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Who here isn't going to watch the Super Bowl?

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bigtikidude posted on 02/01/2013

If I am well (damn flu).
I will go down to Huntington Beach to see the multiple surf bands
playing for the HB Marathon.
After I will go to Slatters 50/50 for a 2/3 lb. burger.
Then go home and sleep while my dad watches the Super Bowl
For the commercials.

Jeff btd.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 02/01/2013

I gotta say nothing fills me with more dread
then sitting in a bar with a bunch of drunk pro sports fans
and then after-wards hoping to hell they don't riot!

Jungle Trader posted on 02/01/2013

It's entertainment guys. As with anything in life you can focus on the negative or you can focus on the positive. There are people in every walk of life who whine. There are, as well, those who are humble and appreciative for the good life they have. Your life, your perogative.

woofmutt posted on 02/02/2013

Why...I'd never thought of it like that before! I just felt my heart grow three times larger!

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 02/02/2013

Yea, until they riot & burn your car......stay positive my friends.

GROG posted on 02/02/2013

That's futball. This is football.

woofmutt posted on 02/02/2013

Brilliant point!

For those curious about the differences, here's how you say GROG's name in football:


Here's how you say it in futbol:




bigtikidude posted on 02/03/2013

On 2013-02-02 10:30, woofmutt wrote:
Why...I'd never thought of it like that before! I just felt my heart grow three times larger!

love it.


tiki mick posted on 02/04/2013

No footyball for me today! Just got back from watching an ice hockey game. Now there is a real sport!

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 02/04/2013

I just hung out at the local Fight Club all day, but not suppose to talk about that.

LoriLovesTiki posted on 02/04/2013

I'm a NY Giants fan so I didn't care much about the game although my preference was for the Ravens.

They won. And so did I!

That safety score me 500 big ones.

Which is going to buy me a lot of tikis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bigtikidude posted on 02/04/2013

the only thing of the stupid bowl I saw was them standing around waiting for the rest of the lights to come back up, as I was eating dinner at the dinning room table.
Then back to the computer room before it came back on.
I don't know if its over,
if its done, who won.
and don't care.

tikicoma posted on 02/04/2013

Well watching the Super Bowl isn't all bad. The first half was turning into such a blowout that for the for the first time in I don't know how long, I put pen to paper and started sketching again. Think Marquesan tiki, '60's longboard, psychedelic japanese blockprint bigwave and.. damn I'm rusty! It looks like sh*t. But at least I have an idea and I started. So it's good, and due, in part, to boring football.

aloha, tikicoma

[ Edited by: tikicoma 2013-02-03 22:52 ]

woofmutt posted on 02/04/2013

So is this thing on every week?

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 02/04/2013

I thought the blackout portion of the game was a good idea.


So what is anybody's preference this year on Feb 2?
Watching a football game with a team that has a cornerback namedRichard Sherman?

or going to the Disneyland's Enchanted Tiki Room and listening to songs composed by Richard Sherman?

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 01/27/2014

What's so super about a bowl?

tiki mick posted on 01/27/2014

I just totally hate football and basketball.....zero interest!

Now soccer and hockey....that's a different story! I watch the hockey channel almost every day!


Superbowl, Schmooperbowl! The sporting event of the year happened last Saturday (Jan 25) when NHL hockey was played at Dodger Stadium!
Ducks beat LA Kings 3-0 on Dodger Stadium ice

This is the future predicted by the Jetsons TV show!

woofmutt posted on 01/27/2014

I live in Seattle and I think the local team might be in "the big game." I'm not sure as there hasn't been much to-do made bout it round here.

tiki mick posted on 01/28/2014

On 2014-01-27 14:10, King Bushwich the 33rd wrote:
Superbowl, Schmooperbowl! The sporting event of the year happened last Saturday (Jan 25) when NHL hockey was played at Dodger Stadium!
Ducks beat LA Kings 3-0 on Dodger Stadium ice

This is the future predicted by the Jetsons TV show!

real men play real hockey!


Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 01/28/2014

The only real sport is the "The Most Dangerous Game"

Jungle Trader posted on 01/28/2014

This is goin around

bigtikidude posted on 01/28/2014

As usual, I will down to Huntington Beach.
Ride a bike along the HB Marathon route on PCH,
Every 2 miles or so they have a surf band playing.
I'll check out each band for about 30min. Then on to
The next. After that maybe go to Slaters 50/50 burgers.
Then go home n sleep while the game is on.

lunavideogames posted on 01/29/2014

On 2014-01-27 20:20, Jungle Trader wrote:
This is goin around

Hopefully to the left.

