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Wendy Cevola - Began on 01/10/2025 - Todd Locker's black velvet wish in progress. New photos often.

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dartharnie posted on 09/18/2012

the assembly line is hilarious. Wendy, I think you found your new desktop background.

danlovestikis posted on 09/18/2012

Hi Friends, the kiln will be cool enough to open by tonight!

hang10tiki you made our day with the blue Bob assembly line, thank you so much.

Hale Tiki me too. I sure hope they turned out.

Cy thanks for the great photos. Sorry you dribbled. Those volcano mugs need straws.

MadDogMike Dan said he was in the bathroom when hang10tiki took the first photo. I'm glad you captured him when he got back. Very nice.

dartharnie my cat is my background. I love Dan but my cat is so cute!

I need to find out if Tiki Farm would mind if I show my submission to their contest. Maybe they already announced the winner and it wasn't me. I turned in my photos but I've not heard back.

Here's a teaser of the mug!

Time to glaze, cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 09/19/2012

I think I know what your mug is...

"Dans ARM"

With a big bicep pose from the wet T-shirt man himself...

tigertail777 posted on 09/19/2012

Ye gods and tiny little fishies Wendy! I don't know how you guys have so much patience with your art medium I would go crazy and have many a temper tantrum if things broke or cracked etc after working on them for so long. I really admire your tenacity. :)

Beachbumz posted on 09/19/2012

Crossing my fingers for ya Wendy! Speaking of Teaser pics.... It's After Midnight already, it's going to be another sleepless night.. :wink:Aloha

littlegiles posted on 09/19/2012

Wendy, don't jump the gun too quickly with sharing your design. The deadline was only September 14. It says on their site that the winner will be announced on or before Sept. 30. You still got some time.

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. I was going to cross my eyes for you, but everything kept getting really blurry and all I could think about was my mom saying "They'll freeze like that.". HAHA

  • Dale
danlovestikis posted on 09/19/2012

hang10tiki you just don't know how close your guess is, wait and see.

tigertail7777 I've broken a bowl and Dan has broken a bowl this year in addition to needing to re-glaze or mend. We just keep on trucking while saying "OH WELL".

Beachbumz thanks for the crossed fingers it worked! I'm not keeping you up am I? Your bowl is so thick and heavy that I cover it for most of the time but I let it breath and dry for an hour now and then.

littlegiles I missed the part of when the contest winner will be announced. Thank you I'll hold back for awhile.

There is a little hook on each eye and if you cross them too far they come together and the hooks attach and then your always going to be blurry. I hope my photos are sharp and clear for you. If they are blurry you'll have to visit a un-hooker to get them back to normal.

Progress Report for the Sacramento Crawl mug.

We opened the kiln, yippee they look good. We are so happy.

littlegiles is it blurry?


We unload onto trays. We buy these at thrift shops whenever we see them.

Front and back.

8 more to fire after I have enough of the Wish List glazed to fill the kiln.

I like to glaze bottoms too so I have to glaze them on spikes. Some spots of glaze pull off but I touch them up with enamel after we Dremmel them flat. It's lots of extra work but its my preference.

Look Dan's on there. He'll be on all the crawl mugs in future years. I can't do without Dan's strong ARM...hang10tiki.

I hope to have a run of 40 with the extra 4 as test mugs for painting. I'm not matching the menu and matchbook. The mugs will have their own look. The hula girl will have a pretty face and a lei.

Price is $70 plus shipping if you do not attend the crawl.

Back to work, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2012-09-19 07:21 ]

littlegiles posted on 09/19/2012

WOW! Not blurry at all and they are beautiful. You and Dan have really outdone yourselves this time. I'm really loving the glazes you used.

  • Dale
MadDogMike posted on 09/19/2012

Beautiful color! That effect of spots on the background only worked out great! Very imaginative.

Professor G posted on 09/19/2012

The crawl mugs turned out beautifully.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/19/2012

What a great vintage look to those.

Beachbumz posted on 09/19/2012

Wow Wendy AND DAN :wink:, those really came out Great! The carib blue and speckle glaze blended together nicely, as ATP said they really do have that cool vintage look to them.. Wish I could make one of these Crawls, sounds like good times.. :wink:

Hale Tiki posted on 09/19/2012

Everything looks great! It reminds me of a Big Mama's Fish House mug that I have. Except really well done. And with a better glaze.

