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Tiki Central / Other Crafts

Wendy Cevola - Began on 01/10/2025 - Todd Locker's black velvet wish in progress. New photos often.

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Hale Tiki posted on 11/08/2012

I love the Bobs. Every darn time you do one. I didn't think I'd like the Santa one when I saw the title of the thread. And then I saw it. And love it! I dig the beard, and even the hat.

And thanks! If I have time I'll dig back through and see if there's a green you've done on something else to make it easy.


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Atomicchick posted on 11/08/2012

Looking fantastic as usual!

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danlovestikis posted on 11/09/2012

hang10tiki good thing you said that with Christmas so close you wouldn't want coal in your stocking!
MadDogMike thank you, I've made it better since that photo.
Hale Tiki here's the link to all my past tiki art. On Gallery I put everything as I make it on page one. Just copy to save and then email it to me or post it here. Glad you like Santa...same coal comment.
Atomic Tiki Chick your Pac Man Key Bob is drying now. I hope you like his mouth and ball.

Progress on Wish List #3:

Joanne came by to pick up her Hot Bob. We had a fun visit.
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Yesterday I fine tuned Santa Bob. I added rings around the body, made the rim and ball furry and added a straw hole.
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Marone Tiki asked for one more enhancement to the Scuba Bob. He wanted air bubbles from the respirator up the cheek to the top. I obliged and personally loved the addition, good job Monty.
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Pac Man Bob's are a long hard process. Maybe its just me. I carve out around all the detail.
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Then I use a wet paper towel to smooth the background which flattens the dots etc. so I have to carve them back out.
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Then I smooth with the wet paper towel again.
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I do this back and forth until they all look good. When it dries I'll fine tune one more time.
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To make the mouth I carved out a place for the ball and added a lower lip.
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Then I added the upper lip.
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Side view. He's done for now and will dry with the rest of them.
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Today I will make one or two more Bobs and then while all the work done recently dries I'll start to glaze all the projects that need to go to the Don the Beachcomber's sale. Each time I say that I think of Art Snyder and how he won't be there this time. His passing is very sad.

I'll be back here tomorrow morning. Wendy


It's the dark green one upper right kiln.
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Good Luck.

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2012-11-09 08:56 ]

Hale Tiki posted on 11/09/2012

Ack! I'm tryin to figure it out, but I'm in traffic so I cannot read too much.
Also, please put me on the list for a Ren Clark mug!

Hale Tiki posted on 11/09/2012

I was going to post a photo of me in a wet t-shirt...but I'm guessing it's not that kind of contest :)

Also, 6 hours, 14 minutes.

[ Edited by: Hale Tiki 2012-11-09 14:38 ]

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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 11/10/2012


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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 11/10/2012


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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 11/10/2012


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KeverC posted on 11/10/2012

those are all sweet but the Scuba Bob is freaking awesome. i cant wait to see it when it is done. very cool.

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danlovestikis posted on 11/10/2012


Hale Tiki you haven't gotten it yet but thank you for trying. A time is not it. Feel free to post a photo of you in a wet T-shirt but please be holding one of my mugs in the photo.

Atomic Tiki Punk BOOBS do not win. I said no hints but here is one. It will take an entire descriptive sentence to win.

KeverC thank you so much. Freaking awesome is a new description for one of my mugs and I love it.

Progress Report Wish List #3

Swizzle's mug. Swizzle hates Bob's but gave in to have one of mine. He requested Swizzle on the back with a small flower near the e. He also requested a symmetrical super carve.

I used my computer to print out his name in the size I wanted. I'll use it as a guide.
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I started caving the lines that will keep it straight as I add detail.
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Dan came into the house from the garage to show me his finger. The nail had been torn loose and then flopped back into place. I took him to the clinic for instructions on care.
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More carving on Swizzle's mug.
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I did the blocks for each letter. Now I'll add the flower and have it dry for a day to become firm enough for carving.
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I started prepping VampiressRN's flamingo mug. When you find tiny holes it's important to dig them out. That's what I'm doing at the top. There is another one at the bottom waiting. Glaze will never fill these in so they have to be removed and filled.
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I have work drying and I have these to work on. I hope to start glazing tomorrow.

