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Wendy Cevola - Began on 01/10/2025 - Todd Locker's black velvet wish in progress. New photos often.

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littlegiles posted on 09/11/2012

Thanks everyone for the congrats. Wendy, I know it is going to seem strange, but I think I just want a classic Bob glaze. I'm a sucker for a vintage look. :)

  • Dale
Hale Tiki posted on 09/11/2012

Can't wait to see everything come out of the kiln!!!

danlovestikis posted on 09/11/2012

Good Morning everyone. littlegiles that's not strange at all, vintage it is.

This will not be my last contest to sponsor, they are just too much fun.

Progress Report:

When when we loaded the kiln with Mahalo Tiki's mugs I also added a lot of glaze tests. I'm checking out some colors for hula girl skin. I'll be glazing 19Tiki Cheif62's Missionary's Downfall woman so I'm searching for that ethnic blend of the islands.

Now I've started hauling in all the glaze colors that I'll be using for the Wish List projects. I've contacted most everyone whose colors I wanted to verify. If I didn't contact you then I haven't gotten far enough along on your project.

I'll have more later today but we need to go now to run some errands.

Cheers, Wendy

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ZeroTiki posted on 09/11/2012

There was a CONTEST??

-oh, bother.

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LoriLovesTiki posted on 09/12/2012

Zero, I missed the contest too. :( I was busy all weekend.

Oh well, it was still fun to read about. I'm back at school and have been missing my Wendy show. So good to catch up. Congrats Dale, maybe you should buy some lottery tickets. You're on a roll.

I just sent a PM about those peanut mugs. I'm supposed to be watching my money and not buying stuff but boy am I tempted!!!

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tigertail777 posted on 09/12/2012

It's the Dan and Wendy show, the Dan and Wendy show
Whatever you think wherever you go
if it's got sculpting out of mud, or pouring a mold
It's the Wendy and Dan show.
Intricate tiki's are her expertise
While Dan scrubs and cleans on his knees
all to earn more of Wendy's Tiki's
(that isn't a wacky double entendre he really works for Wendy tiki's all day)
Glazing and firing to the point of tiring
Pouring slip without slipping
packaging and shipping
It's the Dan and Wendy shooooow!

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WaikikianMoeKele posted on 09/12/2012

It's the Dan and Wendy shooooow!

Best theme song EVER! lol

danlovestikis posted on 09/12/2012

ZeroTiki I'm sure I'll have another one in the future so stay tuned.
LoriLovesTikis it was super to see that Sophista Tiki has you Pele in her home. Don't stop now keep creating and posting.
Kele What are your color choices for your Small Bob and Tiny Bob?

tigertail7777 we have been waiting for someone to do our theme song. Well Done!What old TV show did you use for the music. We'd like to be able to sing our song. Also as a reward I'll make you a Tiki Bob necklace. I have one left and it is yours. PM your email address and home address and the colors you would like, vintage or your own choices for face and body.

Progress Report:

I opened the kiln filled with Mahalo Tikis Peanut mug project.
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My glaze tests were interesting. I think I'll repeat some of them.
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The second level was fun to see as well.
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The dining room table is full of bisque so we set up card tables to hold these.
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All lined up. Mahalo Tiki will have better photos in the future. If you see one you like let him know ebTiki has first choice but there are two of each color.
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Some need tweaking and will be fired a second time. My students did well only a few spots to fix.
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I finished one of the Wish List small Super Carved Bob's for ebTiki.
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We work hard every day but ceramics do not proceed at a fast pace, too many steps. This is why I never take money up front. When I'm finished with a piece I have a payday. So it "pays" for us to work hard and do the best we can. I am always grateful that you will wait for your art.

Now lets all sing our tigertail7777 theme song ... Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2012-09-12 07:19 ]

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Philot posted on 09/12/2012


Progress Report:

I opened the kiln filled with Mahalo Tikis Peanut mug project.
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[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2012-09-12 07:19 ]

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anthonymaye posted on 09/12/2012

If by fix the pink drip in the black has a really cool look, the mugs look awesome
always love to see what you are up too.

littlegiles posted on 09/12/2012

Those are some great colors. Well done MahaloTiki and Mary. You have been taught well.

I always love the pics of the items in the kiln. Wendy, does it ever get "not exciting" opening the kiln to see how things turned out? I know when I was doing some china painting, it was always fun and exciting when you first opened the kiln and could see the final results.

  • Dale
Hale Tiki posted on 09/12/2012

I love those glazes!!!

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MadDogMike posted on 09/12/2012

Beautiful colors guys, don't you just love the magic of the kiln?!