VampiressRN posted on 09/19/2012

Love it...they are a gorgeous color and you did such a fabulous job on the design. Hats off to Wendy & Dan for another crawl phenomenon!!!

MahaloTiki posted on 09/20/2012

Those look awesome Wendy.... I love the color. I will have to get some of the glaze for future peanut mugs.

danlovestikis posted on 09/20/2012

A huge THANK YOU to:
Professor G
Atomic Tiki Punk
Hale Tiki
Mahalo Tiki

I love it when something funny happens. I have two tables covered in these mugs. I picked up two for the photo yesterday. Did I notice that Sacramento was spelled wrong on my selection, nope. Thank you secret friend for letting me know. This morning I did the flash light check and there was only one mug spelled incorrectly. That one will become my personal mug. I had 37 mugs to choose from and by choosing this one it was prevented from being sold to an unsuspecting person.

This happened when I fine tuned the lettering on each mug. Molds are never perfect and it took an hour to clean each one and to add all the grooves. Somehow I fine tuned an N into a M.

Dan put on some fun music and sanded all the bottoms of the mugs for me. All the spike bumps are now smooth.

I had prepared to glaze a week ago and today I started.

I've done the first step to paint the bodies on the WaikikianMoeKele, hang10tikis, littlegiles, tigertail777, ebTiki, Steve Soto, and Corona Contessa's Bobs.

Dan likes to be rewarded for his work so I also painted the Eric October bowl that I've been trying to repair. I poured in a jar of glaze covered the surface, removed the excess and then painted the bottom.

The bottom shelf of the kiln is filled. My goal is to do enough glazing today to fill the top level. Each of the Bob faces need three layers of white and black and then 2 layers of clear. Then I'll move on to the next mug.

Once my kiln is firing I'll hand paint the enhancements on a crawl mug so everyone can see how the final product will look.

Thank you always for your time and notes. You all make my day special, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2012-09-20 07:42 ]

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2012-09-20 07:43 ]

hang10tiki posted on 09/20/2012

Lookin good you guys...

MadDogMike posted on 09/20/2012

That misspelled mug could be worth lots of money, like a double stamped coin! :D

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/20/2012

I thought "Sacramemto" was the retirement area just north of Sacramento?

GROG posted on 09/20/2012

Dan, you're sanding the bottom the hard way. Tape your sand paper down to a flat surface (or just hold it in place with one hand) and move the mug around in a circular motion on the sandpaper. This is also the best way to get a flat surface on your mugs so they don't wobble when you are doing your greenware cleanup.

hang10tiki posted on 09/20/2012

That can't be a grog arm...
Not enough hair


tigertail777 posted on 09/20/2012

Those Hawaiian Hut mugs are BEAUTIFUL! Bob is looking good, I can tell already how pretty of a shade of orange that is going to be! Thanks again Wendy! :)

littlegiles posted on 09/20/2012

WOOHOO! Glazing has begun. I love this part of the game. Actually, I love all the parts but the glazing and seeing the colors come out of the kiln is my favorite.

Fun to see my little Bob dude with some color too. :)

  • Dale
LoriLovesTiki posted on 09/21/2012

I just LOVE the color on those crawl mugs! Why oh why don't I live in California? I love them just the way they are but am curious how the final product will turn out.

fantastic, as always Dan & Wendy!!

dartharnie posted on 09/21/2012

That blue is stunning. Loved it inside the bowl from the last wish list... love it more on the crawl mug.

danlovestikis posted on 09/21/2012

hang10tiki we love to be looking good but then I realized you meant the ceramics!
MadDogMike I should hold a raffle for the Sacramemto mug if its worth more
Atomic Tiki Punk its south of Sacramento were we are retired to tiki making
Grog I love having an original drawing by you. I do sand the green-ware that way and he did start out with the sandpaper on the table he but fine tuned at the end with sandpaper in hand.
hang10tiki Grog is aging with the rest of us and has less hair now.
tigertail7777 it is a pretty orange, would you like some black tiger lines too?
littlegiles opening a kiln to newly glazed tikis is the really fun part, I agree.
LoriLovesTiki the hula girl has to have a face and lei, just a few touches to jazz these up.
dartharnie this was the first time I risked it all. I put the spotted glaze on with my finger the then we spraypainted on the second solid blue. I didn't know it the spots would shine through or if it would all stick together and not fall off. The tiki gods were with me and I'm sooooo happy.