I changed my mind. CONTEST HINT TONIGHT. Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2012-11-10 07:57 ]

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hang10tiki posted on 11/10/2012

Contest submission:

Not dans finger???????

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danlovestikis posted on 11/11/2012

Ahhhh hang10tiki Dan wishes it were not his finger but it is.

Hints: I was surprised by noticing something that made the timing of this contest perfect.

Here are the first letters for each word in a sample sentence that would win the contest.


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ebtiki posted on 11/11/2012

Deflated balloon? Meerschaum pipe? Tribal penis sheath? Saggy boobs from an old issue of National Geographic?
Wait - what're we talking about?

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WaikikianMoeKele posted on 11/11/2012

The only things that I can think of are Elvis & cannon.
Or I may just be free associating...

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dartharnie posted on 11/11/2012

TSNETTIWHBPOTCFTY! = "Thanksgiving seemingly never entirely tastes totally incredible without having brimming potables overflowing tiki ceramics frequently... that's yummy."

Unless this Sunday (Saturday?) next you're gonna post your 3000 post on tiki central and celebrate over ten years of them....in which case, congrats...

(meh...it was worth a shot)

I'm getting antsy to see the glaze go on the Jaguar bowl. I know I have to wait, but I don't want to...I really like that piece.

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hang10tiki posted on 11/11/2012

This Sunday November eleventh this thread I will have been posting on tiki central for two years...

Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2012-11-10 20:57 ]

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dartharnie posted on 11/11/2012

On 2012-11-10 20:51, hang10tiki wrote:
This Sunday November eleventh this thread I will have been posting on tiki central for two years...

Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2012-11-10 20:57 ]

I was that close.... :P

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danlovestikis posted on 11/11/2012

The contest is OVER. hang10tiki you are right on 11/11/10 I made my very first post on the "other crafts" thread. Tomorrow is my 2nd anniversary.

dartharnie where did you come up with 10 years? I'm not old enough, ha ha. You were very close with the idea.

I had a lot of fun with this so I'm sure there will be more contests in the future.

I have some fun photos to post tomorrow of what I made today.

hang10 we'll ship to you soon. Hugs to everyone who tried. Cheers, Wendy

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VampiressRN posted on 11/11/2012

LOL...wow someone is good a word games..not me!!! Take care Dan...maybe the salon can do a french tip for you!!!!

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hang10tiki posted on 11/11/2012


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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 11/11/2012

I am crushed it was not "BOOBS""IN ALL CAPS" CRUSHED I SAY!!!

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TikiAno posted on 11/11/2012

hang10tiki Congrats!

Wendy, I was about to enter "TSNETTIWHBobPOTCFTY!" as my contest entry. Dang. Love all the step by steps, as always. I dig watching your process, so helpful for this newbie.

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danlovestikis posted on 11/11/2012

VampiressRN it seems that his own blood has glued it in place for now. A Vamp like you knows how good blood can be!
hang10tiki wow we love being photo shopped so now we won the contest, thank you.
Atomic Tiki Punk you are a man after Dan's heart. If it were his contest you would have won.
Tiki Ano thank you for watching my step by steps and posts. Most of all thank you and everyone for posting here.

Well yesterday I got out the ball and chain again and kept up it all day long.

Progress Report Wish List #3.

Matt the Cat wants a Royal Blue Super Carved with Palm Trees. Sound familiar Professor G? He'll be your newest member of the Blue Bob Group.
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When the palms firm up I'll do the super carving.

VampiressRN requested a Flamingo Bob. I thought about it and decided that having a bigger bird without legs would be more impressive. However once Vamp looks I'll let her tell me if she prefers a smaller leggy bird. It is almost Thanksgiving.
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Swizzle's mug is done except for deepening around the letters of his name once it dries. I cut out each letter wet the letter and stuck it on the clay. Then I carved out the clay around it.
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I've gotten an early Christmas present. My Sony camera has been malfunctioning all summer and it has now bit the dust. Dust was the problem. Working clay and taking photos doesn't work for a normal camera. Luckily the broken one was my first digital camera and it's done its job for so many years that it should be retired. Now I have a water and dust proof Fugi. The photos are not quiet as good as the Sony but this camera will be perfect for my clay mess. The photos today came from it.
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Thank you all for entering the contest and making it fun. Cheers, Wendy

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Professor G posted on 11/11/2012

The Blue Bob Brotherhood (and sisterhood? are there any sisters?) is always glad to greet new members with outstretched arms and mighty shouts of Aloha.

