for a drawing explosion?!?!?!?

But THEN! i chanced upon this doodle
and it caught me fancy...

so i sketched it onto the 6x2 foot canvas like so!

it'd the beginnings of a 6 foot x 2 untitled as of yet
I'm doin it for the Kinny BigToe show in January
and i figured if i went big and did something MINDBLOWING
then that would motivate the Toe to do the same!
Which would mean TWO great Awesome Art pieces for the show!

Her'es a size comparison....
I'm 5' 11"
and the canvas is at a slight angle so it wouldn't fall over....

Teeeeeeeen HUT!

and here's yours truly getting into the personality and vibe of the Cannibal King
before preparing for THE BRUSHWORK!

i wore that Lynyrd Skynyrd shirt especially for YOU ALL..
We can't always paint in Hawaiian shirts,y'know!

Here's 2 close-ups of the messy pencils..

These birds give BigToe the creeps
so i think i'ma gonna paint him one for Christmas! :)

and here's a close-up of one of my favorite parts...
note the clever use of a Papua New Guinea smiling mouth
and birds
atop what is clearly a Hawaiian Lono-esque helmet
Somehow it works
does it work for you?

Note! this is for the artists
so if art-technique talk ain't your thing
i used a softer lead to sketch this down
and used my finger to rub in some of the lighting..
after that i SPRAYED it with a fixative
as i didn't want the lead to mix with the paint
it would muddy thangs up...
However,if you use a water-soluble pencil
then the blending with the paint is fine
and one can actually create some tones and shadows that way...

Anyways...that's all i remember that evening
for a spooky mist enveloped the backroom
it whispered something to me
and that's all i remember

until i awoke and heard some rustling in the Big room....
What's this lurking in the studio?

i lost the shots of the second stage of raw umber under-lighting
but as soon as i find em
i'll plop em on this amazingly long thread!

now for some details of the piece so far in three parts.....



Actually, in my head
this would be an ACTUAL SIZE Cannibal King!
Wait til you see it in person when it's done..
I think it's gonna be a good 'un!
fingers crossed!
Well,nice seein y'alls and thanks for the visits!

http://www.kenruzic.com will be up someday,REALLY!
it's just that I've been soooooo busy!
BUT I'm on FaceBook if you'd like to see more
if you don't prefer wading thru these epic-length posts
THO i usually post on TC first
(for obvious reasons)

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2012-07-21 07:16 ]

KAHAKA posted on 07/09/2012

Wow... I like all of it. Amazing as always!!

TravelingJones posted on 07/09/2012

Dr. Kinny,

You make my mind smile. Is this normal?

Thank you,
Little Lost Jonesey

danlovestikis posted on 07/09/2012

Oh Oh OHHHHHHH Three birds and the Gossips you know are my favorites. Thank you for the note. I stole it and posted it on my thread so I may read it often. You bring joy into this world. Love your art Kenny. See you at Oasis. Wendy

Whystler posted on 07/09/2012

Love your art and your designs!


MadDogMike posted on 07/09/2012

Too much good stuff to digest in one sitting!

Toothless Cannibal :lol:

When you translate the shrunken head bowl into 3D, you can flop the hair "ponytails" into the bowl. "Excuse me bartender, there's a hair in my bowl!"

[ Edited by: MadDogMike 2012-07-09 11:58 ]

hang10tiki posted on 07/09/2012

Freekin A
U rock

zerostreet posted on 07/09/2012

Yeah, amazing stuff as always. Would be so great to have been at Brad's show. One day I do hope to get out there and meet a bunch of you!

little lost tiki posted on 07/21/2012

HowdyLoha y'alls!
Just got back from a trip to the Homeland
in Illinois and MAN! the Boy is recharged!
aaaaaaaaaaand..in the name of curiosity AND mild-agitation
i OPTED OUT of the big oppressive TSA machines every airport
and got to inform the TSA about how FBI Headquarters and Israeli airports
do NOT use these machines,but instead use roving bomb and drug sniffing dogs...
Now WHY izzat? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm?
Anyways it was kinda fun and intimidating at the same time
Orange County has NOT ONE shred of humor when it comes to TSA agents..
But St. Paul Minnesota and Bloomington airports have a bunch of funny friendly informative TSA fellahs..
i recommend you ALL opt out and get the search...it's a good way to get to know our oppressors....