:left: :left: :left: :left:

[ Edited by: lunavideogames 2014-01-29 00:43 ]

lunavideogames posted on 01/29/2014

I might go to my friends place whom is hosting a party. I will eat food and drink booze and play dominoes and not watch tv... Okay maybe a couple commercials.


Here is the Super Bowl I look forward to

Jungle Trader posted on 02/01/2014

looks pretty damn good Bushwich

tiki mick posted on 02/01/2014

On 2014-01-31 11:49, King Bushwich the 33rd wrote:
Here is the Super Bowl I look forward to

Are you going there?


Not able to get to Trader Sam's on the Superbowl Sunday to indulge in the Uh Oa! bowl. And it is NOT true that Disneyland is less crowded on Superbowl Sunday.
Snopes: Disneyland on Superbowl Sunday
But always looking forward to one when I can get there.

tiki mick posted on 02/02/2014

I might make one myself then. I have the bowl, all I need is the recipe!

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 02/02/2014

I am getting ready not to watch the Super Bowl...

lunavideogames posted on 02/03/2014

Didn't watch it but last night my local bar bought me drinks and wouldn't take my money unless I picked a square. I picked one square for $10 since they wouldn't let me pay for drinks. No clue how to play until I won $500! Funny thing is that I don't watch football. Also I always win. I tried not to play and I was surprised they even wanted me to.

tiki mick posted on 02/03/2014

I was not going to watch it, but I ended up watching it....what a massacre!


Hmmm, I'm not sure about watching a Super Bowl that bills itself as Ex-Lix

[->>King Bushwich 33rd on Hulu.com

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 01/26/2015

Is it that time again?
Well I can't wait, not to watch it again this year!

Tiki Shaker posted on 01/26/2015

When I use to live in LA, I would go to the Getty Center/Museum on Super Bowl Sunday. It was always the best day to go. It was mostly just European visitors who obviously didn't care about the Super Bowl. No lines, easy parking.

lunavideogames posted on 01/27/2015

Oh my god... This year I found a new and deeper hatred for the fooseball.

My in laws were in town for a month this fall. They are from Green Bay. Need I say more? I will go on anyway. One of my local bars is a Packers bar. Every Sunday, I had to get my butt out of bed and go down to this packed bar with a bunch of yelling meatheads and cackling, beer guzzling "ladies." Did I mention that this bar ONLY serves beer? Every week I wished I was awake enough to have remembered earplugs before heading down to the bar.

I am in the minority, but I really can't see why football is the most popular sport in our country...

That being said, I am sure I'll be at a superbowl party. I will just be making drinks instead of watching football. Oh yeah, Taylor Swift in the half time??? Kill me.

bigtikidude posted on 01/28/2015

I usually go to the huntington beach marathon in the morning and watch some surf bands play along the route.
but this year I'm going to skip that.
thinking of going to the movies or something that people are usually doing,
and enjoy them not being there.


bigtikidude posted on 02/01/2015

cool thanks

bamalamalu posted on 02/02/2015

I've really come to appreciate the Stupor Bowl over the past few years. You just have to accept it for what it is: a four hour celebration of the start of 6 glorious football-free months!

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little lost tiki posted on 02/04/2015

was painting SO much that it took until 4pm that day to realize there was EVEN a Superbowl on that day! I AM gonna watch all of the "Katy Perry Satanic Illuminati Symbolism during Halftime" Youtubes,tho!
far more rewarding than joining a Nation-wide commercialized adrenalized display of aggression....
StuporBowl,now THAT's an idea worth trying!


The Super Bowl has been with us for 50 years. Some people in the Bay Area are not that excited about it.

Alamo Square Super Bowl Statue Knocked Over, Sign Rearranged To 'Oops'

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[->>King Bushwich 33rd on Hulu.com

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nui 'umi 'umi posted on 01/30/2016

When izzit? I’ll be busy working on my Rum Barrel recipe.

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Kaiwaza posted on 01/30/2016

the what?


I don't know about the Super Bowl but I would like to see these modifications...

Saboteurs Change 'Super Bowl' Lettering At City Hall To 'Sup Bro'

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