Welcome to the happiest thread on TC.

[ Edited by: Professor G 2012-11-11 10:56 ]

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swizzle posted on 11/11/2012

The flamingo on Vamps mug looks fantastic Wendy, as does my mug. I'm looking forward to seeing how the colours i chose will look together. Keep up the great work.

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hang10tiki posted on 11/11/2012

Matt, from another Blue Bob Brotherhood member: welcome to the gang, your mug will rock...
Vamp the flamingo is a cool idea, and who better to bring it to life than the one and only "W"
Swizzle is going to have one great personalized mug

Dan and Wendy
Thanx for the afternoon fix

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MadDogMike posted on 11/11/2012

Wendy, love the Scuba Bob and Swizzle's mug is looking pretty snappy too! :)

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Philot posted on 11/12/2012

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Great, that raises the question, "Why no Tiki DAN?!
Seems like a serious oversight Wendy.

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WaikikianMoeKele posted on 11/12/2012

Love the Flamingo Bob, is it going to be flamingo pink (from eating all the shrimp?)

On my way to Michigan in the morning to help my oldest daughter with her new son (born 11-6-2012, weight 6 lbs 6 oz, length 20 3/4 inches) Ian Anthony Maurice. Will catch up with you when I get out there. Grandchild number 6 for me, number 1 for him.

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VampiressRN posted on 11/12/2012

I always knew Dan was a gamble!!!

Looking great Wendy...sent you an email.

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danlovestikis posted on 11/12/2012

Professor G you are a wonderful ring leader.

swizzle I'm so happy you like it. One more photo below.

hang10tiki thank you always. Your Honu is being packed up today. I wish I were on my way to Las Vegas!

MadDogMike back at you I love your pirate ship, El Tiki mug and Ambien bottle. Is that how its spelled???

Great, that raises the question, "Why no Tiki DAN?!
Seems like a serious oversight Wendy.

Answer, he's for my hands only!

WaikikianMoeKele Vamp has requested a pink mug and I'll do my best to fulfill her wish.

Congratulations on Ian's birth. I bet you have an unending smile.

I'll be adding a beak today. I soaked the face last night so that adding clay should work.

Progress Wish List #3 and some misc.

I fine tuned the writing on Swizzle's mug.
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I added design to Matt the Cat's Blue Bob's Brotherhood mug.
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I added palm frond detail to Vampiress RN's Flamingo mug.
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I found one more place in my home to place tikis in the works. They are drying.
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Today is the last SALE day for Roge's chunk lamps. Check out my thread on Marketplace. I love advertising for him.
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MP invented the Suffering Bastard Bob. Dan's on the list waiting a mug and a bowl. hang10tiki asked me to make a Suffering Bob and so I made sure that I didn't look at MP's design. I've tried to make it my own.

First step is making Bob look more like a Moai.
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It's far from done.
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I used a Tiki Farm design and I noticed that my Bob has skinny legs.
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I've made a huge mistake. After I got this far I re-read the note from hang10tiki and found that all he wanted was the addition of arms and legs added to Bob. Dan's volunteered to take this off your hands hang10tiki, let me know what you think.

Woody please contact me. I have the photo of your cat and nothing else. I've started work on the Bob mug for your wife. This photo shows my model.
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I made the part that goes into the mug so it won't fall off.
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I need more photos of your cat front sides back. Do some with a flash.
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Wish List #4 has begun. I quit working on #3 for the day. Dan and I had dinner and then started watching recorded shows. I decided to work on the Ren Clark tribute mug. Dan let me use the one I made for him in 2006. It's clay. I found last summer that if I mold something with enamel paint it will stick to the plaster. The heat of the setting plaster melts the paint. So to use this one and maybe to save it from destruction I'm covering it with a layer of clay.