Anyways... FULLY RECHARGED and ready to work more on the cannibal King

(i recently added the pencil sketch on canvas pix that i thought i had lost
so if you're curious what's UNDER that painting,go back to page 190 and SEE!

i have read in Bilge that some folks are annoyed by the big quotes from previous posts before answering ...
Well...that's how i keep track of the comments and can answer them to their fullest......
it's how this thread rolls as of recent,and much easier for me....
and when you're posting a BUNCH of new art,it gets confusing enough...
Soooooo if you don't prefer it
then please just proceed straight to the art...

On 2012-07-09 05:36, KAHAKA wrote:
Wow... I like all of it. Amazing as always!!

Thanks KAHAKA-expect another major ARTBURT soon!

On 2012-07-09 05:47, TravelingJones wrote:
Dr. Kinny,
You make my mind smile. Is this normal?
Thank you,
Little Lost Jonesey

Thanks for the visit!
Glad i could bring a smile to your face! it makes my heart warm just thinkin about it!
YES! it is normal and it is intended ..
If a painting doesn't bring joy,or happiness,or amazement,then i say throw it out!
We need to chat soon about unfinished paintings,so whenever you're ready old friend....

On 2012-07-09 07:48, danlovestikis wrote:
Oh Oh OHHHHHHH Three birds and the Gossips you know are my favorites. Thank you for the note. I stole it and posted it on my thread so I may read it often. You bring joy into this world. Love your art Kenny. See you at Oasis. Wendy

Hi Wendy!
Been gettin into the birdys and crocs lately..
There was so much nature and animals to see in Illinois...most certainly this love of animals and foliage
will trickle into the work very soon! :) Thank YOU Wendy,for being such a constant inspiration and friend!
I wish All of us artists could love and share our work as much as you do! See you soon,Beautiful!
Love that Spy piece! Can't wait to see how Otto turns out! the second round seems to be off to a good start!
Hugs to you and Dan!

On 2012-07-09 08:42, Whystler wrote:
Love your art and your designs!


Mahalos Sir! Thanks for the visit! I'll try to keep the bar high!

On 2012-07-09 11:43, MadDogMike wrote:
Too much good stuff to digest in one sitting!
Toothless Cannibal :lol:
When you translate the shrunken head bowl into 3D, you can flop the hair "ponytails" into the bowl. "Excuse me bartender, there's a hair in my bowl!"

Thanks MD!
Love your pistol....you always come in at the most obtuse angle and then just NAIL it!
Glad the toothless Cannibal made you laugh! He's quite the whiner!
Good call on the hair slipping into the bowl!
Someday i would like to be able to make ALL of these fun ideas REAL!

On 2012-07-09 13:35, hang10tiki wrote:
Freekin A
U rock

Did you Doubt? I DO have a Lynyrd Skynyrd shirt,y'know
and ALWAYS see the Melvins when in town...
Rockin is in the BLOOD,Brother!
Thanks for stoppin by fer a spell!

On 2012-07-09 16:14, zerostreet wrote:
Yeah, amazing stuff as always. Would be so great to have been at Brad's show. One day I do hope to get out there and meet a bunch of you!

zerostreet! Someday buddy...Someday! You are welcome to crash on the studio couch and save on hotel costs
if you ever get out here....I'll plan an Artjam around your visit!

Well....as i've said
Illinois recharged this BOY
Spent most of the time
and only did a FEW sketches
but here they are...

an abstract tropical mug design

a couple more mug designs
the upper right one was inspired by the Shag Enchanted Tiki room mug
Noticed that in retrospect..

and here's some actual studies of actual carvings...

please excuse the naughty bits
it IS a female figure...

and my favorite from the batch..

That's all i have for now
stay tuned for more Cannibal King progress
and other Surprises!
Aloha Ohana!

danlovestikis posted on 07/21/2012

Aloha Kenny, I am so happy you are into nature. I'm enjoying your journey so very much. Otto's face is not easy since it's a 3/4 turn but I'll not give up. Your portrait had that twinkle in the eye quality that was so fun to capture. Dear friend I'm looking forward to Dan taking a photo of my Kenny hugs. I'm looking forward to your surprises coming up here. Cheers, Wendy

MadDogMike posted on 07/21/2012

Kinny, you need one of these shirts to wear through the scanners ~


Regarding the new art ~ Numbers 15, 16, 17 & 18

tigertail777 posted on 07/24/2012

Dammit LLT I just cannot keep up with you... yer some kinda tiki whirlwind or somethin' :D

Yes please do keep me in the loop if you ever get an art book done.