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hang10tiki posted on 09/12/2012

Tiger- great song

That's quite the peanut line up
Great colors

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tigertail777 posted on 09/12/2012

Well I just sort of tossed off the theme song in fun, didn't really have any particular old show in mind but I think I did have a little bit of the Gary Shandling Show rolling through my brain, it does seem to have the same rhyme and meter plus it has a whimsical feel I think would portray yours and Dan's sense of humor. :)


Wasn't expecting any kind of reward but I can't refuse such a wonderful offer. I'll PM you when I have a bit more time (getting ready for work right now). :)

danlovestikis posted on 09/13/2012

Good Morning. I worked on my computer yesterday but now I need professional help. I can get to Tiki Central but not to my windows emails. Good thing I only know tiki people. The problem all started with being asked if I wanted to add ASK and its tool bar. I said NO NO NO to every question and the tool bar popped up and froze my computer. Finally I was able to run some anti-virus ware and male-ware and my computer was working when I went to bed. Now this morning its all messed up again. So after this morning I may be gone for a while. I'll try to repair it over the phone first.

philot nice word. I'll work on you CI heads today.
anthoneymaye I learned a lesson there. I thought the black would over power the pink when it melted, nope. So we will add more of those drips in the fix.
littlegiles its exciting to open the kiln but scary because of errors that will need to be fixed. See below.
MDM we are happy with all the color choices. It is hard to tell from the photos but there are even two in purple.
hang10tiki we think tigertail7777 did a great job too.
tigertail7777 color choice fast please

Mrs. Mahalo Tiki came to check the mugs and to take away those that are finished.
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Each one was checked with a flashlight inside and out.
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These three were go to go.
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These 17 have tiny imperfections that must be corrected. Most were glaze skips but some were runs or smudges inside the mugs. These will be painted Sunday and re-fired. This is when it gets expensive. Specs of dust cause glaze skips so even though we painted them completely the glaze moves away from dust.
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A little more work and time and they'll be good to go.

Yesterday we went out for lunch. Dan got his favorite sandwich.
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We had a good visit with non-tiki friends.
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On the way home we stopped at Alpha to pick up supplies. I now have the glaze for the Sacramento Crawl mugs.
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To keep the Wish List projects going and filling the requests accurately I have a binder that I update with incoming email and helpful photos. I ask lots of questions. The projects placed in the binder by name in alphabetical order. Without the binder I'd be lost. 1 binder per Wish List.
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littlegiles told me to not let the casts go to waste. As you know I work in full loads. I had a few more crawl mugs to bisque fire so I finished off more of the dry work on the shelves. The Moai heads are now going to be for the wall not bowls.
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The small Frankoma tikis will be little statues.
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Since I cast Joniece Franks work her initials go on the bottom of each in the way she signed her intitals in the past.
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The bottom of the kiln is filled.
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The top shelf of the kiln is filled.
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When this load opens I'll have all the crawl mugs ready to glaze at once. I love a full kiln and I love being over loaded with tiki projects. Thanks for taking the ride with us. Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2012-09-13 07:52 ]

Hale Tiki posted on 09/13/2012

Tell me about this sandwich...

danlovestikis posted on 09/13/2012

Gout in progress.
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If you leave the bread behind you will get through it just fine. It is called the Mother-lode from Claim Jumpers. I had a salad. He loves that sandwich good thing the restaurant is 50 miles from our home.

Hale Tiki posted on 09/13/2012

If I ever make it out your way again, I'll have one with him!!!

littlegiles posted on 09/13/2012

Wow, you been two busy beavers Wendy and Dan. Great to see a full kiln cause I know there will soon be some fun glazing to look at. WOOHOO!!

Really, we need more info on that sandwich. Surely Dagwood would be proud of it. I see what appears to be Turkey, Ham and Roast Beef. Maybe I shouldn't check TC on an empty stomach. LOL

  • Dale
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LoriLovesTiki posted on 09/13/2012

I want a purple peanut!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I do, I do!

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MadDogMike posted on 09/13/2012

OMG, that's a SANDWICH!!!!!!!

What's that white patch under Dan's nose? :lol:

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hang10tiki posted on 09/13/2012

The next show: Dan vs Food. Awesome

The moais look great...

and the lil frankoma dudes too,
Do I see future salt n pepper shakers????

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Professor G posted on 09/13/2012

Don't you listen to them, Dan. That sandwich had lettuce, which is a vegetable. Everyone knows vegetables are good for you. In addition, the pigs, chickens, cows, otters, kudus and whatever else perished to form that behemoth-on-a-bun had probably also eaten vegetables, so that's like extra vegetables, which, as I've pointed out, are good for you.

It takes a lot of sammich (or sangwich) to fuel up the Dust-Blastin' Plaster-Hoistin' Slip-Shaker Supreme that is Dan Cevola.

littlegiles posted on 09/14/2012

Hang10Tiki, you are right. Those little statues would make great S&P shakers. A small cork in the top of the moai and you have great little flasks. :)

  • Dale

PS: this message is in no way a suggestion of more work for Wendy or Dan. LOL

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hang10tiki posted on 09/14/2012

I just saw this on the food network

Dan-O, You are my hero...