Progress Report:

These are all Wish List Orders that need to be glazed

along with these in progress.

Dan chose to have his peanut bowl glazed just like the crawl mugs.

This is a Moai bowl for Marone Tiki

All of these that I just glazed will come out of the kiln Sunday night or Monday morning.

The bottom shelf of the kiln is covered with the rest of the crawl mugs and the Eric October bowl.

If you don't see your order in these photos I haven't forgotten. I have a binder full of orders and page by page I'll fulfill your wishes.

Tomorrow we are going to the South San Francisco Bay Area Home Tiki Bar Crawl. I'll take some photos to share. We've been one time before and after driving circles on the top of a mountain for 2 hours we gave up and missed the last stop. This time we are skipping the GPS which kept us lost and we are using map quest to find the home of Tikitastic. We are so excited for a second chance.

May you weekend be as fun as ours, cheers, Wendy

Alii Tiki posted on 09/21/2012

Aloha Wendy !!! I just sent a reply to your email (@comcast) regarding the glaze selections. Mahalo for all the hard work making these beauties come to life.

VampiressRN posted on 09/22/2012

Have fun on the crawl W&D. Mark's Tiki Compound is nothing less than fabulous...looking forward to your pics.

Beachbumz posted on 09/22/2012

oNe WorD... AWESOME! :wink:

Loving Marone Tiki's bowl!!

hang10tiki posted on 09/23/2012

Here I go again:

Cold sweating
Nausea and vomiting
Aching limbs
Severe depression
Mounting panic
Strong cravings
Goose bumps
Muscle aches
Dilated pupils

Dan and Wendy show withdrawl

danlovestikis posted on 09/24/2012

Alii Tiki got your message I hope to glaze yours today.
VampiressRN so right you are. We loved Marks place. We had to take Aquaticsafarinaut in our car or even with GPS and MapQuest we would have been lost.
Beachbumz you'll see below why this glaze has been discontinued. It always does this and I always need to glaze twice or more. It's worth it. When I run out it is gone forever!

Severe depression
Mounting panic
Strong cravings
Cold sweating
Nausea and vomiting
Aching limbs
Goose bumps
Muscle aches
Insomnia and
Dilated pupils?
I'm so sorry, no more days off for me I just can't do that to a friend. Guess what your prize just needs sanding and then its on its way to you.

We opened the kiln and right off I could spot problems and successes.

The bottom shelf had the rest of the crawl mugs and

Eric Octobers bowl that I've been trying to repair.

This glaze is so amazing. I've never used it on a large surface before.

The bowl did have one glaze skip on the rim. I'm going to re-glaze this spot.

The huge chip is still firmly in place but still shows. I'll add more glaze here and see if it will blend in a bit more.

The only glazing defects for the crawl mugs have been 2 with a small dip in the rim glaze. I'll touch those two up and they'll all be good to go.

The reason this black lava glaze has been discontinued is that it doesn't stick well. Each time I use it I have to wire brush off any part that didn't stick and then re-glaze. But I know this happens so its not a shock. When I'm all done it will look terrific. Marone Tiki it has a ways to go.

Dan is in love with the crawl mug glaze so he requested I do the mix again for his peanut bowl. No skips.

Of the two small Bobs in front one is hang10tikis the next is ebTikis then Steve Soto's. The Bob holding tiny Bob needs enamel work. This bluegrass glaze ends to run and it did it here. I'll be painting and baking this one. The last of the back row is Sombrero or South of the Border Bob for Sandy, see below. The two in front are for tigertail7777 and littlegiles. I just need to add strings and off they go.

Corona Countess's/Sandy's hat needs decoration and then its done.

Glazing is unpredictable at times. You just go with it and keep working. Disappointment is not allowed but getting back to work is so that's what I'll do today.

I still plan to share photos of the South San Francisco Bay Crawl, maybe later tonight. Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate you all very much.

hang10tiki I forgot to take a photo of the back of your small Bob. I'll do it I promise. Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2012-09-24 08:54 ]

hang10tiki posted on 09/24/2012

I feel much better!!!!