I am hoping to go to the Tiki Kon here in Portland if I can afford it, so hopefully I will see some of your art in person. Never been to any Tiki major "do" before, and would love to go... have to wait and see what happens. :)

Tiki Shark Art posted on 07/28/2012

Ken - U RAWK!!! When ever I get stuck on colors I brows your thread and get inspired!

GROG posted on 07/29/2012

Orange and green, that pretty much covers it. :D

little lost tiki posted on 07/30/2012

Mahalos Kids!
Will have some new shots of art very soon
and replies to all your kind posts...

but for now....
THESE GO ON SALE TODAY at 9am Pacific Time!


Go there and get a couple!

thank you

danlovestikis posted on 07/30/2012

Congratulations Kenny on another work of art going out to be treasured by all your fans. It's so special to have Holden turn your paintings into mugs and decanters. Less than two weeks and I'll get my Kenny hugs, ((((((:::: Wendy

zerostreet posted on 07/30/2012

Congrats on the cocktail set Kenny! Very cool!

little lost tiki posted on 08/02/2012

Hi Kids! a quick posting
before i go off to work today......

On 2012-07-21 12:26, danlovestikis wrote:
Aloha Kenny, I am so happy you are into nature. I'm enjoying your journey so very much. Otto's face is not easy since it's a 3/4 turn but I'll not give up. Your portrait had that twinkle in the eye quality that was so fun to capture. Dear friend I'm looking forward to Dan taking a photo of my Kenny hugs. I'm looking forward to your surprises coming up here. Cheers, Wendy

Aloha Wendy dear!
Only a few more weeks!Nature IS quite the inspiration,,,
i think if i lived amongst it
i would be over-inspired every day!

On 2012-07-21 16:11, MadDogMike wrote:
Kinny, you need one of these shirts to wear through the scanners ~


Regarding the new art ~ Numbers 15, 16, 17 & 18

i prefer to go thru their checkpoints
armed only with knowledge!

On 2012-07-24 02:02, tigertail777 wrote:
Dammit LLT I just cannot keep up with you... yer some kinda tiki whirlwind or somethin' :D

Yes please do keep me in the loop if you ever get an art book done.

I am hoping to go to the Tiki Kon here in Portland if I can afford it, so hopefully I will see some of your art in person. Never been to any Tiki major "do" before, and would love to go... have to wait and see what happens. :)

That's this week! Starting Thursday night at ElroyArt! Hope you can get there!
Just mingling and talking with other artists can be a well-needed boost!
plus you don't feel so alone and crazy! :)

On 2012-07-28 02:22, Tiki Shark Art wrote:
Ken - U RAWK!!! When ever I get stuck on colors I brows your thread and get inspired!

love you Brad!
Sounds like an endless loop...
Because i go to your thread for inspiration as you well know!
and on
and on
and on!

On 2012-07-29 11:30, GROG wrote:
Orange and green, that pretty much covers it. :D

and you wonder why i never call you,Ernie....

and a few comments about the Classic Cocktail set...

On 2012-07-30 10:10, danlovestikis wrote:
Congratulations Kenny on another work of art going out to be treasured by all your fans. It's so special to have Holden turn your paintings into mugs and decanters. Less than two weeks and I'll get my Kenny hugs, ((((((:::: Wendy

Mahalos Wendy! it IS quite a thrill! Hoping to do 1 a year at least with my buddy!
Hugs so close i can almost taste em!

On 2012-07-30 10:42, zerostreet wrote:
Congrats on the cocktail set Kenny! Very cool!

Thank you very much,brother!These kind of projects i LOVE because regular folks can get ahold of some art...and it has a FUNCTION.....

to be resold at a higher price on eBAY! :lol:

enough comedy...
Here's a new piece...
"Night Totem"
acrylic and cel-vinyl on canvas
6 x 36"

and some close-ups i'll narrate at a later date


and more progress on the 6-foot Cannibal King!

and some close-ups..
narration later!

and some ultra close-ups...

and i've been customizing a few of those Classic Cocktail sets...
here's the first SO FAR!
stilll a lotta work on this baby!

that's all for today!
Happy Birthday to Me!