My sculpt.
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I beat NOTCH in making these but I wasn't a ceramicist yet. I made a few in clay and sold them on eBay. Now I'll make them in ceramic. I have a list on page one of who wants to buy one $125 each plus shipping. If you want to sign on let me know here or by PM.
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Adding clay during Dateline, The Great Race and 24.
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It still needs all the detail added but at least I've started.

Now its time to start my work day. I have so much glazing to do for Don the Beachcomber's sale on December 2nd. This is a premiere event run by Soccer Tiki and his wife Woo Hoo Wahine. Please come and say hi if you live down there.

Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2012-11-12 08:48 ]

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hang10tiki posted on 11/12/2012

Hi W
I think what your doing with suffering bob is great.
You can run with it, I like the way your mind thinks.
If Dan wants the 1st edition, I'll understand.
Lookin great so far...

I'm on the list for the severed head mug too and
it looks like the fun has started...

This is going to be fun to watch


Hale Tiki posted on 11/13/2012

Hey Wendy,
if you ever need a non-plaster mold made of anything, let me know. Like the severed head mug, I could easily make a silicone or rubber mold of your original mold without damaging it, from which you could pour a new positive to make a plaster mold from. Or, for example, I've made silicone positives that you can make a new plaster mold from.
Anyway, always happy to help! Good luck!

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danlovestikis posted on 11/13/2012

hang10tiki I hope I can always make it fun. I'm having a blast.
Hale Tiki, cool I'll keep that in mind.

Progress Report Wish List #3 and etc.

I've started glazing for the Don the Beachcomber Sale on December 2nd. However if any of you who read my thread see something you want just let me know.

I start by spraying with water. This starts "capillary" action that makes the glaze stick better.
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I decided to do a couple of colors at a time and then swap out the colors. NO more tables so full of glaze that there's no room for the ceramics.
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I did 3 layers on the bottoms and then I turned them over and did the insides.
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After working from morning until late at night I had this many done.
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During my glazing breaks I worked some clay.

Vampiress RN wanted Bob to look like a flamingo like the one on the back of her mug.
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I made a beak. It didn't look right so before bed I printed a photo. Wow I need to work on this today.
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hang10tikis Suffering Bob has now been improved. I've added so much clay that my fingers are crossed that it will not have more than one crack (see last photo)!
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No more skinny legs.
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!!! Wendy

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TikiAno posted on 11/13/2012

Wowwwwwwwwww. Wendy, look forward to meeting you at Don's in December- and picking up some of your amazing work. Well, I'll also probably pick your brain on clay stuff, too.

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hang10tiki posted on 11/13/2012

Suffering Bob looks great
and heavy...I love how thick your mugs are.
Some mugs out there are very thin, not yours...

And even though it's a huge mug, your right, 1 crack should do...

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Atomicchick posted on 11/13/2012

OMG suffering moai bob!!! I want one!

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hang10tiki posted on 11/13/2012


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Hale Tiki posted on 11/13/2012

As usual, cannot wait to see it all done!

I dig the Suffering Bob as well. And the flamingo one. Can't wait to see those glazed!

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dartharnie posted on 11/13/2012

great suffering bob! and your crack crack cracked me up :lol:

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VampiressRN posted on 11/14/2012

LOL...you're thread is the most fun on the board Wendy!!!

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anthonymaye posted on 11/14/2012

The flamingo bob looks really cool cant wait to see that one finished and i absolutely love the rock and lava glaze job so so so cool!

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danlovestikis posted on 11/14/2012

TikiAno I love meeting people who write on my thread. Be sure and tell me your TC name first. Thank you and see you soon.

hang10tiki we like thick mugs too. Making them thick lets me alter them more. Your Suffering Bob is done and drying.

OMG suffering moai bob!!! I want one!

MP invented the Suffering Bob Bastard and his is an outstanding version. We are on a waiting list for one of his. Ask him to get to work so we can all have one. He even has it molded.


OH my.

Hale Tiki I can picture your smile.

VampiressRN your posts delight me.

anthonymaye I'm watching your swap progress. You paint beautifully.

Progress Report Wish List #3 and etc.