That open kiln photo is amazzzzing
Great colors n glaze
The Octoberfest bowl looks outstanding

Love the lil bobs


Philot posted on 09/24/2012

Wow, that glaze on Eric October's bowl is far out!
That looks like swirls in a rootbeer float or the bubbles in a glass of Guinness.

Hale Tiki posted on 09/24/2012

I see a certain something in the wish list to be glazed photo!!! Woohoooo!

I really need to get two Bob mugs from you. No disrespect to the original, but your mugs just look fantastic. They're awesome. I'm going to have to come up with something for them, and order a pair for my currently under construction home-bar, The Aku Aku Room.

Sorry about the glaze skips, but that blue glaze sure is something, I don't blame Dan for wanting a whole bowl done in it!

littlegiles posted on 09/25/2012

Wendy, thanks for the update and once again you didn't disappoint with pics. Beautiful stuff. Was great to see my little Bob dude sitting there with his relatives. WOOHOO!!

That glaze you used on Eric's bowl is absolutely stunning. I think I'm going to have to do something on the wish list just to get that glaze. :) Beautiful as always.

  • Dale
McTiki posted on 09/25/2012

WOW! It's like Christmas in here..... every time Wendy and Dan open the kiln, an angel gets it's wings.

Thank you for documenting all of this goodness.



danlovestikis posted on 09/25/2012

Thank you everyone for your comments they make my day so much better. Reading these is like an energy drink for me.

hang10tiki I'm so happy to hear you are better due to tiki overload.
Philot I'm in love with this glaze, I have 2 more I've not used yet.
Hale Tiki I looked at your Home Tik Bar posts, what no photos?
littlegiles WooHoo too.
McTiki I've been waiting for you, don't stay hidden for so long.

This weekend we attended the South San Francisco Bay Crawl. We had so much fun seeing homes and visiting with new people and old friends. I'm sharing photos here because I like to keep everything together on this thread.

Kekili and Tiki Tuba (I need your email address)

Top Notch Hot Rods and Customs He built his bar and is a terrific ceramicist.

He even provided a thrill ride!

The Aumakua Hai they have bought 2 of Roge's chunck lamps, one was hung. They added tapa to the bottom and that was a terrific touch.

Golden Tiki has a whole backyard of tiki goodness but it was very dark out.

Tikitastic's Mountain Lair there wasn't enough space to document this outstanding tiki palace.

The Bloody Maori I sculpted and did with Gecko.

2 of my Tiki Crates.

Notches famous super huge volcano bowl.

A last look as we headed to our car down a dark isolated road.

I need to do a bit more painting before I post my next Progress Report.
Thank you again for your visit and posts. Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2012-09-25 08:32 ]

hang10tiki posted on 09/25/2012

Looks like u all had a great time
Thanks for posting pics

Hale Tiki posted on 09/25/2012

I haven't started the build yet. I'm waiting on the floor, and I haven't collected it all together. It's in boxes in storage. I'm hoping to start the build in October.

WaikikianMoeKele posted on 09/26/2012

I've been working like 68 hours a week & then was in Michigan for 4 days for my oldest daughter's baby shower (6th grandchild for me, 1st for him).

Anyway, the little fella looks FANTASTIC! Perfect colors! If you are re-touching & can manage to work in an orangish-yellow on the teeny-tiny one in his hand (as an homage to that era at the Waikikian) that would be lovely. If not, I'm totally okay with that too.

Wendy, you are DEFINITELY the bestEST!


MadDogMike posted on 09/26/2012

On 2012-09-25 03:46, McTiki wrote:
...every time Wendy and Dan open the kiln, an angel gets it's wings...

Classic! :lol:

tigertail777 posted on 09/26/2012

WOW! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that orange color, it turned out fantastic! Think you can infuse a little artist luck into the bob for me? I have been absent because I have been frantically looking for somewhere I can rent out for an artist studio, and every single time I find somewhere in my price range that would work for me, the deal falls through for one reason or another. :(

Maybe Bob will bring me luck?