MadDogMike posted on 08/02/2012

Kinster, love the little hornbills :lol:
See ya in a couple of weeks

hiltiki posted on 08/02/2012

Night Totem and the customized cocktail set looks great. Happy birthday Kenny, have loads of fun.

danlovestikis posted on 08/02/2012

Love love love the new with birds and alligator paintings and the custom decanter set is beautiful. Happy Birthday Dear Heart, Wendy

little lost tiki posted on 08/10/2012

'Ello Guvnahs!
it's late,but i got's a lot of pieces done for you to see
and possibly OWN if you're attending the
2nd annual Tiki Highway event
the week after tiki Oasis
at Don the Beachcombers!

but first.....

On 2012-08-02 07:46, MadDogMike wrote:
Kinster, love the little hornbills :lol:
See ya in a couple of weeks

Thanks Mike! Been a whirlwind lately...
Just got a batch of boo Ben frames
so the past week has been a blur....

I'll be looking for you on Saturday,buddy!

On 2012-08-02 08:43, hiltiki wrote:
Night Totem and the customized cocktail set looks great. Happy birthday Kenny, have loads of fun.

Why thank you my dear! Almost finished with the cocktail set...Will post that soon! And thanks for the Birthday greeting! friday night BooBen came by,set up shop in the studio parking lot,and banged out a previous frame order and then some!Toe came in with adventure stories of Aussieland AND tripped over the floor fan AFTER i pointed to it and said,"TOM! the floor fan is HERE! Be careful of it Because i KNOW you're a clutz!" He nodded and then proceeded to trip over it not 10 seconds later.....
what a maroon!
To alleviate the situation, my giant Doug
came by and he made YUMMY Cupcakes!
What a Suzy Homemaker!
i bet his cats helped him bake them!
We watched Amazon Prison from Netflix for the
Birthday Artjam Movie of Choice
lots of topless mommas.....everyone approved....
Anyways! I gotta post this stuff and get to bed at a decent hour...
Thanks for the visit ,beautiful!

On 2012-08-02 09:08, danlovestikis wrote:
Love love love the new with birds and alligator paintings and the custom decanter set is beautiful. Happy Birthday Dear Heart, Wendy

And thank YOU,dear Wendy!
Guess i'll be seeing YOU very soon as well!!!!
Hugs aplenty to be had!

These first two are based on previous drawings from my last watercolor paper jag.....

Volcano Bowl Boy"
acrylic and cel-vinyl on wood
with an Incredible Bamboo Ben frame!

part of a new batch
i'm slappin up for Tiki Highway
in a few weeks!
Please Come down and say,"Hullo!"

Here's a close-up!

"the Potion"
acrylic and cel-vinyl on wood
with a Primitively Splendid Bamboo Ben frame!
private collection

acrylic and cel-vinyl on wood
with a Red Hot Bamboo Ben frame!

"Bird Shield"
acrylic and cel-vinyl on wood
with an uplifting Bamboo Ben frame!

"the Warrior Twins"
acrylic and cel-vinyl on wood
with a stunning Bamboo Ben frame!

"Lunch on the Sepik River"
acrylic and cel-vinyl on wood
with a simple and sweet Bamboo Ben frame!

and here's some close-ups....
the lil bird on his tail...

the lil bird on his leg

and here's a good shot to show how the
magenta works with the greens of the alligator....
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and my favorite of the batch...
"Dusk on the Sepik River"
acrylic and cel-vinyl on wood
with a wild and untamed Bamboo Ben frame!
private collection
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This little Spirit Hook seems to have stumbled upon
some crocs helping themselves to dinner
while some hungry birds wait impatiently from the jungle trees...
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a croc!
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another 'un!
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a couple of birds...
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a couple more famished fellows...
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a closer view of the feeding frenzy!
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and a nice view of the croc hiding in the underbrush
next to his ravenous friend in the foreground...
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That's all i got for now! Thanks again for all the visits and nice comments!
Goodnight Ohana!

http://www.kenruzic.com will be up someday,REALLY!
I'm on FaceBook Too!Look me UP,folks!

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2012-08-30 06:40 ]

MadDogMike posted on 08/10/2012

Have mercy!! ~ "Dusk on the Sepik River" is great Kinny. Everyone looks happy except the fishies! :D And the framing on "The Warrior Twins" is outstanding, very unique.

tigertail777 posted on 08/12/2012

Happy belated Birthday Kenny! Didn't get to make it to Tiki Kon, there is always next year. You continue to make a plethora of stunning new pieces as always. :)

little lost tiki posted on 08/13/2012

Aloha Chillens!
Well.... only have two pieces to share
but they're good 'uns...
Boy had to go to the OC Fair
and get his Tilt-A-Whirl
and Pig Races ON!
you GOT to unnerstan'...
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On 2012-08-10 05:52, MadDogMike wrote:
Have mercy!! ~ "Dusk on the Sepik River" is great Kinny. Everyone looks happy except the fishies! :D And the framing on "The Warrior Twins" is outstanding, very unique.

