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the NoLikeFire Lounge

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ErkNoLikeFire posted on 09/17/2012

Keeping in mind that I'm stuck renting for now, and my landlord is very particular about what he's ok with me doing, I finally started working on my own lounge. It's still very much a work in progress but it's to the point that where I can show it off a little as I keep picking away at it.

I'll post some before and after pics as I get more organized, but I'm happy with how it's going.

MadDogMike posted on 09/17/2012

You GO ERK!!! Don't let that landlord prevent you from reaching paradise! Looks good so far.

VampiressRN posted on 09/18/2012

It must be so hard to do what you want when you rent, but don't let it get you down, like MDM said. I always encourage stand-alone items that you don't have to attach to many places. Most people (even non-Tiki folks) put up some pictures, so just plan on filling holes and painting when you move on. If you invest in free-standing bar, shelves, etc., then you can easily move and always sell in the future if needed.

It is looking great...keep up the good work...and post a pic of you enjoying a cocktail in your digs. CHEERS

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/18/2012

I feel you, Eric....you know what I mean!
I rented for so long, I could of owned the place if I was making mortgage payments
you just have to be creative, great start.

tikilongbeach posted on 09/18/2012

I'm a renter (apartment) too. It's nice to see other renters post their lounges and bars. I haven't done that yet. Keep up the good work!

hiltiki posted on 09/19/2012

Looking good, keep posting progress pictures.

hang10tiki posted on 09/20/2012

Great colors

More pics, more, more, more


forgotten tikiman posted on 09/20/2012

All good man. The room looks great. I rent too so I know where you are at :). Its just cool to make our own Tiki space, room, Lounge etc, reguardless of how much we can really do. But it looks awesome :D

ErkNoLikeFire posted on 09/24/2012

Thank you all for the encouragement! Here is a few more pics. i'm hoping to get more of it done over the next few days to display it better.

One of my velvet's, and some frames I reworked to better suit some lovely art.

Part of my canoe shelf.

The creature corner.

...and part of the upper bar area that is finished.

I'll have some other pics to post of the furniture I've refinished and what the room looked like before the build soon.

Q-tiki posted on 09/26/2012

Looking good Erk! Among other things, I really dig the boat shaped shelf. Did you build that?

Aloha and cheers!

ErkNoLikeFire posted on 10/10/2012

I wish I had made that. I was driving to catch a movie and saw it at a yard sale while waiting for the light. There was a full size one as well, but it wouldn't fit in my car.

Joe-Schmoe posted on 10/10/2012

The place looks great! I love the Creature Collection. I also rent and I can't wait until my apartment looks that good. I'm trying to talk my wife in letting me get rid of our kitchen table and replacing it with a Tiki bar...That conversation is still on going with no end in sight but I have hope :P

tikilongbeach posted on 10/10/2012

Looking good!

ErkNoLikeFire posted on 03/09/2013

some new pics to follow soon! Joe-Schmoe, did you ever replace your table with a bar?

ErkNoLikeFire posted on 03/13/2013

Just a few quick pics of the new lighting.

It's nice being able to adjust the colours to nearly anything I want, and I can finally see back behind the bar to reach the booze.

markmywords posted on 03/13/2013

That lighting looks fantastic! Good job!

ErkNoLikeFire posted on 03/13/2013

Thanks! Best $30 I ever spent.

creativenative posted on 03/14/2013

Love the creature shelf not really tiki - or is it? The Lagoon is in South America BUT the actor underneath the costume is tall Tahitian Ben Chapman. The late Ben was a member of the South Seas Cinema Society and he had some great Hollywood stories. We miss him but the creature lives on!

P.S. check out his photo under POLYNESIAN PERSONALITIES in the BEACH OF FAME PAGE of southseascinema.org here's the link: http://www.southseascinema.org/beachoffame.html

Tiki Movies & Tiki TV @ southseascinema.org

[ Edited by: creativenative 2013-03-14 00:24 ]

ErkNoLikeFire posted on 03/15/2013

I like the link you posted! Very informative. As to whether or not the Creature is tiki, I haven't thought about it. I just like him and the lounge seemed an appropriate home, along with a black and white print of Brody,Quint and Hooper fighting Bruce the fish monster. It's just how my warped brain puts things together. hehe

creativenative posted on 03/16/2013

I'm really impressed by your room and all its mid-century vibe. I think the creature is a great piece of your room's total ambiance. Keep up the good work. Can't wait to see more.

In fact there are a lot of good tiki rooms on TC that are great. There is a lot of art, great craftsmanship, ingenuity and a good eye for great collectibles on these pages. I'm kinda new on TC and the whole collection of works on TC is impressive and one of a kind on the worldwide web.

