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ATP is Old, Angry & Ranting!

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That's an old collegiate hazing song...But I went to F-U!

what's college?

Velveeta is not cheese!

If you think it is & like it
then your Spam sucking, white trailer trash!

Don't even get me started on Tuna Casserole.....


On 2012-10-25 21:36, bigtikidude wrote:



"I've chopped my way through real jungles to find that Mayan pyramid. I've slipped on wet rocks and flew over a 50 foot waterfall on Kauai.I watched the Northern Lights and was spiritually moved. I dug my hands into a pile of gray earth in southeastern Montana and unearthed a 65 million year old fossil."

"I'm Hub McCann. I've fought in two World Wars and countless smaller ones on three continents. I led thousands of men into battle with everything from horses and swords to artillery and tanks. I've seen the headwaters of the Nile, and tribes of natives no white man had ever seen before. I've won and lost a dozen fortunes, KILLED MANY MEN and loved only one woman with a passion a FLEA like you could never begin to understand. That's who I am. NOW, GO HOME, BOY!"

Lucas, that was an interesting 10 year old thread! Kinda pokes holes in the concept of TC being a kinder and gentler place when it first started :lol:


On 2013-03-11 14:15, MadDogMike wrote:
Lucas, that was an interesting 10 year old thread! Kinda pokes holes in the concept of TC being a kinder and gentler place when it first started :lol:

The oldies but goodies never really die!

That WAS a great vintage TC thread, though, right? :) And you are, of course, right on the money as always. People complaining about TC not being kind and gentle have no idea how much fun we used to have troll busting and whatnot...ah, for the days that Tiki Bong was Woofmut, emspace and ATP rolled into one person!

Sure, we are nice and PC and warm and fuzzy and all that jazz.....but it gets boring sometimes! We need more Zazz, FOM and Koolkidz posts to lock up!

I miss Cribe/Jamaica Joe! And then there was that notorious self proclaimed "expert" from the islands...can't remember the name, but the flame wars were great! I even miss old Squid, raling and defaming everyone he did business with....oh, the good old TC days! ZAZZ!


"yer jus not tuned into the series of tubes yet, let it soak in".

[ Edited by: lucas vigor 2013-03-11 17:10 ]

Hey you guys, I need to get a drink & sit here while you Zazz!
Funny how people think I am all crazy on TC, Lucas is right
it was more the wild west here in the old days, most people today
don't even know I was banned permanently (one year in the catacombs)


On 2013-03-11 18:36, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
H most people today don't even know I was banned permanently (one year in the catacombs)

I earned a life time ban from TalkBass forum. The banhammer was swift and merciless!

There was some poster asking about what's the best type of bass for "Dream Pop/Shoegaze" and then another poster right after asked what the heck that was...and I made a humorous response which no one thought was funny. Except me.

I said a bunch of stuff, but basically exclaimed that "while no one knows exactly what dreampop/shoegaze really is, I am quite sure it is probably type of music I will be hearing on the way to hell".

Oh, I also engaged in some anti-beatles and anti- jam band debates/flame wars.

Good times.

Sounds reasonable to me.....

Shoe gaze is what I do while listening to
Hapa Haole music is being played live, but there is no
Hula Dancers to watch.
Jeff btd
Aspergers strikes again

[ Edited by: bigtikidude 2013-03-11 20:12 ]


On 2013-03-11 20:11, bigtikidude wrote:
Shoe gaze is what I do while listening to
Hapa Haole music is being played live, but there is no
Hula Dancers to watch.
Jeff btd
Aspergers strikes again

[ Edited by: bigtikidude 2013-03-11 20:12 ]

don't you mean, "when there is no mug release"?

I got your mug release......Right here! :lol:

[Aspergers strikes again

What are you talking about?
I could care less about 98% of the mug releases.

Jeff btd

and then there was this.....