Hey Mike! Hats off to Bamboo Ben for that parking lot Birthday Frame Jam!!!! That man amazes me.....and pulls great birthday pranks on FaceBook....
Glad you groove on the Dusk painting... there's a really cool mood to it ..
makes me want to plat with more animals...maybe snakes
or something that doen't prefer fishies!
or i could do some monkeys to piss my giant off! :)
Anyways...stoked i get to see you in this upcoming Saturday!!!

On 2012-08-12 00:29, tigertail777 wrote:
Happy belated Birthday Kenny! Didn't get to make it to Tiki Kon, there is always next year. You continue to make a plethora of stunning new pieces as always. :)

Hey Tigertail!
Mahalo for the Birthday wishes and nice words.... Maybe next year for Tiki Kon....So many great events goin on! Overwhelming!
maybe some time you can make it down to Tiki Oasis and mingle with us jokers....

first piece...
for the 2nd Annual Tiki Highway event
that myself,BooBen,Toe,and the Horne will be vending
at Don the BeachComber's....

with a beautiful hefty Mikel Parton frame
acrylic and cel-vinyl on masonite
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sans frame...
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First off... this is the first time that the pufferfish is thrown into the role of griper....or is he trying to cheer up the other Downer Frowny mugs?
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This Lono is definitely airin some grievances!
and i imagine the headhunter in the foreground will be complaining of a cracked tooth after chomping on that
rock hard noggin! Also note the coconut mug in the foreground.
i choose that because the exterior is so rough and gruff...
or is it "grough"?
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and here is my dream volcano Lono Bowl
Now these fellahs are the MAIN subject of the title
as their crabby attitudes emanate outward...
But can you blame them? they never

  1. get to look at each other when they're talking
  2. they never get to see the spectacular volcano eruption...
  3. the other Lono is ALWAYS talking behind your back!
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and a little slice of peacefulness with some
gentle lights and the bird shield....
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and an abstract concept moody piece
a little deviation from the regular colorways
but it turned out nicely...
kinda WEIRDLY nice
but a fine departure to build upon in future pieces....

"Ancestor Rain"
Acrylic and cel vinyl on wood
with a Raw Unfettered Bamboo Ben frame!
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i imagined a light rainfall of Ancestor Spirits
trickling down from the stars
flowing downward
slipping over and thru branches
and each other
as they creep about and explore their sleeping village....
and greet a newly emerged spirit...
(lower left)

All of these are derived from studies of shield and masks
from the new Guinea area
and then Ruzic'ed up a little...

LOVE the little upper right fellow!
all peekin from behind the tree
like he's shy and giggly!
and big moonface
clawing about as he descends down into the village....
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Here's a CLOSE-UP to enjoy.....
Note the tree behind/thru him...
and his transparent arm
grasping and feeling around...
also the arm of an Ancestor above him
swoopin right thru his eye!
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Here's a newly emerged Ancestor Spirit
rising out of his skull
and readying himself to meet his fellow ghosties
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Hereis more of a PAN-OUT view from the above close-up....
some palms and rolling hills and various scattered bones
and a hut
oh great! i forgot to paint the shield on the HUT!
my duh...
i especially like the arm reaching downward thru the palm.
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Here's a little higher up
a bigger concentration of personalities
and more of a tangle thru the trees
like wind and rain....
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and here's the top of the painting...
where the Ancestor Spirits come from...
the stars
the heavens...
even the mask attached to the tree seems to come to life
to greet these spirits as they percolate down from the treetops...
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Well.... that's all i got kids!
Thank you for your comments
and visits..i hope these paintings bring a smile to your day!
Night! Night!

MadDogMike posted on 08/14/2012

"or I could do some monkeys to piss my giant off!"
"or is he trying to cheer up the other Downer Frowny mugs?"
"they never get to look at each other when they're talking"
"all peekin from behind the tree like he's shy and giggly!"
"to greet these spirits as they percolate down from the treetops..."

Kinny, I think you've been drinking too many camel milkshakes!