HORRORS my kiln started acting up during its firing. Here's what I loaded into the kiln yesterday afternoon.
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Just before I put a shelf in I noticed that it would be sitting on the ceramic. I've done that once before. I traded out the posts for taller ones.
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I checked to make sure the shelf was an inch below the thermal couple. I think it should have been more. I'll check the book today.
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Secong shelf.
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Second Shelf loaded.
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Third shelf. The first time I've done three levels.
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After a few hours I peeked in my kiln shed and heard a warning buzzer and saw error message E 1. In the book it said that the kiln was raising its temperature too slowly. Since it was so cold outside I changed it to a faster ramp (medium) and turned off the AeroVent. It worked for a while and then the error was back. The book said it would still fire but it would be really slow. So I let it go all night.

This morning it was at 1100 degrees. It has almost 800 to go. So I'm guessing it will take 24 hours for this load to fire and if I'm lucky it will not be ruined. I actually have enough for the Don the Beachcomber's sale no matter what the outcome. But HORRORS and Halloween has past.

I'll be getting a repairman here when the kiln has finished and cooled.

hang10tikis Suffering Bob was ready to flip and fix. I filled in and better attached the clay additions to the bottom.
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VampiressRN flamingo's are shy and their heads tilt down not so with Flamingo Bob who looks you straight in the eye. So I have the shape right just can't tilt the head. Carving the beak, nostrils and glazing will make it better.
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All day and night I brought in trays of ceramics to glaze.
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Layer after layer, piece by piece I glazed.
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What's cookin in my kitchen, not much but there's a lot of plates of glazed ceramics.
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Well my fingers are crossed that the kiln will keep going until this load finishes and that come Friday I'll have a happy load.

I'll continue to glaze. I'm always hopeful. Cheers, Wendy

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hang10tiki posted on 11/14/2012

Sorry to hear about the kiln,
Ill cross my fingers.
Looks like u 2 did a lot of work yesterday!!!


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tigertail777 posted on 11/15/2012

Good lord, after all that work I really hope it all turns out okay. Sorry to hear about your kiln, at least it didn't explode or take off to the moon or nothin' like that. :wink:
I'll keep fingers proverbially crossed as well and hope you can get the kiln safely and quickly fixed. :)

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danlovestikis posted on 11/15/2012

Thank you hang10tiki and tigertail777.

Hi Friends, its been really a bad time to be slowed down by a faulty kiln however the timing was also lucky. Between yesterday and the end of the year the Scutt repairman was scheduled to come to my area 1 day. Guess what that day is today and he had one opening at noon! He's going to replace computer relay switches and I'll be good to go with firing the same load that sat in the heat of 1400 degrees for 30 hours. They said it shouldn't have effected the ceramics. So tonight they'll be firing again. 1400 degrees was not hot enough to melt the glaze.

Yesterday Christmas came early. 19TikiChef62 sent us a gift of his handmade soaps, body wash and crystals. He even sent sponges! We are going to have fun being clean. I just want to share photos of what he has to offer.

There are tikis and angles, Santa's and fruits, bath salts you name it he makes it.
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Close up of some tiki soaps.
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I just noticed his card has batchelorette party XXX supplies. Might look like some tiki parts I've seen from Cook Island.
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Thank you so much John you made my day.

Progress for the Don the Beachcomber's sale Dec. 2nd.

Even though my kiln is down I continue to glaze my projects.

A Bumatay with a coconut tree bowl.
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Drooling just seems so tiki that I run glaze inside the bowl.
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A long time ago I had a Frankoma War God not empty. I dug out the wet clay and spread the head and attached it to a mug.
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It will be red inside and brown with red spots on the outside.
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Now I'm having fun making color choices for THE KINGS GOBLET's.
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#3 after glazing I scrapped off the glaze on the flowers
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Then I used a wet paper towel to rub off more.
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Today I'll be working clay and glazing while I wait for the kiln repair man to arrive. Fingers crossed that it will end well.

Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2012-11-15 09:34 ]

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Professor G posted on 11/15/2012

Those goblets are going to be gorgeous . . . and huge. Thanks as always for sharing the ceramic ups-and-downs with us (of course the downs always bounce right back into ups, which is fun).

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hang10tiki posted on 11/16/2012

I took a look at the Dan and Wendy show while at work
then I got home and there was a package waiting for me...


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