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Happy Birthday Atomic Tiki Punk 4/3!

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Jungle Ginger posted on 03/31/2011

He is a year older and a bit crankier but we still love the guy.

MadDogMike posted on 03/31/2011

:music: Happy, happy bir-rthday, happy, happy bir-rthday, happy, happy bir-rthday, ha-appy happy bir-rthday! :music:

JOHN-O posted on 03/31/2011

ATP has more old-school Tiki flava in his little finger than most of the poseurs here have in their entire bodies !!

bigtikidude posted on 04/01/2011

And he's a swanky dresser, and Ironically a very Mellow and nice guy.
too bad he likes to stand up for what he believes in.

Happy B-day Lance,
see ya soon!


Matt Reese posted on 04/01/2011

Happy Birthday ATP!! Hope it's a great one.

Chippy posted on 04/01/2011

Wow a year older.

I hope I look that good when I am your age.

Happy Birthday!

JOHN-O posted on 04/01/2011

On 2011-03-31 19:18, bigtikidude wrote:
...and Ironically a very Mellow and nice guy.

Well things are much better now that Jungle Ginger has him on medication.

Which he isn't supposed to mix with alcohol.

But does anyway.

And then...


WooHooWahine posted on 04/01/2011

WooHoo! Happy Birthday Weekend to You!! Hope it's Tiki-rrific :)

Jungle Ginger posted on 04/03/2011

ATP wanted to express thanks for all the Birthday greetings! "John-O, Jeff, Matt, Chippy, WooHoo - thank you so much for the kind words. MadDog Mike - thanks for the card! Looking forward to sharing a cocktail with you all soon. Mahalo to you all - now Get Off My Lawn!" :lol:

[ Edited by: Jungle Ginger 2011-04-02 23:51 ]

little lost tiki posted on 04/03/2011

Happy Birthday Lance!
I made you a Cake!

tiki mick posted on 04/03/2011

On 2011-03-31 14:10, JOHN-O wrote:
ATP has more old-school Tiki flava in his little finger than most of the poseurs here have in their entire bodies !!

100% agree!

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Big Kahuna posted on 04/03/2011

Happy Birthday, Lance. It was a pleasure to meet you & Nancy on my trip to SoCal. I hope to see you again, soon (November?).

PS: Can you actually feel the fossilization process? Just asking.

bigtikidude posted on 04/06/2011

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How could anybody not like,... or ban this guy?
what the Fuck is wrong with this world?
wait, don't answer that.

Happy B-day Lance(ATP)
don't go changing, we like you just the way you are.


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TikiShopPua posted on 04/13/2011

TOTALLY BUMMED....that Charlie, Wes, and I missed your natal anniversary Lance! But we completely echo the sentiments of your friends here and all the 'ohana (and I don't use that word lightly) that know you and love you. You are an incredible person who has shown more true aloha than..well, than a lot of people who throw the word around like they actually know what it means. You're the real deal Lance. Hau'oli La Hanau dear friend. Late yes, but with no less admiration and lots of love. When next we see you and your lovely Jungle Ginger, the bedayo drinks are on us! Hope it was awesome. :)

Much Aloha & Okole Maluna!


Two of the most wonderful people in the world:
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talo ka posted on 04/29/2011

i miss atp. belated hbd atp.

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ErkNoLikeFire posted on 06/02/2011

Happy late Hatching Day as well......I miss the daily drooling of the cooking thread.

JOHN-O posted on 04/02/2012

It's that time of the year again !! :)

Poor Chuck Tatum, he never did get to celebrate his birthday. :(

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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 04/03/2012

Where is my BOOZE!

WooHooWahine posted on 04/03/2012

WooHoo! Happy Birthday to You :)

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SoccerTiki posted on 04/03/2012

Stop by for a Lapu Lapu! Oh yeah, and Happy Birthday too!!!

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HB TIKI posted on 04/03/2012

Happy Birthday Lance , I heard that you have Chuck tatum is Tiki enhancement in jar at home.