"Anyways...stoked I get to see you in this upcoming Saturday!!!"

That's the only sane thing you said in the whole post! :D

H Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/21154/649119ceb7046.jpg?sharp=10&fit=crop&w=96&h=96&s=200302534909fce323ced4bdc72e29c6
hang10tiki posted on 08/14/2012

Those rock..

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/94b38fe0f31f94451c9c0a805680a59f?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Tabu posted on 08/14/2012

Awesome new batch of work. An inspiration as always.

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/d05d519ae49268b51344bcce14ed6ab9?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
tikiskip posted on 08/14/2012

It's like Thanksgiving at home when I was young.
Or even like working with my family in the restaurant.
Good times.

Wish I was in Cali so I could pick up something.
Great works really.

danlovestikis posted on 08/15/2012

I'm going to run your numbers to 1,000,000 all on my own. I can't stop coming back to look again. Sepic river paintings are just so perfect and beautiful. I will squeeze you so hard at Oasis so I can absorb some of that creativity. So watch out it is almost time!!! Wendy

W Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/c10e2fc327cd15399c5af82f04ebc893?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
WaikikianMoeKele posted on 08/15/2012

Beautifious!!! I love how I think I see everything in one of your pieces & then I see something else! It's like a "Where's Waldo" but instead it's "Where's Tiki"!!!

TSA Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Tiki Shark Art posted on 08/22/2012

Dig those gaters! & Crocs! WOW!

little lost tiki posted on 08/26/2012

Hello Ohana!
So good to see so many of you at Tiki Oasis
No replies this entry
i am sad to say that they will have to wait....
i am sleep deprived and still need a bath before i have some pillow time!

the rest of the thread is the same,except for these few added comments here....

On 2012-08-13 17:58, MadDogMike wrote:
"or I could do some monkeys to piss my giant off!"
"or is he trying to cheer up the other Downer Frowny mugs?"
"they never get to look at each other when they're talking"
"all peekin from behind the tree like he's shy and giggly!"
"to greet these spirits as they percolate down from the treetops..."

Kinny, I think you've been drinking too many camel milkshakes!

"Anyways...stoked I get to see you in this upcoming Saturday!!!"

That's the only sane thing you said in the whole post! :D

Sorry Mike!
When i get sleep-deprived i get LOOPY!
SO FABBO seeing you at Oasis
and Mahalo for the Gun!
I sported it during the KUSI filming Friday morn with Toe and Suzy!
drank a BUNCH of Cinnamon Whiskey in it before filming
i think that helped with my facial expressions!

On 2012-08-13 20:25, hang10tiki wrote:
Those rock..

Thanks Hang10tiki for that eloquent commentary!
Glad i could bring some Amazement to your day!

On 2012-08-14 15:54, Tabu wrote:
Awesome new batch of work. An inspiration as always.

Mahalo Tabu!
Sometimes it's a desert
and sometimes a BUNCH of good ones just rain down from the Heavens..
This was a good shower! :)
Glad i could pass on some inspiration....

On 2012-08-14 16:26, tikiskip wrote:
It's like Thanksgiving at home when I was young.
Or even like working with my family in the restaurant.
Good times.

Wish I was in Cali so I could pick up something.
Great works really.

tikiskip-Thanks man! You hit the nail on the head with "the Complainers!
i wanted to capture that grumpy drunken bickering
glad you picked up on it!
and....you don't need to be in Cali to pick up something,,
if'n you like something,PM me
and we can discuss adoptions if it's available....
i don't hard-sell the paintings at all
they're mostly online PMs and emails
That keeps the art as art
and the biznazz side is behind-the-scenes
so as not to spoil the vibe here...
Thank you for all your kind words!

On 2012-08-14 17:11, danlovestikis wrote:
I'm going to run your numbers to 1,000,000 all on my own. I can't stop coming back to look again. Sepik river paintings are just so perfect and beautiful. I will squeeze you so hard at Oasis so I can absorb some of that creativity. So watch out it is almost time!!! Wendy

So fantastic seeing you and Dan and being able to visit and squeeze you! You are my Art-sister and i am always delighted at your creations and admire your love and adherence to your craft.
i wished we lived closer because i be visiting you all the time! :)

On 2012-08-14 18:21, WaikikianMoeKele wrote:
Beautifious!!! I love how I think I see everything in one of your pieces & then I see something else! It's like a "Where's Waldo" but instead it's "Where's Tiki"!!!