One of my pet peeves is the new trend to purposely misspell a child’s name. Interchange “f” and “ph”, interchange “i” and “y”, interchange "c" with "s" or "k", interchange single and double consonants, randomly insert vowels. I recently saw the beautiful Hawaiian name “Leilani” (which means “Flowers from Heaven”) spelled “Laylonny” (which means "My Parents Played a Cruel Joke on me and I have to Live with it for the Rest of my Life”). I know the intent is to give your child a unique name, but all it does is guarantee the child’s name will always be pronounced and spelled wrong. It also means your child will never go into WalMart and buy a bicycle license plate with their name on it. I keep waiting for 2 things to happen with this misspelling trend; first, for someone to spell their child’s name with a number instead of a letter, like Fr3d. And second, for someone to change the spelling of Jesus to “Hayzeus” (Spanish pronunciation).

Yeah MDM, I hate that too. I would guess everyone does, but these "original" names keep happening. My name is Chris, but with a Y, spelled Chrys... Teachers have to be holding back from saying, "Your parents must be a bunch of D-Bags!"

What sence does it make to try to be different by making a different spelling of a regular name. That is not unique. They need to grow a pair and name their kids something actually unique and different... Like Treg. :)

On 2013-04-03 13:39, MadDogMike wrote:
I keep waiting for 2 things to happen with this misspelling trend; first, for someone to spell their child’s name with a number instead of a letter, like Fr3d.

A friend of musical humorist Tom Lehrer already did that...

YouTube: Tom Lehrer


On 2013-04-03 13:39, MadDogMike wrote:
One of my pet peeves is the new trend to purposely misspell a child’s name. Interchange “f” and “ph”, interchange “i” and “y”, interchange "c" with "s" or "k", interchange single and double consonants, randomly insert vowels. I recently saw the beautiful Hawaiian name “Leilani” (which means “Flowers from Heaven”) spelled “Laylonny” (which means "My Parents Played a Cruel Joke on me and I have to Live with it for the Rest of my Life”). I know the intent is to give your child a unique name, but all it does is guarantee the child’s name will always be pronounced and spelled wrong. It also means your child will never go into WalMart and buy a bicycle license plate with their name on it. I keep waiting for 2 things to happen with this misspelling trend; first, for someone to spell their child’s name with a number instead of a letter, like Fr3d. And second, for someone to change the spelling of Jesus to “Hayzeus” (Spanish pronunciation).

It irks me too. I find it to be a sign of low class. And PS, your post is hilarious!

OK, many people here on TC are always bringing up "Ohana"
they say we are one big Tiki family....right?

So why are about 95 percent of you not supporting the "Ohana"
or the Tiki revival in general?

Yes I know that many of you are not close to events or the Tiki palaces
Yet there is a "small group" of hardcore & authentic Tikiphiles supporting these events
but there should be many more.

What about the bands & artist? I see very few people at shows or supporting these people by buying art or music
Why are you folks not joining in the TC Ohana threads to wish fellow members a "Happy Birthday"
or a congratulations that any friend would wish someone?

Where is the "Ohana"!!!

Hasn't this been asked before on another thread?
Work responsibilities keep me from enjoying or supporting very many events. As soon as I make plans I have to work late. Plus, my job can surprise me with a drug and alcohol, yes alcohol, test as soon as I walk in the door. That really curtails my work night socializing.

Lori, I know you make it to events when you can & you also have the good
graces to wish fellow TCers a Happy Birthday, you are not whom I had in mind when I
made the above comments, but I am looking at a very large portion of TC.

GROG posted on Wed, Apr 24, 2013 2:32 PM

Happy Birthday ATP!


Thanks Skip, a little "Richard Cheese" spreads real smooth, when your in the mood!


I love this song, and sing it often.
First thing I thought of when I saw your post.

Never have been a "good morning" "Happy birthday" wishin kinda guy myself.
Plus on TC you never know when your going to get the royal blow off when you post
on a thread.
I don't think the lack of well wishers is a F U to any TC people.
More of a I don't really know this person thing.
Being in Cali I would guess you know lots o TCers.

I was in the hospital and nobody said Sh!%.

Did not really want them to.

Glad you took that song as funny, that was my intent.

[ Edited by: tikiskip 2013-04-26 21:16 ]

What! it was supposed to be funny! :lol:

Despite my "loud mouthiness" here on TC, My mom did beat some manners into me
For those who know me & know I do utilize them in the real world.

So I say to you good sir, have a pleasant evening!.....see!


good morning.

So I am not the only one who thinks this.....

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