Your pieces are always so beautiful, I really like the volcano discontinued glaze and the brown ripply one on the big bowl. You guys are the magnificent two team: you don't need seven. :wink:

Hale Tiki posted on 09/26/2012

It looks like it was a lot of fun, with some great people. Thanks for posting pics!

danlovestikis posted on 09/26/2012

hang10tiki thank you always.
Hale Tiki October, good luck.
Kele I can do that, classic Bob color or yellow orange which is brighter?
MadDogMike you are a classic.
tigertail7777 that sounds like a fun goal. I'd love to have everything in one room.
Hale Tiki you are so right it was a very fun day with new and old friends.

Progress Report: Wish List and Crawl mug.

Sometimes things look better than they really are and sometimes I forget a step. Dan says an assistance work is never finished.

I began to glaze the small Frankoma Tiki bowl and the tikis that had been put on and bisque fired with magic mend just popped off.

So I took them to the garage and beheaded them. The bowl and tiks are gone forever.

I went to put the necklaces together and found the holes were sealed with glaze. This was totally my fault. After finishing the glazing you need to clean the holes out and I forgot. Dan will drill them open.

I've been glazing for two super long days. I will be able to fire tonight.

Dan wire brushed, sanded and hosed off Marone Tiki's Moai bowl.

I reglazed it with 3 more layers of black and more red.

Alii Tiki ordered two Frankoma statues. This one in deep red with black specks and

this one in brown with the edges aged. After the 3 layers of glaze dry some I scrape off most of the glaze.

Then I take a wet paper towel and rub and smooth out the glaze.

Here's how it looks after I'm finished.

I love going to my glaze test wall and picking out color combinations. These are the colors for the Eric October bowl with the addition of the beige for the Bumatay fish faces.

I accumulate the glazes and go to work.

Three layers of each color.

I call 5 PM quiting time and anything I glaze after that is just getting ahead. I did some more Frankoma War God statues.

I still like glazing bottoms even though it keeps Dan busy sanding.

This is the only tall Bob, he still needs two layers of clear on his face.

I've had my computer freeze up doing this so many times that I submit every set of photos. I just saw that littlegiles is sending me encouragement while I work. Thank you sir I appreciate it very much.

Please critique the Sacramento Crawl mug. This is how I've chosen to paint them. Is it working or do you hate it? I hope I've kept the vintage feel.

Thank you all so much for your posts. Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2012-09-26 07:21 ]

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2012-09-26 07:28 ]

littlegiles posted on 09/26/2012

Wow...I come down, grab a cup of coffee and open up my favorite Wendy&Dan Show post and what do I see? Carnage!! Looks like a scene from CSI. Sorry that the bowl didn't work out but I can totally understand just trashing that one and starting over. I think you have already spent more time trying to fix that one than if you had just poured a new one.

It will all work out cause you always make magic happen. You are like the Disney of Tiki.

See, magic! That funky glaze from Eric's bowl with the blue and the beige for the bumatay will be amazing. I can't wait to see that out of the kiln.

  • Dale

[ Edited by: littlegiles 2012-09-26 07:20 ]

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/26/2012

They do look like the old Orchid mugs Wendy, Now just my opinion
the hand painted detail is just to much color, there is alot of contrast
and it may be too busy, visually.

What do you think?

LoriLovesTiki posted on 09/26/2012

Wendy - add me to the list of people who LOVE LOVE LOVE that glaze you used on the Eric October bowl. The brown etc is just fantastic! Next wish list I want something with that glaze. Maybe a statue???

I really like the hut side of the crawl mug but the side with girl strikes me as too busy or something. I'm not loving it but I don't hate it. I still love that glaze too.

Can't wait for more updates.

Hale Tiki posted on 09/26/2012

I hope there's a there's a red/red-orange Frankoma in there for meeeeeeeeeeee! I'm dying to get my first Wendy & Dan original. Well, not original, but Wendy & Dan made. I'll have to wait until I can order a pair of custom Bob's to get my first Wendy & Dan ORIGINAL.

And just because I didn't say it enough, Wendy & Dan!!!

I love the test glazes, and I can't wait to see the Bumatay.

As far as the crawl mugs, I've got to concur with my compatriot up there, it's too busy, color wise. There's a lot going on, especially with such an awesome and complex glaze. Maybe matte colors, or less with the flowers, I'm not sure. Or even a white background around the detail. Or maybe make her face a little more generic. I'm not really sure, but there's a lot to look at.

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