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danlovestikis posted on 04/04/2012

Happy late birthday. I remember saying hi to your wife but I still don't remember seeing you yesterday. Maybe it was that other guy you used to be. Wendy

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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 04/04/2012

Thanks you goofs!

MadDogMike posted on 04/04/2012

I'm running late but HAPPY BIRTHDAY ATP!!!

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bigtikidude posted on 04/04/2012

No no no,
yer supposed to yell, get off my lawn you damned kids,
then mumble to yerself, where is my booze.

Happy b-day, ya old coot.

On 2012-04-03 02:00, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
Where is my BOOZE!

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Bora Boris posted on 04/04/2012


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Big Kahuna posted on 04/05/2012

How did I miss this? Happy Birthday, Lance!

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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 04/05/2012

John-O, WooHoo, Soccer, Roger, Wendy, Mike, Jeff, Boris & Kahuna!

Your a great bunch & Big Thank's for the Greetings! Now get off my lawn
but leave the cake......

Chippy posted on 04/05/2012

Happy belated birthday.

Looks like I popped back in just in time.

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WestADad posted on 04/05/2012

Hey, happy late birthday from me too. Now get back to the food thread and show us something!

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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 04/06/2012

Oh you guys! Good to have you back Chippy, hope to see you at Don's soon
& bring that "Ska" Cop buddy of yours!

WestADad you are good folk, let us know when you are in town.

Chippy posted on 04/06/2012

You bet buddy. I wonder if I know anyone who can give him the night off?

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A Frame posted on 06/04/2012

Going thru old photos I found a shot of the man himself celebrating in the Dagger Bar on 4/2/12!

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JOHN-O posted on 04/01/2013

Happy Birthday ATP !! You're actually younger than you think you are since for one year you were banished to the Phantom Zone where time does not exist.

Sorry I'll miss the festivities at Don's but I'll hoist one for you at some No Cal Tiki bar tonight.

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tigertail777 posted on 04/01/2013

Happy Birthday ATP! Your name always reminds me of a Garbage Pail sticker; the one with the kid pressing the button and an atomic mushroom cloud coming out of his head. Have a tiki-riffic day! :)

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Or Got Rum? posted on 04/03/2013

Happy Birthday to a fellow Arian....You and JG should seek out a classic Movie palace and enjoy a serene flickershow...like this. :)
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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 04/03/2013

Thanks JOHN-O, tigertail777 & Or Got Rum? for the B-Day greetings!!!
I will take my Geritol today so I can rage at the world in proper fashion....

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GROG posted on 04/03/2013

Old fart.

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tikilongbeach posted on 04/03/2013

Happy birthday from a fellow Aries!

Yes, it's an atomic blast cake from 1946.
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Big Kahuna posted on 04/04/2013

Happy Birthday, my friend!

MadDogMike posted on 04/04/2013

Happy B'Day ATP. I've got a card going out to you in the next day or so, I'm late looking at the April calendar :D

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Bora Boris posted on 04/04/2013

The late Oliver Reed salutes you on your birthday!

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Happy Birthday!! :D

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Bruddah Bear posted on 04/04/2013

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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 04/04/2013

Thanks!!! Ernie, Lori, Rick, Mike, Boris & the Bear!
for the B-Day wishes (Some great pictures, folks!)
Your good peoples....

Now get off my lawn & Lanai!

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RevBambooBen posted on 04/04/2013

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Happy ATP day!!!

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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 04/04/2013

Thank's Ben! we miss you man!
are you still in town? get to Don's Saturday if you are...

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RevBambooBen posted on 04/04/2013

On 2013-04-03 23:15, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
Thank's Ben! we miss you man!
are you still in town? get to Don's Saturday if you are...

Still here for a few daze ATP!

We're coming to Don's on Sat as civilians!

Mrs Boo is gonna buy one of Jungle Gingers killer flower hair clips

for the private Tiki Iniki party. Talk to you soon Birthday Boy!

WooHooWahine posted on 04/05/2013

WooHooo! Happy Birthday Week to You!!! :)

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