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tigertail777 posted on 09/14/2012

How about we go with that bright orange you are using on those mugs in your latest postings? Bright orange is my favorite color (which would partially account for my fondness of tigers). Sorry I did not reply sooner I was having problems accessing tiki central for some reason. Thanks for doing this Wendy, really what a wonderful surprise! :)

To clarify cause I messed up: bright orange for the body, white for the face. I also PM'd you now that I figured it out. :)

[ Edited by: tigertail777 2012-09-14 00:21 ]

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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/14/2012

I need to know.......How much for that sandwich?

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dartharnie posted on 09/14/2012

On 2012-09-14 00:58, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
I need to know.......How much for that sandwich?

It doesn't matter how much it costs. We need the restaurant's street address, hours of operation and a phone number for reservations :lol:

Love how vivid the pink drip is compared to the black on that peanut mug. All the colors pop beautifully.

danlovestikis posted on 09/14/2012

Hale Tiki Gecko wants to visit just so he can get one of those sandwiches.
littlegiles I am so close to a glazing marathon for both the Wish List and the Sacramento Crawl mugs.
LoriLovesTiki see Mahalo Tiki for a Purple peanut mug
MadDogMike is more like OMG he ate that whole thing
hang10tiki no re-pose on things already done by Frankoma. I wish I'd thought of a little bottle, that was a great idea
Professor G great minds think alike he swore the lettuce is enough vegetable for that sandwich
littlegiles I agree I should have done a bottle, good idea. I'm ready to glaze your TB necklace.
hang10tiki Dan's favorite photo of his life. He wants to carry it in his wallet, he doesn't have a photo of my in there. He'll take it to the restaurant next time we go there, thank you. I've got your small bob on the table to glaze.
tigertail7777 I've got the color and now its time to do my three winners.
Atomic Tiki Punk I don't know it was free for us we were guests and its not on the menu its a special order called The Mother Load at Claim Jumpers
dartharnie I re-glazed 17 of the 20 peanuts and I made more of those inside drip runs, we liked them too.

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VampiressRN posted on 09/14/2012

Now The Mother Lode is on Shelter Island with Dan in tow...LOL GREAT!!! There is certainly big food at Claim Jumper...I love that place. Try the Jamaican Jerk Chicken Sweet Potato...it is on the Classic Menu and id out of this world...it is not as high as that sandwich though...LOL. Maybe that sandwich would be a good ceramic project.

danlovestikis posted on 09/15/2012

It's been fun to read comments about the Peanut mugs that I've done with Mahalo Tiki. Of the 20, 17 needed touch up due to tiny glaze skips or smudges or runs on the interior black.

I couldn't believe that so many needed help. I thought I must be a very poor instructor. Well it turns out that without me nagging Dan to change the nozzle he used the less powerful one on the hose for these mugs and another whole kiln load. I found out because I found grit on those still wet from his hosing. That was the problem.

So today we put on the right nozzle and re-sprayed them all. No shortcuts because in the end it triples the work and costs money to re-fire.

Yesterday day I re-glazed all 17 and put them in the kiln to fire.
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In the kiln.
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They come out in the morning. This time they should be OK.
Mahalo Tiki will be surprised that when they come on Sunday these will be ready to be taken home with them.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, Wendy

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hang10tiki posted on 09/15/2012

The power of the peanut

danlovestikis posted on 09/15/2012

Top shelf of new bisque.
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Second shelf of new bisque.
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The Eric October bowl still under repair. Dan sanded this flat before using the hose on it.
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The Magic Mend worked fusing the tikis to the bowl. However during a final sanding Dan pressed so hard on the base of one of the tikis it broke loose. However it did a very nice clean pop loose so I've used Magic Mend and I'll fire it and see if it will once again repair itself.
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Dan using the proper nozzle. I helped and we were both soaked. He won the wet T-shirt contest and I have to make him a tiki necklace!
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Drying in our living room which is next to the dining room which is also filled with bisque.
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Sorry Philot I having started the jaguar supports yet but they are high on my list.

Cheers, Wendy

Hale Tiki posted on 09/15/2012

I can't wait to see new finished bowls!

I noticed a lot of drips on the inside on the second glazing. Is that intentional? I looks like it might look pretty cool.

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BeezleBug posted on 09/15/2012

Is Magic Mend a glue you can fire? Do you apply that to bisque parts? Just curious. Sounds like a useful technique...

danlovestikis posted on 09/15/2012

Hale Tiki yes after a few people here mentioned they liked the drip runs over the black I did that when I fixed a few tiny glaze skips.