ErkNoLikeFire posted on 03/26/2013

This was brought up on another post I believe. This past weekend I mounted a computer monitor in the lounge.I still use the lounge for some light office work so I had to fit it in.

I bought a piece of bamboo from a dollar store, split it, and mounted onto the monitor.Now I have a rotating display of anything I want to display.The bamboo is attached with small adhesive pads at the moment since I wanted to see how it looked first. Later I will add a light stain, some varnish, then affix them in a more permanent manner. It will do for now, and I like how it looks.

ToddVegas posted on 03/29/2013

Excellent framing of the monitor! Awesome idea!

ErkNoLikeFire posted on 04/10/2013

I'm restarting my traveling Brew 'N View where I live and needed a way to get people's attention to promote it. I now call it the Nolikefire Roadshow and the logo I drew for my lounge is now the logo for the Brew 'N View. This is on a bamboo window shade that I'm still working on, and much like Bruce Wayne, I was sitting around trying to come up with an image that would not necessarily strike fear but at least get noticed amongst the band flyers and ads for free kittens that seem to be plastered everywhere.

ErkNoLikeFire posted on 04/19/2013

I've been wanting to add some hanging lamps to the lounge for a while. I found some bamboo wind chimes at a thrift store.

I cut the chime parts off (I'm planning on building new chimes out of the pieces later). Then I untied the hanging cord, pulled the bottom off the chime (which was just a small circle of thatch and attached the light to the cross section of the tube that that small piece of thatch was attached to. Then I retied the hanging cord to the bottom of the tube, which is now in fact the top.

I rolled up a couple sheets of paper and taped them to the insides of the tube part.

I found these lights on Amazon for around $3 bucks each. They put out almost no heat and each come with a programmable remote with various colour options.

Here it is with some of those options

I don't know yet what I'm going to use for a permanent shade inside the lamp yet, but at some point I'll replaced the hanging cord with a bit of chain.Cost for making both lamps will be around $12, until I figure out the shade part, and maybe shellac the tube section later.

ErkNoLikeFire posted on 07/10/2015

Have not posted in quite a while. I had to dismantle the whole bar when I moved last summer. Unfortunately the current house has no room to rebuild it yet. Hoping to remedy that soon.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 07/10/2015

It's been forever, buddy
how is it hanging?

VampiressRN posted on 07/12/2015

Hope you can find a a spot to rebuild...looking forward to more of your awesome projects.

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Kahiki Guy posted on 07/13/2015


ErkNoLikeFire posted on 07/21/2015

Things have been...difficult. Might be moving into a post war ranch style house soon. It has a small but perfect room for a new lounge and a sliding patio door out into a fenced in yard. The possibility of being able to use that has me drooling.

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ElDiablo_Rojo posted on 07/21/2015

On 2013-03-15 11:59, ErkNoLikeFire wrote:
I like the link you posted! Very informative. As to whether or not the Creature is tiki, I haven't thought about it. I just like him and the lounge seemed an appropriate home, along with a black and white print of Brody,Quint and Hooper fighting Bruce the fish monster. It's just how my warped brain puts things together. hehe

I think the Creature corner is awesome. Works for me!

ErkNoLikeFire posted on 04/09/2016

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After a lot of personal issues and moving twice in two years, I finally have a place to rebuild the lounge. This is as far as I've made it since the room behind the door needs to be majorly cleaned out. This will be much different from the last lounge in that I can do what I want without fear of reprisal from a landlord. I just need to figure out what colour to paint the walls that will help bring out the bamboo and such that will be installed. I also want to build a fake skylight with a star field and rotating sunset to night and back again lighting scheme. I just haven't figured it out yet.

"I've been ionized, but I'm okay now." - B. Banzai

“The trouble with jogging is that the ice falls out of your glass.” Martin Mull

"Rum is not drinking, it's surviving" Robert Shaw THE DEEP

[ Edited by: ErkNoLikeFire 2016-04-09 09:56 ]

ErkNoLikeFire posted on 03/17/2018

It's been really slow going and everything's still in pretty rough shape but it's coming along

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The room before I started and after a little bit of progress. It's come along more since then but I need to take some more pictures. It gets hard sometimes to find the time to work on it.

ErkNoLikeFire posted on 03/20/2018

A few more shots, still a lot of work to do.
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Prikli Pear posted on 03/21/2018

Great to see you making progress. This is gonna be good!

hiltiki posted on 03/21/2018

Love the artwork you have on the walls. Nice progression pictures, keep us posted.

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Maddmax posted on 03/22/2018

Great job so far, and looking forward to seeing your progression with this project. I'm jealous, you've got permission to do a room in the house. I'm stuck with building something in the backyard, so it'll go at glacial speed!

Pages: 1 35 replies