Hey Kele! Just got your bead mosaic of Diamondhead Volcano and it is beautiful! These Art Swaps are the BEST! Mahalo! I try to cram as much into these worlds because...well....they're worlds! I want them to be alive..to be a place someone can visit over and over again...Like walking thru a jungle....there's something new around every corner! :)

On 2012-08-21 20:03, Tiki Shark Art wrote:
Dig those gaters! & Crocs! WOW!

Thanks Bradley! Now get back to painting! I wanna see MORE outta YOU! :)

And now back to the previous thread...
thank you for your patience.....

It's time for the 2nd Annual Tiki Highway Promo!

Here's where trouble will be lurking at the event....
the red Dot indicates where the art show will be!
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Here are some of the goodies i will have there
(and also if you scroll upward-lots of the stuff i'll be bringing will be located there!)

First off is my first embellished Classic Cocktail Set from Tiki Farm!
cel-vinyl in the recesses,some sealing and then some enamel
WHICH IS HARD! Sam Gambino-you are a MAgician!
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Here's a round About view of the Pitcher
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"the Snake"
acrylic and cel-vinyl on wood
with an incredible Bamboo Ben shield Frame
30 x 22.5"
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This painting is pretty basic....
a snake slithering thru a cannibal bone-yard...
and the surprise and delight of the shields as he passes by!

Here's the Main Middle Image
showing the majority of the piece
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and details...
the SNAKE!
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the smiling shield gettin tickled as the snake slithers by...
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and the other fellow who is
not too pleased by the visit!
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"Big Teeth little Teeth"
acrylic and cel-vinyl on wood
with an elegant Bamboo Ben Frame
16 x 21.5"
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this one began with some light acrylic washes over the wood
JUST ENOUGH to let the grains peek thru
gotta love that texture!


the touches of light salmon really bring it together.
And the light blue i chose to take the place of the cream or white i would have normally used.....
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little teeth!
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"Hungry Cannibal (Dream Mug)"
acrylic and cel-vinyl on wood
with an Bare Bones Bamboo Ben Frame
10.5 x 16"
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this fellow is one of my dream mugs....someday i will make one!
He's based on a sketchbook doodle
posted 1-2 pages back

the last sight you may ever see....
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"Night in the Jungle"
acrylic and cel-vinyl on wood
with an delightful Bamboo Ben Frame
21 x 20"
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since 1990 i had been doing textiles and graphics for
Rusty Surfboards,Hawaiian Island Creations
and other various companies
Sometimes it still spills out on canvas...

without frame
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"the Sliver of Moonlight"
acrylic and cel-vinyl on wood
with a beautifully speckled Bamboo Ben Frame
23.5 x 24"
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For this piece i wanted to capture the feeling of a darkened bar
that suddenly gets interrupted by a customer opening the door
and allowing a sliver of moonlight and reality to pierce the
magic of the enclosed bar environment...

this chap is squinting a bit...
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a shield on the wall surveys a pineapple/fruit bowl and a coconut mug almost empty of it's beverage....
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ths mug seems to not even notice as he chats with a shield on the wall
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acrylic and cel-vinyl on wood
with a simple Bamboo Ben Frame
17 x 13"
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This guy is a companion to the happier sun from a few days ago....
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"Two Rowers"
acrylic and cel-vinyl on wood
with an Bare Bones Bamboo Ben Frame
12 x 16"
private collection
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i love the Moai in the back
kinda mad at Mr. Lazybones in the front
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"Shrunken Head in Repose"
acrylic and cel-vinyl on wood
in a Bamboo Ben frame!
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Another study in the psychology of the detached head
i painted it in a semi-cubist meets realism style
trying to capture both the physical and thought/spirit/mind
of this guy...

REPOSE-"The act of resting or the state of being at rest. 2. Freedom from worry; peace of mind. 3. Calmness; tranquillity"

a withered ear....
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a stitched up eye socket....
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stitching together the mouth
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i wonder what shrunken heads think of
when they're at rest?
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That's it! I need some sleep!
See y'all SOON!
I will reply to all your wonderful comments this week
Thank you again for your excitement and encouragement!

http://www.kenruzic.com will be up someday,REALLY!
I'm on FaceBook Too!Look me UP,folks!

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2012-09-03 23:10 ]

zerostreet posted on 08/26/2012

Great work as always Ken!! TWO ROWERS is particularly amazing! Have a great show!

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