BeezleBug Magic Mend is for repairing cracks, chips and for fusing pieces together. It can be bought on line from New Mexico Clay. It's great stuff.

I'm glazing today so now that I've checked in its back to work. Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2012-09-15 14:32 ]

danlovestikis posted on 09/16/2012

Hi Friends,
today we play with Mahalo Tiki before doing more work. He and Mary will pick up the rest of the peanut mugs. If you would like to have one contact him.
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I'm making a Moai bowl for Beachbumz. He and I have traded art. I have beautiful bowls for Dan's Christmas and Beachbumz will have this one in the future.
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This weekend we are trying to glaze all of the Sacramento Crawl mugs. This is the first time I've had them all together in one place. First we glazed the insides and turned them over to drain.
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Then I painted the bottom 3 times in the center and once around the edge.
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I want a scattering of spots on the outside of the mug so I painted a light coat of the spotted glaze on the outside, the inside will have major spotting.
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Close up.
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Next up will be spray painting outside.

Our house has been taken over by tikis! Oh wait that's nothing new.
Cheers, Wendy

littlegiles posted on 09/16/2012

Can't wait to see those Crawl mugs after they are fired. Bet that spotted glaze is going to look great. The finished peanuts are looking fine sitting there all together.

So is there a surface in your home that doesn't have mugs sitting on it? Funny in the one picture you can see into the other room and there are mugs there too. :) A couple of people truly devoted to creating art.

  • Dale
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VampiressRN posted on 09/16/2012

You need a giant studio in your backyard lined with shelves for all your work LOL. You guys are so delightfully organized and such a great team. Who knew that when you retired you would be running a full-time ceramic business...AWESOME!!!

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LoriLovesTiki posted on 09/16/2012

I got in contact with MahaloTiki about a purple mug but there are soooooo many nice colors! I just know from you the purple is a rare color so that's why I picked it. But I am a poor decision maker so I second guess myself. Which is your favorite, Wendy?

Please tell me about the moais. Will they hang on the wall? If so, my wall will be needing one of those. Can't wait to see more of them getting finished. Keep up the outstanding work. And I agree with Vamp - you're running a full time ceramics business with Dan! Maybe you should get a studio and some staff....

danlovestikis posted on 09/17/2012

littlegiles not just every surface but all the walls too. Our home is filled with tikis and tiki projects. Are we nuts...yes in a good way!
VampiressRN we would love a huge workspace and Dan would love to have his whole collection in one big room. It's never going to happen so we are grateful we have it worked out.
LoriLovesTiki my favorite peanut mug is the sea-green. All of the detail in the carving shows up best with that color. You should get what you like they all turned out really well. They are so thick and heavy you can use them as barbells, that's my style.

Progress Report on the Sacramento Crawl mug.
We set up outside.
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Caribbean Blue glaze by Duncan.
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I sprayed the outside of all the mugs as Dan brought them too me. He used 2 fingers on the inside of the mug to lift them off the stand and to put them on the table.
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I got to sit there while he was up and down 45 times for layer one.
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With the first layer finished we took a 30 min. break so they could dry.
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Now we started again but this time each mug was upside down. This insures that all areas get covered. As an example the bottom edge of the skirt.
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Notice that there is now a board under the mug on the turn table. The mugs were too wet to lift without disturbing the glaze. So we used boards for swapping.
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Dan would bring me a mug upside down on the board and take away the one I'd just sprayed. Then the would go if front of the fan to dry it enough that he could lift it off for the next swap. 45 five more times for layer 2.
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I decided that we would keep them in this position for layer three. Once again 45 times.
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It took us 5 hours and two breaks. I just turned on the kiln after letting them dry overnight. I had 8 mugs that didn't fit so I'll be firing again soon.
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Now I need to start glazing some of the Wish List projects as well as make more of them. Busy busy busy its a good life. Cheers, Wendy

littlegiles posted on 09/17/2012

Gosh Wendy and Dan, those are going to be absolutely beautiful. I went and searched the color of the glaze and it is wonderful. Can't wait to see that after it is fired. Dan must be developing quite the calf muscles with all that up and down you have him doing. He's going to need those to carry around that big sandwich. LOL

  • Dale
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hang10tiki posted on 09/17/2012

back yard assembly line
i can see it now

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Hale Tiki posted on 09/18/2012

I can't wait to see the crawl mugs!

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cy posted on 09/18/2012

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I kept dribbling the rum down the front of my shirt so made a vase out of your Pele Lani swap mug and we love the way the flowers look like they are bursting from the volcano! Thanks Wendy and Dan.
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MadDogMike posted on 09/18/2012

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"Hey, I didn't get the memo that today was Pink Day!"

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hang10tiki posted on 09/18/2012

Dan on the front line of the blue bob assembly line


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